03503 ## Yithrow {yith-ro'} ; from 03499 withpron . suffix ; his excellence ; Jethro , Moses'father-in-law :-- Jethro . Compare 03500 . ~~9024
0436 - anthistemi {anth-is'-tay-mee}; from 0473 and 2476; to stand against, i.e. oppose: -- resist, withstand. 436
0478 - antikathistemi {an-tee-kath-is'-tay-mee}; from 0473 and 2525; to set down (troops) against, i.e. withstand: -- resist. 478
2967 - koluo {ko-loo'-o}; from the base of 2849; to estop, i.e. prevent (by word or act): -- forbid, hinder, keep from, let, not suffer, withstand. 2966
02388 ## chazaq {khaw-zak'} ; a primitive root ; to fasten upon ; hence , to seize , be strong (figuratively , courageous , causatively strengthen , cure , help , repair , fortify) , obstinate ; to bind , restrain , conquer :-- aid , amend , X calker , catch , cleave , confirm , be constant , constrain , continue , be of good (take) courage (- ous ,-- ly) , encourage (self) , be established , fasten , force , fortify , make hard , harden , help , (lay) hold (fast) , lean , maintain , play the man , mend , become (wax) mighty , prevail , be recovered , repair , retain , seize , be (wax) sore , strengthen (self) , be stout , be (make , shew , wax) strong (- er) , be sure , take (hold) , be urgent , behave self valiantly , withstand . ~~7908
07854 ## satan {saw-tawn'} ; from 07853 ; an opponent ; especially (with the article prefixed) Satan , the arch-enemy of good :-- adversary , Satan , withstand . ~~13376
00657 ## 'ephec {eh'- fes} ; from 00656 ; cessation , i . e . an end (especially of the earth) ; often used adverb , no further ; also (like 06466) the ankle (in the dual) , as being the extremity of the leg or foot :-- ankle , but (only) , end , howbeit , less than nothing , nevertheless (where) , no , none (beside) , not (any ,-withstanding) , thing of nought , save (- ing) , there , uttermost part , want , without (cause) . ~~6178
0267 - amarturos {am-ar'-too-ros}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a form of 3144; unattested: -- without witness. 266
0845 - autoptes {ow-top'-tace}; from 0846 and 3700; self-seeing, i.e. an eyewitness: -- eye-witness. 844
1263 - diamarturomai {dee-am-ar-too'-rom-ahee}; from 1223 and 3140; to attest or protest earnestly, or (by implication) hortatively: -- charge, testify (unto), witness. 1262
2030 - epoptes {ep-op'-tace}; from 1909 and a presumed derivative of 3700; a looker-on: -- eye-witness. 2030
2649 - katamartureo {kat-am-ar-too-reh'-o}; from 2596 and 3140; to testify against: -- witness against. 2648
3140 - martureo {mar-too-reh'-o}; from 3144; to be witness, i.e. testify (literally or figuratively): -- charge, give [evidence], bear record, have (obtain, of) good (honest) report, be well reported of, testify, give (have) testimony, (be, bear, give, obtain) witness. 3138
3140 - martureo {mar-too-reh'-o}; from 3144; to be witness, i.e. testify (literally or figuratively): -- charge, give [evidence], bear record, have (obtain, of) good (honest) report, be well reported of, testify, give (have) testimony, (be, bear, give, obtain) witness. 3138
3141 - marturia {mar-too-ree'-ah}; from 3144; evidence given (judicially or genitive case): -- record, report, testimony, witness. 3140
3142 - marturion {mar-too'-ree-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 3144; something evidential, i.e. (genitive case) evidence given or (specifically) the Decalogue (in the sacred Tabernacle): -- to be testified, testimony, witness. 3140
