00876 ## B@'er {be-ayr'} ; the same as 00875 ; Beer , a place in the Desert , also one in Palestine :-- Beer . ~~6396
00877 ## bo'r {bore} ; from 00874 ; a cistern :-- cistern . ~~ 6398
00889 ## b@'osh {be-oshe'} ; from 00877 ; a stench :-- stink . ~~ 6410
00953 ## bowr {bore} ; from 00952 (in the sense of 00877) ; a pit hole (especially one used as a cistern or a prison) :-- cistern , dungeon , fountain , pit , well . ~~6474
00878 ## B@'era'{be-ay-raw'} ; from 00875 ; a well ; Beera , an Israelite :-- Beera . ~~6398
00880 ## B@'erah {be-ay-raw'} ; the same as 00878 ; Beerah , an Israelite :-- Beerah . ~~6400
00879 ## B@'er'Eliym {be-ayr'ay-leem'} ; from 00875 and the plural of 00410 ; well of heroes ; Beer-Elim , a place in the Desert :-- Beer-elim . ~~6400
0088 - adialeiptos {ad-ee-al'-ipe-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of a compound of 1223 and 3007; unintermitted, i.e. permanent: -- without ceasing, continual. 88
0089 - adialeiptos {ad-ee-al-ipe'-toce}; adverb from 0088; uninteruptedly, i.e. without omission (on an appropriate occasion): -- without ceasing. 88
00880 ## B@'erah {be-ay-raw'} ; the same as 00878 ; Beerah , an Israelite :-- Beerah . ~~6400
00881 ## B@'erowth {be-ay-rohth'} ; feminine plural of 00875 ; wells ; Beeroth , a place in Palestine :-- Beeroth . ~~6402
00886 ## B@'erothiy {be-ay-ro-thee'} ; patrial from 00881 ; a Beerothite or inhabitant of Beeroth :-- Beerothite . ~~6406
00882 ## B@'eriy {be-ay-ree'} ; from 00875 ; fountained ; Beeri , the name of a Hittite and of an Israelite :-- Beeri . ~~6402
01275 ## Beriy {bay-ree'} ; probably by contraction from 00882 ; Beri , an Israelite :-- Beri . ~~6796
00883 ## B@'er la-Chay Ro'iy {be-ayr'lakh-ah'ee ro-ee'} ; from 00875 and 02416 (with prefix) and 07203 ; well of a living (One) my Seer ; Beer-Lachai-Roi , a place in the Desert :-- Beer-lahai-roi . ~~6404
00884 ## B@'er Sheba` {be-ayr'sheh'- bah} ; from 00875 and 07651 (in the sense of 07650) ; well of an oath ; Beer-Sheba , a place in Palestine :-- Beer-shebah . ~~6404
00885 ## B@eroth B@ney-Ya` aqan {be-ay-roth'be-nay'yah-a-can'} ; from the feminine plural of 00875 , and the plural contraction of 01121 , and 03292 ; wells of (the) sons of Jaakan ; Beeroth-Bene-Jaakan , a place in the Desert :-- Beeroth of the children of Jaakan . ~~6406
00886 ## B@'erothiy {be-ay-ro-thee'} ; patrial from 00881 ; a Beerothite or inhabitant of Beeroth :-- Beerothite . ~~6406
00887 ## ba'ash {baw-ash'} ; a primitive root ; to smell bad ; figuratively , to be offensive morally :-- (make to) be abhorred (had in abomination , loathsome , odious) , (cause a , make to) stink (- ing savour) , X utterly . ~~6408
00888 ## b@'esh (Aramaic) {be-aysh'} ; corresponding to 00887 :-- displease . ~~6408
00873 ## bi'uwsh (Aramaic) {be-oosh'} ; from 00888 ; wicked :-- bad . ~~ 6394
00888 ## b@'esh (Aramaic) {be-aysh'} ; corresponding to 00887 :-- displease . ~~6408
00889 ## b@'osh {be-oshe'} ; from 00877 ; a stench :-- stink . ~~ 6410
00890 ## bo'shah {bosh-aw'} ; feminine of 00889 ; stink-weed or any other noxious or useless plant :-- cockle . ~~6410
00891 ## b@'ushiym {be-oo-sheem'} ; plural of 00889 ; poison-berries :-- wild grapes . ~~6412
0089 - adialeiptos {ad-ee-al-ipe'-toce}; adverb from 0088; uninteruptedly, i.e. without omission (on an appropriate occasion): -- without ceasing. 88
00890 ## bo'shah {bosh-aw'} ; feminine of 00889 ; stink-weed or any other noxious or useless plant :-- cockle . ~~6410
00891 ## b@'ushiym {be-oo-sheem'} ; plural of 00889 ; poison-berries :-- wild grapes . ~~6412
00892 ## babah {baw-baw'} ; feminine active participle of an unused root meaning to hollow out ; something hollowed (as a gate) , i . e . pupil of the eye :-- apple [of the eye ] . ~~6412
