07139 ## qarach {kaw-rakh'} ; a primitive root ; to depilate :-- make (self) bald . ~~12660
07140 ## qerach {keh'- rakh} ; or qorach {ko'- rakh} ; from 07139 ; ice (as if bald , i . e . smooth) ; hence , hail ; by resemblance , rock crystal :-- crystal , frost , ice . ~~12660
07141 ## Qorach {ko'rakh} ; from 07139 ; ice ; Korach , the name of two Edomites and three Israelites :-- Korah . ~~12662
07142 ## qereach {kay-ray'- akh} ; from 07139 ; bald (on the back of the head) :-- bald (head) . ~~12662
07143 ## Qareach {kaw-ray'- akh} ; from 07139 ; bald ; Kareach , an Israelite :-- Careah , Kareah . ~~12664
07144 ## qorchah {kor-khaw'} ; or qorcha'(Ezek . 27 : 31) {kor-khaw'} ; from 07139 ; baldness :-- bald (- ness) , X utterly . ~~12664
07146 ## qarachath {kaw-rakh'- ath} ; from 07139 ; a bald spot (on the back of the head) ; figuratively , a threadbare spot (on the back side of the cloth) :-- bald head , bare within . ~~12666
0713 - arketos {ar-ket-os'}; from 0714; satisfactory: -- enough, suffice(-ient). 712
0714 - arkeo {ar-keh'-o}; apparently a primary verb [but probably akin to 0142 through the idea of raising a barrier]; properly, to ward off, i.e. (by implication) to avail (figuratively, be satisfactory): -- be content, be enough, suffice, be sufficient. 714
0715 - arktos {ark'-tos}; probably from 0714; a bear (as obstructing by ferocity): -- bear. 714
0842 - autarkes {ow-tar'-kace}; from 0846 and 0714; self-complacent, i.e. contented: -- content. 842
1884 - eparkeo {ep-ar-keh'-o}; from 1909 and 0714; to avail for, i.e. help: -- relieve. 1884
07140 ## qerach {keh'- rakh} ; or qorach {ko'- rakh} ; from 07139 ; ice (as if bald , i . e . smooth) ; hence , hail ; by resemblance , rock crystal :-- crystal , frost , ice . ~~12660
07141 ## Qorach {ko'rakh} ; from 07139 ; ice ; Korach , the name of two Edomites and three Israelites :-- Korah . ~~12662
07145 ## Qorchiy {kor-khee'} ; patronymic from 07141 ; a Korchite (collectively) or descendants of Korach :-- Korahite , Korathite , sons of Kore , Korhite . ~~12666
07142 ## qereach {kay-ray'- akh} ; from 07139 ; bald (on the back of the head) :-- bald (head) . ~~12662
07143 ## Qareach {kaw-ray'- akh} ; from 07139 ; bald ; Kareach , an Israelite :-- Careah , Kareah . ~~12664
07144 ## qorchah {kor-khaw'} ; or qorcha'(Ezek . 27 : 31) {kor-khaw'} ; from 07139 ; baldness :-- bald (- ness) , X utterly . ~~12664
07145 ## Qorchiy {kor-khee'} ; patronymic from 07141 ; a Korchite (collectively) or descendants of Korach :-- Korahite , Korathite , sons of Kore , Korhite . ~~12666
07146 ## qarachath {kaw-rakh'- ath} ; from 07139 ; a bald spot (on the back of the head) ; figuratively , a threadbare spot (on the back side of the cloth) :-- bald head , bare within . ~~12666
07147 ## q@riy {ker-ee'} ; from 07136 ; hostile encounter :-- contrary . ~~12668
07148 ## qariy'{kaw-ree'} ; from 07121 ; called , i . e . select :-- famous , renowned . ~~12668
07149 ## qirya'(Aramaic) {keer-yaw'} ; or qiryah (Aramaic) {keer-yaw'} ; corresponding to 07151 :-- city . ~~12670