3143 - marturomai {mar-too'-rom-ahee}; middle voice from 3144; to be adduced as a witness, i.e. (figuratively) to obtest (in affirmation or exhortation): -- take to record, testify. 3142
3144 - martus {mar'-toos}; of uncertain affinity; a witness (literally [judicially] or figuratively [genitive case]); by analogy, a "martyr": -- martyr, record, witness. 3142
3144 - martus {mar'-toos}; of uncertain affinity; a witness (literally [judicially] or figuratively [genitive case]); by analogy, a "martyr": -- martyr, record, witness. 3142
4303 - promarturomai {prom-ar-too'-rom-ahee}; from 4253 and 3143; to be a witness in advance i.e. predict: -- testify beforehand. 4200
4828 - summartureo {soom-mar-too-reh'-o}; from 4862 and 3140; to testify jointly, i.e. corroborate by (concurrent) evidence: -- testify unto, (also) bear witness (with). 4726
4901 - sunepimartureo {soon-ep-ee-mar-too-reh'-o}; from 4862 and 1957; to testify further jointly, i.e. unite in adding evidence: -- also bear witness. 4798
5575 - pseudomartur {psyoo-dom-ar'-toor}; from 5571 and a kindred form of 3144; a spurious witness, i.e. bearer of untrue testimony: -- false witness. 5472
5575 - pseudomartur {psyoo-dom-ar'-toor}; from 5571 and a kindred form of 3144; a spurious witness, i.e. bearer of untrue testimony: -- false witness. 5472
5576 - pseudomartureo {psyoo-dom-ar-too-reh'-o}; from 5575; to be an untrue testifier, i.e. offer falsehood in evidence: -- be a false witness. 5472
5577 - pseudomarturia {psyoo-dom-ar-too-ree'-ah}; from 5575; untrue testimony: -- false witness. 5474
05707 ## ` ed {ayd} ; contracted from 05749 ; concretely , a witness ; abstractly , testimony ; specifically , a recorder , i . e . prince :-- witness . ~~11228
05707 ## ` ed {ayd} ; contracted from 05749 ; concretely , a witness ; abstractly , testimony ; specifically , a recorder , i . e . prince :-- witness . ~~11228
05713 ## ` edah {ay-daw'} ; feminine of 05707 in its techn . sense ; testimony :-- testimony , witness . Compare 05712 . ~~11234
05715 ## ` eduwth {ay-dooth'} ; feminine of 05707 ; testimony :-- testimony , witness . ~~11236
05749 ## ` uwd {ood} ; a primitive root ; to duplicate or repeat ; by implication , to protest , testify (as by reiteration) ; intensively , to encompass , restore (as a sort of reduplication) :-- admonish , charge , earnestly , lift up , protest , call (take) to record , relieve , rob , solemnly , stand upright , testify , give warning , (bear , call to , give , take to) witness . ~~11270
06030 ## ` anah {aw-naw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to eye or (generally) to heed , i . e . pay attention ; by implication , to respond ; by extens . to begin to speak ; specifically to sing , shout , testify , announce :-- give account , afflict [by mistake for 06031 ] , (cause to , give) answer , bring low [by mistake for 06031 ] , cry , hear , Leannoth , lift up , say , X scholar , (give a) shout , sing (together by course) , speak , testify , utter , (bear) witness . See also 01042 , 01043 . ~~11550
07717 ## sahed {saw-hade'} ; from an unused root meaning to testify ; a witness :-- record . ~~13238
