0073 - agon {ag-one'}; from 0071; properly, a place of assembly (as if led), i.e. (by implication) a contest (held there); figuratively, an effort or anxiety: -- conflict, contention, fight, race. 72
03117 ## yowm {yome} ; from an unused root meaning to be hot ; a day (as the warm hours) , whether literal (from sunrise to sunset , or from one sunset to the next) , or figurative (a space of time defined by an associated term) , [often used adverb ] :-- age , + always , + chronicals , continually (- ance) , daily , ([birth-] , each , to) day , (now a , two) days (agone) , + elder , X end , + evening , + (for) ever (- lasting ,-- more) , X full , life , as (so) long as (. . live) , (even) now , + old , + outlived , + perpetually , presently , + remaineth , X required , season , X since , space , then , (process of) time , + as at other times , + in trouble , weather , (as) when , (a , the , within a) while (that) , X whole (+ age) , (full) year (- ly) , + younger . ~~8638
0074 - agonia {ag-o-nee'-ah}; from 0073; a struggle (properly, the state), i.e. (figuratively) anguish: -- agony. 74
0075 - agonizomai {ag-o-nid'-zom-ahee}; from 0073; to struggle, literally (to compete for a prize), figuratively (to contend with an adversary), or genitive case (to endeavor to accomplish something): -- fight, labor fervently, strive. 74
0074 - agonia {ag-o-nee'-ah}; from 0073; a struggle (properly, the state), i.e. (figuratively) anguish: -- agony. 74
0058 - agora {ag-or-ah'}; from ageiro (to gather; probably akin to 1453); properly, the town-square (as a place of public resort); by implication, a market or thoroughfare: -- market(-place), street. 58
0060 - agoraios {ag-or-ah'-yos}; from 0058; relating to the market-place, i.e. forensic (times); by implication, vulgar: -- baser sort, low. 60
0059 - agorazo {ag-or-ad'-zo}; from 0058; properly, to go to market, i.e. (by implication) to purchase; specially, to redeem: -- buy, redeem. 58
0238 - allegoreo {al-lay-gor-eh'-o}; from 0243 and agoreo (to harangue [compare 0058]); to allegorize: -- be an allegory [the Greek word itself.]. 238
05696 ## ` agol {aw-gole'} ; or` agowl {aw-gole'} ; from an unused root meaning to revolve , circular :-- round . ~~11216
00095 ## 'agowrah {ag-o-raw'} ; from the same as 00094 ; properly , something gathered , i . e . perhaps a grain or berry ; used only of a small (silver) coin :-- piece [of ] silver . ~~5616
0061 - agra {ag'-rah}; from 0071; (abstractly) a catching (of fish); also (concretely) a haul (of fish): -- draught. 60
0062 - agrammatos {ag-ram-mat-os}; from 0001 (as negative particle) and 1121; unlettered, i.e. illiterate: -- unlearned. 62
0063 - agrauleo {ag-row-leh'-o}; from 0068 and 0832 (in the sense of 0833); to camp out: -- abide in the field. 62
0800 - asumphonos {as-oom'-fo-nos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 4859; inharmonious (figuratively): -- agree not. 800
1106 - gnome {gno'-may}; from 1097; cognition, i.e. (subjectively) opinion, or (objectively) resolve (counsel, consent, etc.): -- advice, + agree, judgment, mind, purpose, will. 1106
1526 - eisi {i-see'}; 3d person plural present indicative of 1510; they are: -- agree, are, be, dure, X is, were. 1526
1843 - exomologeo {ex-om-ol-og-eh'-o}; from 1537 and 3670; to acknowledge or (by implication of assent) agree fully: -- confess, profess, promise. ***. exon. See 1832. 1842
2132 - eunoeo {yoo-no-eh'-o}; from a compound of 2095 and 3563; to be well-minded, i.e. reconcile: -- agree. 2132
2258 - en {ane}; imperfect of 1510; I (thou, etc.) was (wast or were): -- + agree, be, X have (+ charge of), hold, use, was(-t), were. 2258
2468 - isthi {is'-thee}; second person imperative present of 1510; be thou: -- + agree, be, X give thyself wholly to. 2468
2470 - isos {ee'-sos}; probably from 1492 (through the idea of seeming); similar (in amount and kind): -- + agree, as much, equal, like. 2470
3391 - mia {mee'-ah}; irregular feminine of 1520; one or first: -- a (certain), + agree, first, one, X other. 3290
3662 - homoiazo {hom-oy-ad'-zo}; from 3664; to resemble: -- agree. 3560
3982 - peitho {pi'-tho}; a primary verb; to convince (by argument, true or false); by analogy, to pacify or conciliate (by other fair means); reflexively or passively, to assent (to evidence or authority), to rely (by inward certainty): -- agree, assure, believe, have confidence, be (wax) conflent, make friend, obey, persuade, trust, yield. 3880
4160 - poieo {poy-eh'-o}; apparently a prolonged form of an obsolete primary; to make or do (in a very wide application, more or less direct): -- abide, + agree, appoint, X avenge, + band together, be, bear, + bewray, bring (forth), cast out, cause, commit, + content, continue, deal, + without any delay, (would) do(-ing), execute, exercise, fulfil, gain, give, have, hold, X journeying, keep, + lay wait, + lighten the ship, make, X mean, + none of these things move me, observe, ordain, perform, provide, + have purged, purpose, put, + raising up, X secure, shew, X shoot out, spend, take, tarry, + transgress the law, work, yield. Compare 4238. 4058
4856 - sumphoneo {soom-fo-neh'-o}; from 4859; to be harmonious, i.e. (figuratively) to accord (be suitable, concur) or stipulate (by compact): -- agree (together, with). 4754
4934 - suntithemai {soon-tith'-em-ahee}; middle voice from 4862 and 5087; to place jointly, i.e. (figuratively) to consent (bargain, stipulate), concur: -- agree, assent, covenant. 4832
02164 ## z@man (Aramaic) {zem-an'} ; corresponding to 02163 ; to agree (on a time and place) :-- prepare . ~~7684
03259 ## ya` ad {yaw-ad'} ; a primitive root ; to fix upon (by agreement or appointment) ; by implication , to meet (at a stated time) , to summon (to trial) , to direct (in a certain quarter or position) , to engage (for marriage) :-- agree , (maxke an) appoint (- ment , a time) , assemble (selves) , betroth , gather (selves , together) , meet (together) , set (a time) . ~~8780
0587 - apodektos {ap-od'-ek-tos}; from 0588; accepted, i.e. agreeable: -- acceptable. 586
0700 - aresko {ar-es'-ko}; probably from 0142 (through the idea of exciting emotion); to be agreeable (or by implication, to seek to be so): -- please. 700
0701 - arestos {ar-es-tos'}; from 0700; agreeable; by implication, fit: -- (things that) please(-ing), reason. 700
2101 - euarestos {yoo-ar'-es-tos}; from 2095 and 0701; fully agreeable: -- acceptable(-ted), wellpleasing. 2100
05276 ## na` em {naw-ame'} ; a primitive root ; to be agreeable (literally or figuratively) :-- pass in beauty , be delight , be pleasant , be sweet . ~~10796
06149 ## ` areb {aw-rabe'} a primitive root [identical with 06148 through the idea of close association ] ; to be agreeable :-- be pleasant (- ing) , take pleasure in , be sweet . ~~11670
05278 ## no` am {no'- am} ; from 05276 ; agreeableness , i . e . delight , suitableness , splendor or grace :-- beauty , pleasant (- ness) . ~~10798
2102 - euarestos {yoo-ar-es'-toce}; adverb from 2101; quite agreeably: -- acceptably, + please well. 2102
3545 - nomimos {nom-im'-oce}; adverb from a derivative of 3551; legitimately (specifically agreeably to the rules of the lists): -- lawfully. 3444
0802 - asunthetos {as-oon'-thet-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 4934; properly, not agreed, i.e. treacherous to compacts: -- covenant-breaker. 802
4783 - sugkatathesis {soong-kat-ath'-es-is}; from 4784; a deposition (of sentiment) in company with, i.e. (figuratively) accord with: -- agreement. 4680
4859 - sumphonos {soom'-fo-nos}; from 4862 and 5456; sounding together (alike), i.e. (figuratively) accordant (neuter as noun, agreement): -- consent. 4756
02374 ## chozeh {kho-zeh'} ; active participle of 02372 ; a beholder in vision ; also a compact (as looked upon with approval) :-- agreement , prophet , see that , seer , [star-] gazer . ~~7894
02380 ## chazuwth {khaw-zooth'} ; from 02372 ; a look ; hence (figuratively) striking appearance , revelation , or (by implication) compact :-- agreement , notable (one) , vision . ~~7900
03259 ## ya` ad {yaw-ad'} ; a primitive root ; to fix upon (by agreement or appointment) ; by implication , to meet (at a stated time) , to summon (to trial) , to direct (in a certain quarter or position) , to engage (for marriage) :-- agree , (maxke an) appoint (- ment , a time) , assemble (selves) , betroth , gather (selves , together) , meet (together) , set (a time) . ~~8780
04339 ## meyshar {may-shawr'} ; from 03474 ; evenness , i . e . (figuratively) prosperity or concord ; also straightness , i . e . (figuratively) rectitude (only in plural with singular sense ; often adverbially) :-- agreement , aright , that are equal , equity , (things that are) right (- eously , things) , sweetly , upright (- ly ,-ness) . ~~9860
0064 - agreuo {ag-rew'-o}; from 0061; to hunt, i.e. (figuratively) to entrap: -- catch. 64
0065 - agrielaios {ag-ree-el'-ah-yos}; from 0066 and 1636; an oleaster: -- olive tree (which is) wild. 64
0066 - agrios {ag'-ree-os}; from 0068; wild (as pertaining to the country), literally (natural) or figuratively (fierce): -- wild, raging. 66
0067 - Agrippas {ag-rip'-pas}; apparently from 0066 and 2462; wild-horse tamer; Agrippas, one of the Herods: -- Agrippa. 66
0986 - Blastos {blas'-tos}; perhaps the same as the base of 0985; Blastus, an officer of Herod Agrippa: -- Blastus. 986
0067 - Agrippas {ag-rip'-pas}; apparently from 0066 and 2462; wild-horse tamer; Agrippas, one of the Herods: -- Agrippa. 66
0067 - Agrippas {ag-rip'-pas}; apparently from 0066 and 2462; wild-horse tamer; Agrippas, one of the Herods: -- Agrippa. 66
0068 - agros {ag-ros'}; from 0071; a field (as a drive for cattle); genitive case the country; specially, a farm, i.e. hamlet: -- country, farm, piece of ground, land. 68
2027 - epokello {ep-ok-el'-lo}; from 1909 and okello (to urge); to drive upon the shore, i.e. to beach a vessel: -- run aground. 2026
0069 - agrupneo {ag-roop-neh'-o}; ultimately from 0001 (as negative particle) and 5258; to be sleepless, i.e. keep awake: -- watch. 68
0070 - agrupnia {ag-roop-nee'-ah}; from 0069; sleeplessness, i.e. a keeping awake: -- watch. 70
00092 ## 'aguddah {ag-ood-daw'} ; feminine passive participle of an unused root (meaning to bind) ; a band , bundle , knot , or arch :-- bunch , burden , troop . ~~5612
06920 ## qaddachath {kad-dakh'- ath} ; from 06919 ; inflammation , i . e . febrile disease :-- burning ague , fever . ~~12440
00094 ## 'Aguwr {aw-goor'} ; passive participle of 00103 ; gathered (i . e . received among the sages) ; Agur , a fanciful name for Solomon :-- Agur . ~~5614
00094 ## 'Aguwr {aw-goor'} ; passive participle of 00103 ; gathered (i . e . received among the sages) ; Agur , a fanciful name for Solomon :-- Agur . ~~5614
00094 ## 'Aguwr {aw-goor'} ; passive participle of 00103 ; gathered (i . e . received among the sages) ; Agur , a fanciful name for Solomon :-- Agur . ~~5614
05693 ## ` aguwr {aw-goor'} ; passive part [but with active sense ] of an unused root meaning to twitter : probably the swallow :-- swallow . ~~11214
0002 - Aaron {ah-ar-ohn'}; of Hebrew origin [0175]; Aaron, the brother of Moses: -- Aaron. 2
0007 - Abia {ab-ee-ah'}; of Hebrew origin [0029]; Abijah, the name of two Israelites: -- Abia. 6
0016 - agathopolia {ag-ath-op-oy-ee'-ah}; from 0017; well-doing, i.e. virtue: -- well-doing. 16
0021 - agalliao {ag-al-lee-ah'-o}; from agan (much) and 0242; properly, to jump for joy, i.e. exult: -- be (exceeding) glad, with exceeding joy, rejoice (greatly). 20
0025 - agapao {ag-ap-ah'-o}; perhaps from agan (much) [or compare 5389]; to love (in a social or moral sense): -- (be-)love(-ed). Compare 5368. 24
0026 - agape {ag-ah'-pay}; from 0025; love, i.e. affection or benevolence; specially (plural) a love-feast: -- (feast of) charity( [-ably]), dear, love. 26
0031 - aggelia {ang-el-ee'-ah}; from 0032; an announcement, i.e. (by implication) precept: -- message. 30
0047 - hagneia {hag-ni'-ah}; from 0053; cleanliness (the quality), i.e. (specially) chastity: -- purity. 46
0052 - agnoia {ag'-noy-ah}; from 0050; ignorance (properly, the quality): -- ignorance. 52
0056 - agnosia {ag-no-see'-ah}; from 0001 (as negative particle) and 1108; ignorance (properly, the state): -- ignorance, not the knowledge. 56
0058 - agora {ag-or-ah'}; from ageiro (to gather; probably akin to 1453); properly, the town-square (as a place of public resort); by implication, a market or thoroughfare: -- market(-place), street. 58
0060 - agoraios {ag-or-ah'-yos}; from 0058; relating to the market-place, i.e. forensic (times); by implication, vulgar: -- baser sort, low. 60
0065 - agrielaios {ag-ree-el'-ah-yos}; from 0066 and 1636; an oleaster: -- olive tree (which is) wild. 64
0070 - agrupnia {ag-roop-nee'-ah}; from 0069; sleeplessness, i.e. a keeping awake: -- watch. 70
0074 - agonia {ag-o-nee'-ah}; from 0073; a struggle (properly, the state), i.e. (figuratively) anguish: -- agony. 74
0090 - adiaphthoria {ad-ee-af-thor-ee'-ah}; from a derivative of a compound of 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 1311; incorruptibleness, i.e. (figuratively) purity (of doctrine): -- uncorruptness. 90
0093 - adikia {ad-ee-kee'-ah}; from 0094; (legal) injustice (properly, the quality, by implication, the act); morally, wrongfulness (of character, life or act): -- iniquity, unjust, unrighteousness, wrong. 92
