06681 ## tsavach {tsaw-vakh'} ; a primitive root ; to screech (exultingly) :-- shout . ~~12202
06682 ## ts@vachah {tsev-aw-khaw'} ; from 06681 ; a screech (of anguish) :-- cry (- ing) . ~~12202
06682 ## ts@vachah {tsev-aw-khaw'} ; from 06681 ; a screech (of anguish) :-- cry (- ing) . ~~12202
04688 ## m@tsowlah {mets-o-law'} ; or m@tsolah {mets-o-law'} ; also m@tsuwlah {mets-oo-law'} ; or m@tsulah {mets-oo-law'} ; from the same as 06683 ; a deep place (of water or mud) :-- bottom , deep , depth . ~~10208
06683 ## tsuwlah {tsoo-law'} ; from an unused root meaning to sink : an abyss (of the sea) :-- deep . ~~12204
06684 ## tsuwm {tsoom} ; a primitive root ; to cover over (the mouth) , i . e . to fast :-- X at all , fast . ~~12204
06685 ## tsowm {tsome} ; or tsom {tsome} ; from from 06684 ; a fast :-- fast (- ing) . ~~12206
06685 ## tsowm {tsome} ; or tsom {tsome} ; from from 06684 ; a fast :-- fast (- ing) . ~~12206
06686 ## Tsaw` ar {tsoo-awr'} ; from 06819 ; small ; Tsuar , an Israelite :-- Zuar . ~~12206
06867 ## tsarebeth {tsaw-reh'- beth} ; from 06686 ; conflagration (of fire or disease) :-- burning , inflammation . ~~12388
06687 ## tsuwph {tsoof} ; a primitive root ; to overflow :-- (make to over-) flow , swim . ~~12208
06888 ## tsuwph {tsoof} ; from 06687 ; comb of honey (from dripping) :-- honeycomb . ~~12208
06851 ## tsaphtsaphah {tsaf-tsaw-faw'} ; from 06687 ; a willow (as growing in overflowed places) :-- willow tree . ~~12372
06689 ## Tsuwph {tsoof} ; or Tsowphay {tso-fah'- ee} ; or Tsiyph {tseef} ; from 06688 ; honey-comb ; Tsuph or Tsophai or Tsiph , the name of an Israelite and of a place in Palestine :-- Zophai , Zuph . ~~12210
06689 ## Tsuwph {tsoof} ; or Tsowphay {tso-fah'- ee} ; or Tsiyph {tseef} ; from 06688 ; honey-comb ; Tsuph or Tsophai or Tsiph , the name of an Israelite and of a place in Palestine :-- Zophai , Zuph . ~~12210
0669 - apophtheggomai {ap-of-theng'-om-ahee}; from 0575 and 5350; to enunciate plainly, i.e. declare: -- say, speak forth, utterance. 668
2187 - Ephraim {ef-rah-im'}; of Hebrew origin [0669 or better 6085]; Ephraim, a place in Palestine: -- Ephraim. 2186
06690 ## Tsowphach {tso-fakh'} ; from an unused root meaning to expand , breadth ; Tsophach , an Israelite :-- Zophah . ~~12210
06691 ## Tsowphar {tso-far'} ; from 06852 ; departing ; Tsophar , a friend of Job :-- Zophar . ~~12212
06692 ## tsuwts {tsoots} ; a primitive root ; to twinkle , i . e . glance ; by analogy , to blossom (figuratively , flourish) :-- bloom , blossom , flourish , shew self . ~~12212
06731 ## tsiyts {tseets} ; or tsits {tseets} ; from 06692 ; properly , glistening , i . e . a burnished plate ; also a flower (as bright-colored) ; a wing (as gleaming in the air) :-- blossom , flower , plate , wing . ~~12252
04689 ## matsowq {maw-tsoke'} ; from 06693 ; a narrow place , i . e . (abstractly and figuratively) confinement or disability :-- anguish , distress , straitness . ~~10210
04690 ## matsuwq {maw-tsook'} ; or matsuq {maw-tsook'} ; from 06693 ; something narrow , i . e . a column or hilltop :-- pillar , situate . ~~10210