0715 - arktos {ark'-tos}; probably from 0714; a bear (as obstructing by ferocity): -- bear. 714
07150 ## q@riy'ah {ker-ee-aw'} ; from 07121 ; a proclamation :-- preaching . ~~12670
07149 ## qirya'(Aramaic) {keer-yaw'} ; or qiryah (Aramaic) {keer-yaw'} ; corresponding to 07151 :-- city . ~~12670
07151 ## qiryah {kir-yaw'} ; from 07136 in the sense of flooring , i . e . building ; a city :-- city . ~~12672
07152 ## Q@riyowth {ker-ee-yoth'} ; plural of 07151 ; buildings ; Kerioth , the name of two places in Palestine :-- Kerioth , Kirioth . ~~12672
07153 ## Qiryath` Arba` {keer-yath'ar-bah'} ; or (with the article interposed) Qiryath ha-'Arba` (Neh . 11 : 25) {keer-yath'haw-ar-bah'} ; from 07151 and 00704 or 00702 ; city of Arba , or city of the four (giants) ; Kirjath-Arba or Kirjath-ha-Arba , a place in Palestine :-- Kirjath-arba . ~~12674
07154 ## Qiryath Ba` al {keer-yath'bah'- al} ; from 07151 and 01168 ; city of Baal ; Kirjath-Baal , a place in Palestine :-- Kirjath-baal . ~~12674
07155 ## Qiryath Chutsowth {keer-yath'khoo-tsoth'} ; from 07151 and the feminine plural of 02351 ; city of streets ; Kirjath-Chutsoth , a place in Moab :-- Kirjath-huzoth . ~~12676
07156 ## Qiryathayim {keer-yaw-thah'- yim} ; dual of 07151 ; double city ; Kirjathaim , the name of two placed in Palestine :-- Kiriathaim , Kirjathaim . ~~12676
07157 ## Qiryath Y@` ariym {keer-yath'yeh-aw-reem'} ; or (Jer . 26 : 20) with the article interposed ; or (Josh . 18 : 28) simply the former part of the word ; or Qiryath` Ariym {keer-yath'aw-reem'} ; from 07151 and the plural of 03293 or 05892 ; city of forests , or city of towns ; Kirjath-Jearim or Kirjath-Arim , a place in Palestine :-- Kirjath , Kirjath-jearim , Kirjath-arim . ~~12678
07158 ## Qiryath Cannah {keer-yath'san-naw'} ; or Qiryath Cepher {keer-yath'say-fer} ; from 07151 and a simpler feminine from the same as 05577 , or (for the latter name) 05612 ; city of branches , or of a book ; Kirjath-Sannah or Kirjath-Sepher , a place in Palestine :-- Kirjath-sannah , Kirjath-sepher . ~~12678
07741 ## Shaveh Qiryathayim {shaw-vay'kir-yaw-thah'- yim} ; from the same as 07740 and the dual of 07151 ; plain of a double city ; Shaveh-Kirjathajim , a place East of the Jordan :-- Shaveh Kiriathaim . ~~13262
07152 ## Q@riyowth {ker-ee-yoth'} ; plural of 07151 ; buildings ; Kerioth , the name of two places in Palestine :-- Kerioth , Kirioth . ~~12672
07153 ## Qiryath` Arba` {keer-yath'ar-bah'} ; or (with the article interposed) Qiryath ha-'Arba` (Neh . 11 : 25) {keer-yath'haw-ar-bah'} ; from 07151 and 00704 or 00702 ; city of Arba , or city of the four (giants) ; Kirjath-Arba or Kirjath-ha-Arba , a place in Palestine :-- Kirjath-arba . ~~12674
07154 ## Qiryath Ba` al {keer-yath'bah'- al} ; from 07151 and 01168 ; city of Baal ; Kirjath-Baal , a place in Palestine :-- Kirjath-baal . ~~12674
07155 ## Qiryath Chutsowth {keer-yath'khoo-tsoth'} ; from 07151 and the feminine plural of 02351 ; city of streets ; Kirjath-Chutsoth , a place in Moab :-- Kirjath-huzoth . ~~12676
