08127 ## shen {shane} ; from 08150 ; a tooth (as sharp) ; specifically (for 08143) ivory ; figuratively , a cliff :-- crag , X forefront , ivory , X sharp , tooth . ~~13648
08128 ## shen (Aramaic) {shane} ; corresponding to 08127 ; a tooth :-- tooth . ~~13650
08129 ## Shen {shane} ; the same as 08127 ; crag ; Shen , a place in Palestine :-- Shen . ~~13650
08143 ## shenhabbiym {shen-hab-beem'} ; from 08127 and the plural apparently of a foreign word ; probably , tooth of elephants , i . e . ivory tusk :-- ivory . ~~13664
08128 ## shen (Aramaic) {shane} ; corresponding to 08127 ; a tooth :-- tooth . ~~13650
08129 ## Shen {shane} ; the same as 08127 ; crag ; Shen , a place in Palestine :-- Shen . ~~13650
0812 - atakteo {at-ak-teh'-o}; from 0813; to be (i.e. act) irregular: -- behave self disorderly. 812
0813 - ataktos {at'-ak-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 5021; unarranged, i.e. (by implication) insubordinate (religiously): -- unruly. 812
0814 - ataktos {at-ak'-toce}; adverb from 0813, irregularly (morally): -- disorderly. 814
08130 ## sane'{saw-nay'} ; a primitive root ; to hate (personally) :-- enemy , foe , (be) hate (- ful ,-r) , odious , X utterly . ~~13652
08131 ## s@ne'(Aramaic) {sen-ay'} ; corresponding to 08130 :-- hate . ~~ 13652
08135 ## sin'ah {sin-aw'} ; from 08130 ; hate :-- + exceedingly , hate (- ful ,-red) . ~~13656
08146 ## saniy'{saw-nee'} ; from 08130 ; hated :-- hated . ~~ 13668
08131 ## s@ne'(Aramaic) {sen-ay'} ; corresponding to 08130 :-- hate . ~~ 13652
08132 ## shana {shaw-naw'} ; a primitive root ; to alter :-- change . ~~ 13654
08133 ## sh@na'(Aramaic) {shen-aw'} ; corresponding to 08132 :-- alter , change , (be) diverse . ~~13654
08134 ## Shin'ab {shin-awb'} ; probably from 08132 and 00001 ; a father has turned ; Shinab , a Canaanite :-- Shinab . ~~13656
08136 ## shin'an {shin-awn'} ; from 08132 ; change , i . e . repetition :-- X angels . ~~13658
08133 ## sh@na'(Aramaic) {shen-aw'} ; corresponding to 08132 :-- alter , change , (be) diverse . ~~13654
08134 ## Shin'ab {shin-awb'} ; probably from 08132 and 00001 ; a father has turned ; Shinab , a Canaanite :-- Shinab . ~~13656
08135 ## sin'ah {sin-aw'} ; from 08130 ; hate :-- + exceedingly , hate (- ful ,-red) . ~~13656
08136 ## shin'an {shin-awn'} ; from 08132 ; change , i . e . repetition :-- X angels . ~~13658
08137 ## Shenatstsar {shen-ats-tsar'} ; apparently of Babylonian origin ; Shenatstsar , an Israelite :-- Senazar . ~~13658
04932 ## mishneh {mish-neh'} ; from 08138 ; properly , a repetition , i . e . a duplicate (copy of a document) , or a double (in amount) ; by implication , a second (in order , rank , age , quality or location) :-- college , copy , double , fatlings , next , second (order) , twice as much . ~~10452
08138 ## shanah {shaw-naw'} ; a primitive root ; to fold , i . e . duplicate (literally or figuratively) ; by implication , to transmute (transitive or intransitive) :-- do (speak , strike) again , alter , double , (be given to) change , disguise , (be) diverse , pervert , prefer , repeat , return , do the second time . ~~13660
08141 ## shaneh (in plural only) , {shaw-neh'} ; or (feminine) shanah {shaw-naw'} ; from 08138 ; a year (as a revolution of time) :-- + whole age , X long , + old , year (X-ly) . ~~13662
08145 ## sheniy {shay-nee'} ; from 08138 ; properly , double , i . e . second ; also adverbially , again :-- again , either [of them ] , (an-) other , second (time) . ~~13666
08139 ## sh@nah (Aramaic) {shen-aw'} ; corresponding to 08142 :-- sleep . ~~13660
0814 - ataktos {at-ak'-toce}; adverb from 0813, irregularly (morally): -- disorderly. 814
08140 ## sh@nah (Aramaic) {shen-aw'} ; corresponding to 08141 :-- year . ~~13662
08140 ## sh@nah (Aramaic) {shen-aw'} ; corresponding to 08141 :-- year . ~~13662
