06644 ## Tsibya'{tsib-yaw'} ; for 06645 ; Tsibja , an Israelite :-- Zibia . ~~12164
06644 ## Tsibya'{tsib-yaw'} ; for 06645 ; Tsibja , an Israelite :-- Zibia . ~~12164
06645 ## Tsibyah {tsib-yaw'} ; for 06646 ; Tsibjah , an Israelitess :-- Zibiah . ~~12166
06645 ## Tsibyah {tsib-yaw'} ; for 06646 ; Tsibjah , an Israelitess :-- Zibiah . ~~12166
06646 ## ts@biyah {tseb-ee-yaw'} ; feminine of 06643 ; a female gazelle :-- roe . ~~12166
06647 ## ts@ba` (Aramaic) {tseb-ah'} ; a root corresponding to that of 06648 ; to dip :-- wet . ~~12168
00676 ## 'etsba` {ets-bah'} ; from the same as 06648 (in the sense of grasping) ; something to sieze with , i . e . a finger ; by analogy , a toe :-- finger , toe . ~~6196
06641 ## tsabuwa` {tsaw-boo'- ah} ; passive participle of the same as 06648 ; dyed (in stripes) , i . e . the hyena :-- speckled . ~~12162
06647 ## ts@ba` (Aramaic) {tseb-ah'} ; a root corresponding to that of 06648 ; to dip :-- wet . ~~12168
06648 ## tseba` {tseh'- bah} ; from an unused root meaning to dip (into coloring fluid) ; a dye :-- divers , colours . ~~12168
06649 ## Tsib` own {tsib-one'} ; from the same as 06648 ; variegated ; Tsibon , an Idumaean :-- Zibeon . ~~12170
06649 ## Tsib` own {tsib-one'} ; from the same as 06648 ; variegated ; Tsibon , an Idumaean :-- Zibeon . ~~12170
0665 - apotrepo {ap-ot-rep'-o}; from 0575 and the base of 5157; to deflect, i.e. (reflexively) avoid: -- turn away. 664
06650 ## Ts@bo` iym {tseb-o-eem'} ; plural of 06641 ; hyenas ; Tseboim , a place in Palestine :-- Zeboim . ~~12170
06651 ## tsabar {tsaw-bar'} ; a primitive root ; to aggregate :-- gather (together) , heap (up) , lay up . ~~12172
06652 ## tsibbur {tsib-boor'} ; from 06551 ; a pile :-- heap . ~~ 12172
06653 ## tsebeth {tseh'- beth} ; from an unused root apparently meaning to grip ; a lock of stalks :-- handful . ~~12174
06654 ## tsad {tsad} ; contr . from an unused root meaning to sidle off ; a side ; figuratively , an adversary :-- (be-) side . ~~12174
06655 ## tsad (Aramaic) {tsad} ; corresponding to 06654 ; used adverbially (with preposition) at or upon the side of :-- against , concerning . ~~12176
06657 ## Ts@dad {tsed-awd'} ; from the same as 06654 ; a siding ; Tsedad , a place near Palestine :-- Zedad . ~~12178
06661 ## Tsiddiym {tsid-deem'} ; plural of 06654 ; sides ; Tsiddim (with the article) , a place in Palestine :-- Ziddim . ~~12182
06655 ## tsad (Aramaic) {tsad} ; corresponding to 06654 ; used adverbially (with preposition) at or upon the side of :-- against , concerning . ~~12176
06656 ## ts@da'(Aramaic) {tsed-aw'} ; from an unused root corresponding to 06658 in the sense of intentness ; a (sinister) design :-- true . ~~12176
06660 ## ts@diyah {tsed-ee-yaw'} ; from 06658 ; design [compare 06656 ] :-- lying in wait . ~~12180
06657 ## Ts@dad {tsed-awd'} ; from the same as 06654 ; a siding ; Tsedad , a place near Palestine :-- Zedad . ~~12178
06656 ## ts@da'(Aramaic) {tsed-aw'} ; from an unused root corresponding to 06658 in the sense of intentness ; a (sinister) design :-- true . ~~12176
06658 ## tsadah {tsaw-daw'} ; a primitive root ; to chase ; by implication , to desolate :-- destroy , hunt , lie in wait . ~~12178
06660 ## ts@diyah {tsed-ee-yaw'} ; from 06658 ; design [compare 06656 ] :-- lying in wait . ~~12180
06659 ## Tsadowq {tsaw-doke'} ; from 06663 ; just ; Tsadok , the name of eight or nine Israelites :-- Zadok . ~~12180
0666 - apousia {ap-oo-see'-ah}; from the participle of 0548; a being away: -- absence. 666
06660 ## ts@diyah {tsed-ee-yaw'} ; from 06658 ; design [compare 06656 ] :-- lying in wait . ~~12180
06661 ## Tsiddiym {tsid-deem'} ; plural of 06654 ; sides ; Tsiddim (with the article) , a place in Palestine :-- Ziddim . ~~12182
06662 ## tsaddiyq {tsad-deek'} ; from 06663 ; just :-- just , lawful , righteous (man) . ~~12182
