0730 - arrhen {ar'-hrane}; or arsen {ar'-sane}; probably from 0142; male (as stronger for lifting): -- male, man. 730
4993 - sophroneo {so-fron-eh'-o}; from 4998; to be of sound mind, i.e. sane, (figuratively) moderate: -- be in right mind, be sober (minded), soberly. 4890
08130 ## sane'{saw-nay'} ; a primitive root ; to hate (personally) :-- enemy , foe , (be) hate (- ful ,-r) , odious , X utterly . ~~13652
2465 - isaggelos {ee-sang'-el-los}; from 2470 and 0032; like an angel, i.e. angelic: -- equal unto the angels. 2464
1010 - bouleutes {bool-yoo-tace'}; from 1011; an adviser, i.e. (specially) a councillor or member of the Jewish Sanhedrin: -- counsellor. 1010
1087 - gerousia {gher-oo-see'-ah}; from 1088; the eldership, i.e. (collect.) the Jewish Sanhedrin: -- senate. 1086
4244 - presbuterion {pres-boo-ter'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 4245; the order of elders, i.e. (specifically) Israelite Sanhedrin or Christian "presbytery": -- (estate of) elder(-s), presbytery. 4142
4892 - sunedrion {soon-ed'-ree-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of a compound of 4862 and the base of 1476; a joint session, i.e. (specifically) the Jewish Sanhedrin; by analogy, a subordinate tribunal: -- council. 4790
4245 - presbuteros {pres-boo'-ter-os}; comparative of presbus (elderly); older; as noun, a senior; specifically, an Israelite Sanhedrist (also figuratively, member of the celestial council) or Christian "presbyter": -- elder(-est), old. 4142
4548 - sanis {san-ece'}; of uncertain affinity; a plank: -- board. 4446
4997 - sophrosune {so-fros-oo'-nay}; from 4998; soundness of mind, i.e. (literally) sanity or (figuratively) self-control: -- soberness, sobriety. 4894
08146 ## saniy'{saw-nee'} ; from 08130 ; hated :-- hated . ~~ 13668
07158 ## Qiryath Cannah {keer-yath'san-naw'} ; or Qiryath Cepher {keer-yath'say-fer} ; from 07151 and a simpler feminine from the same as 05577 , or (for the latter name) 05612 ; city of branches , or of a book ; Kirjath-Sannah or Kirjath-Sepher , a place in Palestine :-- Kirjath-sannah , Kirjath-sepher . ~~12678
07158 ## Qiryath Cannah {keer-yath'san-naw'} ; or Qiryath Cepher {keer-yath'say-fer} ; from 07151 and a simpler feminine from the same as 05577 , or (for the latter name) 05612 ; city of branches , or of a book ; Kirjath-Sannah or Kirjath-Sepher , a place in Palestine :-- Kirjath-sannah , Kirjath-sepher . ~~12678
05578 ## Cancannah {san-san-naw'} ; feminine of a form of 05577 ; a bough ; Sansannah , a place in Palestine :-- Sansannah . ~~11098
05578 ## Cancannah {san-san-naw'} ; feminine of a form of 05577 ; a bough ; Sansannah , a place in Palestine :-- Sansannah . ~~11098
4549 - Saoul {sah-ool'}; of Hebrew origin [7586]; Saul (i.e. Shaul), the Jewish name of Paul: -- Saul. Compare 4569. 4446
4982 - sozo {sode'-zo}; from a primary sos (contraction for obsolete saoz, "safe"); to save, i.e. deliver or protect (literally or figuratively): -- heal, preserve, save (self), do well, be (make) whole. 4880
4550 - sapros {sap-ros'}; from 4595; rotten, i.e. worthless (literally or morally): -- bad, corrupt. Compare 4190. 4448
4551 - Sappheire {sap-fi'-ray}; feminine of 4552; Sapphire, an Israelitess: -- Sapphira. 4448
4552 - sappheiros {sap'-fi-ros}; of Hebrew origin [5601]; a "sapphire" or lapis-lazuli gem: -- sapphire. 4450
05597 ## cappachath {sap-pakh'- ath} ; from 05596 ; the mange (as making the hair fall off) :-- scab . ~~11118
