07920 ## s@kal (Aramaic) {sek-al'} ; corresponding to 07919 :-- consider . ~~13442
07924 ## sokl@thanuw (Aramaic) {sok-leth-aw-noo'} ; from 07920 ; intelligence :-- understanding . ~~13446
07908 ## sh@kowl {shek-ole'} ; infinitive of 07921 ; bereavement :-- loss of children , spoiling . ~~13430
07909 ## shakkuwl {shak-kool'} ; or shakkul {shak-kool'} ; from 07921 ; bereaved :-- barren , bereaved (robbed) of children (whelps) . ~~13430
07921 ## shakol {shaw-kole'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to miscarry , i . e . suffer abortion ; by analogy , to bereave (literally or figuratively) :-- bereave (of children) , barren , cast calf (fruit , young) , be (make) childless , deprive , destroy , X expect , lose children , miscarry , rob of children , spoil . ~~13442
07923 ## shikkuliym {shik-koo-leem'} ; plural from 07921 ; childlessness (by continued bereavements) :-- to have after loss of others . ~~13444
07922 ## sekel {seh'- kel} ; or sekel {say'- kel} ; from 07919 ; intelligence ; by implication , success :-- discretion , knowledge , policy , prudence , sense , understanding , wisdom , wise . ~~13444
07923 ## shikkuliym {shik-koo-leem'} ; plural from 07921 ; childlessness (by continued bereavements) :-- to have after loss of others . ~~13444
07924 ## sokl@thanuw (Aramaic) {sok-leth-aw-noo'} ; from 07920 ; intelligence :-- understanding . ~~13446
07904 ## shakah {shaw-kaw'} ; a primitive root ; to roam (through lust) :-- in the morning [by mistake for 07925 ] . ~~13426
07925 ## shakam {shaw-kam'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to incline (the shoulder to a burden) ; but used only as denominative from 07926 ; literally , to load up (on the back of man or beast) , i . e . to start early in the morning :-- (arise , be up , get [oneself ] up , rise up) early (betimes) , morning . ~~13446
07926 ## sh@kem {shek-em'} ; from 07925 ; the neck (between the shoulders) as the place of burdens ; figuratively , the spur of a hill :-- back , X consent , portion , shoulder . ~~13448
07931 ## shakan {shaw-kan'} ; a primitive root [apparently akin (by transmission) to 07901 through the idea of lodging ; compare 05531 , 07925 ] ; to reside or permanently stay (literally or figuratively) :-- abide , continue , (cause to , make to) dwell (- er) , have habitation , inhabit , lay , place , (cause to) remain , rest , set (up) . ~~13452
07925 ## shakam {shaw-kam'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to incline (the shoulder to a burden) ; but used only as denominative from 07926 ; literally , to load up (on the back of man or beast) , i . e . to start early in the morning :-- (arise , be up , get [oneself ] up , rise up) early (betimes) , morning . ~~13446
07926 ## sh@kem {shek-em'} ; from 07925 ; the neck (between the shoulders) as the place of burdens ; figuratively , the spur of a hill :-- back , X consent , portion , shoulder . ~~13448
07927 ## Sh@kem {shek-em'} ; the same as 07926 ; ridge ; Shekem , a place in Palestine :-- Shechem . ~~13448
07928 ## Shekem {sheh'- kem} ; for 07926 ; Shekem , the name of a Hivite and two Israelites :-- Shechem . ~~13450
07929 ## shikmah {shik-maw'} ; feminine of 07926 ; the shoulder-bone :-- shoulder blade . ~~13450
07927 ## Sh@kem {shek-em'} ; the same as 07926 ; ridge ; Shekem , a place in Palestine :-- Shechem . ~~13448
07928 ## Shekem {sheh'- kem} ; for 07926 ; Shekem , the name of a Hivite and two Israelites :-- Shechem . ~~13450
07930 ## Shikmiy {shik-mee'} ; patronymic from 07928 ; a Shikmite (collectively) , or descendants of Shekem :-- Shichemites . ~~13452
07929 ## shikmah {shik-maw'} ; feminine of 07926 ; the shoulder-bone :-- shoulder blade . ~~13450
0793 - asteriktos {as-tay'-rik-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of 4741; unfixed, i.e. (figuratively) vacillating: -- unstable. 792
07930 ## Shikmiy {shik-mee'} ; patronymic from 07928 ; a Shikmite (collectively) , or descendants of Shekem :-- Shichemites . ~~13452