03087 ## Y@howtsadaq {yeh-ho-tsaw-dawk'} ; from 03068 and 06663 ; Jehovah-righted ; Jehotsadak , an Israelite :-- Jehozadek , Josedech . Compare 03136 . ~~8608
06659 ## Tsadowq {tsaw-doke'} ; from 06663 ; just ; Tsadok , the name of eight or nine Israelites :-- Zadok . ~~12180
06662 ## tsaddiyq {tsad-deek'} ; from 06663 ; just :-- just , lawful , righteous (man) . ~~12182
06663 ## tsadaq {tsaw-dak'} ; a primitive root ; to be (causatively , make) right (in a moral or forensic sense) :-- cleanse , clear self , (be , do) just (- ice ,-ify ,-ify self) , (be turn to) righteous (- ness) . ~~12184
06664 ## tsedeq {tseh'- dek} ; from 06663 ; the right (natural , moral or legal) ; also (abstractly) equity or (figuratively) prosperity :-- X even , (X that which is altogether) just (- ice) , ([un-]) right (- eous) (cause ,-ly ,-ness) . ~~12184
06666 ## ts@daqah {tsed-aw-kaw'} ; from 06663 ; rightness (abstractly) , subjectively (rectitude) , objectively (justice) , morally (virtue) or figuratively (prosperity) :-- justice , moderately , right (- eous) (act ,-ly ,-ness) . ~~12186
00139 ## 'Adoniy-Tsedeq {ad-o''- nee-tseh'- dek} ; from 00113 and 06664 ; lord of justice ; Adoni-Tsedek , a Canaanitish king :-- Adonizedec . ~~5660
03072 ## Y@hovah tsidqenuw {ye-ho-vaw'tsid-kay'- noo} ; from 03068 and 06664 with pronominal suffix ; Jehovah (is) our right ; Jehovah-Tsidkenu , a symbolical epithet of the Messiah and of Jerusalem :-- the Lord our righteousness ~~8592
04442 ## Malkiy-Tsedeq {mal-kee-tseh'- dek} ; from 04428 and 06664 ; king of right ; Malki-Tsedek , an early king in Palestine :-- Melchizedek . ~~9962
06664 ## tsedeq {tseh'- dek} ; from 06663 ; the right (natural , moral or legal) ; also (abstractly) equity or (figuratively) prosperity :-- X even , (X that which is altogether) just (- ice) , ([un-]) right (- eous) (cause ,-ly ,-ness) . ~~12184
06667 ## Tsidqiyah {tsid-kee-yaw'} ; or Tsidqiyahuw {tsid-kee-yaw'- hoo} ; from 06664 and 03050 ; right of Jah ; Tsidkijah , the name of six Israelites :-- Zedekiah , Zidkijah . ~~12188
06665 ## tsidqah (Aramaic) {tsid-kaw'} ; corresponding to 06666 ; beneficence :-- righteousness . ~~12186
06665 ## tsidqah (Aramaic) {tsid-kaw'} ; corresponding to 06666 ; beneficence :-- righteousness . ~~12186
06666 ## ts@daqah {tsed-aw-kaw'} ; from 06663 ; rightness (abstractly) , subjectively (rectitude) , objectively (justice) , morally (virtue) or figuratively (prosperity) :-- justice , moderately , right (- eous) (act ,-ly ,-ness) . ~~12186
06667 ## Tsidqiyah {tsid-kee-yaw'} ; or Tsidqiyahuw {tsid-kee-yaw'- hoo} ; from 06664 and 03050 ; right of Jah ; Tsidkijah , the name of six Israelites :-- Zedekiah , Zidkijah . ~~12188
06668 ## tsahab {tsaw-hab'} ; a primitive root ; to glitter , i . e . be golden in color :-- X fine . ~~12188
06669 ## tsahob {tsaw-obe'} ; from 06668 ; golden in color :-- yellow . ~~12190
06669 ## tsahob {tsaw-obe'} ; from 06668 ; golden in color :-- yellow . ~~12190
0667 - appohero {ap-of-er'-o}; from 0575 and 5342; to bear off (literally or rel.): -- bring, carry (away). 666
04684 ## matshalah {mats-haw-law'} ; from 06670 ; a whinnying (through impatience for battle or lust) :-- neighing . ~~10204
06670 ## tsahal {tsaw-hal'} ; a prim root ; to gleam , i . e . (figuratively) be cheerful ; by transf . to sound clear (of various animal or human expressions) :-- bellow , cry aloud (out) , lift up , neigh , rejoice , make to shine , shout . ~~12190
03323 ## yitshar {yits-hawr'} ; from 06671 ; oil (as producing light) ; figuratively , anointing :-- + anointed oil . ~~8844
06671 ## tsahar {tsaw-har'} ; a primitive root ; to glisten ; used only as denominative from 03323 , to press out oil :-- make oil . ~~12192
06672 ## tsohar {tso'- har} ; from 06671 ; a light (i . e . window) : dual double light , i . e . noon :-- midday , noon (- day ,-tide) , window . ~~12192
06889 ## Tsereth {tseh'- reth} ; perhaps from 06671 ; splendor ; Tsereth , an Israelite :-- Zereth . ~~12410