05601 ## cappiyr {sap-peer'} ; from 05608 ; a gem (perhaps used for scratching other substances) , probably the sapphire :-- sapphire . ~~11122
07373 ## ratob {raw-tobe'} ; from 07372 ; moist (with sap) :-- green . ~~ 12894
05593 ## Caph {saf} ; the same as 05592 ; Saph , a Philistine :-- Saph . Compare 05598 . ~~11114
05593 ## Caph {saf} ; the same as 05592 ; Saph , a Philistine :-- Saph . Compare 05598 . ~~11114
05596 ## caphach {saw-fakh'} ; or saphach (Isaiah 3 : 17) {saw-fakh'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to scrape out , but in certain peculiar senses (of removal or association) :-- abiding , gather together , cleave , smite with the scab . ~~11116
08193 ## saphah {saw-faw'} ; or (in dual and plural) sepheth {sef-eth'} ; probably from 05595 or 08192 through the idea of termination (compare 05490) ; the lip (as a natural boundary) ; by implication , language ; by analogy , a margin (of a vessel , water , cloth , etc .) :-- band , bank , binding , border , brim , brink , edge , language , lip , prating , ([sea-]) shore , side , speech , talk , [vain ] words . ~~13714
08222 ## sapham {saw-fawm'} ; from 08193 ; the beard (as a lip-piece) :-- beard , (upper) lip . ~~13744
08226 ## saphan {saw-fan'} ; a primitive root ; to conceal (as a valuable) :-- treasure . ~~13748
05606 ## caphaq {saw-fak'} ; or saphaq (1 Kings 20 : 10 ; Job 27 : 23 ; Isaiah 2 : 6) {saw-fak'} ; a primitive root ; to clap the hands (in token of compact , derision , grief , indignation , or punishment) ; by implication of satisfaction , to be enough ; by implication of excess , to vomit :-- clap , smite , strike , suffice , wallow . ~~11126
1285 - diasapheo {dee-as-af-eh'-o}; from 1223 and saphes (clear); to clear thoroughly, i.e. (figuratively) declare: -- tell unto. 1284
4680 - sophos {sof-os'}; akin to saphes (clear); wise (in a most general application): -- wise. Compare 5429. 4578
08208 ## Shaphiyr {shaf-eer'} ; from 08231 ; beautiful ; Shaphir , a place in Palestine :-- Saphir . ~~13730
07197 ## qashash {kaw-shash'} ; a primitive root ; to become sapless through drought ; used only as denominative from 07179 ; to forage for straw , stubble or wood ; figuratively , to assemble :-- gather (selves) (together) . ~~12718
4625 - skandalon {skan'-dal-on} ("scandal"); probably from a derivative of 2578; a trap-stick (bent sapling), i.e. snare (figuratively, cause of displeasure or sin): -- occasion to fall (of stumbling), offence, thing that offends, stumblingblock. 4522
03242 ## y@niqah {yen-ee-kaw'} ; from 03243 ; a sucker or sapling :-- young twig . ~~8762
4551 - Sappheire {sap-fi'-ray}; feminine of 4552; Sapphire, an Israelitess: -- Sapphira. 4448
4552 - sappheiros {sap'-fi-ros}; of Hebrew origin [5601]; a "sapphire" or lapis-lazuli gem: -- sapphire. 4450
4551 - Sappheire {sap-fi'-ray}; feminine of 4552; Sapphire, an Israelitess: -- Sapphira. 4448
4551 - Sappheire {sap-fi'-ray}; feminine of 4552; Sapphire, an Israelitess: -- Sapphira. 4448
4552 - sappheiros {sap'-fi-ros}; of Hebrew origin [5601]; a "sapphire" or lapis-lazuli gem: -- sapphire. 4450
4552 - sappheiros {sap'-fi-ros}; of Hebrew origin [5601]; a "sapphire" or lapis-lazuli gem: -- sapphire. 4450
05601 ## cappiyr {sap-peer'} ; from 05608 ; a gem (perhaps used for scratching other substances) , probably the sapphire :-- sapphire . ~~11122
05601 ## cappiyr {sap-peer'} ; from 05608 ; a gem (perhaps used for scratching other substances) , probably the sapphire :-- sapphire . ~~11122
