01122 ## Ben {bane} ; the same as 01121 ; Ben , an Israelite :-- Ben . ~~ 6642
01123 ## ben (Aramaic) {bane} ; corresponding to 01121 :-- child , son , young . ~~6644
01124 ## b@na'(Aramaic) {ben-aw'} ; or b@nah (Aramaic) {ben-aw'} ; corresponding to 01129 ; to build :-- build , make . ~~6644
01125 ## Ben-'Abiynadab {ben-ab-ee''- naw-dawb'} ; from 01121 and 00040 ; (the) son of Abinadab ; Ben-Abinadab , an Israelite :-- the son of Abinadab . ~~6646
01126 ## Ben-'Owniy {ben-o-nee'} ; from 01121 and 00205 ; son of my sorrow ; Ben-Oni , the original name of Benjamin :-- Ben-oni . ~~6646
01127 ## Ben-Geber {ben-gheh'- ber} ; from 01121 and 01397 ; son of (the) hero ; Ben-Geber , an Israelite :-- the son of Geber . ~~6648
01128 ## Ben-Deqer {ben-deh'- ker} ; from 01121 and a derivative of 01856 ; son of piercing (or of a lance) ; Ben-Deker , an Israelite :-- the son of Dekar . ~~6648
00068 ## 'eben {eh'- ben} ; from the root of 01129 through the meaning to build ; a stone :-- + carbuncle , + mason , + plummet , [chalk-, hail-, head-, sling-] stone (- ny) , (divers) weight (- s) . ~~5588
01004 ## bayith {bah'- yith} ; probably from 01129 abbreviated ; a house (in the greatest variation of applications , especially family , etc .) :-- court , daughter , door , + dungeon , family , + forth of , X great as would contain , hangings , home [born ] , [winter ] house (- hold) , inside (- ward) , palace , place , + prison , + steward , + tablet , temple , web , + within (- out) . ~~6524
01121 ## ben {bane} ; from 01129 ; a son (as a builder of the family name) , in the widest sense (of literal and figurative relationship , including grandson , subject , nation , quality or condition , etc . , [like 00001 , 00251 , etc . ]) :-- + afflicted , age , [Ahoh-] [Ammon-] [Hachmon-] [Lev-] ite , [anoint-] ed one , appointed to , (+) arrow , [Assyr-] [Babylon-] [Egypt-] [Grec-] ian , one born , bough , branch , breed , + (young) bullock , + (young) calf , X came up in , child , colt , X common , X corn , daughter , X of first , + firstborn , foal , + very fruitful , + postage , X in , + kid , + lamb , (+) man , meet , + mighty , + nephew , old , (+) people , + rebel , + robber , X servant born , X soldier , son , + spark , + steward , + stranger , X surely , them of , + tumultuous one , + valiant [-est ] , whelp , worthy , young (one) , youth . ~~6642
01124 ## b@na'(Aramaic) {ben-aw'} ; or b@nah (Aramaic) {ben-aw'} ; corresponding to 01129 ; to build :-- build , make . ~~6644
01129 ## banah {baw-naw'} ; a primitive root ; to build (literally and figuratively) :-- (begin to) build (- er) , obtain children , make , repair , set (up) , X surely . ~~6650
01131 ## Binnuwy {bin-noo'- ee} ; from 01129 ; built up ; Binnui , an Israelite :-- Binnui . ~~6652
01137 ## Baniy {baw-nee'} ; from 01129 ; built ; Bani , the name of five Israelites :-- Bani . ~~6658
01138 ## Bunniy {boon-nee'} ; or (fuller) Buwniy {boo-nee'} ; from 01129 ; built ; Bunni or Buni , an Israelite :-- Bunni . ~~6658
