06604 ## P@thowr {peth-ore'} ; of foreign origin ; Pethor , a place in Mesopotamia :-- Pethor . ~~12124
03316 ## Yiphtach {yif-tawkh'} ; from 06605 ; he will open ; Jiphtach , an Israelite ; also a place in Palestine :-- Jephthah , Jiphtah . ~~8836
03317 ## Yiphtach-'el {yif-tach-ale'} ; from 06605 and 00410 ; God will open ; Jiphtach-el , a place in Palestine :-- Jiphthah-el . ~~8838
04668 ## maphteach {maf-tay'- akh} ; from 06605 ; an opener , i . e . a key :-- key . ~~10188
04669 ## miphtach {mif-tawkh'} ; from 06605 ; an aperture , i . e . (figuratively) utterance :-- opening . ~~10190
05318 ## Nephtowach {nef-to'- akh} ; from 06605 ; opened , i . e . a spring ; Nephtoach , a place in Palestine :-- Neptoah . ~~10838
06603 ## pittuwach {pit-too'- akh} ; or pittuach {pit-too'- akh ; passive participle of 06605 ; sculpture (in low or high relief or even intaglio) :-- carved (work) (are , en-) grave (- ing ,-n) . ~~12124
06605 ## pathach {paw-thakh'} ; a primitive root ; to open wide (literally or figuratively) ; specifically , to loosen , begin , plough , carve :-- appear , break forth , draw (out) , let go free , (en-) grave (- n) , loose (self) , (be , be set) open (- ing) , put off , ungird , unstop , have vent . ~~12126
06606 ## p@thach (Aramaic) {peth-akh'} ; corresponding to 06605 ; to open :-- open . ~~12126
06607 ## pethach {peh'- thakh} ; from 06605 ; an opening (literally) , i . e . door (gate) or entrance way :-- door , entering (in) , entrance (- ry) , gate , opening , place . ~~12128
06608 ## pethach {pay'- thakh} ; from 06605 ; opening (figuratively) i . e . disclosure :-- entrance . ~~12128
06609 ## p@thikhah {peth-ee-khaw'} ; from 06605 ; something opened , i . e . a drawn sword :-- drawn sword . ~~12130
06610 ## pithchown {pith-khone'} ; from 06605 ; opening (the act) :-- open (- ing) . ~~12130
06611 ## P@thachyah {peth-akh-yaw'} ; from 06605 and 03050 ; Jah has opened ; Pethachjah , the name of four Israelites :-- Pethakiah . ~~12132
06606 ## p@thach (Aramaic) {peth-akh'} ; corresponding to 06605 ; to open :-- open . ~~12126
06607 ## pethach {peh'- thakh} ; from 06605 ; an opening (literally) , i . e . door (gate) or entrance way :-- door , entering (in) , entrance (- ry) , gate , opening , place . ~~12128
06608 ## pethach {pay'- thakh} ; from 06605 ; opening (figuratively) i . e . disclosure :-- entrance . ~~12128
06609 ## p@thikhah {peth-ee-khaw'} ; from 06605 ; something opened , i . e . a drawn sword :-- drawn sword . ~~12130
0661 - apotino {ap-ot-ee'-no}; from 0575 and 5099; to pay in full: -- repay. 660
06610 ## pithchown {pith-khone'} ; from 06605 ; opening (the act) :-- open (- ing) . ~~12130
06611 ## P@thachyah {peth-akh-yaw'} ; from 06605 and 03050 ; Jah has opened ; Pethachjah , the name of four Israelites :-- Pethakiah . ~~12132
06612 ## p@thiy {peth-ee'} ; or pethiy {peh'- thee} ; or p@tha'iy {peth-aw-ee'} ; from 06601 ; silly (i . e . seducible) :-- foolish , simple (- icity , one) . ~~12132
06615 ## p@thayuwth {peth-ah-yooth'} ; from 06612 ; silliness (i . e . seducibility) :-- simple . ~~12136
06613 ## p@thay (Aramaic) {peth-ah'- ee} ; from a root corresponding to 06601 ; open , i . e . (as noun) width :-- breadth . ~~12134
06614 ## p@thiygiyl {peth-eeg-eel'} ; of uncertain derivation ; probably a figured mantle for holidays :-- stomacher . ~~12134
06615 ## p@thayuwth {peth-ah-yooth'} ; from 06612 ; silliness (i . e . seducibility) :-- simple . ~~12136
06616 ## pathiyl {paw-theel'} ; from 06617 ; twine :-- bound , bracelet , lace , line , ribband , thread , wire . ~~12136
05319 ## naphtuwl {naf-tool'} ; from 06617 ; properly , wrestled ; but ued (in the plural) transitively , a struggle :-- wrestling . ~~10840
05321 ## Naphtaliy {naf-taw-lee'} ; from 06617 ; my wrestling ; Naphtali , a son of Jacob , with the tribe descended from him , and its territory :-- Naphtali . ~~10842