08085 ## shama` {shaw-mah'} ; a primitive root ; to hear intelligently (often with implication of attention , obedience , etc . ; causatively , to tell , etc .) :-- X attentively , call (gather) together , X carefully , X certainly , consent , consider , be content , declare , X diligently , discern , give ear , (cause to , let , make to) hear (- ken , tell) , X indeed , listen , make (a) noise , (be) obedient , obey , perceive , (make a) proclaim (- ation) , publish , regard , report , shew (forth) , (make a) sound , X surely , tell , understand , whosoever [heareth ] , witness . ~~13606
1630 - ekphobos {ek'-fob-os}; from 1537 and 5401; frightened out of one's wits: -- sore afraid, exceedingly fear. 1630
1839 - existemi {ex-is'-tay-mee}; from 1537 and 2476; to put (stand) out of wits, i.e. astound, or (reflexively) become astounded, insane: -- amaze, be (make) astonished, be beside self (selves), bewitch, wonder. 1838
2160 - eutrapelia {yoo-trap-el-ee'-ah}; from a compound of 2095 and a derivative of the base of 5157 (meaning well-turned, i.e. ready at repartee, jocose); witticism, i.e. (in a vulgar sense) ribaldry: -- jesting. 2160
01847 ## da` ath {dah'- ath} ; from 03045 ; knowledge :-- cunning , [ig-] norantly , know (- ledge) , [un-] awares (wittingly) . ~~7368
07919 ## sakal {saw-kal'} ; a primitive root ; to be (causatively , make or act) circumspect and hence , intelligent :-- consider , expert , instruct , prosper , (deal) prudent (- ly) , (give) skill (- ful) , have good success , teach , (have , make to) understand (- ing) , wisdom , (be , behave self , consider , make) wise (- ly) , guide wittingly . ~~13440
04209 ## m@zimmah {mez-im-maw'} ; from 02161 ; a plan , usually evil (machination) , sometimes good (sagacity) :-- (wicked) device , discretion , intent , witty invention , lewdness , mischievous (device) , thought , wickedly . ~~9730
1126 - graodes {grah-o'-dace}; from graus (an old woman) and 1491; crone-like, i.e. silly: -- old wives'. 1126
1114 - goes {go'-ace}; from goao (to wail); properly, a wizard (as muttering spells), i.e. (by implication) an imposter: -- seducer. 1114
1681 - Elumas {el-oo'-mas}; of foreign origin; Elymas, a wizard: -- Elymas. 1680
03049 ## yidd@` oniy {yid-deh-o-nee'} ; from 03045 ; properly , a knowing one ; specifically , a conjurer ; (by impl) a ghost :-- wizard . ~~8570
4815 - sullambano {sool-lam-ban'-o}; from 4862 and 2983; to clasp, i.e. seize (arrest, capture); specifically, to conceive (literally or figuratively); by implication, to aid: -- catch, conceive, help, take. [wl 4712
02039 ## Haran {haw-rawn'} ; perhaps from 02022 ; mountaineer ; Haran , the name of two men :-- Haran . [wl ~~7560
08040 ## s@mo'wl {sem-ole'} ; or s@mo'l {sem-ole'} ; a primitive word [rather perhaps from the same as 08071 (by insertion of the aleph) through the idea of wrapping up ] ; properly , dark (as enveloped) , i . e . the north ; hence (by orientation) , the left hand :-- left (hand , side) . ~~13562
08112 ## Shimrown M@ro'wn {shim-rone'mer-one'} ; from 08110 and a derivative of 04754 ; guard of lashing ; Shimron-Meron , a place in Palestine :-- Shimon-meron . ~~13634
3759 - ouai {oo-ah'-ee}; a primary exclamation of grief; "woe": -- alas, woe. 3656
3759 - ouai {oo-ah'-ee}; a primary exclamation of grief; "woe": -- alas, woe. 3656
00188 ## 'owy {o'- ee} ; probably from 00183 (in the sense of crying out after) ; lamentation ; also interjectionally Oh ! :-- alas , woe . ~~5708
00190 ## 'owyah {o-yaw'} ; feminine of 00188 :-- woe . ~~ 5710
00337 ## 'iy {ee} ; short from 00188 ; alas ! :-- woe . ~~ 5858