01140 ## binyah {bin-yaw'} ; feminine from 01129 ; a structure :-- building . ~~6660
01141 ## B@nayah {ben-aw-yaw'} ; or (prolonged) B@nayahuw {ben-aw-yaw'- hoo} ; from 01129 and 03050 ; Jah has built ; Benajah , the name of twelve Israelites :-- Benaiah . ~~6662
01146 ## binyan {bin-yawn'} ; from 01129 ; an edifice :-- building . ~~ 6666
01323 ## bath {bath} ; from 01129 (as feminine of 01121) ; a daughter (used in the same wide sense as other terms of relationship , literally and figuratively) :-- apple [of the eye ] , branch , company , daughter , X first , X old , + owl , town , village . ~~6844
02995 ## Yabn@'el {yab-neh-ale'} ; from 01129 and 00410 : built of God ; Jabneel , the name of two places in Palestine :-- Jabneel . ~~8516
02996 ## Yabneh {yab-neh'} ; from 01129 ; a building ; Jabneh , a place in Palestine :-- Jabneh . ~~8516
02997 ## Yibn@yah {yib-neh-yaw'} ; from 01129 and 03050 ; built of Jah ; Jibnejah , an Israelite :-- Ibneiah . ~~8518
02998 ## Yibniyah {yib-nee-yaw'} ; from 01129 and 03050 ; building of Jah ; Jibnijah , an Israelite :-- Ibnijah . ~~8518
04011 ## mibneh {mib-neh'} ; from 01129 ; a building :-- frame . ~~ 9532
04012 ## M@bunnay {meb-oon-hah'- ee} ; from 01129 ; built up ; Mebunnai , an Israelite :-- Mebunnai . ~~9532
08401 ## teben {teh'- ben} ; probably from 01129 ; properly , material , i . e . (specifically) refuse haum or stalks of grain (as chopped in threshing and used for fodder) :-- chaff , straw , stubble . ~~13922
08403 ## tabniyth {tab-neeth'} ; from 01129 ; structure ; by implication , a model , resemblance :-- figure , form , likeness , pattern , similitude . ~~13924
0113 - athesmos {ath'-es-mos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 5087 (in the sense of enacting); lawless, i.e. (by implication) criminal: -- wicked. 112
01130 ## Ben-Hadad {ben-had-ad'} ; from 01121 and 01908 ; son of Hadad ; Ben-Hadad , the name of several Syrian kings :-- Ben-hadad . ~~6650
01131 ## Binnuwy {bin-noo'- ee} ; from 01129 ; built up ; Binnui , an Israelite :-- Binnui . ~~6652
01132 ## Ben-Zowcheth {ben-zo-khayth'} ; from 01121 and 02105 ; son of Zocheth ; Ben-Zocheth , an Israelite :-- Ben-zoketh . ~~6652
01133 ## Ben-Chuwr {ben-khoor'} ; from 01121 and 02354 ; son of Chur ; Ben-Chur , an Israelite :-- the son of Hur . ~~6654
01134 ## Ben-Chayil {ben-khah'- yil} ; from 01121 and 02428 ; son of might ; Ben-Chail , an Israelite :-- Ben-hail . ~~6654
01135 ## Ben-Chanan {ben-khaw-nawn'} ; from 01121 and 02605 ; son of Chanan ; Ben-Chanan , an Israelite :-- Ben-hanan . ~~6656
01136 ## Ben-Checed {ben-kheh'- sed} ; from 01121 and 02617 ; son of kindness ; Ben-Chesed , an Israelite :-- the son of Hesed . ~~6656
01137 ## Baniy {baw-nee'} ; from 01129 ; built ; Bani , the name of five Israelites :-- Bani . ~~6658
01138 ## Bunniy {boon-nee'} ; or (fuller) Buwniy {boo-nee'} ; from 01129 ; built ; Bunni or Buni , an Israelite :-- Bunni . ~~6658