0104 - aei {ah-eye'}; from an obsolete primary noun (apparently meaning continued duration); "ever,"by qualification regularly; by implication, earnestly; -- always, ever. 104
0105 - aetos {ah-et-os'}; from the same as 0109; an eagle (from its wind-like flight): -- eagle. 104
0109 - aer {ah-ayr'}; from aemi (to breathe unconsciously, i.e. respire; by analogy, to blow); "air" (as naturally circumambient): -- air. Compare 5594. ***. atha. See 3134. 108
0110 - athanasia {ath-an-as-ee'-ah}; from a compound of 0001 (as a negative particle) and 2288; deathlessness: -- immortality. 110
0122 - aigeos {ah'-ee-ghi-os}; from aix (a goat); belonging to a goat: -- goat. 122
0125 - Aiguptos {ah'-ee-goop-tos}; of uncertain derivation: -- AEgyptus, the land of the Nile: -- Egypt. 124
0126 - aidios {ah-id'-ee-os}; from 0104; everduring (forward and backward, or forward only): -- eternal, everlasting. 126
0130 - haimatekchusia {hahee-mat-ek-khoo-see'-ah}; from 0129 and a derivative of 1632; an effusion of blood: -- shedding of blood. 130
0133 - ainesis {ah'-ee-nes-is}; from 0134; a praising (the act), i.e. (specially) a thank(-offering): -- praise. 132
0135 - ainigma {ah'-ee-nig-ma}; from a derivative of 0136 (in its primary sense); an obscure saying ("enigma"), i.e. (abstractly) obscurenesss: -- X darkly. 134
0136 - ainos {ah'-ee-nos}; apparently a prime word; properly, a story, but used in the sense of 1868; praise (of God): -- praise. 136
0142 - airo {ah'-ee-ro}; a primary root; to lift up; by implication, to take up or away; figuratively, to raise (the voice), keep in suspense (the mind), specially, to sail away (i.e. weigh anchor); by Hebraism [compare 5375] to expiate sin: -- away with, bear (up), carry, lift up, loose, make to doubt, put away, remove, take (away, up). 142
0144 - aisthesis {ah'-ee-sthay-sis}; from 0143; perception, i.e. (figuratively) discernment: -- judgment. 144
0148 - aischrologia {ahee-skhrol-og-ee'-ah}; from 0150 and 3056; vile conversation: -- filthy communication. 148
0155 - aitema {ah'-ee-tay-mah}; from 0154; a thing asked or (abstractly) an asking: -- petition, request, required. 154
0157 - aitiama {ahee-tee'-am-ah}; from a derivative of 0156; a thing charged: -- complaint. 156
0158 - aition {ah'-ee-tee-on}; neuter of 0159; a reason or crime [like 0156]: -- cause, fault. 158
0159 - aitios {ah'-ee-tee-os}; from the same as 0154; causative, i.e. (concretely) a causer: -- author. 158
0161 - aichmalosia {aheekh-mal-o-see'-ah}; from 0164; captivity: -- captivity. 160
0167 - akatharsia {ak-ath-ar-see'-ah}; from 0169; impurity (the quality), physically or morally: -- uncleanness. 166
0171 - akairos {ak-ah'-ee-roce}; adverb from the same as 0170; inopportunely: -- out of season. 170
0181 - akatastasia {ak-at-as-tah-see'-ah}; from 0182; instability, i.e. disorder: -- commotion, confusion, tumult. 180
0184 - Akeldama {ak-el-dam-ah'}; of Aramaic origin [meaning field of blood; corresponding to 2506 and 1818]; Akeldama, a place near Jerusalem: -- Aceldama. 184
0185 - akeraios {ak-er'-ah-yos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of 2767; unmixed, i.e. (figuratively) innocent: -- harmless, simple. 184
0195 - akribeia {ak-ree'-bi-ah}; from the same as 0196; exactness: -- perfect manner. 194
0203 - akrobustia {ak-rob-oos-tee'-ah}; from 0206 and probably a modified form of posthe (the penis or male sexual organ); the prepuce; by implication, an uncircumcised (i.e. gentile, figuratively, unregenerate) state or person: -- not circumcised, uncircumcised [with 2192], uncircumcision. 202
0204 - akrogoniaios {ak-rog-o-nee-ah'-yos}; from 0206 and 1137; belonging to the extreme corner: -- chief corner. 204
0219 - alektorophonia {al-ek-tor-of-o-nee'-ah}; from 0220 and 5456; cock-crow, i.e. the third night-watch: -- cockcrowing. 218
0234 - alisgema {al-is'-ghem-ah}; from alisgeo (to soil); (ceremonially) defilement: -- pollution. 234
0239 - allelouia {al-lay-loo'-ee-ah}; of Hebrew origin [imperative of 1984 and 3050]; praise ye Jah!, an adoring exclamation: -- alleluiah. 238
0248 - aloao {al-o-ah'-o}; from the same as 0257; to tread out grain: -- thresh, tread out the corn. 248
0260 - hama {ham'-ah}; a primary particle; properly, at the "same" time, but freely used as a preposition or adverb denoting close association: -- also, and, together, with(-al). 260
0266 - hamartia {ham-ar-tee'-ah}; from 0264; a sin (properly abstract): -- offence, sin(-ful). 266
0270 - amao {am-ah'-o}; from 0260; properly, to collect, i.e. (by implication) reap: -- reap down. 270
0303 - ana {an-ah'}; a primary preposition and adverb; properly, up; but (by extension) used (distributively) severally, or (locally) at (etc.): -- and, apiece, by, each, every (man), in, through. In compounds (as a prefix) it often means (by implication) repetition, intensity, reversal, etc. 302
0305 - anabaino {an-ab-ah'-ee-no}; from 0303 and the base of 0939; to go up (literally or figuratively): -- arise, ascend (up), climb (go, grow, rise, spring) up, come (up). 304
0310 - anaboao {an-ab-o-ah'-o}; from 0303 and 0994; to halloo: -- cry (aloud, out). 310
0331 - anathema {an-ath'-em-ah}; from 0394; a (religious) ban or (concretely) excommunicated (thing or person): -- accused, anathema, curse, X great. 330
0335 - anaideia {an-ah'-ee-die-ah'}; from a compound of 0001 (as a negative particle [compare 0427]) and 0127; impudence, i.e. (by implication) importunity: -- importunity. 334
0335 - anaideia {an-ah'-ee-die-ah'}; from a compound of 0001 (as a negative particle [compare 0427]) and 0127; impudence, i.e. (by implication) importunity: -- importunity. 334
0336 - anairesis {an-ah'-ee-res-is}; from 0337; (the act of) killing: -- death. 336
0338 - anaitios {an-ah'-ee-tee-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 0159 (in the sense of 0156); innocent: -- blameless, guiltless. 338
0342 - anakainosis {an-ak-ah'-ee-no-sis}; from 0341; renovation: -- renewing. 342
0346 - anakephalaiomai {an-ak-ef-al-ah'-ee-om-ahee}; from 0303 and 2775 (in its original sense); to sum up: -- briefly comprehend, gather together in one. 346
0356 - analogia {an-al-og-ee'-ah}; from a compound of 0303 and 3056; proportion: -- proportion. 356
0398 - anaphaino {an-af-ah'-ee-no}; from 0303 and 5316; to show, i.e. (reflexively) appear, or (passively) to have pointed out: -- (should) appear, discover. 398
0422 - anepaischuntos {an-ep-ah'-ee-skhoon-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of a compound of 1909 and 0153; not ashamed, i.e. irreprehensible: -- that needeth not to be ashamed. 422
0439 - anthrakia {anth-rak-ee-ah'}; from 0440; a bed of burning coals: -- fire of coals. 438
0454 - anoia {an'-oy-ah}; from a compound of 0001 (as a negative particle) and 3563; stupidity; by implication, rage: -- folly, madness. 454
0458 - anomia {an-om-ee'-ah}; from 0459; illegality, i.e. violation of law or (genitive case) wickedness: -- iniquity, X transgress(-ion of) the law, unrighteousness. 458
0468 - antapodoma {an-tap-od'-om-ah}; from 0467; a requital (properly, the thing): -- recompense. 468
0485 - antilogia {an-tee-log-ee'-ah}; from a derivative of 0483; dispute, disobedience: -- contradiction, gainsaying, strife. 484
0489 - antimisthia {an-tee-mis-thee'-ah}; from a compound of 0473 and 3408; requital, correspondence: -- recompense. 488
0490 - Antiocheia {an-tee-okh'-i-ah}; from Antiochus (a Syrian king); Antiochia, a place in Syria: -- Antioch. 490
0517 - aoratos {ah-or'-at-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 3707; invisible: -- invisible (thing). 516
0521 - apaideutos {ap-ah'-ee-dyoo-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 3811; uninstructed, i.e. (figuratively) stupid: -- unlearned. 520
0522 - apairo {ap-ah'-ee-ro}; from 0575 and 0142; to lift off, i.e. remove: -- take (away). 522
0523 - apaiteo {ap-ah'-ee-teh-o}; from 0575 and 0154; to demand back: -- ask again, require. 522
0538 - apatao {ap-at-ah'-o}; of uncertain derivation; to cheat, i.e. delude: -- deceive. 538
0543 - apeitheia {ap-i'-thi-ah}; from 0545; disbelief (obstinate and rebellious): -- disobedience, unbelief. 542
0570 - apaistia {ap-is-tee'-ah}; from 0571; faithlessness, i.e. (negatively) disbelief (lack of Christian faith), or (positively) unfaithfulness (disobedience): -- unbelief. 570
0576 - apobaino {ap-ob-ah'-ee-no}; from 0575 and the base of 0939; literally, to disembark; figuratively, to eventuate: -- become, go out, turn. 576
0603 - apokaradokia {ap-ok-ar-ad-ok-ee'-ah}; from a comparative of 0575 and a compound of kara (the head) and 1380 (in the sense of watching); intense anticipation: -- earnest expectation. 602
0624 - Apollonia {ap-ol-lo-nee'-ah}; from the pagan deity Apollon (i.e. the sun; from 0622); Apollonia, a place in Macedonia: -- Apollonia. 624
0627 - apologia {ap-ol-og-ee'-ah}; from the same as 0626; a plea ("apology"): -- answer (for self), clearing of self, defence. 626
0635 - apoplanao {ap-op-lan-ah'-o}; from 0575 and 4105; to lead astray (figuratively); passively, to stray (from truth): -- err, seduce. 634
0646 - apostasia {ap-os-tas-ee'-ah}; feminine of the same as 0647; defection from truth (properly, the state) ["apostasy"]: -- falling away, forsake. 646
0663 - apotomia {ap-ot-om-ee'-ah}; from the base of 0664; (figuratively) decisiveness, i.e. rigor: -- severity. 662
0666 - apousia {ap-oo-see'-ah}; from the participle of 0548; a being away: -- absence. 666
0685 - ara {ar-ah'}; probably from 0142; properly, prayer (as lifted to Heaven), i.e. (by implication) imprecation: -- curse. 684
0686 - ara {ar'-ah}; probably from 0142 (through the idea of drawing a conclusion); a particle denoting an inference more or less decisive (as follows): -- haply, (what) manner (of man), no doubt, perhaps, so be, then, therefore, truly, wherefore. Often used in connection with other particles, especially 1065 or 3767 (after) or 1487 (before). Compare also 0687. 686
0687 - ara {ar'-ah}; a form of 0686, denoting an interrogation to which a negative answer is presumed: -- therefore. 686
0688 - Arabia {ar-ab-ee'-ah}; of Hebrew origin [6152]; Arabia , a region of Asia: -- Arabia. ***. arage. See 0686 and 1065. 688
0699 - areskeia {ar-es'-ki-ah}; from a derivative of 0700; complaisance: -- pleasing. 698
0707 - Arimathaia {ar-ee-math-ah'-ee-ah}; of Hebrew origin [7414]; Arimathaea (or Ramah), a place in Palestine: -- Arimathaea. 706
0707 - Arimathaia {ar-ee-math-ah'-ee-ah}; of Hebrew origin [7414]; Arimathaea (or Ramah), a place in Palestine: -- Arimathaea. 706
0745 - Archelaos {ar-khel'-ah-os}; from 0757 and 2994; people-ruling; Archelaus, a Jewish king: -- Archelaus. 744
0760 - Asa {as-ah'}; of Hebrew origin [0609]; Asa, an Israelite: -- Asa. 760
0763 - asebeia {as-eb'-i-ah}; from 0765; impiety, i.e. (by implication) wickedness: -- ungodly(-liness). 762
0769 - astheneia {as-then'-i-ah}; from 0772; feebleness (of mind or body); by implication, malady; morally, frailty: -- disease, infirmity, sickness, weakness. 768
0773 - Asia {as-ee'-ah}; of uncertain derivation; Asia, i.e. Asia Minor, or (usually) only its western shore: -- Asia. 772
0776 - asitia {as-ee-tee'-ah}; from 0777; fasting (the state): -- abstinence. 776
0803 - asphaleia {as-fal'-i-ah}; from 0804; security (literally or figuratively): -- certainty, safety. 802
0810 - asotia {as-o-tee'-ah}; from a compound of 0001 (as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of 4982; properly, unsavedness, i.e. (by implication) profligacy: -- excess, riot. 810
0819 - atimia {at-ee-mee'-ah}; from 0820; infamy, i.e. (subjectively) comparative indignity, (objectively) disgrace: -- dishonour, reproach, shame, vile. 818
0825 - Attaleia {at-tal'-i-ah}; from Attalos (a king of Pergamus); Attaleia, a place in Pamphylia: -- Attalia. 824
0841 - autarkeia {ow-tar'-ki-ah}; from 0842; self-satisfaction, i.e. (abstractly) contentedness, or (concretely) a competence: -- contentment, sufficiency. 840
0857 - apheidia {af-i-dee'-ah}; from a compound of 0001 (as a negative particle) and 5339; unsparingness, i.e. austerity (ascetism): -- neglecting. 856
0861 - aphthrsia {af-thar-see'-ah}; from 0862; incorruptibility; genitive case unending existence; (figuratively) genuineness: -- immortality, incorruption, sincerity. 860
0872 - aphorao {af-or-ah'-o}; from 0575 and 3708; to consider attentively: -- look. 872
0882 - Achaia {ach-ah-ee'-ah}; of uncertain derivation; Achaia (i.e. Greece), a country of Europe: -- Achaia. 882
0882 - Achaia {ach-ah-ee'-ah}; of uncertain derivation; Achaia (i.e. Greece), a country of Europe: -- Achaia. 882
0883 - Achaikos {ach-ah-ee-kos'}; from 0882; an Achaian; Achaicus, a Christian: -- Achaicus. 882
0903 - Balaam {bal-ah-am'}; of Hebrew origin [1109]; Balaam, a Mesopotamian (symbolic of a false teacher): -- Balaam. 902
0918 - Bartholomaios {bar-thol-om-ah'-yos}; of Aramaic origin [1247 and 8526]; son of Tolmai; Bar-tholomoeus, a Christian apostle: -- Bartholomeus. 918
0924 - Bartimaios {bar-tim-ah'-yos}; of Aramaic origin [1247 and 2931]; son of Timoeus (or the unclean); Bar-timoeus, an Israelite: -- Bartimaeus. 924
0932 - basileia {bas-il-i'-ah}; from 0935; properly, royalty, i.e. (abstractly) rule, or (concretely) a realm (literally or figuratively): -- kingdom, + reign. 932