08209 ## sappiyr (Aramaic) {shap-peer'} ; intensive of a form corresponding to 08208 ; beautiful :-- fair . ~~13730
5200 - hugros {hoo-gros'}; from the base of 5205; wet (as if with rain), i.e. (by implication) sappy (fresh): -- green. 5098
4550 - sapros {sap-ros'}; from 4595; rotten, i.e. worthless (literally or morally): -- bad, corrupt. Compare 4190. 4448
08242 ## saq {sak} ; from 08264 ; properly , a mesh (as allowing a liquid to run through) , i . e . coarse loose cloth or sacking (used in mourning and for bagging) ; hence , a bag (for grain , etc .) :-- sack (- cloth ,-clothes) . ~~13764
08244 ## saqad {saw-kad'} ; a primitive root ; to fasten :-- bind . ~~ 13766
08265 ## saqar {saw-kar'} ; a primitive root ; to ogle , i . e . blink coquettishly :-- wanton . ~~13786
0787 - assarion {as-sar'-ee-on}; of Latin origin; an assarius or as, a Roman coin: -- farthing. 786
1082 - Gennesaret {ghen-nay-sar-et'}; of Hebrew origin [compare 3672]; Gennesaret (i.e. Kinnereth), a lake and plain in Palestine: -- Gennesaret. 1082
1180 - dekatessares {dek-at-es'-sar-es}; from 1176 and 5064; ten and four, i.e. fourteen: -- fourteen. 1180
2541 - Kaisar {kah'-ee-sar}; of Latin origin; Caesar, a title of the Roman emperor: -- Caesar. 2540
2542 - Kaisereia {kahee-sar'-i-a}; from 2541; Caesaria, the name of two places in Palestine: -- Caesarea. 2542
3795 - opsarion {op-sar'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of the base of 3702; a relish to other food (as if cooked sauce), i.e. (specifically) fish (presumably salted and dried as a condiment): -- fish. 3692
4553 - sargane {sar-gan'-ay}; apparently of Hebrew origin [8276]; a basket (as interwoven or wickerwork: -- basket. 4450
4554 - Sardeis {sar'-dice}; plural of uncertain derivation; Sardis, a place in Asia Minor: -- Sardis. 4452
4555 - sardinos {sar'-dee-nos}; from the same as 4556; sardine (3037 being implied), i.e. a gem, so called: -- sardine. 4452
4556 - sardios {sar'-dee-os}; properly, an adjective from an uncertain base; sardian (3037 being implied), i.e. (as noun) the gem so called: -- sardius. 4454
4557 - sardonux {sar-don'-oox}; from the base of 4556 and onux (the nail of a finger; hence the "onyx" stone); a "sardonyx", i.e. the gem so called: -- sardonyx. 4454
4558 - Sarepta {sar'-ep-tah}; of Hebrew origin [6886]; Sarepta (i.e. Tsarephath), a place in Palestine: -- Sarepta. 4456
4559 - sarkikos {sar-kee-kos'}; from 4561; pertaining to flesh, i.e. (by extension) bodily, temporal, or (by implication) animal, unregenerate: -- carnal, fleshly. 4456
4560 - sarkinos {sar'-kee-nos}; from 4561; similar to flesh, i.e. (by analogy) soft: -- fleshly. 4458
4562 - Sarouch {sar-ooch'}; of Hebrew origin [8286]; Saruch (i.e. Serug), a patriarch: -- Saruch. 4460
4563 - saroo {sar-o'-o}; from a derivative of sairo (to brush off; akin to 4951); meaning a broom; to sweep: -- sweep. 4460
4564 - Sarrha {sar'-hrah}; of Hebrew origin [8283]; Sarra (i.e. Sarah), the wife of Abraham: -- Sara, Sarah. 4462
4565 - Saron {sar'-one}; of Hebrew origin [8289]; Saron (i.e. Sharon), a district of Palestine: -- Saron. 4462
5062 - tessarakonta {tes-sar-ak'-on-tah}; the decade of 5064; forty: -- forty. 4960
5063 - tessarakontaetes {tes-sar-ak-on-tah-et-ace'}; from 5062 and 2094; of forty years of age: -- (+ full, of) forty years (old). 4960
5064 - tessares {tes'-sar-es}; neuter tessara {tes'-sar-ah}; a plural number; four: -- four. 4962
5064 - tessares {tes'-sar-es}; neuter tessara {tes'-sar-ah}; a plural number; four: -- four. 4962
