05376 ## n@sa'(Aramaic) {nes-aw'} ; corresponding to 05375 :-- carry away , make insurrection , take . ~~10896
05587 ## ca` iph {saw-eef'} or sa` iph {saw-eef'} ; from 05586 ; divided (in mind) , i . e . (abstractly) a sentiment :-- opinion . ~~11108
08163 ## sa` iyr {saw-eer'} ; or sa` ir {saw-eer'} ; from 08175 ; shaggy ; as noun , a he-goat ; by analogy , a faun :-- devil , goat , hairy , kid , rough , satyr . ~~13684
08163 ## sa` iyr {saw-eer'} ; or sa` ir {saw-eer'} ; from 08175 ; shaggy ; as noun , a he-goat ; by analogy , a faun :-- devil , goat , hairy , kid , rough , satyr . ~~13684
08164 ## sa` iyr {saw-eer'} ; formed the same as 08163 ; a shower (as tempestuous) :-- small rain . ~~13686
08175 ## sa` ar {saw-ar'} ; a primitive root ; to storm ; by implication , to shiver , i . e . fear :-- be (horribly) afraid , fear , hurl as a storm , be tempestuous , come like (take away as with) a whirlwind . ~~13696
08178 ## sa` ar {sah'- ar} ; from 08175 ; a tempest ; also a terror :-- affrighted , X horribly , X sore , storm . See 08181 . ~~13700
08181 ## se` ar {say-awr'} ; or sa` ar (Isaiah 7 : 20) {sah'- ar} ; from 08175 in the sense of dishevelling ; hair (as if tossed or bristling) :-- hair (- y) , X rough . ~~13702
08185 ## sa` arah {sah-ar-aw'} ; feminine of 08181 ; hairiness :-- hair . ~~13706
0923 - Barsabas {bar-sab-as'}; of Aramaic origin [1247 and probably 6634]; son of Sabas (or Tsaba); Bar-sabas, the name of two Israelites: -- Barsabas. 922
1665 - Elisabet {el-ee-sab'-et}; of Hebrew origin [0472]; Elisabet, an Israelitess: -- Elisabeth. 1664
4518 - sabachthani {sab-akh-than-ee'}; of Aramaic or [7662 with pronominal suffix]; thou hast left me; sabachthani (i.e. shebakthani), a cry of distress: -- sabachthani. 4416
4519 - sabaoth {sab-ah-owth'}; of Hebrew origin [6635 in feminine plural]; armies; sabaoth (i.e. tsebaoth), a military epithet of God: -- sabaoth. 4416
4520 - sabbatismos {sab-bat-is-mos'}; from a derivative of 4521; a "sabbatism", i.e. (figuratively) the repose of Christianity (as a type of heaven): -- rest. 4418
4521 - sabbaton {sab'-bat-on}; of Hebrew origin [7676]; the Sabbath (i.e. Shabbath), or day of weekly repose from secular avocations (also the observance or institution itself); by extension, a se'nnight, i.e. the interval between two Sabbaths; likewise the plural in all the above applications: -- sabbath (day), week. 4418
04142 ## muwcabbah {moo-sab-baw'} ; or mucabbah {moo-sab-baw'} ; feminine of 04141 ; a reversal , i . e . the backside (of a gem) , fold (of a double-leaved door) , transmutation (of a name) :-- being changed , inclosed , be set , turning . ~~9662
04142 ## muwcabbah {moo-sab-baw'} ; or mucabbah {moo-sab-baw'} ; feminine of 04141 ; a reversal , i . e . the backside (of a gem) , fold (of a double-leaved door) , transmutation (of a name) :-- being changed , inclosed , be set , turning . ~~9662
04524 ## mecab {may-sab'} ; plural masculine m@cibbiym {mes-ib-beem'} ; or feminine m@cibbowth {mes-ib-bohth'} ; from 05437 ; a divan (as enclosing the room) ; abstractly (adverbial) around :-- that compass about , (place) round about , at table . ~~10044
05443 ## cabb@ka'(Aramaic) {sab-bek-aw'} ; or sabb@ka'(Aramaic) {sab-bek-aw'} ; from a root corresponding to 05440 ; a lyre :-- sackbut . ~~10964
05443 ## cabb@ka'(Aramaic) {sab-bek-aw'} ; or sabb@ka'(Aramaic) {sab-bek-aw'} ; from a root corresponding to 05440 ; a lyre :-- sackbut . ~~10964
05449 ## cabbal {sab-bawl'} ; from 05445 ; a porter :-- (to bear , bearer of) burden (- s) . ~~10970
05454 ## Cabta'{sab-taw'} ; or Cabtah {sab-taw'} ; probably of foreign derivation ; Sabta or Sabtah , the name of a son of Cush , and the country occupied by his posterity :-- Sabta , Sabtah . ~~10974
05454 ## Cabta'{sab-taw'} ; or Cabtah {sab-taw'} ; probably of foreign derivation ; Sabta or Sabtah , the name of a son of Cush , and the country occupied by his posterity :-- Sabta , Sabtah . ~~10974
05455 ## Cabt@ka'{sab-tek-aw'} ; probably of foreign derivation ; Sabteca , the name of a son of Cush , and the region settled by him :-- Sabtecha , Sabtechah . ~~10976