00480 ## 'al@lay {al-le-lah'ee} ; by reduplication from 00421 ; alas ! :-- woe . ~~6000
01929 ## hahh {haw} ; a shortened form of 00162 ; ah ! expressing grief :-- woe worth . ~~7450
01945 ## howy {hoh'ee} ; a prolonged form of 01930 [akin to 00188 ] ; oh ! :-- ah , alas , ho , O , woe . ~~7466
01958 ## hiy {he} ; for 05092 ; lamentation :-- woe . (For hiy'. See 01931 , 01932 .) ~~7478
00605 ## 'anash {aw-nash'} ; a primitive root ; to be frail , feeble , or (figuratively) melancholy :-- desperate (- ly wicked) , incurable , sick , woeful . ~~6126
3074 - lukos {loo'-kos}; perhaps akin to the base of 3022 (from the whitish hair); a wolf: -- wolf. 3072
3074 - lukos {loo'-kos}; perhaps akin to the base of 3022 (from the whitish hair); a wolf: -- wolf. 3072
02061 ## z@'eb {zeh-abe'} ; from an unused root meaning to be yellow ; a wolf :-- wolf . ~~7582
02061 ## z@'eb {zeh-abe'} ; from an unused root meaning to be yellow ; a wolf :-- wolf . ~~7582
08162 ## sha` atnez {shah-at-naze'} ; probably of foreign derivation ; linsey-woolsey , i . e . cloth of linen and wool carded and spun together :-- garment of divers sorts , linen and wollen . ~~13684
0682 - Apphia {ap-fee'-a}; probably of foreign origin; Apphia, a woman of Collosae: -- Apphia. 682
1126 - graodes {grah-o'-dace}; from graus (an old woman) and 1491; crone-like, i.e. silly: -- old wives'. 1126
1133 - gunaikarion {goo-nahee-kar'-ee-on}; a diminutive from 1135; a little (i.e. foolish) woman: -- silly woman. 1132
1133 - gunaikarion {goo-nahee-kar'-ee-on}; a diminutive from 1135; a little (i.e. foolish) woman: -- silly woman. 1132
1135 - gune {goo-nay'}; probably from the base of 1096; a woman; specially, a wife: -- wife, woman. 1134
1135 - gune {goo-nay'}; probably from the base of 1096; a woman; specially, a wife: -- wife, woman. 1134
1152 - Damaris {dam'-ar-is}; probably from the base of 1150; perhaps gentle; Damaris, an Athenian woman: -- Damaris. 1152
1393 - Dorkas {dor-kas'}; gazelle; Dorcas, a Christian woman: -- Dorcas. 1392
1538 - hekastos {hek'-as-tos}; as if a superlative of hekas (afar); each or every: -- any, both, each (one), every (man, one, woman), particularly. 1538
1658 - eleutheros {el-yoo'-ther-os}; probably from the alternate of 2064; unrestrained (to go at pleasure), i.e. (as a citizen) not a slave (whether freeborn or manumitted), or (genitive case) exempt (from obligation or liability): -- free (man, woman), at liberty. 1658
1674 - Hellenis {hel-lay-nis'}; feminine of 1672; a Grecian (i.e. non-Jewish) woman: -- Greek. 1674
2096 - Eua {yoo'-ah}; of Hebrew origin [2332]; Eua (or Eva, i.e. Chavvah), the first woman: -- Eve. 2096
2136 - Euodia {yoo-od-ee'-ah}; from the same as 2137; fine travelling; Euodia, a Christian woman: -- Euodias. 2136
2266 - Herodias {hay-ro-dee-as'}; from 2264; Herodias, a woman of the Heodian family: -- Herodias. 2266
2338 - thelus {thay'-loos}; from the same as 2337; female: -- female, woman. 2338
2403 - Iezabel {ee-ed-zab-ale'}; of Hebrew origin [0348]; Jezabel (i.e. Jezebel), a Tyrian woman (used as a synonym of a termagant or false teacher): -- Jezabel. 2402
2456 - Ioulia {ee-oo-lee'-ah}; feminine of the same as 2457; Julia, a Christian woman: -- Julia. 2456
2803 - Klaudia {klow-dee'-ah}; feminine of 2804; Claudia, a Christian woman: -- Claudia. 2802
2959 - Kuria {koo-ree'-ah}; feminine of 2962; Cyria, a Christian woman: -- lady. 2958