0949 - bebaios {beb'-ah-yos}; from the base of 0939 (through the idea of basality); stable (literally or figuratively): -- firm, of force, stedfast, sure. 948
0950 - bebaioo {beb-ah-yo'-o}; from 0949; to stabilitate (figuratively): -- confirm, (e-)stablish. 950
0951 - bebaiosis {beb-ah'-yo-sis}; from 0950; stabiliment: -- confirmation. 950
0960 - Beroia {ber'-oy-ah}; perhaps a provincial from a derivative of 4008 [Peroea, i.e. the region beyond the coast-line]; Beroea, a place in Macedonia: -- Berea. 960
0961 - Beroiaios {ber-oy-ah'-yos}; from 0960; a Beroeoean or native of Beroea: -- of Berea. 960
0962 - Bethabara {bay-thab-ar-ah'}; of Hebrew origin [1004 and 5679]; ferry-house; Bethabara (i.e. Bethabarah), a place on the Jordan: -- Bethabara. 962
0963 - Bethania {bay-than-ee'-ah}; of Aramaic origin; date-house; Beth-any, a place in Palestine: -- Bethany. 962
0970 - bia {bee'-ah}; probably akin to 0970 (through the idea of vital activity); force: -- violence. 970
0972 - biaios {bee'-ah-yos}; from 0970; violent: -- mighty. 972
0978 - Bithunia {bee-thoo-nee'-ah}; of uncertain derivation; Bithynia, a region of Asia: -- Bithynia. 978
0988 - blasphemia {blas-fay-me'-ah}; from 0989; vilification (especially against God): -- blasphemy, evil speaking, railing. 988
0994 - boao {bo-ah'-o}; apparently a prol. form of a primary verb; to halloo, i.e. shout (for help or in a tumultuous way): -- cry. 994
0996 - boetheia {bo-ay'-thi-ah}; from 0998; aid; specially, a rope or chain for frapping a vessel: -- help. 996
1042 - gabbatha {gab-bath-ah'}; of Aramaic origin [compare 1355]; the knoll; gabbatha, a vernacular term for the Roman tribunal in Jerusalem: -- Gabbatha. 1042
1051 - gala {gal'-ah}; of uncertain affinity; milk (figuratively): -- milk. 1050
1053 - Galatia {gal-at-ee'-ah}; of foreign origin; Galatia, a region of Asia: -- Galatia. 1052
1056 - Galilaia {gal-il-ah'-yah}; of Hebrew origin [1551]; Galiloea (i.e. the heathen circle), a region of Palestine: -- Galilee. 1056
1070 - gelao {ghel-ah'-o}; of uncertain affinity; to laugh (as a sign of joy or satisfaction): -- laugh. 1070
1074 - genea {ghen-eh-ah'}; from (a presumed derivative of) 1085; a generation; by implication, an age (the period or the persons): -- age, generation, nation, time. 1074
1076 - genealogia {ghen-eh-al-og-ee'-ah}; from the same as 1075; tracing by generations, i.e. "genealogy": -- genealogy. 1076
1077 - genesia {ghen-es'-ee-ah}; neuter plural of a derivative of 1078; birthday ceremonies: -- birthday. 1076
1087 - gerousia {gher-oo-see'-ah}; from 1088; the eldership, i.e. (collect.) the Jewish Sanhedrin: -- senate. 1086
1115 - Golgotha {gol-goth-ah'}; of Aramaic origin [compare 1538]; the skull; Golgotha, a knoll near Jerusalem: -- Golgotha. 1114
1129 - gumnasia {goom-nas-ee'-ah}; from 1128; training, i.e. (figuratively) asceticism: -- exercise. 1128
1137 - gonia {go-nee'-ah}; probably akin to 1119; an angle: -- corner, quarter. 1136
1149 - Dalmatia {dal-mat-ee'-ah}; probably of foreign derivation; Dalmatia, a region of Europe: -- Dalmatia. 1148
1159 - dapanao {dap-an-ah'-o}; from 1160; to expend, i.e. (in a good sense) to incur cost, or (in a bad one) to waste: -- be at charges, consume, spend. 1158
1167 - deilia {di-lee'-ah}; from 1169; timidity: -- fear. 1166
1168 - deiliao {di-lee-ah'-o}; from 1167; to be timid: -- be afraid. 1168
1175 - deisidaimonia {dice-ee-dahee-mon-ee'-ah}; from the same as 1174; religion: -- superstition. 1174
1176 - deka {dek'-ah}; a primary number; ten: -- [eight-]een, ten. 1176
1206 - deuteraios {dyoo-ter-ah'-yos}; from 1208; secondary, i.e. (specially) on the second day: -- next day. 1206
1223 - dia {dee-ah'}; a primary preposition denoting the channel of an act; through (in very wide applications, local, causal, or occasional): -- after, always, among, at, to avoid, because of (that), briefly, by, for (cause)...fore, from, in, by occasion of, of, by reason of, for sake, that, thereby, therefore, X though, through(-out), to, wherefore, with(-in). In composition it retains the same general import. ***. Dia. See 2203. 1222
1224 - diabaino {dee-ab-ah'-ee-no}; from 1223 and the base of 0939; to cross: -- come over, pass (through). 1224
1243 - diairesis {dee-ah'-ee-res-is}; from 1244; a distinction or (concretely) variety: -- difference, diversity. 1242
1248 - diakonia {dee-ak-on-ee'-ah}; from 1249; attendance (as a servant, etc.); figuratively (eleemosynary) aid, (official) service (especially of the Christian teacher, or techn. of the diaconate): -- (ad-)minister(-ing, -tration, -try), office, relief, service(-ing). 1248
1271 - dianoia {dee-an'-oy-ah}; from 1223 and 3563; deep thought, properly, the faculty (mind or its disposition), by implication, its exercise: -- imagination, mind, understanding. 1270
1276 - diaperao {dee-ap-er-ah'-o}; from 1223 and a derivative of the base of 4008; to cross entirely: -- go over, pass (over), sail over. 1276
1290 - diaspora {dee-as-por-ah'}; from 1289; dispersion, i.e. (specially and concretely) the (converted) Israelite resident in Gentile countries: -- (which are) scattered (abroad). 1290
1312 - diaphthora {dee-af-thor-ah'}; from 1311; decay: -- corruption. 1312
1319 - didaskalia {did-as-kal-ee'-ah}; from 1320; instruction (the function or the information): -- doctrine, learning, teaching. 1318
1341 - dikaiokrisia {dik-ah-yok-ris-ee'-ah}; from 1342 and 2920; a just sentence: -- righteous judgment. 1340
1341 - dikaiokrisia {dik-ah-yok-ris-ee'-ah}; from 1342 and 2920; a just sentence: -- righteous judgment. 1340
1342 - dikaios {dik'-ah-yos}; from 1349; equitable (in character or act); by implication, innocent, holy (absolutely or relatively): -- just, meet, right(-eous). 1342
1343 - dikaiosune {dik-ah-yos-oo'-nay}; from 1342; equity (of character or act); specially (Christian) justification: -- righteousness. 1342
1344 - dikaioo {dik-ah-yo'-o}; from 1342; to render (i.e. show or regard as) just or innocent: -- free, justify(-ier), be righteous. 1344
1345 - dikaioma {dik-ah'-yo-mah}; from 1344; an equitable deed; by implication, a statute or decision: -- judgment, justification, ordinance, righteousness. 1344
1346 - dikaios {dik-ah'-yoce}; adverb from 1342; equitably: -- justly, (to) righteously(-ness). 1346
1347 - dikaiosis {dik-ah'-yo-sis}; from 1344; aquittal (for Christ's sake): -- justification. 1346
1370 - dichostsis {dee-khos-tas-ee'-ah}; from a derivative of 1364 and 4714; disunion, i.e. (figuratively) dissension: -- division, sedition. 1370
1390 - doma {dom'-ah}; from the base of 1325; a present: -- gift. 1390
1391 - doxa {dox'-ah}; from the base of 1380; glory (as very apparent), in a wide application (literal or figurative, objective or subjective): -- dignity, glory(-ious), honour, praise, worship. 1390
1397 - douleia {doo-li'-ah}; from 1398; slavery (ceremonially or figuratively): -- bondage. 1396
1420 - dusenteria {doos-en-ter-ee'-ah}; from 1418 and a comparative of 1787 (meaning a bowel); a "dysentery": -- bloody flux. 1420
1426 - dusphemia {doos-fay-mee'-ah}; from a compound of 1418 and 5345; defamation: -- evil report. ***. duo. See 1416. 1426
1427 - dodeka {do'-dek-ah}; from 1417 and 1176; two and ten, i.e. a dozen: -- twelve. 1426
1431 - dorea {do-reh-ah'}; from 1435; a gratuity: -- gift. 1430
1436 - ea {eh'-ah}; apparent imperative of 1439; properly, let it be, i.e. (as interjection) aha!: -- let alone. 1436
1439 - eao {eh-ah'-o}; of uncertain affinity; to let be, i.e. permit or leave alone: -- commit, leave, let (alone), suffer. See also 1436. 1438
1456 - egkainia {eng-kah'-ee-nee-ah}; neuter plural of a presumed compound from 1722 and 2537; innovatives, i.e. (specially) renewal (of religious services after the Antiochian interruption): -- dedication. 1456
1466 - egkrateia {eng-krat'-i-ah}; from 1468; self-control (especially continence): -- temperance. 1466
1479 - ethelothreskeia {eth-el-oth-race-ki'-ah}; from 2309 and 2356; voluntary (arbitrary and unwarranted) piety, i.e. sanctimony: -- will worship. ***. ethelo. See 2309. 1478
1495 - eidololatreia {i-do-lol-at-ri'-ah}; from 1497 and 2999; image-worship (literally or figuratively): -- idolatry. 1494
1505 - eilikrineia {i-lik-ree'-ni-ah}; from 1506; clearness, i.e. (by implication) purity (figuratively): -- sincerity. 1504
1550 - ekdapanao {ek-dap-an-ah'-o}; from 1537 and 1159; to expend (wholly), i.e. (figuratively) exhaust: -- spend. 1550
1571 - ekkathairo {ek-kath-ah'-ee-ro}; from 1537 and 2508; to cleanse thoroughly: -- purge (out). 1570
1577 - ekklesia {ek-klay-see'-ah}; from a compound of 1537 and a derivative of 2564; a calling out, i.e. (concretely) a popular meeting, especially a religious congregation (Jewish synagogue, or Christian community of members on earth or saints in heaven or both): -- assembly, church. 1576
1616 - ekteneia {ek-ten'-i-ah}; from 1618; intentness: -- X instantly. 1616
1636 - elaia {el-ah'-yah}; feminine of a presumed derivative from an obsolete primary; an olive (the tree or the fruit): -- olive (berry, tree). 1636
1637 - elaion {el'-ah-yon}; neuter of the same as 1636; olive oil: -- oil. 1636
1638 - elaion {el-ah-yone'}; from 1636; an olive-orchard, i.e. (specially) the Mt. of Olives: -- Olivet. 1638
1644 - elaphria {el-af-ree'-ah}; from 1645; levity (figuratively), i.e. fickleness: -- lightness. 1644
1657 - eleutheria {el-yoo-ther-ee'-ah}; from 1658; freedom (legitimate or licentious, chiefly moral or ceremonial): -- liberty. 1656
1690 - embrimaomai {em-brim-ah'-om-ahee}; from 1722 and brimaomai (to snort with anger); to have indignation on, i.e. (transitively) to blame, (intransitively) to sigh with chagrin, (specially) to sternly enjoin: -- straitly charge, groan, murmur against. 1690
1711 - emporia {em-por-ee'-ah}; feminine from 1713; traffic: -- merchandise. 1710
1733 - hendeka {hen'-dek-ah}; from (the neuter of) 1520 and 1176; one and ten, i.e. eleven: -- eleven. 1732
1752 - heneka {hen'-ek-ah}; or heneken {hen'-ek-en}; or heineken {hi'-nek-en}; of uncertain affinity; on account of: -- because, for (cause, sake), (where-)fore, by reason of, that. 1752
1753 - energeia {en-erg'-i-ah}; from 1756; efficiency ("energy"): -- operation, strong, (effectual) working. 1752
1767 - ennea {en-neh'-ah}; a primary number; nine: -- nine. 1766
1768 - ennenekontaennea {en-nen-ay-kon-tah-en-neh'-ah}; from a (tenth) multiple of 1767 and 1767 itself; ninety-nine: -- ninety and nine. 1768
1771 - ennoia {en'-noy-ah}; from a compound of 1722 and 3563; thoughtfulness, i.e. moral understanding: -- intent, mind. 1770
1808 - exairo {ex-ah'-ee-ro}; from 1537 and 0142; to remove: -- put (take) away. 1808
1810 - exaiphnes {ex-ah'-eef-nace}; from 1537 and the base of 0160; of a sudden (unexpectedly): -- suddenly. Compare 1819. 1810
1818 - exapatao {ex-ap-at-ah'-o}; from 1537 and 0538; to seduce wholly: -- beguile, deceive. 1818
1829 - exerama {ex-er'-am-ah}; from a comparative of 1537 and a presumed erao (to spue); vomit, i.e. food disgorged: -- vomit. 1828
1849 - exousia {ex-oo-see'-ah}; from 1832 (in the sense of ability); privilege, i.e. (subjectively) force, capacity, competency, freedom, or (objectively) mastery (concretely, magistrate, superhuman, potentate, token of control), delegated influence: -- authority, jurisdiction, liberty, power, right, strength. 1848
1860 - epaggelia {ep-ang-el-ee'-ah}; from 1861; an announcement (for information, assent or pledge; especially a divine assurance of good): -- message, promise. 1860
1874 - epakroaomai {ep-ak-ro-ah'-om-ahee}; from 1909 and the base of 0202; to listen (intently) to: -- hear. 1874
1878 - epanamimnesko {ep-an-ah-mim-nace'-ko}; from 1909 and 0363; to remind of: -- put in mind. 1878
1879 - epanapauomai {ep-an-ah-pow'-om-ahee}; middle voice from 1909 and 0373; to settle on; literally (remain) or figuratively (rely): -- rest in (upon). 1878
1885 - eparchia {ep-ar-khee'-ah}; from a compound of 1909 and 0757 (meaning a governor of a district, "eparch"); a special region of government, i.e. a Roman praefecture: -- province. 1884
1916 - epiboao {ep-ee-bo-ah'-o}; from 1909 and 0994; to exclaim against: -- cry. 1916
1928 - epidiatassomai {ep-ee-dee-ah-tas'-som-ahee}; middle voice from 1909 and 1299; to appoint besides, i.e. supplement (as a codicil): -- add to. 1928
1932 - epieikeia {ep-ee-i'-ki-ah}; from 1933; suitableness, i.e. (by implication) equity, mildness: -- clemency, gentleness. 1932
1939 - epithumia {ep-ee-thoo-mee'-ah}; from 1937; a longing (especially for what is forbidden): -- concupiscence, desire, lust (after). 1938
1947 - epikouria {ep-ee-koo-ree'-ah}; from a compound of 1909 and a (prolonged) form of the base of 2877 (in the sense of servant); assistance: -- help. 1946
1958 - epimeleia {ep-ee-mel'-i-ah}; from 1959; carefulness, i.e. kind attention (hospitality): -- + refresh self. 1958
1963 - epinoia {ep-in'-oy-ah}; from 1909 and 3563; attention of the mind, i.e. (by implication) purpose: -- thought. 1962
1974 - epipothia {ep-ee-poth-ee'-ah}; from 1971; intense longing: -- great desire. 1974
2009 - epitimia {ep-ee-tee-mee'-ah}; from a compound of 1909 and 5092; properly, esteem, i.e. citizenship; used (in the sense of 2008) of a penalty: -- punishment. 2008