5065 - tessareskaidekatos {tes-sar-es-kahee-dek'-at-os}; from 5064 and 2532 and 1182; fourteenth: -- fourteenth. 4962
00631 ## 'acar {aw-sar'} ; a primitive root ; to yoke or hitch ; by analogy , to fasten in any sense , to join battle :-- bind , fast , gird , harness , hold , keep , make ready , order , prepare , prison (- er) , put in bonds , set in array , tie . ~~6152
00634 ## 'Ecar-Chaddown {ay-sar'Chad-dohn'} ; of foreign derivation ; Esar-chaddon , an Assyrian king :-- Esar-haddon . ~~6154
01319 ## basar {baw-sar'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be fresh , i . e . full (rosy , (figuratively) cheerful) ; to announce (glad news) :-- messenger , preach , publish , shew forth , (bear , bring , carry , preach , good , tell good) tidings . ~~6840
01321 ## b@sar (Aramaic) {bes-ar'} ; corresponding to 01320 :-- flesh . ~~6842
02951 ## tiphcar {tif-sar'} ; of foreign derivation ; a military governor :-- captain . ~~8472
03256 ## yacar {yaw-sar'} ; a primitive root ; to chastise , literally (with blows) or figuratively (with words) ; hence , to instruct :-- bind , chasten , chastise , correct , instruct , punish , reform , reprove , sore , teach . ~~8776
03480 ## Y@sar'elah {yes-ar-ale'- aw} ; by variation from 03477 and 00410 with directive enclitic ; right towards God ; Jesarelah , an Israelite :-- Jesharelah . ~~9000
04560 ## macar {maw-sar'} ; a primitive root ; to sunder , i . e . (transitively) set apart , or (reflex .) apostatize :-- commit , deliver . ~~10080
05620 ## car {sar} ; contracted from 05637 ; peevish :-- heavy , sad . ~~ 11140
05622 ## carbal (Aramaic) {sar-bal'} ; of uncertain derivation ; a cloak :-- coat . ~~11142
05623 ## Cargown {sar-gone'} ; of foreign derivation ; Sargon , an Assyrian king :-- Sargon . ~~11144
05625 ## Cardiy {sar-dee'} ; patron from 05624 ; a Seredite (collectively) or descendants of Sered :-- Sardites . ~~11146
05634 ## car` appah {sar-ap-paw'} ; for 05589 ; a twig :-- bough . ~~ 11154
05636 ## carpad {sar-pawd'} ; from 05635 ; a nettle (as stinging like a burn) :-- brier . ~~11156
06237 ## ` asar {aw-sar'} ; a primitive root (ident . with 06238) ; to accumulate ; but used only as denominative from 06235 ; to tithe , i . e . to take or give a tenth :-- X surely , give (take) the tenth , (have , take) tithe (- ing ,-s) , X truly . ~~11758
08269 ## sar {sar} ; from 08323 ; a head person (of any rank or class) :-- captain (that had rule) , chief (captain) , general , governor , keeper , lord , ([-task-]) master , prince (- ipal) , ruler , steward . ~~13790
08269 ## sar {sar} ; from 08323 ; a head person (of any rank or class) :-- captain (that had rule) , chief (captain) , general , governor , keeper , lord , ([-task-]) master , prince (- ipal) , ruler , steward . ~~13790
08291 ## saruwq {sar-ook'} ; passive participle from the same as 08321 ; a grapevine :-- principal plant . See 08320 , 08321 . ~~13812
08310 ## Sarc@kiym {sar-seh-keem'} ; of foreign derivation ; Sarsekim , a Babylonian general :-- Sarsechim . ~~13832
08312 ## sar` aph {sar-af'} ; for 05587 ; cogitation :-- thought . ~~ 13834
08312 ## sar` aph {sar-af'} ; for 05587 ; cogitation :-- thought . ~~ 13834
08515 ## T@la'ssar {tel-as-sar'} ; or T@lassar {tel-as-sar'} ; of foreign derivation ; Telassar , a region of Assyria :-- Telassar . ~~14036
08515 ## T@la'ssar {tel-as-sar'} ; or T@lassar {tel-as-sar'} ; of foreign derivation ; Telassar , a region of Assyria :-- Telassar . ~~14036