3070 - Ludia {loo-dee'-ah}; properly, feminine of Ludios [of foreign origin] (a Lydian, in Asia Minor); Lydia, a Christian woman: -- Lydia. 3068
3090 - Lois {lo-ece'}; of uncertain origin; Lois, a Christian woman: -- Lois. 3088
3136 - Martha {mar'-thah}; probably of Aramaic origin (meaning mistress); Martha, a Christian woman: -- Martha. 3134
3367 - medeis {may-dice'}; including the irregular feminine medemia {may-dem-ee'-ah}; and the neuter meden {may-den'}; from 3361 and 1520; not even one (man, woman, thing): -- any (man, thing), no (man), none, not (at all, any man, a whit), nothing, + without delay. 3266
3565 - numphe {noom-fay'}; from a primary but obsolete verb nupto (to veil as a bride; compare Latin "nupto," to marry); a young married woman (as veiled), including a bethrothed girl; by implication a son's wife: -- bride, daughter in law. 3464
3762 - oudeis {oo-dice'}; including feminine oudemia {oo-dem-ee'-ah}; and neuter ouden {oo-den'}; from 3761 and 1520; not even one (man, woman or thing), i.e. none, nobody, nothing: -- any (man), aught, man, neither any (thing), never (man), no (man), none (+ of these things), not (any, at all, -thing), nought. 3660
3778 - houtos {hoo'-tos}; including nominative masculine plural houtoi {hoo'-toy}; nominative feminine singular haute {how'-tay}; and nominative feminine plural hautai {how'-tahee}; from the article 3588 and 0846; the he (she or it), i.e. this or that (often with article repeated): -- he (it was that), hereof, it, she, such as, the same, these, they, this (man, same, woman), which, who. 3676
3814 - paidiske {pahee-dis'-kay}; feminine diminutive of 3816; a girl, i.e. (specifically) a female slave or servant: -- bondmaid(-woman), damsel, maid(-en). 3712
4069 - Persis {per-sece'}; a Persian woman; Persis, a Christian female: -- Persis. 3966
4247 - presbutis {pres-boo'-tis}; feminine of 4246; an old woman: -- aged woman. ***. pretho. See 4092. 4144
4247 - presbutis {pres-boo'-tis}; feminine of 4246; an old woman: -- aged woman. ***. pretho. See 4092. 4144
4251 - Priska {pris'-kah}; of Latin origin; feminine of Priscus, ancient; Priska, a Christian woman: -- Prisca. See also 4252. 4148
4252 - Priscilla {pris'-cil-lah}; diminutive of 4251; Priscilla (i.e. little Prisca), a Christian woman: -- Priscilla. 4150
4398 - prophetis {prof-ay'-tis}; feminine of 4396; a female foreteller or an inspired woman: -- prophetess. 4296
4542 - Samareitis {sam-ar-i'-tis}; feminine of 4541; a Samaritess, i.e. woman of Samaria: -- of Samaria. 4440
4949 - Surophoinissa {soo-rof-oy'-nis-sah}; feminine of a compound of 4948 and the same as 5403; a Syro-phoenician woman, i.e. a female native of Phoenicia in Syria: -- Syrophenician. 4846
5170 - Truphaina {troo'-fahee-nah}; from 5172; luxurious; Tryphoena, a Christian woman: -- Tryphena. 5068
5220 - hupandros {hoop'-an-dros}; from 5259 and 0435; in subjection under a man, i.e. a married woman: -- which hath an husband. 5118
5402 - Phoibe {foy'-bay}; feminine of phoibos (bright; probably akin to the base of 5457); Phoebe, a Christian woman: -- Phebe. 5300
00519 ## 'amah {aw-maw'} ; apparently a primitive word ; a maid-servant or female slave :-- (hand-) bondmaid (- woman) , maid (- servant) . ~~6040
00672 ## 'Ephraath {ef-rawth'} ; or'Ephrathah {ef-raw'- thaw} ; from 06509 ; fruitfulness ; Ephrath , another name for Bethlehem ; once (Psa . 00132 : 6) perhaps for Ephraim ; also of an Israelitish woman :-- Ephrath , Ephratah . ~~6192