06616 ## pathiyl {paw-theel'} ; from 06617 ; twine :-- bound , bracelet , lace , line , ribband , thread , wire . ~~12136
06617 ## pathal {paw-thal'} ; a primitive root ; to twine , i . e . (literally) to struggle or (figuratively) be (morally) tortuous :-- (shew self) froward , shew self unsavoury , wrestle . ~~12138
06618 ## p@thaltol {peth-al-tole'} ; from 06617 ; tortuous (i . e . crafty) :-- crooked . ~~12138
06618 ## p@thaltol {peth-al-tole'} ; from 06617 ; tortuous (i . e . crafty) :-- crooked . ~~12138
06619 ## Pithom {pee-thome'} ; of Egyptian derivation ; Pithom , a place in Egypt :-- Pithom . ~~12140
0662 - apotolmao {ap-ot-ol-mah'-o}; from 0575 and 5111; to venture plainly: -- be very bold. 662
04670 ## miphtan {mif-tawn'} ; from the same as 06620 ; a stretcher , i . e . a sill :-- threshold . ~~10190
06620 ## pethen {peh'- then} ; from an unused root meaning to twist ; an asp (from its contortions) :-- adder . ~~12140
06597 ## pith'owm {pith-ome'} ; or pith'om {pith-ome'} ; from 06621 ; instantly :-- straightway , sudden (- ly) . ~~12118
06621 ## petha` {peh'- thah} ; from an unused root meaning to open (the eyes) ; a wink , i . e . moment [compare 06597 ] (used only [with or without preposition ] adverbially , quickly or unexpectedly) :-- at an instant , suddenly , X very . ~~12142
06590 ## p@shar (Aramaic) {pesh-ar'} ; corresponding to 06622 ; to interpret :-- make [interpretations ] , interpreting . ~~12110
06622 ## pathar {paw-thar'} ; a primitive root ; to open up , i . e . (figuratively) interpret (a dream) :-- interpret (- ation ,-er) . ~~12142
06623 ## pithrown {pith-rone'} ; or pithron {pith-rone'} ; from 06622 ; interpretation (of a dream) :-- interpretation . ~~12144
06623 ## pithrown {pith-rone'} ; or pithron {pith-rone'} ; from 06622 ; interpretation (of a dream) :-- interpretation . ~~12144
06634 ## ts@ba'(Aramaic) {tseb-aw'} ; corresponding to 06623 in the figurative sense of summoning one's wishes ; to please :-- will , would . ~~12154
06624 ## Pathrowc {path-roce'} ; of Egyptian derivation ; Pathros , a part of Egypt :-- Pathros . ~~12144
06625 ## Pathruciy {path-roo-see'} ; patrial from 06624 ; a Pathrusite , or inhabitant of Pathros :-- Pathrusim . ~~12146
06625 ## Pathruciy {path-roo-see'} ; patrial from 06624 ; a Pathrusite , or inhabitant of Pathros :-- Pathrusim . ~~12146
06595 ## path {path} ; from 06626 ; a bit :-- meat , morsel , piece . ~~ 12116
06626 ## pathath {paw-thath'} ; a primitive root ; to open , i . e . break :-- participle ~~12146
06627 ## tsa'ah {tsaw-aw'} ; from 03318 ; issue , i . e . (human) excrement :-- that (which) cometh from (out) . ~~12148
06628 ## tse'el {tseh'- el} ; from an unused root meaning to be slender ; the lotus tree :-- shady tree . ~~12148
06629 ## tso'n {tsone} ; or ts@'own (Psalm 144 : 13) {tseh-one'} ; from an unused root meaning to migrate ; a collective name for a flock (of sheep or goats) ; also figuratively (of men) :-- (small) cattle , flock (+-s) , lamb (+-s) , sheep ([-cote ,-fold ,-shearer ,-herds ]) . ~~12150
06630 ## Tsa'anan {tsah-an-awn'} ; from the same as 06629 used denominatively ; sheep pasture ; Zaanan , a place in Palestine :-- Zaanan . ~~12150
06792 ## tsone'{tso-nay'} ; or tsoneh {tso-neh'} ; for 06629 ; a flock :-- sheep . ~~12312
0663 - apotomia {ap-ot-om-ee'-ah}; from the base of 0664; (figuratively) decisiveness, i.e. rigor: -- severity. 662
06630 ## Tsa'anan {tsah-an-awn'} ; from the same as 06629 used denominatively ; sheep pasture ; Zaanan , a place in Palestine :-- Zaanan . ~~12150
06799 ## Ts@nan {tsen-awn'} ; probably for 06630 ; Tsenan , a place near Palestine :-- Zenan . ~~12320
06631 ## tse'etsa'{tseh-ets-aw'} ; from 03318 ; issue , i . e . produce , children :-- that which cometh forth (out) , offspring . ~~12152
06632 ## tsab {tsawb} ; from an unused root meaning to establish ; a palanquin or canopy (as a fixture) ; also a species of lizard (probably as clinging fast) :-- covered , litter , tortoise . ~~12152
