01272 ## barach {baw-rakh'} ; a primitive root ; to bolt , i . e . figuratively , to flee suddenly :-- chase (away) ; drive away , fain , flee (away) , put to flight , make haste , reach , run away , shoot . ~~6792
01280 ## b@riyach {ber-ee'- akh} ; from 01272 ; a bolt :-- bar , fugitive . ~~6800
01281 ## bariyach {baw-ree'- akh} ; or (shortened) bariach {baw-ree'- akh} ; from 01272 ; a fugitive , i . e . the serpent (as fleeing) , and the constellation by that name :-- crooked , noble , piercing . ~~6802
04015 ## mibrach {mib-rawkh'} ; from 01272 ; a refugee :-- fugitive . ~~ 9536
01273 ## Barchumiy {bar-khoo-mee'} ; by transposition for 00978 ; a Barchumite , or native of Bachurim :-- Barhumite . ~~6794
01274 ## b@riy {ber-ee'} ; from 01262 ; fat :-- fat . ~~ 6794
01275 ## Beriy {bay-ree'} ; probably by contraction from 00882 ; Beri , an Israelite :-- Beri . ~~6796
01276 ## Beriy {bay-ree'} ; of uncertain derivation ; (only in the plural and with the article) the Berites , a place in Palestine :-- Berites . ~~6796
01277 ## bariy'{baw-ree'} ; from 01254 (in the sense of 01262) ; fatted or plump :-- fat ([fleshed ] ,-- ter) , fed , firm , plenteous , rank . ~~6798
01278 ## b@riy'ah {ber-ee-aw'} ; feminine from 01254 ; a creation , i . e . a novelty :-- new thing . ~~6798
01279 ## biryah {beer-yaw'} ; feminine from 01262 ; food :-- meat . ~~ 6800
0128 - Aithiops {ahee-thee'-ops}; from aitho (to scorch) and ops (the face, from 3700); an AEthiopian (as a blackamoor): -- Ethiopian. 128
01280 ## b@riyach {ber-ee'- akh} ; from 01272 ; a bolt :-- bar , fugitive . ~~6800
01281 ## bariyach {baw-ree'- akh} ; or (shortened) bariach {baw-ree'- akh} ; from 01272 ; a fugitive , i . e . the serpent (as fleeing) , and the constellation by that name :-- crooked , noble , piercing . ~~6802
01282 ## Bariyach {baw-ree'- akh} ; the same as 01281 ; Bariach , an Israelite :-- Bariah . ~~6802
01282 ## Bariyach {baw-ree'- akh} ; the same as 01281 ; Bariach , an Israelite :-- Bariah . ~~6802
01283 ## B@riy` ah {ber-ee'- aw} ; apparently from the feminine of 07451 with a prepositional prefix ; in trouble ; Beriah , the name of four Israelites :-- Beriah . ~~6804
01284 ## B@riy` iy {ber-ee-ee'} ; patronymically from 01283 ; a Beriite (collectively) or descendants of Beriah :-- Beerites . ~~6804
01284 ## B@riy` iy {ber-ee-ee'} ; patronymically from 01283 ; a Beriite (collectively) or descendants of Beriah :-- Beerites . ~~6804
01170 ## Ba` al B@riyth {bah'- al ber-eeth} ; from 01168 and 01285 ; Baal of (the) covenant ; Baal-Berith , a special deity of the Shechemites :-- Baal-berith . ~~6690
01285 ## b@riyth {ber-eeth'} ; from 01262 (in the sense of cutting [like 01254 ]) ; a compact (because made by passing between pieces of flesh) :-- confederacy , [con-] feder [-ate ] , covenant , league . ~~6806
01286 ## B@riyth {ber-eeth'} ; the same as 01285 ; Berith , a Shechemitish deity :-- Berith . ~~6806
01286 ## B@riyth {ber-eeth'} ; the same as 01285 ; Berith , a Shechemitish deity :-- Berith . ~~6806
01287 ## boriyth {bo-reeth'} ; feminine of 01253 ; vegetable alkali :-- sope . ~~6808
01263 ## Baruwk {baw-rook'} ; passive participle from 01288 ; blessed ; Baruk , the name of three Israelites :-- Baruch . ~~6784
01288 ## barak {baw-rak'} ; a primitive root ; to kneel ; by implication to bless God (as an act of adoration) , and (vice-versa) man (as a benefit) ; also (by euphemism) to curse (God or the king , as treason) :-- X abundantly , X altogether , X at all , blaspheme , bless , congratulate , curse , X greatly , X indeed , kneel (down) , praise , salute , X still , thank . ~~6808
01289 ## b@rak (Aramaic) {ber-ak'} ; corresponding to 01288 :-- bless , kneel . ~~6810
01290 ## berek {beh'- rek} ; from 01288 ; a knee :-- knee . ~~ 6810