06672 ## tsohar {tso'- har} ; from 06671 ; a light (i . e . window) : dual double light , i . e . noon :-- midday , noon (- day ,-tide) , window . ~~12192
06673 ## tsav {tsav} ; or tsav {tsawv} ; from 06680 ; an injunction :-- commandment , precept . ~~12194
06674 ## tsow'{tso} ; or tso'{tso} ; from an unused root meaning to issue ; soiled (as if excrementitious) :-- filthy . ~~12194
06675 ## tsow'ah {tso-aw'} ; or tso'ah {tso-aw'} : feminine of 06674 ; excrement ; generally , dirt ; figuratively , pollution :-- dung , filth (- iness) . Marg . for 02716 . ~~12196
04163 ## mowtsa'ah {mo-tsaw-aw'} ; feminine of 04161 ; a family descent ; also a sewer [marg . ; compare 06675 ] :-- draught house ; going forth . ~~9684
06675 ## tsow'ah {tso-aw'} ; or tso'ah {tso-aw'} : feminine of 06674 ; excrement ; generally , dirt ; figuratively , pollution :-- dung , filth (- iness) . Marg . for 02716 . ~~12196
06676 ## tsavva'r (Aramaic) {tsav-var'} ; corresponding to 06677 :-- neck . ~~12196
06676 ## tsavva'r (Aramaic) {tsav-var'} ; corresponding to 06677 :-- neck . ~~12196
06677 ## tsavva'r {tsav-vawr'} ; or tsavvar (Nehemiah 3 : 5) {tsav-vawr'} ; or tsavvaron (Song of Solomon 4 : 9) {tsav-vaw-rone'} ; or (feminine) tsavva'rah (Micah 2 : 3) {tsav-vaw-raw'} ; intensively from 06696 in the sense of binding ; the back of the neck (as that on which burdens are bound) :-- neck . ~~12198
00760 ## 'Aram Tsobah {ar-am'tso-baw'} ; from 00758 and 06678 ; Aram of Tsoba (or Coele-Syria) :-- Aram-zobah . ~~6280
02578 ## Chamath Tsowbah {kham-ath'tso-baw'} ; from 02574 and 06678 ; Chamath of Tsobah ; Chamath-Tsobah ; probably the same as 02574 :-- Hamath-Zobah . ~~8098
06678 ## Tsowba'{tso-baw'} ; or Tsowbah {tso-baw'} ; or Tsobah {tso-baw'} ; from an unused root meaning to station ; a station ; Zoba or Zobah , a region of Syria :-- Zoba , Zobah . ~~12198
06717 ## Tsiyba'{tsee-baw'} ; from the same as 06678 ; station ; Tsiba , an Israelite :-- Ziba . ~~12238
04679 ## m@tsad {mets-ad'} ; or m@tsad {mets-awd'} ; or (feminine) m@tsadah {mets-aw-daw'} ; from 06679 ; a fastness (as a covert of ambush) :-- castle , fort , (strong) hold , munition . ~~10200
04685 ## matsowd {maw-tsode'} ; or (feminine) m@tsowdah {mets-o-daw'} ; or m@tsodah {mets-o-daw'} ; from 06679 ; a net (for capturing animals or fishes) :-also (by interchange for 04679) a fastness or (beseiging) tower :-- bulwark , hold , munition , net , snare . ~~10206
06679 ## tsuwd {tsood} ; a primitive root ; to lie alongside (i . e . in wait) ; by implication , to catch an animal (figuratively , men) ; (denominative from 06718) to victual (for a journey) :-- chase , hunt , sore , take (provision) . ~~12200
06718 ## tsayid {tsah'- yid} ; from a form of 06679 and meaning the same ; the chase ; also game (thus taken) ; (generally) lunch (especially for a journey) :-- X catcheth , food , X hunter , (that which he took in) hunting , venison , victuals . ~~12238
06721 ## Tsiydown {tsee-done'} ; or Tsiydon {tsee-done'} ; from 06679 in the sense of catching fish ; fishery ; Tsidon , the name of a son of Canaan , and of a place in Palestine :-- Sidon , Zidon . ~~12242
0668 - apopheugo {ap-of-yoo'-go}; from 0575 and 5343; (figuratively) to escape: -- escape. 668
04687 ## mitsvah {mits-vaw'} ; from 06680 ; a command , whether human or divine (collectively , the Law) :-- (which was) commanded (- ment) , law , ordinance , precept . ~~10208
06673 ## tsav {tsav} ; or tsav {tsawv} ; from 06680 ; an injunction :-- commandment , precept . ~~12194
06680 ## tsavah {tsaw-vaw'} ; a primitive root ; (intensively) to constitute , enjoin :-- appoint , (for-) bid , (give a) charge , (give a , give in , send with) command (- er ,-ment) , send a messenger , put , (set) in order . ~~12200
06716 ## tsiy {tsee} ; from 06680 ; a ship (as a fixture) :-- ship . ~~ 12236