01139 ## B@ney-B@raq {ben-ay'- ber-ak'} ; from the plural construction of 01121 and 01300 ; sons of lightning , Bene-berak , a place in Palestine :-- Bene-barak . ~~6660
0114 - atheteo {ath-et-eh'-o}; from a compound of 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 5087; to set aside, i.e. (by implication) to disesteem, neutralize or violate: -- cast off, despise, disannul, frustrate, bring to nought, reject. 114
0115 - athetesis {ath-et'-ay-sis}; from 0114; cancellajtion (literally or figuratively): -- disannulling, put away. 114
01140 ## binyah {bin-yaw'} ; feminine from 01129 ; a structure :-- building . ~~6660
01141 ## B@nayah {ben-aw-yaw'} ; or (prolonged) B@nayahuw {ben-aw-yaw'- hoo} ; from 01129 and 03050 ; Jah has built ; Benajah , the name of twelve Israelites :-- Benaiah . ~~6662
01142 ## B@ney Ya` aqan {ben-ay'yah-ak-awn'} ; from the plural of 01121 and 03292 ; sons of Yaakan ; Bene-Jaakan , a place in the Desert :-- Bene-jaakan . ~~6662
03292 ## Ya` aqan {yah-ak-awn'} ; from the same as 06130 ; Jaakan , an Idumaean :-- Jaakan . Compare 01142 . ~~8812
01143 ## benayim {bay-nah'- yim} ; dual of 00996 ; a double interval , i . e . the space between two armies :-- + champion . ~~6664
01144 ## Binyamiyn {bin-yaw-mene'} ; from 01121 and 03225 ; son of (the) right hand ; Binjamin , youngest son of Jacob ; also the tribe descended from him , and its territory :-- Benjamin . ~~6664
01145 ## Ben-y@miyniy {ben-yem-ee-nee'} ; sometimes (with the article inserted) Ben-ha-y@miniy {ben-hah-yem-ee-nee'} ; with 00376 inserted (1 Sam . 9 : 1) Ben-'iysh Y@miyniy {ben-eesh'yem-ee-nee'} ; son of a man of Jemini ; or shortened (1 Sam . 9 : 4 ; Esth . 2 : 5)'Iysh Y@miyniy {eesh yem-ee-nee'} ; a man of Jemini , or (1 Sam . 20 : 1) simply Y@miniy {yem-ee-nee'} ; a Jeminite ; (plural B@niy Y@miyniy {ben-ay'yem-ee-nee'} ; patron from 01144 ; a Benjaminite , or descendent of Benjamin :-- Benjamite , of Benjamin . ~~6666
03226 ## Yamiyn {yaw-meen'} ; the same as 03225 ; Jamin , the name of three Israelites :-- Jamin . See also 01144 . ~~8746
01145 ## Ben-y@miyniy {ben-yem-ee-nee'} ; sometimes (with the article inserted) Ben-ha-y@miniy {ben-hah-yem-ee-nee'} ; with 00376 inserted (1 Sam . 9 : 1) Ben-'iysh Y@miyniy {ben-eesh'yem-ee-nee'} ; son of a man of Jemini ; or shortened (1 Sam . 9 : 4 ; Esth . 2 : 5)'Iysh Y@miyniy {eesh yem-ee-nee'} ; a man of Jemini , or (1 Sam . 20 : 1) simply Y@miniy {yem-ee-nee'} ; a Jeminite ; (plural B@niy Y@miyniy {ben-ay'yem-ee-nee'} ; patron from 01144 ; a Benjaminite , or descendent of Benjamin :-- Benjamite , of Benjamin . ~~6666
01146 ## binyan {bin-yawn'} ; from 01129 ; an edifice :-- building . ~~ 6666
01147 ## binyan (Aramaic) {bin-yawn'} ; corresponding to 01146 :-- building . ~~6668
01147 ## binyan (Aramaic) {bin-yawn'} ; corresponding to 01146 :-- building . ~~6668
01148 ## B@niynuw {ben-ee-noo'} ; probably from 01121 with pron . suff . ; our son ; Beninu , an Israelite :-- Beninu . ~~6668
01149 ## b@nac (Aramaic) {ben-as'} ; of uncertain affinity ; to be enraged :-- be angry . ~~6670