00893 ## Bebay {bay-bah'ee} ; probably of foreign origin ; Bebai , an Israelite :-- Bebai . ~~6414
00894 ## Babel {baw-bel'} ; from 01101 ; confusion ; Babel (i . e . Babylon) , including Babylonia and the Babylonian empire :-- Babel , Babylon . ~~6414
00895 ## Babel (Aramaic) {baw-bel'} ; corresponding to 00894 :-- Babylon . ~~6416
02216 ## Z@rubbabel {zer-oob-baw-bel'} ; from 02215 and 00894 ; descended of (i . e . from) Babylon , i . e . born there ; Zerubbabel , an Israelite :-- Zerubbabel . ~~7736
00895 ## Babel (Aramaic) {baw-bel'} ; corresponding to 00894 :-- Babylon . ~~6416
00896 ## Babliy (Aramaic) {bab-lee'} ; patrial from 00895 ; a Babylonian :-- Babylonia . ~~6416
00896 ## Babliy (Aramaic) {bab-lee'} ; patrial from 00895 ; a Babylonian :-- Babylonia . ~~6416
00897 ## bag {bag} ; a Persian word ; food :-- spoil [from the margin for 00957 . ] ~~6418
00898 ## bagad {baw-gad'} ; a primitive root ; to cover (with a garment) ; figuratively , to act covertly ; by implication , to pillage :-- deal deceitfully (treacherously , unfaithfully) , offend , transgress (- or) , (depart) , treacherous (dealer ,-ly , man) , unfaithful (- ly , man) , X very . ~~6418
00899 ## beged {behg'- ed} ; from 00898 ; a covering , i . e . clothing ; also treachery or pillage :-- apparel , cloth (- es , ing) , garment , lap , rag , raiment , robe , X very [treacherously ] , vesture , wardrobe . ~~6420
00900 ## bog@dowth {bohg-ed-ohth} ; feminine plural active participle of 00898 ; treacheries :-- treacherous . ~~6420
00901 ## bagowd {baw-gode'} ; from 00898 ; treacherous :-- treacherous . ~~6422
00899 ## beged {behg'- ed} ; from 00898 ; a covering , i . e . clothing ; also treachery or pillage :-- apparel , cloth (- es , ing) , garment , lap , rag , raiment , robe , X very [treacherously ] , vesture , wardrobe . ~~6420
0090 - adiaphthoria {ad-ee-af-thor-ee'-ah}; from a derivative of a compound of 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 1311; incorruptibleness, i.e. (figuratively) purity (of doctrine): -- uncorruptness. 90
00900 ## bog@dowth {bohg-ed-ohth} ; feminine plural active participle of 00898 ; treacheries :-- treacherous . ~~6420
00901 ## bagowd {baw-gode'} ; from 00898 ; treacherous :-- treacherous . ~~6422
00902 ## Bigvay {big-vah'ee} ; probably of foreign origin ; Bigvai , an Israelite :-- Bigvai . ~~6422
00903 ## Bigtha'{big-thaw'} ; of Persian derivation ; Bigtha , a eunuch of Xerxes :-- Bigtha . ~~6424
00904 ## Bigthan {big-thawn'} ; or Bigthana'{big-thaw'naw} ; of similar derivation to 00903 ; Bigthan or Bigthana , a eunuch of Xerxes :-- Bigthan , Bigthana . ~~6424
00904 ## Bigthan {big-thawn'} ; or Bigthana'{big-thaw'naw} ; of similar derivation to 00903 ; Bigthan or Bigthana , a eunuch of Xerxes :-- Bigthan , Bigthana . ~~6424
00905 ## bad {bad} ; from 00909 ; properly , separation ; by implication , a part of the body , branch of a tree , bar for carrying ; figuratively , chief of a city ; especially (with prepositional prefix) as an adverb , apart , only , besides :-- alone , apart , bar , besides , branch , by self , of each alike , except , only , part , staff , strength . ~~6426
00906 ## bad {bad} ; perhaps from 00909 (in the sense of divided fibres) ; flaxen thread or yarn ; hence , a linen garment :-- linen . ~~6426
00907 ## bad {bad} ; from 00908 ; a brag or lie ; also a liar :-- liar , lie . ~~6428
00907 ## bad {bad} ; from 00908 ; a brag or lie ; also a liar :-- liar , lie . ~~6428
00908 ## bada'{baw-daw'} ; a primitive root ; (figuratively) to invent :-- devise , feign . ~~6428
00905 ## bad {bad} ; from 00909 ; properly , separation ; by implication , a part of the body , branch of a tree , bar for carrying ; figuratively , chief of a city ; especially (with prepositional prefix) as an adverb , apart , only , besides :-- alone , apart , bar , besides , branch , by self , of each alike , except , only , part , staff , strength . ~~6426