08141 ## shaneh (in plural only) , {shaw-neh'} ; or (feminine) shanah {shaw-naw'} ; from 08138 ; a year (as a revolution of time) :-- + whole age , X long , + old , year (X-ly) . ~~13662
08139 ## sh@nah (Aramaic) {shen-aw'} ; corresponding to 08142 :-- sleep . ~~13660
08142 ## shehah {shay-naw'} ; or shena'(Psa . 00127 : 2) {shay-naw'} ; from 03462 ; sleep :-- sleep . ~~13664
08127 ## shen {shane} ; from 08150 ; a tooth (as sharp) ; specifically (for 08143) ivory ; figuratively , a cliff :-- crag , X forefront , ivory , X sharp , tooth . ~~13648
08143 ## shenhabbiym {shen-hab-beem'} ; from 08127 and the plural apparently of a foreign word ; probably , tooth of elephants , i . e . ivory tusk :-- ivory . ~~13664
08144 ## shaniy {shaw-nee'} ; of uncertain derivation ; crimson , properly , the insect or its color , also stuff dyed with it :-- crimson , scarlet (thread) . ~~13666
08438 ## towla` {to-law'} ; and (feminine) towle` ah {to-lay-aw'} ; or towla` ath {to-lah'- ath} ; or tola` ath {to-lah'- ath} ; from 03216 ; a maggot (as voracious) ; specifically (often with ellipsis of 08144) the crimson-grub , but used only (in this connection) of the color from it , and cloths dyed therewith :-- crimson , scarlet , worm . ~~13960
08145 ## sheniy {shay-nee'} ; from 08138 ; properly , double , i . e . second ; also adverbially , again :-- again , either [of them ] , (an-) other , second (time) . ~~13666
08147 ## sh@nayim {shen-ah'- yim} ; dual of 08145 ; feminine sh@ttayim {shet-tah'- yim} ; two ; also (as ordinal) twofold :-- both , couple , double , second , twain , + twelfth , + twelve , + twenty (sixscore) thousand , twice , two . ~~13668
08146 ## saniy'{saw-nee'} ; from 08130 ; hated :-- hated . ~~ 13668
08147 ## sh@nayim {shen-ah'- yim} ; dual of 08145 ; feminine sh@ttayim {shet-tah'- yim} ; two ; also (as ordinal) twofold :-- both , couple , double , second , twain , + twelfth , + twelve , + twenty (sixscore) thousand , twice , two . ~~13668
08578 ## tinyan (Aramaic) {tin-yawn'} ; corresponding to 08147 ; second :-- second . ~~14100
08648 ## t@reyn (Aramaic) {ter-ane'} ; feminine tarteyn {tar-tane'} ; corresponding to 08147 ; two :-- second , + twelve , two . ~~14170
08148 ## sh@niynah {shen-ee-naw'} ; from 08150 ; something pointed , i . e . a gibe :-- byword , taunt . ~~13670
08149 ## Sh@niyr {shen-eer'} ; or S@niyr {sen-eer'} ; from an unused root meaning to be pointed ; peak ; Shenir or Senir , a summit of Lebanon :-- Senir , Shenir . ~~13670
0815 - ateknos {at'-ek-nos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 5043; childless: -- childless, without children. 814
08127 ## shen {shane} ; from 08150 ; a tooth (as sharp) ; specifically (for 08143) ivory ; figuratively , a cliff :-- crag , X forefront , ivory , X sharp , tooth . ~~13648
08148 ## sh@niynah {shen-ee-naw'} ; from 08150 ; something pointed , i . e . a gibe :-- byword , taunt . ~~13670
08150 ## shanan {shaw-nan'} ; a primitive root ; to point (transitive or intransitive) ; intensively , to pierce ; figuratively , to inculcate :-- prick , sharp (- en) , teach diligently , whet . ~~13672
08151 ## shanac {shaw-nas'} ; a primitive root ; to compress (with a belt) :-- gird up . ~~13672
08152 ## Shin` ar {shin-awr'} ; probably of foreign derivation ; Shinar , a plain in Babylonia :-- Shinar . ~~13674
08153 ## sh@nath {shen-awth'} ; from 03462 ; sleep :-- sleep . ~~ 13674
08154 ## shacah {shaw-saw'} ; or shasah (Isa . 10 : 13) {shaw-saw'} ; a primitive root ; to plunder :-- destroyer , rob , spoil (- er) . ~~13676
04933 ## m@chiccah {mesh-is-saw'} ; from 08155 ; plunder :-- booty , spoil . ~~10454
08155 ## shacac {shaw-sas'} ; a primitive root ; to plunder :-- rifle , spoil . ~~13676