00802 ## 'ishshah {ish-shaw'} ; feminine of 00376 or 00582 ; irregular plural , nashiym {naw-sheem'} ; a woman (used in the same wide sense as 00582) :-- [adulter ] ess , each , every , female , X many , + none , one , + together , wife , woman . Often unexpressed in English . ~~6322
00802 ## 'ishshah {ish-shaw'} ; feminine of 00376 or 00582 ; irregular plural , nashiym {naw-sheem'} ; a woman (used in the same wide sense as 00582) :-- [adulter ] ess , each , every , female , X many , + none , one , + together , wife , woman . Often unexpressed in English . ~~6322
00982 ## batach {baw-takh'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to hie for refuge [but not so precipitately as 02620 ] ; figuratively , to trust , be confident or sure :-- be bold (confident , secure , sure) , careless (one , woman) , put confidence , (make to) hope , (put , make to) trust . ~~6502
01069 ## bakar {baw-kar'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to burst the womb , i . e . (causatively) bear or make early fruit (of woman or tree) ; also (as denominative from 01061) to give the birthright :-- make firstborn , be firstling , bring forth first child (new fruit) . ~~6590
01199 ## Ba` ara'{bah-ar-aw'} ; from 01198 ; brutish : Baara , an Israelitish woman :-- Baara . ~~6720
01332 ## Bithyah {bith-yaw'} ; from 01323 and 03050 ; daughter (i . e . worshipper) of Jah ; Bithjah , an Egyptian woman :-- Bithiah . ~~6852
01644 ## garash {gaw-rash'} ; a primitive root ; to drive out from a possession ; especially to expatriate or divorce :-- cast up (out) , divorced (woman) , drive away (forth , out) , expel , X surely put away , trouble , thrust out . ~~7164
01807 ## D@liylah {del-ee-law'} ; from 01809 ; languishing :-Delilah , a Philistine woman :-- Delilah . ~~7328
02030 ## hareh {haw-reh'} ; or hariy (Hosea 14 : 1) {haw-ree'} ; from 02029 ; pregnant :-- (be , woman) with child , conceive , X great . ~~7550
02114 ## zuwr {zoor} ; a primitive root ; to turn aside (especially for lodging) ; hence to be a foreigner , strange , profane ; specifically (active participle) to commit adultery :-- (come from) another (man , place) , fanner , go away , (e-) strange (- r , thing , woman) . ~~7634
02332 ## Chavvah {khav-vaw'} ; causatively from 02331 ; life-giver ; Chavvah (or Eve) , the first woman :-- Eve . ~~7852
02454 ## chokmowth {khok-moth'} ; or chakmowth {khak-moth'} ; collateral forms of 02451 ; wisdom :-- wisdom , every wise [woman ] . ~~7974
02470 ## chalah {khaw-law'} ; a primitive root [compare 02342 , 02470 , 02490 ] ; properly , to be rubbed or worn ; hence (figuratively) to be weak , sick , afflicted ; or (causatively) to grieve , make sick ; also to stroke (in flattering) , entreat :-- beseech , (be) diseased , (put to) grief , be grieved , (be) grievous , infirmity , intreat , lay to , put to pain , X pray , make prayer , be (fall , make) sick , sore , be sorry , make suit (X supplication) , woman in travail , be (become) weak , be wounded . ~~7990