06693 ## tsuwq {tsook} ; a primitive root ; to compress , i . e . (figuratively) oppress , distress :-- constrain , distress , lie sore , (op-) press (- or) , straiten . ~~12214
06694 ## tsuwq {tsook} ; a primitive root [identical with 06693 through the idea of narrowness (of orifice) ] ; to pour out , i . e . (figuratively) smelt , utter :-- be molten , pour . ~~12214
06695 ## tsowq {tsoke} ; or (feminine) tsuwqah {tsoo-kaw'} ; from 06693 ; a strait , i . e . (figuratively) distress :-- anguish , X troublous . ~~12216
06694 ## tsuwq {tsook} ; a primitive root [identical with 06693 through the idea of narrowness (of orifice) ] ; to pour out , i . e . (figuratively) smelt , utter :-- be molten , pour . ~~12214
02115 ## zuwr {zoor} ; a primitive root [compare 06695 ] ; to press together , tighten :-- close , rush , thrust together . ~~7636
06695 ## tsowq {tsoke} ; or (feminine) tsuwqah {tsoo-kaw'} ; from 06693 ; a strait , i . e . (figuratively) distress :-- anguish , X troublous . ~~12216
04692 ## matsowr {maw-tsore'} ; or matsuwr {maw-tsoor'} ; from 06696 ; something hemming in , i . e . (objectively) a mound (of besiegers) , (abstractly) a siege , (figuratively) distress ; or (subjectively) a fastness :-- besieged , bulwark , defence , fenced , fortress , siege , strong (hold) , tower . ~~10212
06677 ## tsavva'r {tsav-vawr'} ; or tsavvar (Nehemiah 3 : 5) {tsav-vawr'} ; or tsavvaron (Song of Solomon 4 : 9) {tsav-vaw-rone'} ; or (feminine) tsavva'rah (Micah 2 : 3) {tsav-vaw-raw'} ; intensively from 06696 in the sense of binding ; the back of the neck (as that on which burdens are bound) :-- neck . ~~12198
06696 ## tsuwr {tsoor} ; a primitive root ; to cramp , i . e . confine (in many applications , literally and figuratively , formative or hostile) :-- adversary , assault , beset , besiege , bind (up) , cast , distress , fashion , fortify , inclose , lay siege , put up in bags . ~~12216
06697 ## tsuwr {tsoor} ; or tsur {tsoor} ; from 06696 ; properly , a cliff (or sharp rock , as compressed) ; generally , a rock or boulder ; figuratively , a refuge ; also an edge (as precipitous) :-- edge , X (mighty) God (one) , rock , X sharp , stone , X strength , X strong . See also 01049 . ~~12218
06735 ## tsiyr {tseer} ; from 06696 ; a hinge (as pressed in turning) ; also a throe (as a phys . or mental pressure) ; also a herald or errand-doer (as constrained by the principal) :-- ambassador , hinge , messenger , pain , pang , sorrow . Compare 06736 . ~~12256
06864 ## tsor {tsore} ; from 06696 ; a stone (as if pressed hard or to a point) ; (by implication , of use) a knife :-- flint , sharp stone . ~~12384
00468 ## 'Eleytsuwr {el-ee-tsoor'} ; from 00410 and 06697 ; God of (the) rock ; Elitsur , an Israelite :-- Elizur . ~~5988
01049 ## Beyth Tsuwr {bayth tsoor'} ; from 01004 and 06697 ; house of (the) rock ; Beth-Tsur , a place in Palestine :-- Beth-zur . ~~6570