2015 - epiphaneia {ep-if-an'-i-ah}; from 2016; a manifestation, i.e. (specially) the advent of Christ (past or future): -- appearing, brightness. 2014
2024 - epichoregia {ep-ee-khor-ayg-ee'-ah}; from 2023; contribution: -- supply. 2024
2039 - ergasia {er-gas-ee'-ah}; from 2040; occupation; by implication, profits, pains: -- craft, diligence, gain, work. 2038
2047 - eremia {er-ay-mee'-ah}; from 2048; solitude (concretely): -- desert, wilderness. 2046
2052 - eritheia {er-ith-i'-ah}; perhaps as the same as 2042; properly, intrigue, i.e. (by implication) faction: -- contention(-ious), strife. 2052
2058 - hermeneia {her-may-ni'-ah}; from the same as 2059; translation: -- interpretation. 2058
2073 - hespera {hes-per'-ah}; feminine of an adjective hesperos (evening); the eve (5610 being implied): -- evening(-tide). 2072
2083 - hetairos {het-ah'-ee-ros}; from etes (a clansman); a comrade: -- fellow, friend. 2082
2091 - hetoimasia {het-oy-mas-ee'-ah}; from 2090; preparation: -- preparation. 2090
2096 - Eua {yoo'-ah}; of Hebrew origin [2332]; Eua (or Eva, i.e. Chavvah), the first woman: -- Eve. 2096
2105 - eudia {yoo-dee'-ah}; feminine from 2095 and the alternate of 2203 (as the god of the weather); a clear sky, i.e. fine weather: -- fair weather. 2104
2107 - eudokia {yoo-dok-ee'-ah}; from a presumed compound of 2095 and the base of 1380; satisfaction, i.e. (subjectively) delight, or (objectively) kindness, wish, purpose: -- desire, good pleasure (will), X seem good. 2106
2108 - euergesia {yoo-erg-es-ee'-ah}; from 2110; beneficence (genitive case or specially): -- benefit, good deed done. 2108
2120 - eukairia {yoo-kahee-ree'-ah}; from 2121; a favorable occasion: -- opportunity. 2120
2124 - eulabeia {yoo-lab'-i-ah}; from 2126; properly, caution, i.e. (religiously) reverence (piety); by implication, dread (concretely): -- fear(-ed). 2124
2129 - eulogia {yoo-log-ee'-ah}; from the same as 2127; fine speaking, i.e. elegance of language; commendation ("eulogy"), i.e. (reverentially) adoration; religiously, benediction; by implication, consecration; by extension benefit or largess: -- blessing (a matter of) bounty (X -tifully), fair speech. 2128
2133 - eunoia {yoo'-noy-ah}; from the same as 2132; kindness; euphem. conjugal duty: -- benevolence, good will. 2132
2136 - Euodia {yoo-od-ee'-ah}; from the same as 2137; fine travelling; Euodia, a Christian woman: -- Euodias. 2136
2140 - eupoiia {yoo-poy-ee'-ah}; from a compound of 2095 and 4160; well-doing, i.e. beneficence: -- to do good. 2140
2142 - euporia {yoo-por-ee'-ah}; from the same as 2141; pecuniary resources: -- wealth. 2142
2143 - euprepeia {yoo-prep'-i-ah}; from a compound of 2095 and 4241; good suitableness, i.e. gracefulness: -- grace. 2142
2150 - eusebeia {yoo-seb'-i-ah}; from 2152; piety; specially, the gospel scheme: -- godliness, holiness. 2150
2160 - eutrapelia {yoo-trap-el-ee'-ah}; from a compound of 2095 and a derivative of the base of 5157 (meaning well-turned, i.e. ready at repartee, jocose); witticism, i.e. (in a vulgar sense) ribaldry: -- jesting. 2160
2162 - euphemia {yoo-fay-mee'-ah}; from 2163; good language ("euphemy"), i.e. praise (repute): -- good report. 2162
2169 - eucharistia {yoo-khar-is-tee'-ah}; from 2170; gratitude; actively, grateful language (to God, as an act of worship): -- thankfulness, (giving of) thanks(-giving). 2168
2175 - euodia {yoo-o-dee'-ah}; from a compound of 2095 and a derivative of 3605; good-scentedness, i.e. fragrance: -- sweet savour (smell, -smelling). 2174
2183 - ephemeria {ef-ay-mer-ee'-ah}; from 2184; diurnality, i.e. (specially) the quotidian rotation or class of the Jewish priests' service at the Temple, as distributed by families: -- course. 2182
2188 - ephphatha {ef-fath-ah'}; of Aramaic origin [6606]; be opened!: -- Ephphatha. 2188
2196 - Zara {dzar-ah'}; of Hebrew origin [2226]; Zara, (i.e. Zerach), an Israelite: -- Zara. 2196
2199 - Zebedaios {dzeb-ed-ah'-yos}; of Hebrew origin [compare 2067]; Zebedaeus, an Israelite: -- Zebedee. 2198
2202 - zeukteria {dzook-tay-ree'-ah}; feminine of a derivative (at the second stage) from the same as 2218; a fastening (tiller-rope): -- band. 2202
2209 - zemia {dzay-mee'-ah}; probably akin to the base of 1150 (through the idea of violence); detriment: -- damage, loss. 2208
2231 - hegemonia {hayg-em-on-ee'-ah}; from 2232; government, i.e. (in time) official term: -- reign. 2230
2244 - helikia {hay-lik-ee'-ah}; from the same as 2245; maturity (in years or size): -- age, stature. 2244
2250 - hemera {hay-mer'-ah}; feminine (with 5610 implied) of a derivative of hemai (to sit; akin to the base of 1476) meaning tame, i.e. gentle; day, i.e. (literally) the time space between dawn and dark, or the whole 24 hours (but several days were usually reckoned by the Jews as inclusive of the parts of both extremes); figuratively, a period (always defined more or less clearly by the context): -- age, + alway, (mid-)day (by day, [-ly]), + for ever, judgment, (day) time, while, years. 2250
2271 - hesuchia {hay-soo-khee'-ah}; feminine of 2272; (as noun) stillness, i.e. desistance from bustle or language: -- quietness, silence. 2270
2291 - Thara {thar'-ah}; of Hebrew origin [8646]; Thara (i.e. Terach), the father of Abraham: -- Thara. 2290
2299 - thea {theh-ah'}; feminine of 2316; a female deity: -- goddess. 2298
2300 - theaomai {theh-ah'-om-ahee}; a prolonged form of a primary verb; to look closely at, i.e. (by implication) perceive (literally or figuratively); by extension to visit: -- behold, look (upon), see. Compare 3700. 2300
2317 - theosebeia {theh-os-eb'-i-ah}; from 2318; devoutness, i.e. piety: -- godliness. 2316
2322 - therapeia {ther-ap-i'-ah}; from 2323; attendance (specially, medical, i.e. cure); figuratively and collec. domestics: -- healing, household. 2322
2335 - theoria {theh-o-ree'-ah}; from the same as 2334; spectatorship, i.e. (concretely) a spectacle: -- sight. 2334
2356 - threskeia {thrace-ki'-ah}; from a derivative of 2357; ceremonial observance: -- religion, worshipping. 2356
2368 - thumiama {thoo-mee'-am-ah}; from 2370; an aroma, i.e. fragrant powder burnt in religious service; by implication, the burning itself: -- incense, odour. 2368
2370 - thumiao {thoo-mee-ah'-o}; from a derivative of 2380 (in the sense of smoking); to fumigate, i.e. offer aromatic fumes: -- burn incense. 2370
2378 - thusia {thoo-see'-ah}; from 2380; sacrifice (the act or the victim, literally or figuratively): -- sacrifice. 2378
2383 - Iaeiros {ee-ah'-i-ros}; of Hebrew origin [2971]; Jairus (i.e. Jair), an Israelite: -- Jairus. 2382
2386 - iama {ee'-am-ah}; from 2390; a cure (the effect): -- healing. 2386
2390 - iaomai {ee-ah'-om-ahee}; middle voice of apparently a primary verb; to cure (literally or figuratively): -- heal, make whole. 2390
2397 - idea {id-eh'-ah}; from 1492; a sight [comparative figuratively "idea"], i.e. aspect: -- countenance. 2396
2405 - hierateia {hee-er-at-i'-ah}; from 2407; priestliness, i.e. the sacerdotal function: -- office of the priesthood, priest's office. 2404
2428 - hiketeria {hik-et-ay-ree'-ah}; from a derivative of the base of 2425 (through the idea of approaching for a favor); intreaty: -- supplication. 2428
2443 - hina {hin'-ah}; probably from the same as the former part of 1438 (through the demonstrative idea; compare 3588); in order that (denoting the purpose or the result): -- albeit, because, to the intent (that), lest, so as, (so) that, (for) to. Compare 3363. ***. hina me. See 3363. 2442
2456 - Ioulia {ee-oo-lee'-ah}; feminine of the same as 2457; Julia, a Christian woman: -- Julia. 2456
2482 - Italia {ee-tal-ee'-ah}; probably of foreign origin; Italia, a region of Europe: -- Italy. 2482
2505 - katha {kath-ah'}; from 2596 and the neuter plural of 3739; according to which things, i.e. just as: -- as. 2504
2506 - kathairesis {kath-ah'-ee-res-is}; from 2507; demolition; figuratively, extinction: -- destruction, pulling down. 2506
2508 - kathairo {kath-ah'-ee-ro}; from 2513; to cleanse, i.e. (specially) to prune; figuratively, to expiate: -- purge. 2508
2529 - kathorao {kath-or-ah'-o}; from 2596 and 3708; to behold fully, i.e. (figuratively) distinctly apprehend: -- clearly see. 2528
2549 - kakia {kak-ee'-ah}; from 2556; badness, i.e. (subjectively) depravity, or (actively) malignity, or (passively) trouble: -- evil, malice(-iousness), naughtiness, wickedness. 2548
2550 - kakoetheia {kak-o-ay'-thi-ah}; from a compound of 2556 and 2239; bad character, i.e. (specially) mischievousness: -- malignity. 2550
2552 - kakopatheia {kak-op-ath'-i-ah}; from a compound of 2256 and 3806; hardship: -- suffering affliction. 2552
2565 - kallielaios {kal-le-el'-ah-yos}; from the base of 2566 and 1636; a cultivated olive tree, i.e. a domesticated or improved one: -- good olive tree. 2564
2580 - Kana {kan-ah'}; of Hebrew origin [compare 7071]; Cana, a place in Palestine: -- Cana. 2580
2587 - Kappadokia {kap-pad-ok-ee'-ah}; of foreign origin; Cappadocia, a region of Asia Minor: -- Cappadocia. 2586
2588 - kardia {kar-dee'-ah}; prolonged from a primary kar (Latin, cor, "heart"); the heart, i.e. (figuratively) the thoughts or feelings (mind); also (by analogy) the middle: -- (+ broken-)heart(-ed). 2588
2596 - kata {kat-ah'}; a primary particle; (prepositionally) down (in place or time), in varied relations (according to the case [genitive case, dative case or accusative case] with which it is joined): -- about, according as (to), after, against, (when they were) X alone, among, and, X apart, (even, like) as (concerning, pertaining to touching), X aside, at, before, beyond, by, to the charge of, [charita-]bly, concerning, + covered, [dai-]ly, down, every, (+ far more) exceeding, X more excellent, for,, godly, in(-asmuch, divers, every, -to, respect of),, after the manner of, + by any means, beyond (out of) measure, X mightily, more, X natural, of (up-)on (X part), out (of every), over against, (+ your) X own, + particularly, so, through(-oughout, -oughout every), thus, (un-)to(-gether, -ward), X uttermost, where(-by), with. In composition it retains many of these applications, and frequently denotes opposition, distribution, or intensity. 2596
2597 - katabaino {kat-ab-ah'-ee-no}; from 2596 and the base of 0939; to descend (literally or figuratively): -- come (get, go, step) down, fall (down). 2596
2606 - katagelao {kat-ag-el-ah'-o}; to laugh down, i.e. deride: -- laugh to scorn. 2606
2618 - katakaio {kat-ak-ah'-ee-o}; from 2596 and 2545; to burn down (to the ground), i.e. consume wholly: -- burn (up, utterly). 2618
2636 - katalalia {kat-al-al-ee'-ah}; from 2637; defamation: -- backbiting, evil speaking. 2636
2652 - katanathema {kat-an-ath'-em-ah}; from 2596 (intensive) and 0331; an imprecation: -- curse. 2652
2671 - katara {kat-ar'-ah}; from 2596 (intensive) and 0685; imprecation, execration: -- curse(-d, ing). 2670
2672 - kataraomai {kat-ar-ah'-om-ahee}; middle voice from 2671; to execrate; by analogy, to doom: -- curse. 2672
2691 - katastreniao {kat-as-tray-nee-ah'-o}; from 2596 and 4763; to become voluptuous against: -- begin to wax wanton against. 2690
2724 - kategoria {kat-ay-gor-ee'-ah}; from 2725; a complaint ("category"), i.e. criminal charge: -- accusation (X -ed). 2722
2726 - katepheia {kat-ay'-fi-ah}; from a compound of 2596 and perhaps a derivative of the base of 5316 (meaning downcast in look); demureness, i.e. (by implication) sadness: -- heaviness. 2724
2733 - katoikia {kat-oy-kee'-ah}; residence (properly, the condition; but by implication, the abode itself): -- habitation. 2732
2750 - keiria {ki-ree'-ah}; of uncertain affinity; a swathe, i.e. winding-sheet: -- graveclothes. 2748
2754 - kenodoxia {ken-od-ox-ee'-ah}; from 2755; empty glorying, i.e. self-conceit: -- vain-glory. 2752
2757 - kenophonia {ken-of-o-nee'-ah}; from a presumed compound of 2756 and 5456; empty sounding, i.e. fruitless discussion: -- vain. 2756
2762 - keraia {ker-ah'-yah}; feminine of a presumed derivative of the base of 2768; something horn-like, i.e. (specially) the apex of a Hebrew letter (figuratively, the least particle): -- tittle. 2760
2767 - kerannumi {ker-an'-noo-mee}; a prolonged form of a more primary kerao {ker-ah'-o} (which is used in certain tenses); to mingle, i.e. (by implication) to pour out (for drinking): -- fill, pour out. Compare 3396. 2766
2774 - kephalaion {kef-al'-ah-yon}; neuter of a derivative of 2776; a principal thing, i.e. main point; specially, an amount (of money): -- sum. 2772
2788 - kithara {kith-ar'-ah}; of uncertain affinity; a lyre: -- harp. 2786
2791 - Kilikia {kil-ik-ee'-ah}; probably of foreign origin; Cilicia, a region of Asia Minor: -- Cilicia. 2790
2803 - Klaudia {klow-dee'-ah}; feminine of 2804; Claudia, a Christian woman: -- Claudia. 2802
2817 - kleronomia {klay-ron-om-ee'-ah}; from 2818; heirship, i.e. (concretely) a patrimony or (genitive case) a possession: -- inheritance. 2816
2828 - klisia {klee-see'-ah}; from a derivative of 2827; properly, reclination, i.e. (concretely and specifically) a party at a meal: -- company. 2826
2836 - koilia {koy-lee'-ah}; from koilos ("hollow"); a cavity, i.e. (especially) the abdomen; by implication, the matrix; figuratively, the heart: -- belly, womb. 2834
2842 - koinonia {koy-nohn-ee'-ah}; from 2844; partnership, i.e. (literally) participation, or (social) intercourse, or (pecuniary) benefaction: -- (to) communicate(-ation), communion, (contri-)distribution, fellowship. 2840