02896 ## towb {tobe} ; from 02895 ; good (as an adjective) in the widest sense ; used likewise as a noun , both in the masculine and the feminine , the singular and the plural (good , a good or good thing , a good man or woman ; the good , goods or good things , good men or women) , also as an adverb (well) :-- beautiful , best , better , bountiful , cheerful , at ease , X fair (word) , (be in) favour , fine , glad , good (deed ,-lier ,-liest ,-ly ,-ness ,-s) , graciously , joyful , kindly , kindness , liketh (best) , loving , merry , X most , pleasant , + pleaseth , pleasure , precious , prosperity , ready , sweet , wealth , welfare , (be) well ([-favoured ]) . ~~8416
03205 ## yalad {yaw-lad'} ; a primitive root ; to bear young ; causatively , to beget ; medically , to act as midwife ; specifically , to show lineage :-- bear , beget , birth ([-day ]) , born , (make to) bring forth (children , young) , bring up , calve , child , come , be delivered (of a child) , time of delivery , gender , hatch , labour , (do the office of a) midwife , declare pedigrees , be the son of , (woman in , woman that) travail (- eth ,-- ing woman) . ~~8726
03205 ## yalad {yaw-lad'} ; a primitive root ; to bear young ; causatively , to beget ; medically , to act as midwife ; specifically , to show lineage :-- bear , beget , birth ([-day ]) , born , (make to) bring forth (children , young) , bring up , calve , child , come , be delivered (of a child) , time of delivery , gender , hatch , labour , (do the office of a) midwife , declare pedigrees , be the son of , (woman in , woman that) travail (- eth ,-- ing woman) . ~~8726
03205 ## yalad {yaw-lad'} ; a primitive root ; to bear young ; causatively , to beget ; medically , to act as midwife ; specifically , to show lineage :-- bear , beget , birth ([-day ]) , born , (make to) bring forth (children , young) , bring up , calve , child , come , be delivered (of a child) , time of delivery , gender , hatch , labour , (do the office of a) midwife , declare pedigrees , be the son of , (woman in , woman that) travail (- eth ,-- ing woman) . ~~8726
03571 ## Kuwshiyth {koo-sheeth'} ; feminine of 03569 ; a Cushite woman :-- Ethiopian . ~~9092
04105 ## M@heytab'el {meh-hay-tab-ale'} ; from 03190 (augmented) and 00410 ; bettered of God ; Mehetabel , the name of an Edomitish man and woman :-- Mehetabeel , Mehetabel . ~~9626
04125 ## Mow'abiy {mo-aw-bee'} ; feminine Mow'abiyah {mo-aw-bee-yaw'} ; or Mowabiyth {mo-aw-beeth'} ; patronymical from 04124 ; a Moabite or Moabitess , i . e . a descendant from Moab :-- (woman) of Moab , Moabite (- ish ,-ss) . ~~9646
04304 ## mitpachath {mit-pakh'- ath} ; from 02946 ; a wide cloak (for a woman) :-- vail , wimple . ~~9824
04601 ## Ma` akah {mah-ak-aw'} ; or Ma` akath (Josh . 13 : 13) {mah-ak-awth'} ; from 04600 ; depression ; Maakah (or Maakath) , the name of a place in Syria , also of a Mesopotamian , of three Israelites , and of four Israelitesses and one Syrian woman :-- Maachah , Maachathites . See also 01038 . ~~10122
04849 ## mirsha` ath {meer-shah'- ath} ; from 07561 ; a female wicked doer :-- wicked woman . ~~10370
05003 ## na'aph {naw-af'} ; a primitive root ; to commit adultery ; figuratively , to apostatize :-- adulterer (- ess) , commit (- ing) adultery , woman that breaketh wedlock . ~~10524
05031 ## n@biy'ah {neb-ee-yaw'} ; feminine of 05030 ; a prophetess or (generally) inspired woman ; by implication , a poetess ; by association a prophet's wife :-- prophetess . ~~10552
05036 ## nabal {naw-bawl'} ; from 05034 ; stupid ; wicked (especially impious) :-- fool (- ish ,-ish man ,-ish woman) , vile person . ~~10556
