4721 - stege {steg'-ay}; strengthened from a primary tegos (a "thatch" or "deck" of a building); a roof: -- roof. 4618
02050 ## hathath'{haw-thath'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to break in upon , i . e . to assail :-- imagine mischief . ~~7570
02865 ## chathath {khaw-thath'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to prostrate ; hence , to break down , either (literally) by violence , or (figuratively) by confusion and fear :-- abolish , affright , be (make) afraid , amaze , beat down , discourage , (cause to) dismay , go down , scare , terrify . ~~8386
03807 ## kathath {kaw-thath'} ; a primitive root ; to bruise or violently strike :-- beat (down , to pieces) , break in pieces , crushed , destroy , discomfit , smite , stamp . ~~9328
04366 ## Mikm@thath {mik-meth-awth'} ; apparently from an unused root meaning to hide ; concealment ; Mikmethath , a place in Palestine :-- Michmethath . ~~9886
06626 ## pathath {paw-thath'} ; a primitive root ; to open , i . e . break :-- participle ~~12146
08371 ## shathath {shaw-thath'} ; a primitive root ; to place , i . e . array ; reflex . to lie :-- be laid , set . ~~13892
05422 ## nathats {naw-thats'} ; a primitive root ; to tear down :-- beat down , break down (out) , cast down , destroy , overthrow , pull down , throw down . ~~10942
2295 - thauma {thos'-mah}; apparently from a form of 2300; wonder (properly concrete; but by implication, abstractly): -- admiration. 2294
2297 - thaumasios {thow-mas'-ee-os}; from 2295; wondrous, i.e. (neuter as noun) a miracle: -- wonderful thing. 2296
2298 - thaumastos {thow-mas-tos'}; from 2296; wondered at, i.e. (by implication) wonderful: -- marvel(-lous). 2298
2296 - thaumazo {thou-mad'-zo}; from 2295; by implication, to admire: -- admire, have in admiration, marvel, wonder. 2296
05638 ## c@thav {seth-awv'} ; from an unused root meaning to hide ; winter (as the dark season) :-- winter . ~~11158
00005 ## > Abagtha > {ab-ag-thaw'} ; of foreign origin ; Abagtha , a eunuch of Xerxes :-- Abagtha . ~~5526
00133 ## 'Admatha'{ad-maw-thaw'} ; probably of Persian derivation : Admatha , a Persian nobleman :-- Admatha . ~~5654
00307 ## 'Achm@tha'{akh-me-thaw'} ; of Persian derivation ; Achmetha (i . e . Ecbatana) , the summer capital of Persia :-- Achmetha . ~~5828
00388 ## 'Eythaniym {ay-thaw-neem'} ; plural of 00386 ; always with the article ; the permanent brooks ; Ethanim , the name of a month :-- Ethanim . ~~5908
00448 ## 'Eliy'athah {el-ee-aw-thaw'} ; or (contraction)'Eliyathah {el-ee-yaw-thaw'} ; from 00410 and 00225 ; God of (his) consent ; Eliathah , an Israelite :-- Eliathah . ~~5968
00448 ## 'Eliy'athah {el-ee-aw-thaw'} ; or (contraction)'Eliyathah {el-ee-yaw-thaw'} ; from 00410 and 00225 ; God of (his) consent ; Eliathah , an Israelite :-- Eliathah . ~~5968
00630 ## 'Acpatha'{as-paw-thaw'} ; of Persian derivation ; Aspatha , a son of Haman :-- Aspatha . ~~6150
00672 ## 'Ephraath {ef-rawth'} ; or'Ephrathah {ef-raw'- thaw} ; from 06509 ; fruitfulness ; Ephrath , another name for Bethlehem ; once (Psa . 00132 : 6) perhaps for Ephraim ; also of an Israelitish woman :-- Ephrath , Ephratah . ~~6192
00743 ## 'Ariydatha'{ar-ee-daw-thaw'} ; of Persian origin ; Aridatha , a son of Haman :-- Aridatha . ~~6264
00857 ## 'athah {aw-thaw'} ; or'atha'{aw-thaw'} ; a primitive root [collateral to 00225 contraction ] ; to arrive :-- (be-, things to) come (upon) , bring . ~~6378
00857 ## 'athah {aw-thaw'} ; or'atha'{aw-thaw'} ; a primitive root [collateral to 00225 contraction ] ; to arrive :-- (be-, things to) come (upon) , bring . ~~6378
00858 ## 'athah (Aramaic) {aw-thaw'} ; or'atha'(Aramaic) {aw-thaw'} ; corresponding to 00857 :-- (be-) come , bring . ~~6378
00858 ## 'athah (Aramaic) {aw-thaw'} ; or'atha'(Aramaic) {aw-thaw'} ; corresponding to 00857 :-- (be-) come , bring . ~~6378
00903 ## Bigtha'{big-thaw'} ; of Persian derivation ; Bigtha , a eunuch of Xerxes :-- Bigtha . ~~6424