04908 ## mishkan {mish-kawn'} ; from 07931 ; a residence (including a shepherd's hut , the lair of animals , figuratively , the grave ; also the Temple) ; specifically , the Tabernacle (properly , its wooden walls) :-- dwelleth , dwelling (place) , habitation , tabernacle , tent . ~~10428
07931 ## shakan {shaw-kan'} ; a primitive root [apparently akin (by transmission) to 07901 through the idea of lodging ; compare 05531 , 07925 ] ; to reside or permanently stay (literally or figuratively) :-- abide , continue , (cause to , make to) dwell (- er) , have habitation , inhabit , lay , place , (cause to) remain , rest , set (up) . ~~13452
07932 ## sh@kan (Aramaic) {shek-an'} ; corresponding to 07931 :-- cause to dwell , have habitation . ~~13454
07933 ## sheken {sheh'- ken} ; from 07931 ; a residence :-- habitation . ~~13454
07934 ## shaken {shaw-kane'} ; from 07931 ; a resident ; by extension , a fellow-citizen :-- inhabitant , neighbour , nigh . ~~13456
07935 ## Sh@kanyah {shek-an-yaw'} ; or (prol .) Sh@kanyahuw {shek-an-yaw'- hoo} ; from 07931 and 03050 ; Jah has dwelt ; Shekanjah , the name of nine Israelites :-- Shecaniah , Shechaniah . ~~13456
07932 ## sh@kan (Aramaic) {shek-an'} ; corresponding to 07931 :-- cause to dwell , have habitation . ~~13454
07933 ## sheken {sheh'- ken} ; from 07931 ; a residence :-- habitation . ~~13454
07934 ## shaken {shaw-kane'} ; from 07931 ; a resident ; by extension , a fellow-citizen :-- inhabitant , neighbour , nigh . ~~13456
07935 ## Sh@kanyah {shek-an-yaw'} ; or (prol .) Sh@kanyahuw {shek-an-yaw'- hoo} ; from 07931 and 03050 ; Jah has dwelt ; Shekanjah , the name of nine Israelites :-- Shecaniah , Shechaniah . ~~13456
04909 ## maskoreth {mas-koh'- reth} ; from 07936 ; wages or a reward :-- reward , wages . ~~10430
05534 ## caker {saw-kar'} ; a primitive root ; to shut up ; by implication , to surrender :-- stop , give over . See also 05462 , 07936 . ~~11054
07916 ## sakiyr {saw-keer'} ; from 07936 ; a man at wages by the day or year :-- hired (man , servant) , hireling . ~~13438
07936 ## sakar {saw-kar'} ; or (by permutation) cakar (Ezra 4 : 5) {saw-kar'} ; a primitive root [apparently akin (by prosthesis) to 03739 through the idea of temporary purchase ; compare 07937 ] ; to hire :-- earn wages , hire (out self) , reward , X surely . ~~13458
07938 ## seker {seh'- ker} ; from 07936 ; wages :-- reward , sluices . ~~ 13460
07939 ## sakar {saw-kawr'} ; from 07936 ; payment of contract ; concretely , salary , fare , maintenance ; by implication , compensation , benefit :-- hire , price , reward [-ed ] , wages , worth . ~~13460
07910 ## shikkowr {shik-kore'} ; or shikkor {shik-kore'} ; from 07937 ; intoxicated , as a state or a habit :-- drunk (- ard ,-en ,-en man) . ~~13432
07936 ## sakar {saw-kar'} ; or (by permutation) cakar (Ezra 4 : 5) {saw-kar'} ; a primitive root [apparently akin (by prosthesis) to 03739 through the idea of temporary purchase ; compare 07937 ] ; to hire :-- earn wages , hire (out self) , reward , X surely . ~~13458
07937 ## shakar {shaw-kar'} ; a primitive root ; to become tipsy ; in a qualified sense , to satiate with a stimulating drink or (figuratively) influence :-- (be filled with) drink (abundantly) , (be , make) drunk (- en) , be merry . [Superlative of 08248 . ] ~~13458
07941 ## shekar {shay-kawr'} ; from 07937 ; an intoxicant , i . e . intensely alcoholic liquor :-- strong drink , + drunkard , strong wine . ~~13462
07943 ## shikkarown {shik-kaw-rone'} ; from 07937 ; intoxication :-- (be) drunken (- ness) . ~~13464
08248 ## shaqah {shaw-kaw'} ; a primitive root ; to quaff , i . e . (causatively) to irrigate or furnish a potion to :-- cause to (give , give to , let , make to) drink , drown , moisten , water . See 07937 , 08354 . ~~13770
07938 ## seker {seh'- ker} ; from 07936 ; wages :-- reward , sluices . ~~ 13460
00814 ## 'eshkar {esh-cawr'} ; for 07939 ; a gratuity :-- gift , present . ~~6334
03485 ## Yissaskar {yis-saw-kawr'} ; (strictly yis-saws-kawr') ; from 05375 and 07939 ; he will bring a reward ; Jissaskar , a son of Jacob :-- Issachar . ~~9006