00906 ## bad {bad} ; perhaps from 00909 (in the sense of divided fibres) ; flaxen thread or yarn ; hence , a linen garment :-- linen . ~~6426
00909 ## badad {baw-dad'} ; a primitive root ; to divide , i . e . (reflex .) be solitary :-- alone . ~~6430
00910 ## badad {baw-dawd'} ; from 00909 ; separate ; adverb , separately :-- alone , desolate , only , solitary . ~~6430
00911 ## B@dad {bed-ad'} ; from 00909 ; separation ; Bedad , an Edomite :-- Bedad . ~~6432
0091 - adikeo {ad-ee-keh'-o}; from 0094; to be unjust, i.e. (actively) do wrong (morally, socially or physically): -- hurt, injure, be an offender, be unjust, (do, suffer, take) wrong. 90
0092 - adikema {ad-eek'-ay-mah}; from 0091; a wrong done: -- evil doing, iniquity, matter of wrong. 92
00910 ## badad {baw-dawd'} ; from 00909 ; separate ; adverb , separately :-- alone , desolate , only , solitary . ~~6430
00911 ## B@dad {bed-ad'} ; from 00909 ; separation ; Bedad , an Edomite :-- Bedad . ~~6432
00912 ## Bed@yeah {bay-de-yaw'} ; probably a shortened form 05662 ; servant of Jehovah ; Bedejah , an Israelite :-- Bedeiah . ~~6432
00913 ## b@diyl {bed-eel'} ; from 00914 ; alloy (because removed by smelting) ; by analogy , tin :-- + plummet , tin . ~~6434
00913 ## b@diyl {bed-eel'} ; from 00914 ; alloy (because removed by smelting) ; by analogy , tin :-- + plummet , tin . ~~6434
00914 ## badal {baw-dal'} ; a primitive root ; to divide (in variation senses literally or figuratively , separate , distinguish , differ , select , etc .) :-- (make , put) difference , divide (asunder) , (make) separate (self ,-ation) , sever (out) , X utterly . ~~6434
00915 ## badal {baw-dawl'} ; from 00914 ; a part :-- piece . ~~ 6436
00916 ## b@dolach {bed-o'- lakh} ; probably from 00914 ; something in pieces , i . e . bdellium , a (fragrant) gum (perhaps amber) ; others a pearl :-- bdellium . ~~6436
03995 ## mibdalah {mib-daw-law'} ; from 00914 ; a separation , i . e . (concretely) a separate place :-- separate . ~~9516
00915 ## badal {baw-dawl'} ; from 00914 ; a part :-- piece . ~~ 6436
00916 ## b@dolach {bed-o'- lakh} ; probably from 00914 ; something in pieces , i . e . bdellium , a (fragrant) gum (perhaps amber) ; others a pearl :-- bdellium . ~~6436
00917 ## B@dan {bed-awn'} ; probably shortened for 05658 ; servile ; Bedan , the name of two Israelites :-- Bedan . ~~6438
00918 ## badaq {baw-dak'} ; a primitive root ; to gap open ; used only as a denominative from 00919 ; to mend a breach :-- repair . ~~6438
00919 ## bedeq {beh'- dek} ; from 00918 ; a gap or leak (in a building or a ship) :-- breach , + calker . ~~6440
00918 ## badaq {baw-dak'} ; a primitive root ; to gap open ; used only as a denominative from 00919 ; to mend a breach :-- repair . ~~6438
00919 ## bedeq {beh'- dek} ; from 00918 ; a gap or leak (in a building or a ship) :-- breach , + calker . ~~6440
0092 - adikema {ad-eek'-ay-mah}; from 0091; a wrong done: -- evil doing, iniquity, matter of wrong. 92
00920 ## Bidqar {bid-car'} ; probably from 01856 with a prepositional prefix ; by stabbing , i . e . assassin ; Bidkar , an Israelite :-- Bidkar . ~~6440
00921 ## b@dar (Aramaic) {bed-ar'} ; corresponding (by transposition) to 06504 ; to scatter :-- scatter . ~~6442
00922 ## bohuw {bo'- hoo} ; from an unused root (meaning to be empty) ; a vacuity , i . e . (superficially) an undistinguishable ruin :-- emptiness , void . ~~6442
00923 ## behat {bah'- hat} ; from an unused root (probably meaning to glisten) ; white marble or perhaps alabaster :-- red [marble ] . ~~6444
00924 ## b@hiyluw (Aramaic) {be-hee-loo'} ; from 00927 ; a hurry ; only adverb , hastily :-- in haste . ~~6444