02521 ## Chelqath hats-Tsu-riym {khel-kath'hats-tsoo-reem'} ; from 02520 and the plural of 06697 , with the article inserted ; smoothness of the rocks ; Chelkath Hats-tsurim , a place in Palestine :-- Helkath-hazzurim . ~~8042
02906 ## tuwr (Aramaic) {toor} ; corresponding to 06697 ; a rock or hill :-- mountain . ~~8426
06301 ## P@dahtsuwr {ped-aw-tsoor'} ; from 06299 and 06697 ; a rock (i . e . God) has ransomed ; Pedahtsur , an Israelite :-- Pedahzur . ~~11822
06697 ## tsuwr {tsoor} ; or tsur {tsoor} ; from 06696 ; properly , a cliff (or sharp rock , as compressed) ; generally , a rock or boulder ; figuratively , a refuge ; also an edge (as precipitous) :-- edge , X (mighty) God (one) , rock , X sharp , stone , X strength , X strong . See also 01049 . ~~12218
06698 ## Tsuwr {tsoor} ; the same as 06697 ; rock ; Tsur , the name of a Midianite and of an Israelite :-- Zur . ~~12218
06699 ## tsuwrah {tsoo-raw'} ; feminine of 06697 ; a rock (Job 28 : 10) ; also a form (as if pressed out) :-- form , rock . ~~12220
06700 ## Tsuwriy'el {tsoo-ree-ale'} ; from 06697 and 00410 ; rock of God ; Tsuriel , an Israelite :-- Zuriel . ~~12220
06701 ## Tsuwriyshadday {tsoo-ree-shad-dah'- ee} ; from 06697 and 07706 ; rock of (the) Almighty ; Tsurishaddai , an Israelite :-- Zurishaddai . ~~12222
06698 ## Tsuwr {tsoor} ; the same as 06697 ; rock ; Tsur , the name of a Midianite and of an Israelite :-- Zur . ~~12218
06699 ## tsuwrah {tsoo-raw'} ; feminine of 06697 ; a rock (Job 28 : 10) ; also a form (as if pressed out) :-- form , rock . ~~12220
0670 - apophortizomai {ap-of-or-tid'-zom-ahee}; from 0575 and the middle voice of 5412; to unload: -- unlade. 670
06700 ## Tsuwriy'el {tsoo-ree-ale'} ; from 06697 and 00410 ; rock of God ; Tsuriel , an Israelite :-- Zuriel . ~~12220
06701 ## Tsuwriyshadday {tsoo-ree-shad-dah'- ee} ; from 06697 and 07706 ; rock of (the) Almighty ; Tsurishaddai , an Israelite :-- Zurishaddai . ~~12222
06702 ## tsuwth {tsooth} ; a primitive root ; to blaze :-- burn . ~~ 12222
06703 ## tsach {tsakh} ; from 06705 ; dazzling , i . e . sunny , bright , (figuratively) evident :-- clear , dry , plainly , white . ~~12224
06766 ## Tseltsach {tsel-tsakh'} ; from 06738 and 06703 ; clear shade ; Tseltsach , a place in Palestine :-- Zelzah . ~~12286
06704 ## tsicheh {tsee-kheh'} ; from an unused root meaning to glow ; parched :-- dried up . ~~12224
06727 ## Tsiycha'{tsee-khaw'} ; or Tsicha'{tsee-khaw'} ; as if feminine of 06704 ; drought ; Tsicha , the name of two Nethinim :-- Ziha . ~~12248
06703 ## tsach {tsakh} ; from 06705 ; dazzling , i . e . sunny , bright , (figuratively) evident :-- clear , dry , plainly , white . ~~12224
06705 ## tsachach {tsaw-khakh'} ; a primitive root ; to glare , i . e . be dazzling white :-- be whiter . ~~12226
06706 ## ts@chiyach {tsekh-ee'- akh} ; from 06705 ; glaring , i . e . exposed to the bright sun :-- higher place , top . ~~12226
06710 ## tsachtsachah {tsakh-tsaw-khaw'} ; from 06705 ; a dry place , i . e . desert :-- drought . ~~12230
06706 ## ts@chiyach {tsekh-ee'- akh} ; from 06705 ; glaring , i . e . exposed to the bright sun :-- higher place , top . ~~12226