06637 ## Tsobebah {tso-bay-baw'} ; feminine active participle of the same as 06632 ; the canopier (with the article) ; Tsobebah , an Israelitess :-- Zobebah . ~~12158
06633 ## tsaba'{tsaw-baw'} ; a primitive root ; to mass (an army or servants) :-- assemble , fight , perform , muster , wait upon , war . ~~12154
06635 ## tsaba'{tsaw-baw'} ; or (feminine) ts@ba'ah {tseb-aw-aw'} ; from 06633 ; a mass of persons (or figuratively , things) , especially reg . organized for war (an army) ; by implication , a campaign , literally or figuratively (specifically , hardship , worship) :-- appointed time , (+) army , (+) battle , company , host , service , soldiers , waiting upon , war (- fare) . ~~12156
06634 ## ts@ba'(Aramaic) {tseb-aw'} ; corresponding to 06623 in the figurative sense of summoning one's wishes ; to please :-- will , would . ~~12154
06640 ## ts@buw (Aramaic) {tseb-oo'} ; from 06634 ; properly , will ; concretely , an affair (as a matter of determination) :-- purpose . ~~12160
06635 ## tsaba'{tsaw-baw'} ; or (feminine) ts@ba'ah {tseb-aw-aw'} ; from 06633 ; a mass of persons (or figuratively , things) , especially reg . organized for war (an army) ; by implication , a campaign , literally or figuratively (specifically , hardship , worship) :-- appointed time , (+) army , (+) battle , company , host , service , soldiers , waiting upon , war (- fare) . ~~12156
06636 ## Ts@bo'iym {tseb-o-eem'} ; or (more correctly) Ts@biyiym {tseb-ee-yeem'} ; or Ts@biyim {tseb-ee-yeem'} ; plural of 06643 ; gazelles ; Tseboim or Tsebijim , a place in Palestine :-- Zeboiim , Zeboim . ~~12156
06637 ## Tsobebah {tso-bay-baw'} ; feminine active participle of the same as 06632 ; the canopier (with the article) ; Tsobebah , an Israelitess :-- Zobebah . ~~12158
06638 ## tsabah {tsaw-baw'} ; a primitive root ; to amass , i . e . grow turgid ; specifically , to array an army against :-- fight swell . ~~12158
06639 ## tsabeh {tsaw-beh'} ; from 06638 ; turgid :-- swell . ~~ 12160
06643 ## ts@biy {tseb-ee'} ; from 06638 in the sense of prominence ; splendor (as conspicuous) ; also a gazelle (as beautiful) :-- beautiful (- ty) , glorious (- ry) , goodly , pleasant , roe (- buck) . ~~12164
06639 ## tsabeh {tsaw-beh'} ; from 06638 ; turgid :-- swell . ~~ 12160
0663 - apotomia {ap-ot-om-ee'-ah}; from the base of 0664; (figuratively) decisiveness, i.e. rigor: -- severity. 662
0664 - apotomos {ap-ot-om'-oce}; adverb from a derivative of a comparative of 0575 and temno (to cut); abruptly, i.e. peremptorily: -- sharply(-ness). 664
06640 ## ts@buw (Aramaic) {tseb-oo'} ; from 06634 ; properly , will ; concretely , an affair (as a matter of determination) :-- purpose . ~~12160
06641 ## tsabuwa` {tsaw-boo'- ah} ; passive participle of the same as 06648 ; dyed (in stripes) , i . e . the hyena :-- speckled . ~~12162
06650 ## Ts@bo` iym {tseb-o-eem'} ; plural of 06641 ; hyenas ; Tseboim , a place in Palestine :-- Zeboim . ~~12170
06642 ## tsabat {tsaw-bat'} ; a primitive root ; to grasp , i . e . hand out :-- reach . ~~12162
06380 ## Pokereth Ts@bayiym {po-keh'- reth tseb-aw-yeem'} ; from the active participle (of the same form as the first word) feminine of an unused root (meaning to entrap) and plural of 06643 ; trap of gazelles ; Pokereth-Tsebajim , one of the " servants of Solomon " :-- Pochereth of Zebaim . ~~11900
06636 ## Ts@bo'iym {tseb-o-eem'} ; or (more correctly) Ts@biyiym {tseb-ee-yeem'} ; or Ts@biyim {tseb-ee-yeem'} ; plural of 06643 ; gazelles ; Tseboim or Tsebijim , a place in Palestine :-- Zeboiim , Zeboim . ~~12156
06643 ## ts@biy {tseb-ee'} ; from 06638 in the sense of prominence ; splendor (as conspicuous) ; also a gazelle (as beautiful) :-- beautiful (- ty) , glorious (- ry) , goodly , pleasant , roe (- buck) . ~~12164
06646 ## ts@biyah {tseb-ee-yaw'} ; feminine of 06643 ; a female gazelle :-- roe . ~~12166