06802 ## ts@nephah {tsen-ay-faw'} ; from 06801 ; a ball :-- X toss . ~~ 12322
06803 ## tsintseneth {tsin-tseh'- neth} ; from the same as 06791 ; a vase (probably a vial tapering at the top) :-- pot . ~~12324
06804 ## tsantarah {tsan-taw-raw'} ; probably from the same as 06794 ; a tube :-- pipe . ~~12324
06806 ## tsa` ad {tsah'- ad} ; from 06804 ; a pace or regular step :-- pace , step . ~~12326
04703 ## mits` ad {mits-awd'} ; from 06805 ; a step ; figuratively , companionship :-- going , step . ~~10224
06805 ## tsa` ad {tsaw-ad'} ; a primitive root ; to pace , i . e . step regularly ; (upward) to mount ; (along) to march ; (down and causatively) to hurl :-- bring , go , march (through) , run over . ~~12326
06806 ## tsa` ad {tsah'- ad} ; from 06804 ; a pace or regular step :-- pace , step . ~~12326
06807 ## ts@` adah {tseh-aw-daw'} ; feminine of 06806 ; a march ; (concretely) an (ornamental) ankle-chain :-- going , ornament of the legs . ~~12328
00685 ## 'ets` adah {ets-aw-daw'} ; a variation from 06807 ; properly , a step-chain ; by analogy , a bracelet :-- bracelet , chain . ~~6206
06807 ## ts@` adah {tseh-aw-daw'} ; feminine of 06806 ; a march ; (concretely) an (ornamental) ankle-chain :-- going , ornament of the legs . ~~12328
06808 ## tsa` ah {tsaw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to tip over (for the purpose of spilling or pouring out) , i . e . (figuratively) depopulate ; by implication , to imprison or conquer ; (reflexive) to lie down (for coitus) :-- captive exile , travelling , (cause to) wander (- er) . ~~12328
06809 ## tsa` iyph {tsaw-eef'} ; from an unused root meaning to wrap over ; a veil :-- vail . ~~12330
0381 - anapto {an-ap'-to}; from 0303 and 0681; to enkindle: -- kindle, light. 380
0680 - haptomai {hap'-tom-ahee}; reflexive of 0681; properly, to attach oneself to, i.e. to touch (in many implied relations): -- touch. 680
0681 - hapto {hap'-to}; a primary verb; properly, to fasten to, i.e. (specially) to set on fire: -- kindle, light. 680
06810 ## tsa` iyr {tsaw-eer'} ; or tsa` owr {tsaw-ore'} ; from 06819 ; little ; (in number) few ; (in age) young , (in value) ignoble :-- least , little (one) , small (one) , + young (- er ,-est) . ~~12330
06811 ## Tsa` iyr {tsaw-eer'} ; the same as 06810 ; Tsair , a place in Idumaea :-- Zair . ~~12332
06812 ## ts@` iyrah {tseh-ee-raw'} ; feminine of 06810 ; smallness (of age) , i . e . juvenility :-- youth . ~~12332
06811 ## Tsa` iyr {tsaw-eer'} ; the same as 06810 ; Tsair , a place in Idumaea :-- Zair . ~~12332
06812 ## ts@` iyrah {tseh-ee-raw'} ; feminine of 06810 ; smallness (of age) , i . e . juvenility :-- youth . ~~12332
06813 ## tsa` an {tsaw-an'} ; a primitive root ; to load up (beasts) , i . e . to migrate :-- be taken down . ~~12334
06815 ## Tsa` ananniym {tsah-an-an-neem'} ; or (dual) Tsa` anayim {tsah-an-ah'- yim} ; plural from 06813 ; removals ; Tsaanannim or Tsaanajim , a place in Palestine :-- Zaannannim , Zaanaim . ~~12336
06814 ## Tso` an {tso'- an} ; of Egyptian derivation ; Tsoan , a place in Egypt :-- Zoan . ~~12334
06815 ## Tsa` ananniym {tsah-an-an-neem'} ; or (dual) Tsa` anayim {tsah-an-ah'- yim} ; plural from 06813 ; removals ; Tsaanannim or Tsaanajim , a place in Palestine :-- Zaannannim , Zaanaim . ~~12336
06816 ## tsa` tsua` {tsah-tsoo'- ah} ; from an unused root meaning to bestrew with carvings ; sculpture :-- image [work ] . ~~12336
06817 ## tsa` aq {tsaw-ak'} ; a primitive root ; to shriek ; (by implication) to proclaim (an assembly) :-- X at all , call together , cry (out) , gather (selves) (together) . ~~12338
06818 ## tsa` aqah {tsah-ak-aw'} ; from 06817 ; a shriek :-- cry (- ing) . ~~12338
06818 ## tsa` aqah {tsah-ak-aw'} ; from 06817 ; a shriek :-- cry (- ing) . ~~12338