06707 ## ts@chiychah {tsekh-ee-khaw'} ; feminine of 06706 ; a parched region , i . e . the desert :-- dry land . ~~12228
06708 ## ts@chiychiy {tsekh-ee-khee'} ; from 06706 ; bare spot , i . e . in the glaring sun :-- higher place . ~~12228
06707 ## ts@chiychah {tsekh-ee-khaw'} ; feminine of 06706 ; a parched region , i . e . the desert :-- dry land . ~~12228
06708 ## ts@chiychiy {tsekh-ee-khee'} ; from 06706 ; bare spot , i . e . in the glaring sun :-- higher place . ~~12228
06709 ## tsachanah {tsakh-an-aw'} ; from an unused root meaning to putrefy ; stench :-- ill savour . ~~12230
0671 - apochresis {ap-okh'-ray-sis}; from a compound of 0575 and 5530; the act of using up, i.e. consumption: -- using. 670
06710 ## tsachtsachah {tsakh-tsaw-khaw'} ; from 06705 ; a dry place , i . e . desert :-- drought . ~~12230
03327 ## Yitschaq {yits-khawk'} ; from 06711 ; laughter (i . e . mochery) ; Jitschak (or Isaac) , son of Abraham :-- Isaac . Compare 03446 . ~~8848
06711 ## tsachaq {tsaw-khak'} ; a primitive root ; to laugh outright (in merriment or scorn) ; by implication , to sport :-- laugh , mock , play , make sport . ~~12232
06712 ## ts@choq {tsekh-oke'} ; from 06711 ; laughter (in pleasure or derision) :-- laugh (- ed to scorn) . ~~12232
06712 ## ts@choq {tsekh-oke'} ; from 06711 ; laughter (in pleasure or derision) :-- laugh (- ed to scorn) . ~~12232
03328 ## Yitschar {yits-khar'} ; from the same as 06713 ; he will shine ; Jitschar , an Israelite :-- and Zehoar [from the margin ] . ~~8848
06713 ## tsachar {tsakh'- ar} ; from an unused root meaning to dazzle ; sheen , i . e . whiteness :-- white . ~~12234
06714 ## Tsochar {tso'- khar} ; from the same as 06713 ; whiteness ; Tsochar , the name of a Hittite and of an Israelite :-- Zohar . Compare 03328 . ~~12234
06715 ## tsachor {tsaw-khore'} ; from the same as 06713 ; white :-- white . ~~12236
06714 ## Tsochar {tso'- khar} ; from the same as 06713 ; whiteness ; Tsochar , the name of a Hittite and of an Israelite :-- Zohar . Compare 03328 . ~~12234
06715 ## tsachor {tsaw-khore'} ; from the same as 06713 ; white :-- white . ~~12236
06716 ## tsiy {tsee} ; from 06680 ; a ship (as a fixture) :-- ship . ~~ 12236
06717 ## Tsiyba'{tsee-baw'} ; from the same as 06678 ; station ; Tsiba , an Israelite :-- Ziba . ~~12238
06679 ## tsuwd {tsood} ; a primitive root ; to lie alongside (i . e . in wait) ; by implication , to catch an animal (figuratively , men) ; (denominative from 06718) to victual (for a journey) :-- chase , hunt , sore , take (provision) . ~~12200
06718 ## tsayid {tsah'- yid} ; from a form of 06679 and meaning the same ; the chase ; also game (thus taken) ; (generally) lunch (especially for a journey) :-- X catcheth , food , X hunter , (that which he took in) hunting , venison , victuals . ~~12238
06719 ## tsayad {tsah'- yawd} ; from the same as 06718 ; a huntsman :-- hunter . ~~12240
06720 ## tseydah {tsay-daw'} ; or tsedah {tsay-daw'} ; feminine of 06718 ; food :-- meat , provision , venison , victuals . ~~12240