01292 ## Barak'el {baw-rak-ale'} ; from 01288 and 00410 , God has blessed ; Barakel , the father of one of Job's friends :-- Barachel . ~~6812
01293 ## B@rakah {ber-aw-kaw'} ; from 01288 ; benediction ; by implication prosperity :-- blessing , liberal , pool , present . ~~6814
01295 ## b@rekah {ber-ay-kaw'} ; from 01288 ; a reservoir (at which camels kneel as a resting-place) :-- (fish-) pool . ~~6816
03000 ## Y@berekyahuw {yeb-eh-rek-yaw'- hoo} ; from 01288 and 03050 : blessed of Jah ; Jeberekjah , an Israelite :-- Jeberechiah . ~~8520
01289 ## b@rak (Aramaic) {ber-ak'} ; corresponding to 01288 :-- bless , kneel . ~~6810
0129 - haima {hah'-ee-mah}; of uncertain derivation; blood, literally (of men or animals), figuratively (the juice of grapes) or specially (the atoning blood of Christ); by implication bloodshed, also kindred: -- blood. 128
0130 - haimatekchusia {hahee-mat-ek-khoo-see'-ah}; from 0129 and a derivative of 1632; an effusion of blood: -- shedding of blood. 130
0131 - haimorrheo {hahee-mor-hreh'-o}; from 0129 and 4482; to flow blood, i.e. have a hoemorrhage: -- diseased with an issue of blood. 130
01290 ## berek {beh'- rek} ; from 01288 ; a knee :-- knee . ~~ 6810
01291 ## berek (Aramaic) {beh'- rek} ; corresponding to 01290 :-- knee . ~~6812
01296 ## Berekyah {beh-rek-yaw'} ; or Berekyahuw {beh-rek-yaw'- hoo} ; from 01290 and 03050 ; knee (i . e . blessing) of Jah ; Berekjah , the name of six Israelites :-- Berachiah , Berechiah . ~~6816
01291 ## berek (Aramaic) {beh'- rek} ; corresponding to 01290 :-- knee . ~~6812
01292 ## Barak'el {baw-rak-ale'} ; from 01288 and 00410 , God has blessed ; Barakel , the father of one of Job's friends :-- Barachel . ~~6812
01293 ## B@rakah {ber-aw-kaw'} ; from 01288 ; benediction ; by implication prosperity :-- blessing , liberal , pool , present . ~~6814
01294 ## B@rakah {ber-aw-kaw'} ; the same as 01293 ; Berakah , the name of an Israelite , and also of a valley in Palestine :-- Berachah . ~~6814
01294 ## B@rakah {ber-aw-kaw'} ; the same as 01293 ; Berakah , the name of an Israelite , and also of a valley in Palestine :-- Berachah . ~~6814
01295 ## b@rekah {ber-ay-kaw'} ; from 01288 ; a reservoir (at which camels kneel as a resting-place) :-- (fish-) pool . ~~6816
01296 ## Berekyah {beh-rek-yaw'} ; or Berekyahuw {beh-rek-yaw'- hoo} ; from 01290 and 03050 ; knee (i . e . blessing) of Jah ; Berekjah , the name of six Israelites :-- Berachiah , Berechiah . ~~6816
01297 ## b@ram (Aramaic) {ber-am'} ; perhaps from 07313 with a prepositional prefix ; properly , highly , i . e . surely ; but used adversatively , however :-- but , nevertheless , yet . ~~6818
01298 ## Bera` {beh'- rah} ; of uncertain derivation ; Bera , a Sodomitish king :-- Bera . ~~6818
01299 ## baraq {baw-rak'} ; a primitive root ; to lighten (lightning) :-- cast forth . ~~6820
01300 ## baraq {baw-rawk'} ; from 01299 ; lightning ; by analogy , a gleam ; concretely , a flashing sword :-- bright , glitter (- ing sword) , lightning . ~~6820
0130 - haimatekchusia {hahee-mat-ek-khoo-see'-ah}; from 0129 and a derivative of 1632; an effusion of blood: -- shedding of blood. 130
01139 ## B@ney-B@raq {ben-ay'- ber-ak'} ; from the plural construction of 01121 and 01300 ; sons of lightning , Bene-berak , a place in Palestine :-- Bene-barak . ~~6660
01300 ## baraq {baw-rawk'} ; from 01299 ; lightning ; by analogy , a gleam ; concretely , a flashing sword :-- bright , glitter (- ing sword) , lightning . ~~6820
01301 ## Baraq {baw-rawk'} ; the same as 01300 ; Barak , an Israelite :-- Barak . ~~6822
01303 ## barqan {bar-kwan'} ; from 01300 ; a thorn (perhaps as burning brightly) :-- brier . ~~6824
01304 ## bareqeth {baw-reh'- keth} ; or bar@kath {baw-rek-ath'} ; from 01300 ; a gem (as flashing) , perhaps the emerald :-- carbuncle . ~~6824