02191 ## ze` eyr {zeh-ayr'} ; from an unused root [akin (by permutation) to 06819 ] , meaning to dwindle ; small :-- little . ~~7712
04705 ## mits` ar {mits-awr'} ; from 06819 ; petty (in size or number) ; adverbially , a short (time) :-- little one (while) , small . ~~10226
06686 ## Tsaw` ar {tsoo-awr'} ; from 06819 ; small ; Tsuar , an Israelite :-- Zuar . ~~12206
06730 ## Tsiy` or {tsee-ore'} ; from 06819 ; small ; Tsior , a place in Palestine :-- Zior . ~~12250
06810 ## tsa` iyr {tsaw-eer'} ; or tsa` owr {tsaw-ore'} ; from 06819 ; little ; (in number) few ; (in age) young , (in value) ignoble :-- least , little (one) , small (one) , + young (- er ,-est) . ~~12330
06819 ## tsa` ar {tsaw-ar'} ; a primitive root ; to be small , i . e . (figuratively) ignoble :-- be brought low , little one , be small . ~~12340
06820 ## Tso` ar {tso'ar} ; from 06819 ; little ; Tsoar , a place East of the Jordan :-- Zoar . ~~12340
0682 - Apphia {ap-fee'-a}; probably of foreign origin; Apphia, a woman of Collosae: -- Apphia. 682
06820 ## Tso` ar {tso'ar} ; from 06819 ; little ; Tsoar , a place East of the Jordan :-- Zoar . ~~12340
06821 ## tsaphad {tsaw-fad'} ; a primitive root ; to adhere :-- cleave . ~~12342
04707 ## mitspeh {mits-peh'} ; from 06822 ; an observatory , especially for military purposes :-- watch tower . ~~10228
06822 ## tsaphah {tsaw-faw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to lean forward , i . e . to peer into the distance ; by implication , to observe , await :-- behold , espy , look up (well) , wait for , (keep the) watch (- man) . ~~12342
06823 ## tsaphah {tsaw-faw'} ; a primitive root [probably identical with 06822 through the idea of expansion in outlook , transferring to action ] ; to sheet over (especially with metal) :-- cover , overlay . ~~12344
06825 ## Ts@phow {tsef-o'} ; or Ts@phiy {tsef-ee'} ; from 06822 ; observant ; Tsepho or Tsephi , an Idumaean :-- Zephi , Zepho . ~~12346
06836 ## ts@phiyah {tsef-ee-yaw'} ; from 06822 ; watchfulness :-- watching . ~~12356
06837 ## Tsiphyown {tsif-yone'} ; from 06822 ; watch-tower ; Tsiphjon , an Israelite :-- Ziphion . Compare 06827 . ~~12358
06839 ## Tsophiym {tso-feem'} ; plural of active participle of 06822 ; watchers ; Tsophim , a place East of the Jordan :-- Zophim . ~~12360
06844 ## tsaphiyth {tsaw-feeth'} ; from 06822 ; a sentry :-- watchtower . ~~12364
06857 ## Ts@phath {tsef-ath'} ; from 06822 ; watch-tower ; Tsephath , a place in Palestine :-- Zephath . ~~12378
07436 ## Ramathayim Tsow-phiym {raw-maw-thah'- yim tso-feem'} ; from the dual of 07413 and the plural of the active participle of 06822 ; double height of watchers ; Ramathajim-Tsophim , a place in Palestine :-- Ramathaimzophim . ~~12956
06823 ## tsaphah {tsaw-faw'} ; a primitive root [probably identical with 06822 through the idea of expansion in outlook , transferring to action ] ; to sheet over (especially with metal) :-- cover , overlay . ~~12344
06824 ## tsaphah {tsaw-faw'} ; from 06823 ; an inundation (as covering) :-- X swimmest . ~~12344
06826 ## tsippuwy {tsip-poo'- ee} ; from 06823 ; encasement (with metal) :-- covering , overlaying . ~~12346
06824 ## tsaphah {tsaw-faw'} ; from 06823 ; an inundation (as covering) :-- X swimmest . ~~12344
06825 ## Ts@phow {tsef-o'} ; or Ts@phiy {tsef-ee'} ; from 06822 ; observant ; Tsepho or Tsephi , an Idumaean :-- Zephi , Zepho . ~~12346
06826 ## tsippuwy {tsip-poo'- ee} ; from 06823 ; encasement (with metal) :-- covering , overlaying . ~~12346
06827 ## Ts@phown {tsef-one'} ; probably for 06837 ; Tsephon , an Israelite :-- Zephon . ~~12348
06831 ## Ts@phowniy {tsef-o-nee'} ; patronymically from 06827 ; a Tsephonite , or (collectively) descendants of Tsephon :-- Zephonites . ~~12352