2850 - kolakeia {kol-ak-i'-ah}; from a derivative of kolax (a fawner); flattery: -- X flattering. 2848
2862 - kolonia {kol-o-nee'-ah}; of Latin origin; a Roman "colony" for veterans: -- colony. 2860
2863 - komao {kom-ah'-o}; from 2864; to wear tresses of hair: -- have long hair. 2862
2867 - koniao {kon-ee-ah'-o}; from konia (dust; by analogy, lime); to whitewash: -- whiten. 2866
2872 - kopiao {kop-ee-ah'-o}; from a derivative of 2873; to feel fatigue; by implication, to work hard: -- (bestow) labour, toil, be wearied. 2870
2874 - kopria {kop-ree'-ah}; from kopros (ordure; perhaps akin to 2875); manure: -- dung(-hill). 2872
2892 - koustodia {koos-to-dee'-ah}; of Latin origin; "custody", i.e. a Roman sentry: -- watch. 2890
2900 - krataios {krat-ah-yos'}; from 2904; powerful: -- mighty. 2898
2901 - krataioo {krat-ah-yo'-o}; from 2900; to empower, i.e. (passively) increase in vigor: -- be strengthened, be (wax) strong. 2900
2940 - kubeia {koo-bi'-ah}; from kubos (a "cube", i.e. die for playing); gambling, i.e. (figuratively) artifice or fraud: -- sleight. 2938
2959 - Kuria {koo-ree'-ah}; feminine of 2962; Cyria, a Christian woman: -- lady. 2958
2981 - lalia {lal-ee-ah'}; from 2980; talk: -- saying, speech. 2980
2982 - lama {lam-ah'}; or lamma {lam-mah'}; of Hebrew origin [4100 with prepositional prefix]; lama (i.e. why): -- lama. 2980
2993 - Laodikeia {lah-od-ik'-i-ah}; from a compound of 2992 and 1349; Laodicia, a place in Asia Minor: -- Laodicea. 2992
2996 - Lasaia {las-ah'-yah}; of uncertain origin; Lasaea, a place in Crete: -- Lasea. 2994
2999 - latreia {lat-ri'-ah}; from 3000; ministration or God, i.e. worship: -- (divine) service. 2998
3009 - leitourgia {li-toorg-ee'-ah}; from 3008; public function (as priest ["liturgy"] or almsgiver): -- ministration(-try), service. 3008
3048 - logia {log-ee'-ah}; from 3056 (in the commercial sense); a contribution: -- collection, gathering. 3046
3055 - logomachia {log-om-akh-ee'-ah}; from the same as 3054; disputation about trifles ("logomachy"): -- strife of words. 3054
3059 - loidoria {loy-dor-ee'-ah}; from 3060; slander or vituperation: -- railing, reproach [-fully]. 3058
3070 - Ludia {loo-dee'-ah}; properly, feminine of Ludios [of foreign origin] (a Lydian, in Asia Minor); Lydia, a Christian woman: -- Lydia. 3068
3071 - Lukaonia {loo-kah-on-ee'-ah}; perhaps remotely from 3074; Lycaonia, a region of Asia Minor: -- Lycaonia. 3070
3073 - Lukia {loo-kee'-ah}; probably remotely from 3074; Lycia, a province of Asia Minor: -- Lycia. 3072
3087 - luchnia {lookh-nee'-ah}; from 3088; a lamp-stand (literally or figuratively): -- candlestick. 3086
3093 - Magdala {mag-dal-ah'}; of Aramaic origin [compare 4026]; the tower; Magdala (i.e. Migdala), a place in Palestine: -- Magdala. 3092
3095 - mageia {mag-i'-ah}; from 3096; "magic": -- sorcery. 3094
3102 - mathetria {math-ay'-tree-ah}; feminine from 3101; a female pupil: -- disciple. 3100
3103 - Mathousala {math-oo-sal'-ah}; of Hebrew origin [4968); Mathusala (i.e. Methushelach), an antediluvian: -- Mathusala. 3102
3109 - Makedonia {mak-ed-on-ee'-ah}; from 3110; Macedonia, a region of Greece: -- Macedonia. 3108
3115 - makrothumia {mak-roth-oo-mee'-ah}; from the same as 3116; longanimity, i.e. (objectively) forbearance or (subjectively) fortitude: -- longsuffering, patience. 3114
3119 - malakia {mal-ak-ee'-ah}; from 3120; softness, i.e. enervation (debility): -- disease. 3118
3127 - Manaen {man-ah-ane'}; of uncertain origin; Manaen, a Christian: -- Manaen. 3126
3130 - mania {man-ee'-ah}; from 3105; craziness: -- [+ make] X mad. 3128
3133 - maraino {mar-ah'-ee-no}; of uncertain affinity; to extinguish (as fire), i.e. (figuratively and passively) to pass away: -- fade away. 3132
3134 - maran atha {mar'-an ath'-ah}; of Aramaic origin (meaning our Lord has come); maranatha, i.e. an exclamation of the approaching divine judgment: -- Maran-atha. 3132
3137 - Maria {mar-ee'-ah}; or Mariam {mar-ee-am'}; of Hebrew origin [4813]; Maria or Mariam (i.e. Mirjam), the name of six Christian females: -- Mary. 3136
3141 - marturia {mar-too-ree'-ah}; from 3144; evidence given (judicially or genitive case): -- record, report, testimony, witness. 3140
3150 - mataiologia {mat-ah-yol-og-ee'-ah}; from 3151; random talk, i.e. babble: -- vain jangling. 3148
3150 - mataiologia {mat-ah-yol-og-ee'-ah}; from 3151; random talk, i.e. babble: -- vain jangling. 3148
3151 - mataiologos {mat-ah-yol-og'-os}; from 3152 and 3004; an idle (i.e. senseless or mischievous) talker, i.e. a wrangler: -- vain talker. 3150
3152 - mataios {mat'-ah-yos}; from the base of 3155; empty, i.e. (literally) profitless, or (specifically) an idol: -- vain, vanity. 3150
3153 - mataiotes {mat-ah-yot'-ace}; from 3152; inutility; figuratively, transientness; morally, depravity: -- vanity. 3152
3154 - mataioo {mat-ah-yo'-o}; from 3152; to render (passively, become) foolish, i.e. (morally) wicked or (specifically) idolatrous: -- become vain. 3152
3160 - Mattatha {mat-tath-ah'}; probably a shortened form of 3161 [compare 4992]; Mattatha (i.e. Mattithjah), an Israelite: -- Mattatha. 3158
3180 - methodeia {meth-od-i'-ah}; from a compound of 3326 and 3593 [compare "method"]; travelling over, i.e. travesty (trickery): -- wile, lie in wait. 3178
3191 - meletao {mel-et-ah'-o}; from a presumed derivative of 3199; to take care of, i.e. (by implication) revolve in the mind: -- imagine, (pre-)meditate. 3190
3200 - membrana {mem-bran'-ah}; of Latin origin ("membrane"); a (written) sheep-skin: -- parchment. 3198
3314 - mesembria {mes-ame-bree'-ah}; from 3319 and 2250; midday; by implication the south: -- noon, south. 3212
3318 - Mesopotamia {mes-op-ot-am-ee'-ah}; from 3319 and 4215; Mesopotamia (as lying between the Euphrates and the Tigris; compare 0763), a region of Asia: -- Mesopotamia. 3216
3326 - meta {met-ah'}; a primary preposition (often used adverbially); properly, denoting accompaniment; "amid" (local or causal); modified variously according to the case (genitive case association, or accusative case succession) with which it is joined; occupying an intermediate position between 0575 or 1537 and 1519 or 4314; less intimate than 1722 and less close than 4862): -- after(-ward), X that he again, against, among, X and, + follow, hence, hereafter, in, of, (up-)on, + our, X and setting, since, (un-)to, + together, when, with (+ -out). Often used in composition, in substantially the same relations of participation or proximity, and transfer or sequence. 3224
3327 - metabaino {met-ab-ah'-ee-no}; from 3326 and the base of 0939; to change place: -- depart, go, pass, remove. 3226
3332 - metairo {met-ah'-ee-ro}; from 3326 and 0142; to betake oneself, i.e. remove (locally): -- depart. 3230
3341 - metanoia {met-an'-oy-ah}; from 3340; (subjectively) compunction (for guilt, including reformation); by implication reversal (of [another's] decision): -- repentance. 3240
3350 - metoikesia {met-oy-kes-ee'-ah}; from a derivative of a compound of 3326 and 3624; a change of abode, i.e. (specifically) expatriation: -- X brought, carried(-ying) away (in-)to. 3248
3363 - hina me {hin'-ah may}; i.e. 2443 and 3361; in order (or so) that not: -- albeit not, lest, that, no(-t, [-thing]). 3262
3367 - medeis {may-dice'}; including the irregular feminine medemia {may-dem-ee'-ah}; and the neuter meden {may-den'}; from 3361 and 1520; not even one (man, woman, thing): -- any (man, thing), no (man), none, not (at all, any man, a whit), nothing, + without delay. 3266
3391 - mia {mee'-ah}; irregular feminine of 1520; one or first: -- a (certain), + agree, first, one, X other. 3290
3392 - miaino {me-ah'-ee-no}; perhaps a primary verb; to sully or taint, i.e. contaminate (cer. or morally): -- defile. 3290
3405 - misthapodosia {mis-thap-od-os-ee'-ah}; from 3406; requital (good or bad): -- recompence of reward. 3304
3413 - Michael {mikh-ah-ale'}; of Hebrew origin [4317]; Michael, an archangel: -- Michael. 3312
3417 - mneia {mni'-ah}; from 3415 or 3403; recollection; by implication recital: -- mention, remembrance. 3316
3430 - moicheia {moy-khi'-ah}; from 3431; adultery: -- adultery. 3328
3465 - Musia {moo-see'-ah}; of uncertain origin; Mysia, a region of Asia Minor: -- Mysia. 3364
3472 - moria {mo-ree'-ah}; from 3474; silliness, i.e. absurdity: -- foolishness. 3370
3473 - morologia {mo-rol-og-ee'-ah}; from a compound of 3474 and 3004; silly talk, i.e. buffoonery: -- foolish talking. 3372
3482 - Nathanael {nath-an-ah-ale'}; of Hebrew origin [5417]; Nathanael (i.e. Nathanel), an Israelite and Christian: -- Nathanael. 3380
3521 - nesteia {nace-ti'-ah}; from 3522; abstinence (from lack of food, or voluntary and religious); specifically, the fast of the Day of Atonement: -- fast(-ing.). 3420
3528 - nikao {nik-ah'-o}; from 3529; to subdue (literally or figuratively): -- conquer, overcome, prevail, get the victory. 3426
3531 - Nikolaites {nik-ol-ah-ee'-tace}; from 3532; a Nicolaite, i.e. adherent of Nicolaus: -- Nicolaitane. 3430
3532 - Nikolaos {nik-ol'-ah-os}; from 3534 and 2994; victorious over the people; Nicolaus, a heretic: -- Nicolaus. 3430
3548 - nomothesia {nom-oth-es-ee'-ah}; from 3550; legislation (specifically, the institution of the Mosaic code): -- giving of the law. 3446
3555 - nossia {nos-see-ah'}; from 3502; a brood (of chickens): -- brood. 3454
3559 - nouthesia {noo-thes-ee'-ah}; from 3563 and a derivative of 5087; calling attention to, i.e. (by implication) mild rebuke or warning: -- admonition. 3458
3561 - noumenia {noo-may-nee'-ah}; feminine of a compound of 3501 and 3376 (as noun by implication of 2250); the festival of new moon: -- new moon. 3460
3578 - xenia {xen-ee'-ah}; from 3581; hospitality, i.e. (by implication) a place of entertainment: -- lodging. 3476
3597 - hodoiporia {hod-oy-por-ee'-ah}; from the same as 3596; travel: -- journey(-ing). 3496
3614 - oikia {oy-kee'-ah}; from 3624; properly, residence (abstractly), but usually (concretely) an abode (literally or figuratively); by implication a family (especially domestics): -- home, house(-hold). 3512
3620 - oikodomia {oy-kod-om-ee'-ah}; from the same as 3619; confirmation: -- edifying. 3518
3622 - oikonomia {oy-kon-om-ee'-ah}; from 3623; administration (of a household or estate); specifically, a (religious) "economy": -- dispensation, stewardship. 3520
3632 - oinophlugia {oy-nof-loog-ee'-ah}; from 3631 and a form of the base of 5397; an overflow (or surplus) of wine, i.e. vinolency (drunkenness): -- excess of wine. 3530
3647 - holokleria {hol-ok-lay-ree'-ah}; from 3648; integrity, i.e. physical wholeness: -- perfect soundness. 3546
3657 - homilia {hom-il-ee'-ah}; from 3658; companionship ("homily"), i.e. (by implication) intercourse: -- communication. 3556
3671 - homologia {hom-ol-og-ee'-ah}; from the same as 3670; acknowledgment: -- con- (pro-)fession, professed. 3570
3686 - onoma {on'-om-ah}; from a presumed derivative of the base of 1097 (compare 3685); a "name" (literally or figuratively) [authority, character]: -- called, (+ sur-)name(-d). 3584
3701 - optasia {op-tas-ee'-ah}; from a presumed derivative of 3700; visuality, i.e. (concretely) an apparition: -- vision. ***. optomai. See 3700. 3600
3705 - horama {hor'-am-ah}; from 3708; something gazed at, i.e. a spectacle (especially supernatural): -- sight, vision. 3604
3708 - horao {hor-ah'-o}; properly, to stare at [compare 3700], i.e. (by implication) to discern clearly (physically or mentally); by extension, to attend to; by Hebraism, to experience; passively, to appear: -- behold, perceive, see, take heed. 3606
3712 - orguia {org-wee-ah'}; from 3713; a stretch of the arms, i.e. a fathom: -- fathom. 3610
3728 - horkomosia {hor-ko-mos-ee'ah}; from a compound of 3727 and a derivative of 3660; asseveration on oath: -- oath. 3626
3734 - horothesia {hor-oth-es-ee'-ah}; from a compound of the base of 3725 and a derivative of 5087; a limit-placing, i.e. (concretely) boundary-line: -- bound. 3632
3758 - oua {oo-ah'}; a primary exclamation of surprise; "ah": -- ah. 3656
3758 - oua {oo-ah'}; a primary exclamation of surprise; "ah": -- ah. 3656
3758 - oua {oo-ah'}; a primary exclamation of surprise; "ah": -- ah. 3656
3759 - ouai {oo-ah'-ee}; a primary exclamation of grief; "woe": -- alas, woe. 3656
3762 - oudeis {oo-dice'}; including feminine oudemia {oo-dem-ee'-ah}; and neuter ouden {oo-den'}; from 3761 and 1520; not even one (man, woman or thing), i.e. none, nobody, nothing: -- any (man), aught, man, neither any (thing), never (man), no (man), none (+ of these things), not (any, at all, -thing), nought. 3660
3776 - ousia {oo-see'-ah}; from the feminine of 5607; substance, i.e. property (possessions): -- goods, substance. 3674
3787 - ophthalmodouleia {of-thal-mod-oo-li'-ah}; from 3788 and 1397; sight-labor, i.e. that needs watching (remissness): -- eye-service. 3684
3809 - paideia {pahee-di'-ah}; from 3811; tutorage, i.e. education or training; by implication, disciplinary correction: -- chastening, chastisement, instruction, nurture. 3706
3820 - palaios {pal-ah-yos'}; from 3819; antique, i.e. not recent, worn out: -- old. 3718
3821 - palaiotes {pal-ah-yot'-ace}; from 3820; antiquatedness: -- oldness. 3718