0115 - athetesis {ath-et'-ay-sis}; from 0114; cancellajtion (literally or figuratively): -- disannulling, put away. 114
01150 ## Bin` a'{bin-aw'} ; or Bin` ah {bin-aw'} ; of uncertain derivation ; Bina or Binah , an Israelite :-- Binea , Bineah . ~~6670
01151 ## Ben -` Ammiy {ben-am-mee'} ; from 01121 and 05971 with pronomial suffix ; son of my people ; Ben-Ammi , a son of Lot :-- Ben-ammi . ~~6672
01152 ## B@cowd@yah {bes-o-deh-yaw'} ; from 05475 and 03050 with prepositional prefix ; in (the) counsel of Jehovah ; Besodejah , an Israelite :-- Besodeiah . ~~6672
01159 ## ba` uw (Aramaic) {baw-o''} ; froi 01152 a request :-- petition ~~6680
01153 ## B@cay {bes-ah'- ee} ; from 00947 ; domineering ; Besai , one of the Nethinim :-- Besai . ~~6674
01209 ## Betsay {bay-tsah'- ee} ; perhaps the same as 01153 ; Betsai , the name of two Israelites :-- Bezai . ~~6730
01154 ## becer {beh'- ser} ; from an unused root meaning to be sour ; an immature grape :-- unripe grape . ~~6674
01155 ## bocer {bo'ser} ; from the same as 01154 :-- sour grape . ~~ 6676
01155 ## bocer {bo'ser} ; from the same as 01154 :-- sour grape . ~~ 6676
01156 ## b@` a'(Aramaic) {beh-aw'} ; or b@` ah (Aramaic) {beh-aw'} ; corresponding to 01158 ; to seek or ask :-- ask , desire , make [petition ] , pray , request , seek . ~~6676
01157 ## b@` ad {beh-ad'} ; from 05704 with prepositional prefix ; in up to or over against ; generally at , beside , among , behind , for , etc . :-- about , at by (means of) , for , over , through , up (- on) , within . ~~6678
00994 ## biy {bee} ; perhaps from 01158 (in the sense of asking) ; properly , a request ; used only adverbially (always with " my Lord ") ; Oh that ! ; with leave , or if it please :-- alas , O , oh . ~~6514
01156 ## b@` a'(Aramaic) {beh-aw'} ; or b@` ah (Aramaic) {beh-aw'} ; corresponding to 01158 ; to seek or ask :-- ask , desire , make [petition ] , pray , request , seek . ~~6676
01158 ## ba` ah {baw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to gush over , i . e . to swell ; (figuratively) to desire earnestly ; by implication to ask :-- cause , inquire , seek up , swell out . ~~6678
01164 ## b@` iy {beh-ee'} ; from 01158 ; a prayer :-- grave . ~~ 6684
01533 ## Gilboa` {ghil-bo'- ah} ; from 01530 and 01158 ; fountain of ebullition ; Gilboa , a mountain of Palestine :-- Gilboa . ~~7054
01159 ## ba` uw (Aramaic) {baw-o''} ; froi 01152 a request :-- petition ~~6680
0116 - Athenai {ath-ay-nahee}; plural of Athene (the goddess of wisdom, who was reputed to have founded the city); Athenoe, the capitol of Greece: -- Athens. 116
0117 - Athenaios {ath-ay-nah'-yos}; from 0116; an Athenoean or inhabitant of Athenae: -- Athenian. 116
01160 ## B@` owr {beh-ore'} ; from 01197 (int the sense of burning) ; a lamp ; Beor , the name of the father of an Edomitish king ; also of that of Balaam :-- Beor . ~~6680
01161 ## bi` uwthiym {be-oo-theme'} ; masculine plural from 01204 ; alarms :-- terrors . ~~6682