01301 ## Baraq {baw-rawk'} ; the same as 01300 ; Barak , an Israelite :-- Barak . ~~6822
01302 ## Barqowc {bar-kose'} ; of uncertain derivation ; Barkos , one of the Nethimim :-- Barkos . ~~6822
01303 ## barqan {bar-kwan'} ; from 01300 ; a thorn (perhaps as burning brightly) :-- brier . ~~6824
01304 ## bareqeth {baw-reh'- keth} ; or bar@kath {baw-rek-ath'} ; from 01300 ; a gem (as flashing) , perhaps the emerald :-- carbuncle . ~~6824
01249 ## bar {bar} ; from 01305 (in its various senses) ; beloved ; also pure , empty :-- choice , clean , clear , pure . ~~6770
01250 ## bar {bawr} ; or bar {bar} ; from 01305 (in the sense of winnowing) ; grain of any kind (even while standing in the field) ; by extens . the open country :-- corn , wheat . ~~6770
01252 ## bor {bore} ; from 01305 ; purify :-- cleanness , pureness . ~~ 6772
01262 ## barah {baw-raw'} ; a primitive root ; to select ; also (as denominative from 01250) to feed ; also (as equivalent to 01305) to render clear (Eccl . 3 : 18) :-- choose , (cause to) eat , manifest , (give) meat . ~~6782
01305 ## barar {baw-rar'} ; a primitive root ; to clarify (i . e . brighten) , examine , select :-- make bright , choice , chosen , cleanse (be clean) , clearly , polished , (shew self) pure (- ify) , purge (out) . ~~6826
01306 ## Birsha` {beer-shah'} ; probably from 07562 with a prepositional prefix ; with wickedness ; Birsha , a king of Gomorrah :-- Birsha . ~~6826
01307 ## Berothiy {bay-ro-thee'} ; patrial from 01268 ; a Berothite , or inhabitant of Berothai :-- Berothite . ~~6828
01308 ## B@sowr {bes-ore'} ; from 01319 ; cheerful ; Besor , a stream of Palestine :-- Besor . ~~6828
01309 ## b@sowrah {bes-o-raw'} ; or (shortened) b@sorah {bes-o-raw'} ; feminine from 01319 ; glad tidings ; by implication , reward for good news :-- reward for tidings . ~~6830
0131 - haimorrheo {hahee-mor-hreh'-o}; from 0129 and 4482; to flow blood, i.e. have a hoemorrhage: -- diseased with an issue of blood. 130
01310 ## bashal {baw-shal'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to boil up ; hence , to be done in cooking ; figuratively to ripen :-- bake , boil , bring forth , roast , seethe , sod (be sodden) . ~~6830
01311 ## bashel {baw-shale'} ; from 01310 ; boiled :-- X at all , sodden . ~~6832
04018 ## m@bashsh@lah {meb-ash-shel-aw'} ; from 01310 ; a cooking hearth :-- boiling-place . ~~9538
01311 ## bashel {baw-shale'} ; from 01310 ; boiled :-- X at all , sodden . ~~6832
01312 ## Bishlam {bish-lawm'} ; of foreign derivation ; Bishlam , a Pers . :-- Bishlam . ~~6832
01313 ## basam {baw-sawm'} ; from an unused root meaning to be fragrant ; [compare 05561 ] the balsam plant :-- spice . ~~6834
01314 ## besem {beh'- sem} ; or bosem {bo'- sem} ; from the same as 01313 ; fragrance ; by implication , spicery ; also the balsam plant :-- smell , spice , sweet (odour) . ~~6834
07643 ## S@bam {seb-awm'} ; or (feminine) Sibmah {sib-maw'} ; probably from 01313 ; spice ; Sebam or Sibmah , a place in Moab :-- Shebam , Shibmah , Sibmah . ~~13164
01314 ## besem {beh'- sem} ; or bosem {bo'- sem} ; from the same as 01313 ; fragrance ; by implication , spicery ; also the balsam plant :-- smell , spice , sweet (odour) . ~~6834
01315 ## Bosmath {bos-math'} ; feminine of 01314 (the second form) ; fragrance ; Bosmath , the name of a wife of Esau , and of a daughter of Solomon :-- Bashemath , Basmath . ~~6836
03005 ## Yibsam {yib-sawm'} ; from the same as 01314 ; fragrant ; Jibsam , an Israelite :-- Jibsam . ~~8526
04017 ## Mibsam {mib-sawm'} ; from the same as 01314 ; fragrant ; Mibsam , the name of an Ishmaelite and of an Israelite :-- Mibsam . ~~9538
01315 ## Bosmath {bos-math'} ; feminine of 01314 (the second form) ; fragrance ; Bosmath , the name of a wife of Esau , and of a daughter of Solomon :-- Bashemath , Basmath . ~~6836