3822 - palaioo {pal-ah-yo'-o}; from 3820; to make (passively, become) worn out, or declare obsolete: -- decay, make (wax) old. 3720
3824 - paliggenesia {pal-ing-ghen-es-ee'-ah}; from 3825 and 1078; (spiritual) rebirth (the state or the act), i.e. (figuratively) spiritual renovation; specifically, Messianic restoration: -- regeneration. 3722
3828 - Pamphulia {pam-fool-ee'-ah}; from a compound of 3956 and 4443; every-tribal, i.e. heterogeneous (5561 being implied); Pamphylia, a region of Asia Minor: -- Pamphylia. 3726
3833 - panoplia {pan-op-lee'-ah}; from a compound of 3956 and 3696; full armor ("panoply"): -- all (whole) armour. 3730
3834 - panourgia {pan-oorg-ee'-ah}; from 3835; adroitness, i.e. (in a bad sense) trickery or sophistry: -- (cunning) craftiness, subtilty. 3732
3844 - para {par-ah'}; a primary preposition; properly, near; i.e. (with genitive case) from beside (literally or figuratively), (with dative case) at (or in) the vicinity of (objectively or subjectively), (with accusative case) to the proximity with (local [especially beyond or opposed to] or causal [on account of]: -- above, against, among, at, before, by, contrary to, X friend, from, + give [such things as they], + that [she] had, X his, in, more than, nigh unto, (out) of, past, save,, in the sight of, than, [there-]fore, with. In compounds it retains the same variety of application. 3742
3845 - parabaino {par-ab-ah'-ee-no}; from 3844 and the base of 0939; to go contrary to, i.e. violate a command: -- (by) transgress(-ion). 3742
3852 - paraggelia {par-ang-gel-ee'-ah}; from 3853; a mandate: -- charge, command. 3750
3889 - paramuthia {par-am-oo-thee'-ah}; from 3888; consolation (properly, abstract): -- comfort. 3786
3892 - paranomia {par-an-om-ee'-ah}; from the same as 3891; transgression: -- iniquity. 3790
3913 - paraphronia {par-af-ron-ee'-ah}; from 3912; insanity, i.e. foolhardiness: -- madness. 3810
3915 - paracheimasia {par-akh-i-mas-ee'-ah}; from 3914; a wintering over: -- winter in. 3812
3931 - paregoria {par-ay-gor-ee'-ah}; from a compound of 3844 and a derivative of 0058 (meaning to harangue an assembly); an address alongside, i.e. (specifically) consolation: -- comfort. 3828
3932 - parthenia {par-then-ee'-ah}; from 3933; maidenhood: -- virginity. 3830
3940 - paroikia {par-oy-kee'-ah}; from 3941; foreign residence: -- sojourning, X as strangers. 3838
3942 - paroimia {par-oy-mee'-ah}; from a compound of 3844 and perhaps a derivative of 3633; apparently a state alongside of supposition, i.e. (concretely) an adage; specifically, an enigmatical or fictitious illustration: -- parable, proverb. 3840
3952 - parousia {par-oo-see'-ah}; from the present participle of 3918; a being near, i.e. advent (often, return; specifically, of Christ to punish Jerusalem, or finally the wicked); (by implication) physically, aspect: -- coming, presence. 3850
3954 - parrhesia {par-rhay-see'-ah}; from 3956 and a derivative of 4483; all out-spokenness, i.e. frankness, bluntness, publicity; by implication, assurance: -- bold (X -ly, -ness, -ness of speech), confidence, X freely, X openly, X plainly(-ness). 3852
3959 - Patara {pat'-ar-ah}; probably of foreign origin; Patara, a place in Asia Minor: -- Patara. 3856
3965 - patria {pat-ree-ah'}; as if feminine of a derivative of 3962; paternal descent., i.e. (concretely) a group of families or a whole race (nation): -- family, kindred, lineage. 3862
3994 - penthera {pen-ther-ah'}; feminine of 3995; a wife's mother: -- mother in law, wife's mother. 3892
4018 - peribolaion {per-ib-ol'-ah-yon}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 4016; something thrown around one, i.e. a mantle, veil: -- covering, vesture. 3916
4030 - perikephalaia {per-ee-kef-al-ah'-yah}; feminine of a compound of 4012 and 2776; encirclement of the head, i.e. a helmet: -- helmet. 3928
4050 - perisseia {per-is-si'-ah}; from 4052; surplusage, i.e. superabundance: -- abundance(-ant, [-ly]), superfluity. 3948
4058 - peristera {per-is-ter-ah'}; of uncertain derivation; a pigeon: -- dove, pigeon. 3956
4072 - petomai {pet'-om-ahee}; or prolongation petaomai {pet-ah'-om-ahee}; or contracted ptaomai {ptah'-om-ahee}; middle voice of a primary verb; to fly: -- fly(-ing). 3970
4086 - pithanologia {pith-an-ol-og-ee'-ah}; from a compound of a derivative of 3982 and 3056; persuasive language: -- enticing words. 3984
4088 - pikria {pik-ree'-ah}; from 4089; acridity (especially poison), literally or figuratively: -- bitterness. 3986
4099 - Pisidia {pis-id-ee'-ah}; probably of foreign origin; Pisidia, a region of Asia Minor: -- Pisidia. 3996
4105 - planao {plan-ah'-o}; from 4106; to (properly, cause to) roam (from safety, truth, or virtue): -- go astray, deceive, err, seduce, wander, be out of the way. 4002
4113 - plateia {plat-i'-ah}; feminine of 4116; a wide "plat" or "place", i.e. open square: -- street. 4010
4124 - pleonexia {pleh-on-ex-ee'-ah}; from 4123; avarice, i.e. (by implication) fraudulency, extortion: -- covetous(-ness) practices, greediness. 4022
4136 - plerophoria {play-rof-or-ee'-ah}; from 4135; entire confidence: -- (full) assurance. 4034
4174 - politeia {pol-ee-ti'-ah}; from 4177 ("polity"); citizenship; concretely, a community: -- commonwealth, freedom. 4072
4180 - polulogia {pol-oo-log-ee'-ah}; from a compound of 4183 and 3056; loquacity, i.e. prolixity: -- much speaking. 4078
4188 - poma {pom'-ah}; from the alternate of 4095; a beverage: -- drink. 4086
4189 - poneria {pon-ay-ree'-ah}; from 4190; depravity, i.e. (specifically) malice; plural (concretely) plots, sins: -- iniquity, wickedness. 4086
4197 - poreia {por-i'-ah}; from 4198; travel (by land); figuratively (plural) proceedings, i.e. career: -- journey [-ing], ways. 4094
4202 - porneia {por-ni'-ah}; from 4203; harlotry (including adultery and incest); figuratively, idolatry: -- fornication. 4100
4230 - pragmateia {prag-mat-i'-ah}; from 4231; a transaction, i.e. negotiation: -- affair. 4128
4237 - prasia {pras-ee-ah'}; perhaps from prason (a leek, and so an onion-patch); a garden plot, i.e. (by implication, of regular beds) a row (repeated in plural by Hebraism, to indicate an arrangement): -- in ranks. 4134
4242 - pesbeia {pres-bi'-ah}; from 4243; seniority (eldership), i.e. (by implication) an embassy (concretely, ambassadors): -- ambassage, message. 4140
4256 - proaitiaomai {pro-ahee-tee-ah'-om-ahee}; from 4253 and a derivative of 0156; to accuse already, i.e. previously charge: -- prove before. 4154
4260 - probaino {prob-ah'-ee-no}; from 4253 and the base of 0939; to walk forward, i.e. advance (literally, or in years): -- + be of a great age, go farther (on), be well stricken. 4158
4288 - prothumia {proth-oo-mee'-ah}; from 4289; predisposition, i.e. alacrity: -- forwardness of mind, readiness (of mind), ready (willing) mind. 4186
4304 - promeletao {prom-el-et-ah'-o}; from 4253 and 3191; to premeditate: -- meditate before. 4202
4307 - pronoia {pron'-oy-ah}; from 4306; forethought, i.e. provident care or supply: -- providence, provision. 4204
4308 - proorao {pro-or-ah'-o}; from 4253 and 3708; to behold in advance, i.e. (actively) to notice (another) previously, or (middle voice) to keep in (one's own) view: -- foresee, see before. 4206
4320 - prosanabaino {pros-an-ab-ah'-ee-no}; from 4314 and 0305; to ascend farther, i.e. be promoted (take an upper [more honorable] seat): -- go up. 4218
4325 - prosdapanao {pros-dap-an-ah'-o}; from 4314 and 1159; to expend additionally: -- spend more. 4222
4328 - prosdokao {pros-dok-ah'-o}; from 4314 and dokeuo (to watch); to anticipate (in thought, hope or fear); by implication, to await: -- (be in) expect(-ation), look (for), when looked, tarry, wait for. 4226
4329 - prosdokia {pros-dok-ee'-ah}; from 4328; apprehension (of evil); by implication, infliction anticipated: -- expectation, looking after. ***. prosdremo. See 4370. 4226
4330 - proseao {pros-eh-ah'-o}; from 4314 and 1439; to permit further progress: -- suffer. 4228
4376 - prosphora {pros-for-ah'}; from 4374; presentation; concretely, an oblation (bloodless) or sacrifice: -- offering (up). 4274
4382 - prosopolepsia {pros-o-pol-ape-see'-ah}; from 4381; partiality, i.e. favoritism: -- respect of persons. 4280
4394 - propheteia {prof-ay-ti'-ah}; from 4396 ("prophecy"); prediction (scriptural or other): -- prophecy, prophesying. 4292
4405 - proia {pro-ee'-ah}; feminine of a derivative of 4404 as noun; day-dawn: -- early, morning. 4302
4410 - protokathedria {pro-tok-ath-ed-ree'-ah}; from 4413 and 2515; a sitting first (in the front row), i.e. preeminence in council: -- chief (highest, uppermost) seat. 4308
4411 - protoklisia {pro-tok-lis-ee'-ah}; from 4413 and 2828; a reclining first (in the place of honor) at the dinner-bed, i.e. preeminence at meals: -- chief (highest, uppermost) room. 4308
4415 - prototokia {pro-tot-ok'-ee-ah}; from 4416; primogeniture (as a privilege): -- birthright. 4312
4424 - Ptolemais {ptol-em-ah-is'}; from Ptolemaios (Ptolemy, after whom it was named); Ptolemais, a place in Palestine: -- Ptolemais. 4322
4432 - ptocheia {pto-khi'-ah}; from 4433; beggary, i.e. indigence (literally or figuratively): -- poverty. 4330
4469 - rhaka {rhak-ah'}; of Aramaic origin [compare 7386]; O empty one, i.e. thou worthless (as a term of utter vilification): -- Raca. 4366
4471 - Rhama {hram-ah'}; of Hebrew origin [7414]; Rama (i.e. Ramah), a place in Palestine: -- Rama. 4368
4480 - rheda {hred'-ah}; of Latin origin; a rheda, i.e. four-wheeled carriage (wagon for riding): -- chariot. 4378
4507 - rhuparia {hroo-par-ee'-ah}; from 4508; dirtiness (morally): -- turpitude. 4404
4519 - sabaoth {sab-ah-owth'}; of Hebrew origin [6635 in feminine plural]; armies; sabaoth (i.e. tsebaoth), a military epithet of God: -- sabaoth. 4416
4527 - Sala {sal-ah'}; of Hebrew origin [7974]; Sala (i.e. Shelach), a patriarch: -- Sala. 4424
4540 - Samareia {sam-ar'-i-ah}; of Hebrew origin [8111]; Samaria (i.e. Shomeron), a city and region of Palestine: -- Samaria. 4438
4581 - Seleukeia {sel-yook'-i-ah}; from Seleukos (Seleucus, a Syrian king); Seleuceia, a place in Syria: -- Seleucia. 4478
4608 - sikera {sik'-er-ah}; of Hebrew origin [7941]; an intoxicant, i.e. intensely fermented liquor: -- strong drink. 4506
4634 - skenopegia {skay-nop-ayg-ee'-ah}; from 4636 and 4078; the Festival of Tabernacles (so called from the custom of erecting booths for temporary homes): -- tabernacles. 4532
4639 - skia {skee'-ah}; apparently a primary word; "shade" or a shadow (literally or figuratively [darkness of error or an adumbration]): -- shadow. 4536
4641 - sklerokardia {sklay-rok-ar-dee'-ah}; feminine of a compound of 4642 and 2588; hard-heartedness, i.e. (specifically) destitution of (spiritual) perception: -- hardness of heart. 4538
4653 - skotia {skot-ee'-ah}; from 4655; dimness, obscurity (literally or figuratively): -- dark(-ness). 4550
4670 - Sodoma {sod'-om-ah}; plural of Hebrew origin [5467]; Sodoma (i.e. Sedom), a place in Palestine: -- Sodom. 4568
4678 - sophia {sof-ee'-ah}; from 4680; wisdom (higher or lower, worldly or spiritual): -- wisdom. 4576
4681 - Spania {span-ee'-ah}; probably of foreign origin; Spania, a region of Europe: -- Spain. 4578
4684 - spatalao {spat-al-ah'-o}; from spatale (luxury); to be voluptuous: -- live in pleasure, be wanton. 4582
4701 - spora {spor-ah'}; from 4687; a sowing, i.e. (by implication) parentage: -- seed. 4598
4730 - stenochoria {sten-okh-o-ree'-ah}; from a compound of 4728 and 5561; narrowness of room, i.e. (figuratively) calamity: -- anguish, distress. 4628
4745 - stoa {sto-ah'}; probably from 2476; a colonnade or interior piazza: -- porch. 4642
4752 - strateia {strat-i'-ah}; from 4754; military service, i.e. (figuratively) the apostolic career (as one of hardship and danger): -- warfare. 4650
4756 - stratia {strat-ee'-ah} feminine of a derivative of stratos (an army; from the base of 4766, as encamped); camp-likeness, i.e. an army, i.e. (figuratively) the angels, the celestial luminaries: -- host. 4654
4763 - streniao {stray-nee-ah'-o}; from a presumed derivative of 4764; to be luxurious: -- live deliciously. 4660
4772 - suggeneia {soong-ghen'-i-ah}; from 4773; relationship, i.e. (concretely) relatives: -- kindred. 4670
4782 - sugkatabaino {soong-kat-ab-ah'-ee-no}; from 4862 and 2597; to descend in company with: -- go down with. 4680
4795 - sugkuria {soong-koo-ree'-ah}; from a comparative of 4862 and kureo (to light or happen; from the base of 2962); concurrence, i.e. accident: -- chance. 4692
4858 - sumphonia {soom-fo-nee'-ah}; from 4859; unison of sound ("symphony"), i.e. a concert of instruments (harmonious note): -- music. 4756
4868 - sunairo {soon-ah'-ee-ro}; from 4862 and 0142; to make up together, i.e. (figuratively) to compute (an account): -- reckon, take. 4766
4872 - sunanabaino {soon-an-ab-ah'-ee-no}; from 4862 and 0305; to ascend in company with: -- come up with. 4770
4914 - sunetheia {soon-ay'-thi-ah}; from a compound of 4862 and 2239; mutual habituation, i.e. usage: -- custom. 4812
4923 - sunodia {soon-od-ee'-ah}; from a compound of 4862 and 3598 ("synod"); companionship on a journey, i.e. (by implication) a caravan: -- company. 4820
4930 - sunteleia {soon-tel'-i-ah}; from 4931; entire completion, i.e. consummation (of a dispensation): -- end. 4828