00904 ## Bigthan {big-thawn'} ; or Bigthana'{big-thaw'naw} ; of similar derivation to 00903 ; Bigthan or Bigthana , a eunuch of Xerxes :-- Bigthan , Bigthana . ~~6424
00968 ## Biztha'{biz-thaw'} ; of Persian origin ; Biztha , a eunuch of Xerxes :-- Biztha . ~~6488
01205 ## b@` athah {beh-aw-thaw'} ; from 01204 ; fear :-- trouble . ~~ 6726
01268 ## Berowthah {bay-ro-thaw'} ; or Berothay {bay-ro-that'- ee} ; probably from 01266 ; cypress or cypresslike ; Berothah or Berothai , a place north of Palestine :-- Berothah , Berothai . ~~6788
01326 ## bathah {baw-thaw'} ; probably an orthographical variation for 01327 ; desolation :-- waste . ~~6846
02055 ## Vay@zatha'{vah-yez-aw'- thaw} ; of foreign origin ; Vajezatha , a son of Haman :-- Vajezatha . ~~7576
02846 ## chathah {khaw-thaw'} ; a primitive root ; to lay hold of ; especially to pick up fire :-- heap , take (away) . ~~8366
03026 ## Y@gar Sahaduwtha'(Aramaic) {yegar'sah-had-oo-thaw'} ; from a word derived from an unused root (meaning to gather) and a derivation of a root corresponding to 07717 ; heap of the testimony ; Jegar-Sahadutha , a cairn East of the Jordan :-- Jegar-Sahadutha . ~~8546
03193 ## Yotbathah {yot-baw'- thaw} ; from 03192 ; Jotbathah , a place in the Desert :-- Jotbath , Jotbathah . ~~8714
03575 ## Kuwth {kooth} ; or (feminine) Kuwthah {koo-thaw'} ; of foreign origin ; Cuth or Cuthah , a province of Assyria :-- Cuth . ~~9096
03613 ## Kaleb'Ephrathah {kaw-labe'ef-raw'- thaw} ; from 03612 and 00672 ; Caleb-Ephrathah , a place in Egypt (if the text is correct) :-- Caleb-ephrathah . ~~9134
04099 ## M@datha {med-aw-thaw'} ; of Persian origin ; Medatha , the father of Haman :-- Hammedatha [including the article ] . ~~9620
05792 ## ` avvathah {av-vaw-thaw'} ; from 05791 ; oppression :-- wrong . ~~11312
05963 ## ` Almon Diblathay@mah {al-mone'dib-law-thaw'- yem-aw} ; from the same as 05960 and the dual of 01690 [compare 01015 ] with enclitic of direction ; Almon towards Diblathajim ; Almon-Diblathajemah , a place in Moab :-- Almon-dilathaim . ~~11484
06334 ## Powratha'{po-raw-thaw'} ; of Persian origin ; Poratha , a son of Haman :-- Poratha . ~~11854
06577 ## Parshandatha'{par-shan-daw-thaw'} ; of Persian origin ; Parshandatha , a son of Haman :-- Parshandatha . ~~12098
06596 ## poth {pohth} ; or pothah (Ezek . 13 : 19) {po-thaw'} ; from an unused root meaning to open ; a hole , i . e . hinge or the female pudenda :-- hinge , secret participle ~~12116
06601 ## pathah {paw-thaw'} ; a primitive root ; to open , i . e . be (causatively , make) roomy ; usually figuratively (in a mental or moral sense) to be (causatively , make) simple or (in a sinister way) delude :-- allure , deceive , enlarge , entice , flatter , persuade , silly (one) . ~~12122
06859 ## Ts@phathah {tsef-aw'- thaw} ; the same as 06857 ; Tsephathah , a place in Palestine :-- Zephathah . ~~12380
06868 ## Ts@redah {tser-ay-daw'} ; or Ts@redathah {tser-ay-daw'- thaw} ; apparently from an unused root meaning to pierce ; puncture ; Tseredah , a place in Palestine :-- Zereda , Zeredathah . ~~12388
06954 ## Q@helathah {keh-hay-law'- thaw} ; from 06950 ; convocation ; Kehelathah , a place in the Desert :-- Kehelathah . ~~12474
07030 ## qiytharoc (Aramaic) {kee-thaw-roce'} ; of Greek origin ; a lyre :-- harp . ~~12550
08354 ## shathah {shaw-thaw'} ; a primitive root ; to imbibe (literally or figuratively) :-- X assuredly , banquet , X certainly , drink (- er ,-ing) , drunk (X-ard) , surely . [Prop . intensive of 08248 . ] ~~13876
08356 ## shathah {shaw-thaw'} ; from 07896 ; a basis , i . e . (figuratively) political or moral support :-- foundation , purpose . ~~13878
08357 ## shethah {shay-thaw'} ; from 07896 ; the seat (of the person) :-- buttock . ~~13878
08532 ## t@lath (Aramaic) {tel-awth'} ; masculine t@lathah (Aramaic) {tel-aw-thaw'} ; or t@latha'(Aramaic) {tel-aw-thaw'} ; corresponding to 07969 ; three or third :-- third , three . ~~14054