08156 ## shaca` {shaw-sah'} ; a primitive root ; to split or tear ; figuratively , to upbraid :-- cleave , (be) cloven ([footed ]) , rend , stay . ~~13678
08157 ## sheca` {sheh'- sah} ; from 08156 ; a fissure :-- cleft , clovenfooted . ~~13678
08157 ## sheca` {sheh'- sah} ; from 08156 ; a fissure :-- cleft , clovenfooted . ~~13678
08158 ## shacaph {shaw-saf'} ; a primitive root ; to cut in pieces , i . e . slaughter :-- hew in pieces . ~~13680
04935 ## mish` iy {mish-ee'} ; probably from 08159 ; inspection :-- to supple . ~~10456
04936 ## Mish` am {mish-awm'} ; apparently from 08159 ; inspection ; Misham , an Israelite :-- Misham . ~~10456
08159 ## sha` ah {shaw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to gaze at or about (properly , for help) ; by implication , to inspect , consider , compassionate , be nonplussed (as looking around in amazement) or bewildered :-- depart , be dim , be dismayed , look (away) , regard , have respect , spare , turn . ~~13680
08160 ## sha` ah (Aramaic) {shaw-aw'} ; from a root corresponding to 08159 ; properly , a look , i . e . a moment :-- hour . ~~13682
08672 ## tesha` {tay'- shah} ; or (masculine) tish` ah {tish-aw'} ; perhaps from 08159 through the idea of a turn to the next or full number ten ; nine or (ord .) ninth :-- nine (+-teen , +-teenth ,-th) . ~~14194
0816 - atenizo {at-en-id'-zo}; from a compound of 0001 (as a particle of union) and teino (to stretch); to gaze intently: -- behold earnestly (stedfastly), fasten (eyes), look (earnestly, stedfastly, up stedfastly), set eyes. 816
08160 ## sha` ah (Aramaic) {shaw-aw'} ; from a root corresponding to 08159 ; properly , a look , i . e . a moment :-- hour . ~~13682
08161 ## sha` atah {shah'- at-aw} ; feminine from an unused root meaning to stamp ; a clatter (of hoofs) :-- stamping . ~~13682
08162 ## sha` atnez {shah-at-naze'} ; probably of foreign derivation ; linsey-woolsey , i . e . cloth of linen and wool carded and spun together :-- garment of divers sorts , linen and wollen . ~~13684
08163 ## sa` iyr {saw-eer'} ; or sa` ir {saw-eer'} ; from 08175 ; shaggy ; as noun , a he-goat ; by analogy , a faun :-- devil , goat , hairy , kid , rough , satyr . ~~13684
08164 ## sa` iyr {saw-eer'} ; formed the same as 08163 ; a shower (as tempestuous) :-- small rain . ~~13686
08165 ## Se` iyr {say-eer'} ; formed like 08163 ; rough ; Seir , a mountain of Idumaea and its aboriginal occupants , also one in Palestine :-- Seir . ~~13686
08166 ## s@` iyrah {seh-ee-raw'} ; feminine of 08163 ; a she-goat :-- kid . ~~13688
08164 ## sa` iyr {saw-eer'} ; formed the same as 08163 ; a shower (as tempestuous) :-- small rain . ~~13686
08165 ## Se` iyr {say-eer'} ; formed like 08163 ; rough ; Seir , a mountain of Idumaea and its aboriginal occupants , also one in Palestine :-- Seir . ~~13686
08166 ## s@` iyrah {seh-ee-raw'} ; feminine of 08163 ; a she-goat :-- kid . ~~13688
08167 ## S@` iyrah {seh-ee-raw'} ; formed as 08166 ; roughness ; Seirah , a place in Palestine :-- Seirath . ~~13688
08167 ## S@` iyrah {seh-ee-raw'} ; formed as 08166 ; roughness ; Seirah , a place in Palestine :-- Seirath . ~~13688
04934 ## mish` owl {mish-ole'} ; from the same as 08168 ; a hollow , i . e . a narrow passage :-- path . ~~10454
07776 ## shuw` al {shoo-awl'} ; or shu` al {shoo-awl'} ; from the same as 08168 ; a jackal (as a burrower) :-- fox . ~~13298
08168 ## sho` al {sho'- al} ; from an unused root meaning to hollow out ; the palm ; by extension , a handful :-- handful , hollow of the hand . ~~13690
08169 ## Sha` albiym {shah-al-beem'} ; or Sha` alabbiyn {shah-al-ab-been'} ; plural from 07776 ; fox-holes ; Shaalbim or Shaalabbin , a place in Palestine :-- Shaalabbin , Shaalbim . ~~13690
08170 ## Sha` alboniy {shah-al-bo-nee'} ; patrial from 08169 ; a Shaalbonite or inhabitant of Shaalbin :-- Shaalbonite . ~~13692