4945 - sunomosia {soon-o-mos-ee'-ah}; from a compound of 4862 and 3660; a swearing together, i.e. (by implication) a plot: -- comspiracy. 4842
4947 - Suria {soo-ree'-ah}; probably of Hebrew origin [6865]; Syria (i.e. Tsyria or Tyre), a region of Asia: -- Syria. 4844
4991 - soteria {so-tay-ree'-ah}; feminine of a derivative of 4990 as (properly, abstract) noun; rescue or safety (physically or morally): -- deliver, health, salvation, save, saving. 4888
5004 - talaiporia {tal-ahee-po-ree'-ah}; from 5005; wretchedness, i.e. calamity: -- misery. 4902
5005 - talaiporos {tal-ah'-ee-po-ros}; from the base of 5007 and a derivative of the base of 3984; enduring trial, i.e. miserable: -- wretched. 4902
5006 - talantiaios {tal-an-tee-ah'-yos}; from 5007; talent-like in weight: -- weight of a talent. 4904
5029 - tacha {takh'-ah}; as if neuter plural of 5036 (adverbially); shortly, i.e. (figuratively) possibly: -- peradventure(-haps). 4926
5042 - teknogonia {tek-nog-on-ee'-ah}; from the same as 5041; childbirth (parentage), i.e. (by implication) maternity (the performance of maternal duties): -- childbearing. 4940
5064 - tessares {tes'-sar-es}; neuter tessara {tes'-sar-ah}; a plural number; four: -- four. 4962
5071 - tetrakosioi {tet-rak-os'-ee-oy}; neuter tetrakosia {tet-rak-os'-ee-ah}; plural from 5064 and 1540; four hundred: -- four hundred. 4968
5090 - Timaios {tim'-ah-yos}; probably of Aramaic origin [compare 2931]; Timoeus (i.e. Timay), an Israelite: -- Timaeus. 4988
5091 - timao {tim-ah'-o}; from 5093; to prize, i.e. fix a valuation upon; by implication, to revere: -- honour, value. 4988
5098 - timoria {tee-mo-ree'-ah}; from 5097; vindication, i.e. (by implication) a penalty: -- punishment. 4996
5140 - treis {trice}; neuter tria {tree'-ah}; a primary (plural) number; "three": -- three. 5038
5148 - trietia {tree-et-ee'-ah}; from a compound of 5140 and 2094; a three years' period (triennium): -- space of three years. 5046
5163 - trochia {trokh-ee-ah'}; from 5164; a track (as a wheel-rut), i.e. (figuratively) a course of conduct: -- path. 5060
5168 - trumalia {troo-mal-ee-ah'}; from a derivative of truo (to wear away; akin to the base of 5134, 5147 and 5176); an orifice, i.e. needle's eye: -- eye. Compare 5169. 5066
5198 - hugiaino {hoog-ee-ah'-ee-no}; from 5199; to have sound health, i.e. be well (in body); figuratively, to be uncorrupt (true in doctrine): -- be in health, (be safe and) sound, (be) whole(-some). 5096
5201 - hudria {hoo-dree-ah'}; from 5204; a water-jar, i.e. receptacle for family supply: -- water-pot. 5098
5206 - huiothesia {hwee-oth-es-ee'-ah}; from a presumed compound of 5207 and a derivative of 5087; the placing as a son, i.e. adoption (figuratively, Christian sonship in respect to God): -- adoption (of children, of sons). 5104
5211 - Humenaios {hoo-men-ah'-yos}; from Humen (the god of weddings); "hymeneal"; Hymeneus, an opponent of Christianity: -- Hymenaeus. 5108
5229 - huperairomai {hoop-er-ah'-ee-rom-ahee}; middle voice from 5228 and 0142; to raise oneself over, i.e. (figuratively) to become haughty: -- exalt self, be exalted above measure. 5126
5243 - huperephania {hoop-er-ay-fan-ee'-ah}; from 5244; haughtiness: -- pride. 5140
5245 - hupernikao {hoop-er-nik-ah'-o}; from 5228 and 3528; to vanquish beyond, i.e. gain a decisive victory: -- more than conquer. 5142
5283 - huponoia {hoop-on'-oy-ah}; from 5282; suspicion: -- surmising. 5180
5325 - phantasia {fan-tas-ee'-ah}; from a derivative of 5324; (properly abstract) a (vain) show ("fantasy"): -- pomp. 5222
5328 - Pharao {far-ah-o'}; of foreign origin [6547]; Pharao (i.e. Pharoh), an Egyptian king: -- Pharaoh. 5226
5330 - Pharisaios {far-is-ah'-yos}; of Hebrew origin [compare 6567]; a separatist, i.e. exclusively religious; a Pharisean, i.e. Jewish sectary: -- Pharisee. 5228
5331 - pharmakeia {far-mak-i'-ah}; from 5332; medication ("pharmacy"), i.e. (by extension) magic (literally or figuratively): -- sorcery, witchcraft. 5228
5356 - phthora {fthor-ah'}; from 5351; decay, i.e. ruin (spontaneous or inflicted, literally or figuratively): -- corruption, destroy, perish. 5254
5359 - Philadelpheia {fil-ad-el'-fee-ah}; from Philadelphos (the same as 5361), a king of Pergamos; Philadelphia, a place in Asia Minor: -- Philadelphia. 5256
5360 - philadelphia {fil-ad-el-fee'-ah}; from 5361; fraternal affection: -- brotherly love (kindness), love of the brethren. 5258
5363 - philanthropia {fil-an-thro-pee'-ah}; from the same as 5364; fondness of mankind, i.e. benevolence ("philanthropy"): -- kindness, love towards man. 5260
5365 - philarguria {fil-ar-goo-ree'-ah}; from 5366; avarice: -- love of money. 5262
5373 - philia {fil-ee'-ah}; from 5384; fondness: -- friendship. 5270
5379 - philoneikia {fil-on-i-kee'-ah}; from 5380; quarrelsomeness, i.e. a dispute: -- strife. 5276
5381 - philonexia {fil-on-ex-ee'-ah}; from 5382; hospitableness: -- entertain stranger, hospitality. 5278
5385 - philosophia {fil-os-of-ee'-ah}; from 5386; "philosophy", i.e. (specifically) Jewish sophistry: -- philosophy. 5282
5422 - phrenapatao {fren-ap-at-ah'-o}; from 5423; to be a mind-misleader, i.e. delude: -- deceive. 5320
5435 - Phrugia {froog-ee'-ah}; probably of foreign origin; Phrygia, a region of Asia Minor: -- Phrygia. 5332
5445 - phurama {foo'-ram-ah}; from a prolonged form of phuro (to mix a liquid with a solid; perhaps akin to 5453 through the idea of swelling in bulk), mean to knead; a mass of dough: -- lump. 5342
5451 - phuteia {foo-ti'-ah}; from 5452; trans-planting, i.e. (concretely) a shrub or vegetable: -- plant. 5348
5465 - chalao {khal-ah'-o}; from the base of 5490; to lower (as into a void): -- let down, strike. 5362
5476 - chamai {kham-ah'-ee}; adverb perhaps from the base of 5490 through the idea of a fissure in the soil; earthward, i.e. prostrate: -- on (to) the ground. 5374
5477 - Chanaan {khan-ah-an'}; of Hebrew origin [3667]; Chanaan (i.e. Kenaan), the early name of Palestine: -- Chanaan. 5374
5478 - Chanaanaios {khan-ah-an-ah'-yos}; from 5477; a Chanaanoean (i.e. Kenaanite), or native of gentile Palestine: -- of Canaan. 5376
5478 - Chanaanaios {khan-ah-an-ah'-yos}; from 5477; a Chanaanoean (i.e. Kenaanite), or native of gentile Palestine: -- of Canaan. 5376
5479 - chara {khar-ah'}; from 5463; cheerfulness, i.e. calm delight: -- gladness, X greatly, (X be exceeding) joy(-ful, -fully, -fulness, -ous). 5376
5520 - cholao {khol-ah'-o}; from 5521; to be bilious, i.e. (by implication) irritable (enraged, "choleric"): -- be angry. 5418
5532 - chreia {khri'-ah}; from the base of 5530 or 5534; employment, i.e. an affair; also (by implication) occasion, demand, requirement or destitution: -- business, lack, necessary(-ity), need(-ful), use, want. 5430
5542 - chrestologia {khrase-tol-og-ee'-ah}; from a compound of 5543 and 3004; fair speech, i.e. plausibility: -- good words. 5440
5577 - pseudomarturia {psyoo-dom-ar-too-ree'-ah}; from 5575; untrue testimony: -- false witness. 5474
5584 - pselaphao {psay-laf-ah'-o}; from the base of 5567 (compare 5586); to manipulate, i.e. verify by contact; figuratively, to search for: -- feel after, handle, touch. 5480
5598 - omega {o'-meg-ah}; the last letter of the Greek alphabet, i.e. (figuratively) the finality: -- Omega. 5494
5622 - opheleia {o-fel'-i-ah}; from a derivative of the base of 5624; usefulness, i.e. benefit: -- advantage, profit. 5518
00050 ## 'Abiyshuwae {ab-ee-shoo'- ah} ; from 00001 and 07771 ; father of plenty (i . e . prosperous) ; Abishua , the name of two Israelites :-- Abishua . ~~5570
00076 ## 'aba` bu` ah {ab-ah-boo-aw'} ; (by reduplication) from an unused root (meaning to belch forth) ; an inflammatory pustule (as eruption) :-- blains . ~~5596
00076 ## 'aba` bu` ah {ab-ah-boo-aw'} ; (by reduplication) from an unused root (meaning to belch forth) ; an inflammatory pustule (as eruption) :-- blains . ~~5596
00116 ## 'edayin (Aramaic) {ed-ah'- yin} ; of uncertain derivation ; then (of time) :-- now , that time , then . ~~5636
00158 ## 'ahab {ah'- hab} ; from 00157 ; affection (in a good or a bad sense) :-- love (- r) . ~~5678
00162 ## 'ahahh {a-haw'} ; apparently a primitive word expressing pain exclamatorily ; Oh ! :-- ah , alas . ~~5682
00233 ## 'azay {az-ah'ee} ; probably from 00227 ; at that time :-- then . ~~5754
00251 ## 'ach {awkh} ; a primitive word ; a brother (used in the widest sense of literal relationship and metaphorical affinity or resemblance [like 00001 ]) :-- another , brother (- ly) ; kindred , like , other . Compare also the proper names beginning with " Ah-" or " Ahi-" . ~~5772
00253 ## 'ach {awkh} ; a variation for 00162 ; Oh ! (expressive of grief or surprise) :-- ah , alas . ~~5774
00305 ## 'achalay {akh-al-ah'ee} ; or'achaley {akh-al-ay'} ; prob from 00253 and a variation of 03863 ; would that ! :-- O that , would God . ~~5826
00335 ## 'ay {ah'ee} ; perhaps from 00370 ; where ? hence how ? :-- how , what , whence , where , whether , which (way) . ~~5856
00344 ## 'ayah {ah-yaw'} ; perhaps from 00337 ; the screamer , i . e . a hawk :-- kite , vulture . ~~5864
00345 ## 'Ayah {ah-yaw'} ; the same as 00344 ; Ajah , the name of two Israelites :-- Aiah , Ajah . ~~5866
00346 ## 'ayeh {ah-yay'} ; prolonged from 00335 ; where ? :-- where . ~~ 5866
00352 ## 'ayil {ah'- yil} ; from the same as 00193 ; properly , strength ; hence , anything strong ; specifically a chief (politically) ; also a ram (from his strength) ; a pilaster (as a strong support) ; an oak or other strong tree :-- mighty (man) , lintel , oak , post , ram , tree . ~~5872
00354 ## 'ayal {ah-yawl'} ; an intensive form of 00352 (in the sense of ram) ; a stag or male deer :-- hart . ~~5874
00355 ## 'ayalah {ah-yaw-law'} ; feminine of 00354 ; a doe or female deer :-- hind . ~~5876
00357 ## 'Ayalown {ah-yaw-lone'} ; from 00354 ; deer-field ; Ajalon , the name of five places in Palestine :-- Aijalon , Ajalon . ~~5878
00365 ## 'ayeleth {ah-yeh'- leth} ; the same as 00355 ; a doe :-- hind , Aijeleth . ~~5886
00369 ## 'ayin {ah'- yin} ; as if from a primitive root meaning to be nothing or not exist ; a non-entity ; generally used as a negative particle :-- else , except , fail , [father-] less , be gone , in [-curable ] , neither , never , no (where) , none , nor , (any , thing) , not , nothing , to nought , past , un (- searchable) , well-nigh , without . Compare 00370 . ~~5890
00370 ## 'aiyn {ah-yin'} ; probably identical with 00369 in the sense of query (compare 00336) ;-where ? (only in connection with prepositional prefix , whence) :-- whence , where . ~~5890
00420 ## 'Elda` ah {el-daw-aw'} ; from 00410 and 03045 ; God of knowledge ; Eldaah , a son of Midian :-- Eldaah . ~~5940
00433 ## 'elowahh {el-o'- ah ; rarely (shortened)'eloahh {el-o'- ah} ; probably prolonged (emphat .) from 00410 ; a deity or the Deity :-- God , god . See 00430 . ~~5954
00433 ## 'elowahh {el-o'- ah ; rarely (shortened)'eloahh {el-o'- ah} ; probably prolonged (emphat .) from 00410 ; a deity or the Deity :-- God , god . See 00430 . ~~5954
00474 ## 'Eliyshuwa` {el-ee-shoo'- ah} ; from 00410 and 07769 ; God of supplication (or of riches) ; Elishua , the son of King David :-- Elishua . ~~5994
00671 ## 'Apharc@kay (Aramaic) {af-ar-sek-ah'ee} ; or'Apharcathkay (Aramaic) {af-ar-sath-kah'ee} ; of foreign origin (only in the plural) ; an Apharsekite or Apharsathkite , an unknown Assyrian tribe :-- Apharsachites , Apharasthchites . ~~6192
00702 ## 'arba` {ar-bah'} ; masculine'arba` ah {ar-baw-aw'} ; from 07251 ; four :-- four . ~~6222
00756 ## 'Ark@vay (Aramaic) {ar-kev-ah'ee} ; patrial from 00751 ; an Arkevite (collectively) or native of Erek :-- Archevite . ~~6276
00763 ## 'Aram Naharayim {ar-am'nah-har-ah'- yim} ; from 00758 and the dual of 05104 ; Aram of (the) two rivers (Euphrates and Tigris) or Mesopotamia :-- Aham-naharaim , Mesopotamia . ~~6284
00772 ## 'ara` (Aramaic) {ar-ah'} ; corresponding to 00776 ; the earth ; by implication (figuratively) low :-- earth , interior . ~~6292
00791 ## 'Ashbea` {ash-bay'- ah} ; from 07650 ; adjurer ; Asbea , an Israelite :-- Ashbea . ~~6312
00851 ## 'Esht@moa` {esh-tem-o'- ah} ; or'Esht@mowa` {esh-tem-o'- ah} ; or'Esht@moh {esh-tem-o'} ; from 08085 (in the sense of obedience) ; Eshtemoa or Eshtemoh , a place in Palestine :-- Eshtemoa , Eshtemoh . ~~6372
00851 ## 'Esht@moa` {esh-tem-o'- ah} ; or'Esht@mowa` {esh-tem-o'- ah} ; or'Esht@moh {esh-tem-o'} ; from 08085 (in the sense of obedience) ; Eshtemoa or Eshtemoh , a place in Palestine :-- Eshtemoa , Eshtemoh . ~~6372
00872 ## b@'ah {be-aw'} ; from 00935 ; an entrance to a building :-- entry . ~~6392
00883 ## B@'er la-Chay Ro'iy {be-ayr'lakh-ah'ee ro-ee'} ; from 00875 and 02416 (with prefix) and 07203 ; well of a living (One) my Seer ; Beer-Lachai-Roi , a place in the Desert :-- Beer-lahai-roi . ~~6404
01150 ## Bin` a'{bin-aw'} ; or Bin` ah {bin-aw'} ; of uncertain derivation ; Bina or Binah , an Israelite :-- Binea , Bineah . ~~6670
01153 ## B@cay {bes-ah'- ee} ; from 00947 ; domineering ; Besai , one of the Nethinim :-- Besai . ~~6674
01156 ## b@` a'(Aramaic) {beh-aw'} ; or b@` ah (Aramaic) {beh-aw'} ; corresponding to 01158 ; to seek or ask :-- ask , desire , make [petition ] , pray , request , seek . ~~6676
01158 ## ba` ah {baw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to gush over , i . e . to swell ; (figuratively) to desire earnestly ; by implication to ask :-- cause , inquire , seek up , swell out . ~~6678