07646 ## saba` {saw-bah'} ; or sabea` {saw-bay'- ah} ; a primitive root ; to sate , i . e . fill to satisfaction (literally or figuratively) :-- have enough , fill (full , self , with) , be (to the) full (of) , have plenty of , be satiate , satisfy (with) , suffice , be weary of . ~~13166
07647 ## saba` {saw-baw'} ; from 07646 ; copiousness :-- abundance , plenteous (- ness ,-ly) . ~~13168
4518 - sabachthani {sab-akh-than-ee'}; of Aramaic or [7662 with pronominal suffix]; thou hast left me; sabachthani (i.e. shebakthani), a cry of distress: -- sabachthani. 4416
4518 - sabachthani {sab-akh-than-ee'}; of Aramaic or [7662 with pronominal suffix]; thou hast left me; sabachthani (i.e. shebakthani), a cry of distress: -- sabachthani. 4416
4518 - sabachthani {sab-akh-than-ee'}; of Aramaic or [7662 with pronominal suffix]; thou hast left me; sabachthani (i.e. shebakthani), a cry of distress: -- sabachthani. 4416
07638 ## sabak {saw-bawk'} ; from an unused root meaning to intwine ; a netting (ornament to the capital of a column) :-- net . ~~13158
4519 - sabaoth {sab-ah-owth'}; of Hebrew origin [6635 in feminine plural]; armies; sabaoth (i.e. tsebaoth), a military epithet of God: -- sabaoth. 4416
4519 - sabaoth {sab-ah-owth'}; of Hebrew origin [6635 in feminine plural]; armies; sabaoth (i.e. tsebaoth), a military epithet of God: -- sabaoth. 4416
4519 - sabaoth {sab-ah-owth'}; of Hebrew origin [6635 in feminine plural]; armies; sabaoth (i.e. tsebaoth), a military epithet of God: -- sabaoth. 4416
07663 ## sabar {saw-bar'} ; erroneously shabar (Nehemiah 2 : 13 , 15) {shaw-bar'} ; a primitive root ; to scrutinize ; by implication (of watching) to expect (with hope and patience) :-- hope , tarry , view , wait . ~~13184
0923 - Barsabas {bar-sab-as'}; of Aramaic origin [1247 and probably 6634]; son of Sabas (or Tsaba); Bar-sabas, the name of two Israelites: -- Barsabas. 922
0923 - Barsabas {bar-sab-as'}; of Aramaic origin [1247 and probably 6634]; son of Sabas (or Tsaba); Bar-sabas, the name of two Israelites: -- Barsabas. 922
05443 ## cabb@ka'(Aramaic) {sab-bek-aw'} ; or sabb@ka'(Aramaic) {sab-bek-aw'} ; from a root corresponding to 05440 ; a lyre :-- sackbut . ~~10964
1207 - deuteroprotos {dyoo-ter-op'-ro-tos}; from 1208 and 4413; second-first, i.e. (specially) a designation of the Sabbath immediately after the Paschal week (being the second after Passover day, and the first of the seven Sabbaths intervening before Pentecost): -- second...after the first. 1206
4315 - prosabbaton {pros-ab'-bat-on}; from 4253 and 4521; a fore-sabbath, i.e. the Sabbath-eve: -- day before the sabbath. Compare 3904. 4212
4315 - prosabbaton {pros-ab'-bat-on}; from 4253 and 4521; a fore-sabbath, i.e. the Sabbath-eve: -- day before the sabbath. Compare 3904. 4212
4315 - prosabbaton {pros-ab'-bat-on}; from 4253 and 4521; a fore-sabbath, i.e. the Sabbath-eve: -- day before the sabbath. Compare 3904. 4212
4521 - sabbaton {sab'-bat-on}; of Hebrew origin [7676]; the Sabbath (i.e. Shabbath), or day of weekly repose from secular avocations (also the observance or institution itself); by extension, a se'nnight, i.e. the interval between two Sabbaths; likewise the plural in all the above applications: -- sabbath (day), week. 4418
4521 - sabbaton {sab'-bat-on}; of Hebrew origin [7676]; the Sabbath (i.e. Shabbath), or day of weekly repose from secular avocations (also the observance or institution itself); by extension, a se'nnight, i.e. the interval between two Sabbaths; likewise the plural in all the above applications: -- sabbath (day), week. 4418
04868 ## mishbath {mish-bawth'} ; from 07673 ; cessation , i . e . destruction :-- sabbath . ~~10388
07673 ## shabath {shaw-bath'} ; a primitive root ; to repose , i . e . desist from exertion ; used in many implied relations (causative , figurative or specific) :-- (cause to , let , make to) cease , celebrate , cause (make) to fail , keep (sabbath) , suffer to be lacking , leave , put away (down) , (make to) rest , rid , still , take away . ~~13194
07676 ## shabbath {shab-bawth'} ; intensive from 07673 ; intermission , i . e (specifically) the Sabbath :-- (+ every) sabbath . ~~13196
07676 ## shabbath {shab-bawth'} ; intensive from 07673 ; intermission , i . e (specifically) the Sabbath :-- (+ every) sabbath . ~~13196