07156 ## Qiryathayim {keer-yaw-thah'- yim} ; dual of 07151 ; double city ; Kirjathaim , the name of two placed in Palestine :-- Kiriathaim , Kirjathaim . ~~12676
03297 ## Y@` ariym {yeh-aw-reem'} ; plural of 03293 ; forests ; Jearim , a place in Palestine :-- Jearim . Compare 07157 . ~~8818
07157 ## Qiryath Y@` ariym {keer-yath'yeh-aw-reem'} ; or (Jer . 26 : 20) with the article interposed ; or (Josh . 18 : 28) simply the former part of the word ; or Qiryath` Ariym {keer-yath'aw-reem'} ; from 07151 and the plural of 03293 or 05892 ; city of forests , or city of towns ; Kirjath-Jearim or Kirjath-Arim , a place in Palestine :-- Kirjath , Kirjath-jearim , Kirjath-arim . ~~12678
07158 ## Qiryath Cannah {keer-yath'san-naw'} ; or Qiryath Cepher {keer-yath'say-fer} ; from 07151 and a simpler feminine from the same as 05577 , or (for the latter name) 05612 ; city of branches , or of a book ; Kirjath-Sannah or Kirjath-Sepher , a place in Palestine :-- Kirjath-sannah , Kirjath-sepher . ~~12678
07159 ## qaram {kaw-ram'} ; a primitive root ; to cover :-- cover . ~~ 12680
0716 - harma {har'-mah}; probably from 0142 [perhaps with 0001 (as a particle of union) prefixed]; a chariot (as raised or fitted together [compare 0719]): -- chariot. 716
0719 - harmos {har-mos'}; from the same as 0716; an articulation (of the body): -- joint. 718
07160 ## qaran {kaw-ran'} ; a primitive root ; to push or gore ; used only as denominative from 07161 , to shoot out horns ; figuratively , rays :-- have horns , shine . ~~12680
07161 ## qeren {keh'- ren} ; from 07160 ; a horn (as projecting) ; by implication , a flask , cornet ; by resembl . an elephant's tooth (i . e . ivory) , a corner (of the altar) , a peak (of a mountain) , a ray (of light) ; figuratively , power :-- X hill , horn . ~~12682
06255 ## ` Asht@roth Qarnayim {ash-ter-oth'kar-nah'- yim} ; from 06252 and the dual of 07161 ; Ashtaroth of (the) double horns (a symbol of the deity) ; Ashteroth-Karnaim , a place East of the Jordan :-- Ashtoreth Karnaim . ~~11776
07160 ## qaran {kaw-ran'} ; a primitive root ; to push or gore ; used only as denominative from 07161 , to shoot out horns ; figuratively , rays :-- have horns , shine . ~~12680
07161 ## qeren {keh'- ren} ; from 07160 ; a horn (as projecting) ; by implication , a flask , cornet ; by resembl . an elephant's tooth (i . e . ivory) , a corner (of the altar) , a peak (of a mountain) , a ray (of light) ; figuratively , power :-- X hill , horn . ~~12682
07162 ## qeren (Aramaic) {keh'- ren} ; corresponding to 07161 ; a horn (literally or for sound) :-- horn , cornet . ~~12682
07163 ## qeren hap-puwk {keh'- ren hap-pook'} ; from 07161 and 06320 ; horn of cosmetic ; Keren-hap-Puk , one of Job's daughters :-- Keren-happuch . ~~12684
07162 ## qeren (Aramaic) {keh'- ren} ; corresponding to 07161 ; a horn (literally or for sound) :-- horn , cornet . ~~12682
07163 ## qeren hap-puwk {keh'- ren hap-pook'} ; from 07161 and 06320 ; horn of cosmetic ; Keren-hap-Puk , one of Job's daughters :-- Keren-happuch . ~~12684
03770 ## k@res {ker-ace'} ; by variation from 07164 ; the paunch or belly (as swelling out) :-- belly . ~~9290