08532 ## t@lath (Aramaic) {tel-awth'} ; masculine t@lathah (Aramaic) {tel-aw-thaw'} ; or t@latha'(Aramaic) {tel-aw-thaw'} ; corresponding to 07969 ; three or third :-- third , three . ~~14054
08546 ## t@muwthah {tem-oo-thaw'} ; from 04191 ; execution (as a doom) :-- death , die . ~~14068
08660 ## Tirshatha'{teer-shaw-thaw'} ; of foreign derivation ; the title of a Persian deputy or governor :-- Tirshatha . ~~14182
03791 ## kathab {kaw-thawb'} ; from 03789 ; something written , i . e . a writing , record or book :-- register , scripture , writing . ~~9312
04988 ## mathaq {maw-thawk'} ; from 04985 ; a dainty , i . e . (generally) food :-- feed sweetly . ~~10508
06277 ## ` athaq {aw-thawk'} ; from 06275 in the sense of license ; impudent :-- arrogancy , grievous (hard) things , stiff . ~~11798
08455 ## towthach {to-thawkh'} ; from an unused root meaning to smite ; a club :-- darts . ~~13976
00864 ## 'Etham {ay-thawm'} ; of Egyptian derivation ; Etham , a place in the Desert :-- Etham . ~~6384
0224l ## Zetham {zay-thawm'} ; apparently a variation for 02133 ; Zetham , an Israelite :-- Zetham . ~~7762
02368 ## chowtham {kho-thawm'} ; or chotham {kho-thawm'} ; from 02856 ; a signature-ring :-- seal , signet . ~~7888
02368 ## chowtham {kho-thawm'} ; or chotham {kho-thawm'} ; from 02856 ; a signature-ring :-- seal , signet . ~~7888
02369 ## Chowtham {kho-thawm'} ; the same as 02368 ; seal ; Chotham , the name of two Israelites :-- Hotham , Hothan . ~~7890
03147 ## Yowtham {yo-thawm'} ; from 03068 and 08535 ; Jehovah (is) perfect ; Jotham , the name of three Israelites :-- Jotham . ~~8668
04283 ## mochorath {mokh-or-awth'} ; or mochoratham (1 Sam . 30 : 17) {mokh-or-aw-thawm'} ; feminine from the same as 04279 ; the morrow or (adverbially) tomorrow :-- morrow , next day . ~~9804
00386 ## 'eythan {ay-thawn'} ; or (shortened)'ethan {ay-thawn'} ; from an unused root (meaning to continue) ; permanence ; hence (concrete) permanent ; specifically a chieftain :-- hard , mighty , rough , strength , strong . ~~5906
00386 ## 'eythan {ay-thawn'} ; or (shortened)'ethan {ay-thawn'} ; from an unused root (meaning to continue) ; permanence ; hence (concrete) permanent ; specifically a chieftain :-- hard , mighty , rough , strength , strong . ~~5906
00387 ## 'Eythan {ay-thawn'} ; the same as 00386 ; permanent ; Ethan , the name of four Israelites :-- Ethan . ~~5908
00494 ## 'Elnathan {el-naw-thawn'} ; from 00410 and 05414 ; God (is the) giver ; Elnathan , the name of four Israelites :-- Elnathan . ~~6014
00904 ## Bigthan {big-thawn'} ; or Bigthana'{big-thaw'naw} ; of similar derivation to 00903 ; Bigthan or Bigthana , a eunuch of Xerxes :-- Bigthan , Bigthana . ~~6424
01055 ## biythan {bee-thawn'} ; probably from 01004 ; a palace (i . e . large house) :-- palace . ~~6576
01885 ## Dathan {daw-thawn'} ; of uncertain derivation ; Dathan , an Israelite :-- Dathan . ~~7406
01886 ## Dothan {do'- thawn} ; or (Aramaic dual) Dothayin (Gen . 37 : 17) {do-thah'- yin} ; of uncertain derivation ; Dothan , a place in Palestine :-- Dothan . ~~7406
02133 ## Zeythan {zay-thawn'} ; from 02132 ; olive grove ; Zethan , an Israelite :-- Zethan . ~~7654
02860 ## chathan {khaw-thawn'} ; from 02859 ; a relative by marriage (especially through the bride) ; figuratively , a circumcised child (as a species of religious espousal) :-- bridegroom , husband , son in law . ~~8380
03083 ## Y@hownathan {yeh-ho-naw-thawn'} ; from 03068 and 05414 ; Jehovah-given ; Jehonathan , the name of four Israelites :-- Jonathan . Compare 03129 . ~~8604
03129 ## Yownathan {yo-naw-thawn'} ; a form of 03083 ; Jonathan , the name of ten Israelites :-- Jonathan . ~~8650
03882 ## livyathan {liv-yaw-thawn'} ; from 03867 ; a wreathed animal , i . e . a serpent (especially the crocodile or some other large sea-monster) ; figuratively , the constellation of the dragon ; also as a symbol of Bab . :-- leviathan , mourning . ~~9402
05416 ## Nathan {naw-thawn'} ; from 05414 ; given ; Nathan , the name of five Israelites :-- Nathan . ~~10936