05060 ## naga` {naw-gah'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to touch , i . e . lay the hand upon (for any purpose ; euphem . , to lie with a woman) ; by implication , to reach (figuratively , to arrive , acquire) ; violently , to strike (punish , defeat , destroy , etc .) :-- beat , (X be able to) bring (down) , cast , come (nigh) , draw near (nigh) , get up , happen , join , near , plague , reach (up) , smite , strike , touch . ~~10580
05066 ## nagash {naw-gash'} ; a primitive root ; to be or come (causatively , bring) near (for any purpose) ; euphemistically , to lie with a woman ; as an enemy , to attack ; relig . to worship ; causatively , to present ; figuratively , to adduce an argument ; by reversal , to stand back :-- (make to) approach (nigh) , bring (forth , hither , near) , (cause to) come (hither , near , nigh) , give place , go hard (up) , (be , draw , go) near (nigh) , offer , overtake , present , put , stand . ~~10586
05079 ## niddah {nid-daw'} ; from 05074 ; properly , rejection ; by implication , impurity , especially personal (menstruation) or moral (idolatry , incest) :-- X far , filthiness , X flowers , menstruous (woman) , put apart , X removed (woman) , separation , set apart , unclean (- ness , thing , with filthiness) . ~~10600
05079 ## niddah {nid-daw'} ; from 05074 ; properly , rejection ; by implication , impurity , especially personal (menstruation) or moral (idolatry , incest) :-- X far , filthiness , X flowers , menstruous (woman) , put apart , X removed (woman) , separation , set apart , unclean (- ness , thing , with filthiness) . ~~10600
05237 ## nokriy {nok-ree'} ; from 05235 (second form) ; strange , in a variety of degrees and applications (foreign , non-relative , adulterous , different , wonderful) :-- alien , foreigner , outlandish , strange (- r , woman) . ~~10758
05279 ## Na` amah {nah-am-aw'} ; feminine of 05277 ; pleasantness ; Naamah , the name of an antediluvian woman , of an Ammonitess , and of a place in Palestine :-- Naamah . ~~10800
05291 ## na` arah {nah-ar-aw'} ; feminine of 05288 ; a girl (from infancy to adolescence) :-- damsel , maid (- en) , young (woman) . ~~10812
05680 ## ` Ibriy {ib-ree'} ; patronymic from 05677 ; an Eberite (i . e . Hebrew) or descendant of Eber :-- Hebrew (- ess , woman) . ~~11200
06135 ## ` aqar {aw-kawr'} ; from 06131 ; sterile (as if extirpated in the generative organs) :-- (X male or female) barren (woman) . ~~11656
06741 ## Tsillah {tsil-law'} ; feminine of 06738 ; Tsillah , an antediluvian woman :-- Zillah . ~~12262
06969 ## quwn {koon} ; a primitive root ; to strike a musical note , i . e . chant or wail (at a funeral) :-- lament , mourning woman . ~~12490
07208 ## R@'uwmah {reh-oo-maw'} ; feminine passive participle of 07213 ; raised ; Reumah , a Syrian woman :-- Reumah . ~~12728
07579 ## sha'ab {sahw-ab'} ; a primitive root ; to bale up water :-- (woman to) draw (- er , water) . ~~13100
07699 ## shad {shad} ; or shod {shode} ; probably from 07736 (in its original sense) contracted ; the breast of a woman or animal (as bulging) :-- breast , pap , teat . ~~13220
07891 ## shiyr {sheer} ; or (the original form) shuwr (1 Sam . 18 : 6) {shoor} ; a primitive root [identical with 07788 through the idea of strolling minstrelsy ] ; to sing :-- behold [by mistake for 07789 ] , sing (- er ,-ing man ,-ing woman) . ~~13412
08472 ## Tachp@neyc {takh-pen-ace'} ; of Egyptian derivation ; Tachpenes , an Egyptian woman :-- Tahpenes . ~~13994