07939 ## sakar {saw-kawr'} ; from 07936 ; payment of contract ; concretely , salary , fare , maintenance ; by implication , compensation , benefit :-- hire , price , reward [-ed ] , wages , worth . ~~13460
07940 ## Sakar {saw-kar'} ; the same as 07939 ; recompense ; Sakar , the name of two Israelites :-- Sacar . ~~13462
0794 - astorgos {as'-tor-gos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of stergo (to cherish affectionately); hard-hearted towards kindred: -- without natural affection. 794
07940 ## Sakar {saw-kar'} ; the same as 07939 ; recompense ; Sakar , the name of two Israelites :-- Sacar . ~~13462
07941 ## shekar {shay-kawr'} ; from 07937 ; an intoxicant , i . e . intensely alcoholic liquor :-- strong drink , + drunkard , strong wine . ~~13462
07942 ## Shikk@rown {shik-ker-one'} ; for 07943 ; drunkenness , Shikkeron , a place in Palestine :-- Shicron . ~~13464
07942 ## Shikk@rown {shik-ker-one'} ; for 07943 ; drunkenness , Shikkeron , a place in Palestine :-- Shicron . ~~13464
07943 ## shikkarown {shik-kaw-rone'} ; from 07937 ; intoxication :-- (be) drunken (- ness) . ~~13464
07944 ## shal {shal} ; from 07952 abbrev . ; a fault :-- error . ~~ 13466
07945 ## shel {shel} ; for the rel . 00834 ; used with prepositional prefix , and often followed by some pronominal affix ; on account of , whatsoever , whichsoever :-- cause , sake . ~~13466
07600 ## sha'anan {shah-an-awn'} ; from 07599 ; secure ; in a bad sense , haughty :-- that is at ease , quiet , tumult . Compare 07946 . ~~13120
07946 ## shal'anan {shal-an-awn'} ; for 07600 ; tranquil :-- being at ease . ~~13468
07947 ## shalab {shaw-lab'} ; a primitive root ; to space off ; intensive (evenly) to make equidistant :-- equally distant , set in order . ~~13468
07948 ## shalab {shaw-lawb'} ; from 07947 ; a spacer or raised interval , i . e . the stile in a frame or panel :-- ledge . ~~13470
07948 ## shalab {shaw-lawb'} ; from 07947 ; a spacer or raised interval , i . e . the stile in a frame or panel :-- ledge . ~~13470
07949 ## shalag {shaw-lag'} ; a primitive root ; properly , meaning to be white ; used only as denominative from 07950 ; to be snow-white (with the linen clothing of the slain) :-- be as snow . ~~13470
07950 ## sheleg {sheh'- leg} ; from 07949 ; snow (probably from its whiteness) :-- snow (- y) . ~~13472
0108 - Azotos {ad'-zo-tos}; of Hebrew origin [0795]; Azotus (i.e. Ashdod), a place in Palestine: -- Azotus. 108
0795 - astocheo {as-tokh-eh'-o}; from a compound of 0001 (as a negative particle) and stoichos (an aim); to miss the mark, i.e. (figuratively) deviate from truth: -- err, swerve. 794
07949 ## shalag {shaw-lag'} ; a primitive root ; properly , meaning to be white ; used only as denominative from 07950 ; to be snow-white (with the linen clothing of the slain) :-- be as snow . ~~13470
07950 ## sheleg {sheh'- leg} ; from 07949 ; snow (probably from its whiteness) :-- snow (- y) . ~~13472
08517 ## t@lag (Aramaic) {tel-ag'} ; corresponding to 07950 ; snow :-- snow . ~~14038
07886 ## Shiyloh {shee-lo'} ; from 07951 ; tranquil ; Shiloh , an epithet of the Messiah :-- Shiloh . ~~13408
07951 ## shalah {shaw-law'} ; or shalav (Job 3 : 26) {shaw-lav'} ; a primitive root ; to be tranquil , i . e . secure or successful :-- be happy , prosper , be in safety . ~~13472
07954 ## sh@lah (Aramaic) {shel-aw'} ; corresponding to 07951 ; to be secure :-- at rest . ~~13476
07958 ## s@lav {sel-awv'} ; or s@layv {sel-awv'} ; by orthographical variation from 07951 through the idea of sluggishness ; the quail collectively (as slow in flight from its weight) :-- quails . ~~13480
07959 ## shelev {sheh'- lev} ; from 07951 ; security :-- prosperity . ~~ 13480
07961 ## shalev {shaw-lave'} ; or shaleyv {shaw-lave'} ; feminine sh@levah {shel-ay-vaw'} ; from 07951 ; tranquil ; (in a bad sense) careless ; abstractly , security :-- (being) at ease , peaceable , (in) prosper (- ity) , quiet (- ness) , wealthy . ~~13482
07962 ## shalvah {shal-vaw'} ; from 07951 ; security (genuine or false) :-- abundance , peace (- ably) , prosperity , quietness . ~~13484
07987 ## sh@liy {shel-ee'} ; from 07951 ; privacy :-- + quietly . ~~ 13508