07677 ## shabbathown {shab-baw-thone'} ; from 07676 ; a sabbatism or special holiday :-- rest , sabbath . ~~13198
1207 - deuteroprotos {dyoo-ter-op'-ro-tos}; from 1208 and 4413; second-first, i.e. (specially) a designation of the Sabbath immediately after the Paschal week (being the second after Passover day, and the first of the seven Sabbaths intervening before Pentecost): -- second...after the first. 1206
4521 - sabbaton {sab'-bat-on}; of Hebrew origin [7676]; the Sabbath (i.e. Shabbath), or day of weekly repose from secular avocations (also the observance or institution itself); by extension, a se'nnight, i.e. the interval between two Sabbaths; likewise the plural in all the above applications: -- sabbath (day), week. 4418
4520 - sabbatismos {sab-bat-is-mos'}; from a derivative of 4521; a "sabbatism", i.e. (figuratively) the repose of Christianity (as a type of heaven): -- rest. 4418
07677 ## shabbathown {shab-baw-thone'} ; from 07676 ; a sabbatism or special holiday :-- rest , sabbath . ~~13198
4520 - sabbatismos {sab-bat-is-mos'}; from a derivative of 4521; a "sabbatism", i.e. (figuratively) the repose of Christianity (as a type of heaven): -- rest. 4418
4521 - sabbaton {sab'-bat-on}; of Hebrew origin [7676]; the Sabbath (i.e. Shabbath), or day of weekly repose from secular avocations (also the observance or institution itself); by extension, a se'nnight, i.e. the interval between two Sabbaths; likewise the plural in all the above applications: -- sabbath (day), week. 4418
07869 ## seyb {sabe} ; from 07867 ; old age :-- age . ~~ 13390
07646 ## saba` {saw-bah'} ; or sabea` {saw-bay'- ah} ; a primitive root ; to sate , i . e . fill to satisfaction (literally or figuratively) :-- have enough , fill (full , self , with) , be (to the) full (of) , have plenty of , be satiate , satisfy (with) , suffice , be weary of . ~~13166
07649 ## sabea` {saw-bay'- ah} ; from 07646 ; satiated (in a pleasant or disagreeable sense) :-- full (of) , satisfied (with) . ~~13170
05433 ## caba'{saw-baw'} ; a primitive root ; to quaff to satiety , i . e . become tipsy :-- drunkard , fill self , Sabean , [wine-] bibber . ~~10954
05436 ## C@ba'iy {seb-aw-ee'} ; patrial from 05434 ; a Sebaite , or inhabitant of Seba :-- Sabean . ~~10956
07615 ## Sh@ba'iy {sheb-aw-ee'} ; patronymic from 07614 ; a Shebaite or descendant of Sheba :-- Sabean . ~~13136
07614 ## Sh@ba'{sheb-aw'} ; of foreign origin ; Sheba , the name of three early progenitors of tribes and of an Ethiopian district :-- Sheba , Sabeans . ~~13134
04036 ## Magowr mic-Cabiyb {maw-gore'mis-saw-beeb'} ; from 04032 and 05439 with the preposition inserted ; affright from around ; Magor-mis-Sabib , a symbolic name of Pashur :-- Magor-missabib . ~~9556
4501 - rhomphaia {hrom-fah'-yah}; probably of foreign origin; a sabre, i.e. a long and broad cutlass (any weapon of the kind, literally or figuratively): -- sword. 4398
05454 ## Cabta'{sab-taw'} ; or Cabtah {sab-taw'} ; probably of foreign derivation ; Sabta or Sabtah , the name of a son of Cush , and the country occupied by his posterity :-- Sabta , Sabtah . ~~10974
05454 ## Cabta'{sab-taw'} ; or Cabtah {sab-taw'} ; probably of foreign derivation ; Sabta or Sabtah , the name of a son of Cush , and the country occupied by his posterity :-- Sabta , Sabtah . ~~10974
05454 ## Cabta'{sab-taw'} ; or Cabtah {sab-taw'} ; probably of foreign derivation ; Sabta or Sabtah , the name of a son of Cush , and the country occupied by his posterity :-- Sabta , Sabtah . ~~10974
05454 ## Cabta'{sab-taw'} ; or Cabtah {sab-taw'} ; probably of foreign derivation ; Sabta or Sabtah , the name of a son of Cush , and the country occupied by his posterity :-- Sabta , Sabtah . ~~10974
05455 ## Cabt@ka'{sab-tek-aw'} ; probably of foreign derivation ; Sabteca , the name of a son of Cush , and the region settled by him :-- Sabtecha , Sabtechah . ~~10976
05455 ## Cabt@ka'{sab-tek-aw'} ; probably of foreign derivation ; Sabteca , the name of a son of Cush , and the region settled by him :-- Sabtecha , Sabtechah . ~~10976
05455 ## Cabt@ka'{sab-tek-aw'} ; probably of foreign derivation ; Sabteca , the name of a son of Cush , and the region settled by him :-- Sabtecha , Sabtechah . ~~10976