06837 ## Tsiphyown {tsif-yone'} ; from 06822 ; watch-tower ; Tsiphjon , an Israelite :-- Ziphion . Compare 06827 . ~~12358
01189 ## Ba` al Ts@phown {bah'- al tsef-one'} ; from 01168 and 06828 (in the sense of cold) [according to others an Egyptian form of Typhon , the destroyer ] ; Baal of winter ; Baal-Tsephon , a place in Eqypt :-- Baal-zephon . ~~6710
06828 ## tsaphown {tsaw-fone'} ; or tsaphon {tsaw-fone'} ; from 06845 ; properly , hidden , i . e . dark ; used only of the north as a quarter (gloomy and unknown) :-- north (- ern , side ,-ward , wind) . ~~12348
06829 ## Tsaphown {tsaw-fone'} ; the same as 06828 ; boreal ; Tsaphon , a place in Palestine :-- Zaphon . ~~12350
06830 ## ts@phowniy {tsef-o-nee'} ; from 06828 ; northern :-- northern . ~~12350
06829 ## Tsaphown {tsaw-fone'} ; the same as 06828 ; boreal ; Tsaphon , a place in Palestine :-- Zaphon . ~~12350
0683 - apotheomai {ap-o-theh'-om-ahee}; or apothomai {ap-o'-thom-ahee}; from 0575 and the middle voice of otheo or otho (to shove); to push off, figuratively, to reject: -- cast away, put away (from), thrust away (from). 682
06830 ## ts@phowniy {tsef-o-nee'} ; from 06828 ; northern :-- northern . ~~12350
06831 ## Ts@phowniy {tsef-o-nee'} ; patronymically from 06827 ; a Tsephonite , or (collectively) descendants of Tsephon :-- Zephonites . ~~12352
06832 ## ts@phuwa` {tsef-oo'- ah} ; from the same as 06848 ; excrement (as protruded) :-- dung . ~~12352
06833 ## tsippowr {tsip-pore'} ; or tsippor {tsip-pore'} ; from 06852 ; a little bird (as hopping) :-- bird , fowl , sparrow . ~~12354
06834 ## Tsippowr {tsip-pore'} ; the same as 06833 ; Tsippor , a Moabite :-- Zippor . ~~12354
06853 ## ts@phar (Aramaic) {tsef-ar'} ; corresponding to 06833 ; a bird .-- bird . ~~12374
06855 ## Tsipporah {tsip-po-raw'} ; feminine of 06833 ; bird ; Tsipporah , Moses'wife :-- Zipporah . ~~12376
06856 ## tsipporen {tsip-po'- ren} ; from 06852 (in the denominative sense [from 06833 ] of scratching) ; properly , a claw , i . e . (human) nail ; also the point of a style (or pen , tipped with adamant) :-- nail , point . ~~12376
06834 ## Tsippowr {tsip-pore'} ; the same as 06833 ; Tsippor , a Moabite :-- Zippor . ~~12354
06835 ## tsappachath {tsap-pakh'- ath} ; from an unused root meaning to expand ; a saucer (as flat) :-- cruse . ~~12356
06838 ## tsappiychith {tsap-pee-kheeth'} ; from the same as 06835 ; a flat thin cake :-- wafer . ~~12358
06836 ## ts@phiyah {tsef-ee-yaw'} ; from 06822 ; watchfulness :-- watching . ~~12356
06827 ## Ts@phown {tsef-one'} ; probably for 06837 ; Tsephon , an Israelite :-- Zephon . ~~12348
06837 ## Tsiphyown {tsif-yone'} ; from 06822 ; watch-tower ; Tsiphjon , an Israelite :-- Ziphion . Compare 06827 . ~~12358
06838 ## tsappiychith {tsap-pee-kheeth'} ; from the same as 06835 ; a flat thin cake :-- wafer . ~~12358
06839 ## Tsophiym {tso-feem'} ; plural of active participle of 06822 ; watchers ; Tsophim , a place East of the Jordan :-- Zophim . ~~12360
0684 - apoleia {ap-o'-li-a}; from a presumed derivative of 0622; ruin or loss (physical, spiritual or eternal): -- damnable(-nation), destruction, die, perdition, X perish, pernicious ways, waste. 684
06840 ## tsaphiyn {tsaw-feen'} ; from 06845 ; a treasure (as hidden) :-- hid . ~~12360
06841 ## ts@phiyr (Aramaic) {tsef-eer'} ; corresponding to 06842 ; a he-goat :-- he [goat ] . ~~12362
06841 ## ts@phiyr (Aramaic) {tsef-eer'} ; corresponding to 06842 ; a he-goat :-- he [goat ] . ~~12362
06842 ## tsaphiyr {tsaw-feer'} ; from 06852 ; a male goat (as prancing) :-- (he) goat . ~~12362
06843 ## ts@phiyrah {tsef-ee-raw'} ; feminine formed like 06842 ; a crown (as encircling the head) ; also a turn of affairs (i . e . mishap) :-- diadem , morning . ~~12364