07164 ## qarac {kaw-ras'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to protrude ; used only as denominative from 07165 (for alliteration with 07167) , to hunch , i . e . be hump-backed :-- stoop . ~~12684
07165 ## qerec {keh'- res} ; from 07164 ; a knob or belaying-pin (from its swelling form) :-- tache . ~~12686
07166 ## qarcol {kar-sole'} ; from 07164 ; an ankle (as a protuberance or joint) :-- foot . ~~12686
07164 ## qarac {kaw-ras'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to protrude ; used only as denominative from 07165 (for alliteration with 07167) , to hunch , i . e . be hump-backed :-- stoop . ~~12684
07165 ## qerec {keh'- res} ; from 07164 ; a knob or belaying-pin (from its swelling form) :-- tache . ~~12686
07026 ## Qeyroc {kay-roce'} ; or Qeroc {kay-roce'} ; from the same as 07166 ; ankled ; Keros , one of the Nethinim :-- Keros . ~~12546
07166 ## qarcol {kar-sole'} ; from 07164 ; an ankle (as a protuberance or joint) :-- foot . ~~12686
07086 ## q@` arah {keh-aw-raw'} ; probably from 07167 ; a bowl (as cut out hollow) :-- charger , dish . ~~12606
07164 ## qarac {kaw-ras'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to protrude ; used only as denominative from 07165 (for alliteration with 07167) , to hunch , i . e . be hump-backed :-- stoop . ~~12684
07167 ## qara` {kaw-rah'} ; a primitive root ; to rend , literally or figuratively (revile , paint the eyes , as if enlarging them) :-- cut out , rend , X surely , tear . ~~12688
07168 ## qera` {keh'- rah} ; from 07167 ; a rag :-- piece , rag . ~~ 12688
07172 ## qarqa` {kar-kah'} ; from 07167 ; floor (as if a pavement of pieces or tesseroe) , of a building or the sea :-- bottom , (X one side of the) floor . ~~12692
07168 ## qera` {keh'- rah} ; from 07167 ; a rag :-- piece , rag . ~~ 12688
07169 ## qarats {kaw-rats'} ; a primitive root ; to pinch , i . e . (partially) to bite the lips , blink the eyes (as a gesture of malice) , or (fully) to squeeze off (a piece of clay in order to mould a vessel from it) :-- form , move , wink . ~~12690
07171 ## qerets {keh'- rets} ; from 07169 ; extirpation (as if by constriction) :-- destruction . ~~12692
0717 - Armageddon {ar-mag-ed-dohn'}; of Hebrew origin [2022 and 4023]; Armageddon (or Har-Meggiddon), a symbol. name: -- Armageddon. 716
07170 ## q@rats (Aramaic) {ker-ats'} ; corresponding to 07171 in the sense of a bit (to " eat the morsels of " any one , i . e . chew him up [figuratively ] by slander) :-- + accuse . ~~12690
07170 ## q@rats (Aramaic) {ker-ats'} ; corresponding to 07171 in the sense of a bit (to " eat the morsels of " any one , i . e . chew him up [figuratively ] by slander) :-- + accuse . ~~12690
07171 ## qerets {keh'- rets} ; from 07169 ; extirpation (as if by constriction) :-- destruction . ~~12692
07172 ## qarqa` {kar-kah'} ; from 07167 ; floor (as if a pavement of pieces or tesseroe) , of a building or the sea :-- bottom , (X one side of the) floor . ~~12692
07173 ## Qarqa` {kar-kah'} ; the same as 07172 ; ground-floor ; Karka (with the article prefix) , a place in Palestine :-- Karkaa . ~~12694