01233 ## b@qiya` {bek-ee'- ah} ; from 01234 ; a fissure :-- breach , cleft . ~~6754
01237 ## biq` ah {bik-aw'} ; from 01234 ; properly , a split , i . e . a wide level valley between mountains :-- plain , valley . ~~6758
01278 ## b@riy'ah {ber-ee-aw'} ; feminine from 01254 ; a creation , i . e . a novelty :-- new thing . ~~6798
01283 ## B@riy` ah {ber-ee'- aw} ; apparently from the feminine of 07451 with a prepositional prefix ; in trouble ; Beriah , the name of four Israelites :-- Beriah . ~~6804
01340 ## Bath-Shuwa` {bath-shoo'- ah} ; from 01323 and 07771 ; daughter of wealth ; Bath-shua , the same as 01339 :-- Bath-shua . ~~6860
01342 ## ga'ah {gaw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to mount up ; hence , in general , to rise , (figuratively) be majestic :-- gloriously , grow up , increase , be risen , triumph . ~~6862
01344 ## ge'ah {gay-aw'} ; feminine from 01342 ; arrogance :-- pride . ~~ 6864
01349 ## ga'ayown {gah-ah-yone'} ; from 01342 : haughty :-- proud . ~~ 6870
01364 ## gaboahh {gaw-bo'- ah} ; or (fully) gabowahh {gaw-bo'- ah} ; from 01361 ; elevated (or elated) , powerful , arrogant :-- haughty , height , high (- er) , lofty , proud , X exceeding proudly . ~~6884
01364 ## gaboahh {gaw-bo'- ah} ; or (fully) gabowahh {gaw-bo'- ah} ; from 01361 ; elevated (or elated) , powerful , arrogant :-- haughty , height , high (- er) , lofty , proud , X exceeding proudly . ~~6884
01375 ## g@biya` {gheb-ee'- ah} ; from an unused root (meaning to be convex) ; a goblet ; by analogy , the calyx of a flower :-- house , cup , pot . ~~6896
01389 ## gib` ah {ghib-aw'} ; feminine from the same as 01387 ; a hillock :-- hill , little hill . ~~6910
01390 ## Gib` ah {ghib-aw'} ; the same as 01389 ; Gibah ; the name of three places in Palestine :-- Gibeah , the hill . ~~6910
01533 ## Gilboa` {ghil-bo'- ah} ; from 01530 and 01158 ; fountain of ebullition ; Gilboa , a mountain of Palestine :-- Gilboa . ~~7054
01562 ## Gilalay {ghe-lal-ah'- ee} ; from 01561 ; dungy ; Gilalai , an Israelite :-- Gilalai . ~~7082
01600 ## ga` ah {gaw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to bellow (as cattle) :-- low . ~~7120
01601 ## Go` ah {go-aw'} ; feminine active participle of 01600 ; lowing ; Goah , a place near Jerusalem :-- Goath . ~~7122
01675 ## da'ah {daw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to dart , i . e . fly rapidly :-- fly . ~~7196
01676 ## da'ah {daw-aw'} ; from 01675 ; the kite (from its rapid flight) :-- vulture . See 07201 . ~~7196
01741 ## d@vay {dev-ah'ee} ; from 01739 ; sickness ; figuratively , loathing :-- languishing , sorrowful . ~~7262
01832 ## dim` ah {dim-aw'} ; feminine of 01831 ; weeping :-- tears . ~~ 7352
01843 ## dea` {day'- ah} ; from 03045 ; knowledge :-- knowledge , opinion . ~~7364
01844 ## de` ah {day-aw'} ; feminine of 01843 ; knowledge :-- knowledge . ~~7364
01889 ## heach {heh-awkh'} ; from 01887 and 00253 ; aha ! :-- ah , aha , ha . ~~7410
01929 ## hahh {haw} ; a shortened form of 00162 ; ah ! expressing grief :-- woe worth . ~~7450
01945 ## howy {hoh'ee} ; a prolonged form of 01930 [akin to 00188 ] ; oh ! :-- ah , alas , ho , O , woe . ~~7466
01954 ## Howshea` {ho-shay'- ah} ; from 03467 ; deliverer ; Hoshea , the name of five Israelites :-- Hosea , Hoshea , Oshea . ~~7474
01973 ## hal@ah {haw-leh-aw'} ; from the primitive form of the article [hal ] ; to the distance , i . e . far away ; also (of time) thus far :-- back , beyond , (hence ,-) forward , hitherto , thence , forth , yonder . ~~7494
02111 ## zuwa` {zoo'- ah} ; a primitive root ; properly , to shake off , i . e . (figuratively) to agitate (as with fear) :-- move , tremble , vex . ~~7632
02112 ## zuwa` (Aramaic) {zoo'- ah} ; corresponding to 02111 ; to shake (with fear) :-- tremble . ~~7632
02113 ## z@va` ah {zev-aw-aw'} ; from 02111 ; agitation , fear :-- be removed , trouble , vexation . Compare 02189 . ~~7634
02127 ## Ziya` {zee'- ah} ; from 02111 ; agitation ; Zia , an Israelite :-- Zia . ~~7648
02188 ## ze` ah {zay-aw'} ; from 02111 (in the sense of 03154) ; perspiration :-- sweat . ~~7708
02220 ## z@rowa` {zer-o'- ah} ; or (shortened) z@roa` {zer-o'- ah} ; and (feminine) z@row` ah {zer-o-aw'} ; or z@ro` ah {zer-o-aw'} ; from 02232 ; the arm (as stretched out) , or (of animals) the foreleg ; figuratively , force :-- arm , + help , mighty , power , shoulder , strength . ~~7740
02220 ## z@rowa` {zer-o'- ah} ; or (shortened) z@roa` {zer-o'- ah} ; and (feminine) z@row` ah {zer-o-aw'} ; or z@ro` ah {zer-o-aw'} ; from 02232 ; the arm (as stretched out) , or (of animals) the foreleg ; figuratively , force :-- arm , + help , mighty , power , shoulder , strength . ~~7740
02220 ## z@rowa` {zer-o'- ah} ; or (shortened) z@roa` {zer-o'- ah} ; and (feminine) z@row` ah {zer-o-aw'} ; or z@ro` ah {zer-o-aw'} ; from 02232 ; the arm (as stretched out) , or (of animals) the foreleg ; figuratively , force :-- arm , + help , mighty , power , shoulder , strength . ~~7740
02220 ## z@rowa` {zer-o'- ah} ; or (shortened) z@roa` {zer-o'- ah} ; and (feminine) z@row` ah {zer-o-aw'} ; or z@ro` ah {zer-o-aw'} ; from 02232 ; the arm (as stretched out) , or (of animals) the foreleg ; figuratively , force :-- arm , + help , mighty , power , shoulder , strength . ~~7740
02221 ## zeruwa` {zay-roo'- ah} ; from 02232 ; something sown , i . e . a plant :-- sowing , thing that is sown . ~~7742
02234 ## z@ra` (Aramaic) {zer-ah'} ; corresponding to 02233 ; posterity :-- seed . ~~7754
02235 ## zeroa` {zay-ro'- ah} ; or zera` on {zay-raw-ohn'} ; from 02232 ; something sown (only in the plural) , i . e . a vegetable (as food) :-- pulse . ~~7756
02252 ## Chabayah {khab-ah-yaw'} ; or Chabayah {khab-aw-yaw'} ; from 02247 and 03050 ; Jah has hidden ; Chabajah , an Israelite :-- Habaiah . ~~7772
02401 ## chata'ah {khat-aw-aw'} ; feminine of 02399 ; an offence , or a sacrifice for it :-- sin (offering) . ~~7922
02402 ## chatta'ah (Aramaic) {khat-taw-aw'} ; corresponding to 02401 ; an offence , and the penalty or sacrifice for it :-- sin (offering) . ~~7922
02403 ## chatta'ah {khat-taw-aw'} ; or chatta'th {khat-tawth'} ; from 02398 ; an offence (sometimes habitual sinfulness) , and its penalty , occasion , sacrifice , or expiation ; also (concretely) an offender :-- punishment (of sin) , purifying (- fication for sin) , sin (- ner , offering) . ~~7924
02457 ## chel'ah {khel-aw'} ; from 02456 ; properly , disease ; hence , rust :-- scum . ~~7978
02458 ## Chel'ah {khel-aw'} ; the same as 02457 ; Chelah , an Israelitess :-- Helah . ~~7978
02529 ## chem'ah {khem-aw'} ; or (shortened) chemah {khay-maw'} ; from the same root as 02346 ; curdled milk or cheese :-- butter . ~~8050
02932 ## tum'ah {toom-aw'} ; from 02930 ; religious impurity :-- filthiness , unclean (- ness) . ~~8452
02937 ## ta` ah {taw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to wander ; , causatively to lead astray :-- seduce . ~~8458
02967 ## Tarp@lay (Aramaic) {tar-pel-ah'- ee} ; from a name of foreign derivation ; a Tarpelite (collectively) or inhabitants of Tarpel , a place in Assyria :-- Tarpelites . ~~8488
02969 ## ya'ah {yaw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to be suitable :-- appertain . ~~8490
02979 ## y@'ath@ray {yeh-aw-ther-ah'ee} ; from the same as 00871 ; stepping ; Jeatherai , an Israelite :-- Jeaterai . ~~8500
03018 ## y@giya` {yeg-ee'- ah} ; from 03021 ; toil ; hence , a work , produce , property (as the result of labor) :-- labour , work . ~~8538
03019 ## yagiya` {yaw-ghee'- ah} ; from 03021 ; tired :-- weary . ~~ 8540
03023 ## yagea` {yaw-gay'- ah} ; from 03021 ; tired ; hence (transitive) tiresome :-- full of labour , weary . ~~8544
03024 ## y@gi` ah {yeg-ee-aw'} ; feminine of 03019 ; fatigue :-- weariness . ~~8544
03037 ## Yadduwa` {yad-doo'- ah} ; from 03045 ; knowing ; Jaddua , the name of two Israelites :-- Jaddua . ~~8558
03043 ## Y@diy` a'el {yed-ee-ah-ale'} ; from 03045 and 00410 ; knowing God ; Jediael , the name of three Israelites :-- Jediael . ~~8564
03046 ## y@da` (Aramaic) {yed-ah'} ; corresponding to 03045 :-- certify , know , make known , teach . ~~8566
03048 ## Y@kda` yah {yed-ah-yaw'} ; from 03045 and 03050 ; Jah has known ; Jedajah , the name of two Israelites :-- Jedaiah . ~~8568
03091 ## Y@howshuwa` {yeh-ho-shoo'- ah} ; or Y@howshu` a {yeh-ho-shoo'- ah} ; from 03068 and 03467 ; Jehovah-saved ; Jehoshua (i . e . Joshua) , the Jewish leader :-- Jehoshua , Jehoshuah , Joshua . Compare 01954 , 03442 . ~~8612
03091 ## Y@howshuwa` {yeh-ho-shoo'- ah} ; or Y@howshu` a {yeh-ho-shoo'- ah} ; from 03068 and 03467 ; Jehovah-saved ; Jehoshua (i . e . Joshua) , the Jewish leader :-- Jehoshua , Jehoshuah , Joshua . Compare 01954 , 03442 . ~~8612
03152 ## Yizliy'ah {yiz-lee-aw'} ; perhaps from an unused root (meaning to draw up) ; he will draw out ; Jizliah , an Israelite :-- Jezliah . ~~8672
03261 ## ya` ah {yaw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; apparently to brush aside :-- sweep away . ~~8782
03285 ## Ya` anay {yah-an-ah'ee} ; from the same as 03283 ; responsive ; Jaanai , an Israelite :-- Jaanai . ~~8806
03309 ## Yaphiya` {yaw-fee'- ah} ; from 03313 ; bright ; Japhia , the name of a Canaanite , an Israelite , and a place in Palestine :-- Japhia . ~~8830
03314 ## yiph` ah {yif-aw'} ; from 03313 ; splendor or (figuratively) beauty :-- brightness . ~~8834
03326 ## yatsuwa` {yaw-tsoo'- ah} ; passive participle of 03331 ; spread , i . e . a bed ; (architecture) an extension , i . e . wing or lean-to (a single story or collectively) :-- bed , chamber , couch . ~~8846
03374 ## yir'ah {yir-aw'} ; feminine of 03373 ; fear (also used as infinitive) ; morally , reverence :-- X dreadful , X exceedingly , fear (- fulness) . ~~8894
03403 ## Y@riybay {yer-eeb-ah'ee} ; from 03401 ; contentious ; Jeribai , an Israelite :-- Jeribai . ~~8924
03407 ## y@riy` ah {yer-ee-aw'} ; from 03415 ; a hanging (as tremulous) :-- curtain . ~~8928
03442 ## Yeshuwa` {yay-shoo'- ah} ; for 03091 ; he will save ; Jeshua , the name of ten Israelites , also of a place in Palestine :-- Jeshua . ~~8962
03443 ## Yeshuwa` (Aramaic) {yay-shoo'- ah} ; corresponding to 03442 :-- Jeshua . ~~8964
03444 ## y@shuw` ah {yesh-oo'- aw} ; feminine passive participle of 03467 ; something saved , i . e . (abstractly) deliverance ; hence , aid , victory , prosperity :-- deliverance , health , help (- ing) , salvation , save , saving (health) , welfare . ~~8964
03461 ## Yishm@ray {yish-mer-ah'- ee} ; from 08104 ; preservative ; Jishmerai , an Israelite :-- Ishmerai . ~~8982
03470 ## Y@sha` yah {yesh-ah-yaw'} ; or Y@sha` yahuw {yesh-ah-yaw'- hoo} ; from 03467 and 03050 ; Jah has saved ; Jeshajah , the name of seven Israelites :-- Isaiah , Jesaiah , Jeshaiah . ~~8990
03470 ## Y@sha` yah {yesh-ah-yaw'} ; or Y@sha` yahuw {yesh-ah-yaw'- hoo} ; from 03467 and 03050 ; Jah has saved ; Jeshajah , the name of seven Israelites :-- Isaiah , Jesaiah , Jeshaiah . ~~8990
03512 ## ka'ah {kaw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to despond : causatively , to deject :-- broken , be grieved , make sad . ~~9032
03610 ## kil'ayim {kil-ah'- yim} ; dual of 03608 in the original sense of separation ; two heterogeneities :-- divers seeds (- e kinds) , mingled (seed) . ~~9130
03666 ## kin` ah {kin-aw'} ; from 03665 in the sense of folding [compare 03664 ] ; a package :-- wares . ~~9186
03667 ## K@na` an {ken-ah'- an} ; from 03665 ; humiliated ; Kenaan , a son a Ham ; also the country inhabited by him :-- Canaan , merchant , traffick . ~~9188
03668 ## K@na` anah {ken-ah-an-aw'} ; feminine of 03667 ; Kenaanah , the name of two Israelites :-- Chenaanah . ~~9188
03669 ## K@na` aniy {ken-ah-an-ee'} ; patrial from 03667 ; a Kenaanite or inhabitant of Kenaan ; by implication , a pedlar (the Canaanites standing for their neighbors the Ishmaelites , who conducted mercantile caravans) :-- Canaanite , merchant , trafficker . ~~9190
03811 ## la'ah {law-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to tire ; (figuratively) to be (or make) disgusted :-- faint , grieve , lothe , (be , make) weary (selves) . ~~9332
03812 ## Le'ah {lay-aw'} ; from 03811 ; weary ; Leah , a wife of Jacob :-- Leah . ~~9332
03886 ## luwa` {loo'- ah} ; a primitive root ; to gulp ; figuratively , to be rash :-- swallow down (up) . ~~9406
03911 ## l@ta'ah {let-aw-aw'} ; from an unused root meaning to hide ; a kind of lizard (from its covert habits) :-- lizard . ~~9432
03924 ## lula'ah {loo-law-aw'} ; from the same as 03883 ; a loop :-- loop . ~~9444
03930 ## loa` {lo'ah} ; from 03886 ; the gullet :-- throat . ~~ 9450
03967 ## me'ah {may-aw'} ; or me'yah {may-yaw'} ; properly , a primitive numeral ; a hundred ; also as a multiplicative and a fraction :-- hundred ([-fold ] ,-- th) , + sixscore . ~~9488
03968 ## Me'ah {may-aw'} ; the same as 03967 ; Meah , a tower in Jerusalem :-- Meah ~~9488
03969 ## ma'ah (Aramaic) {meh-aw'} ; corresponding to 03967 :-- hundred . ~~9490
03970 ## ma'avay {mah-av-ah'ee} ; from 00183 ; a desire :-- desire . ~~ 9490
04002 ## mabbuwa` {mab-boo'- ah} ; from 05042 ; a fountain :-- fountain , spring . ~~9522
04021 ## migba` ah {mig-baw-aw'} ; from the same as 01389 ; a cap (as hemispherical) :-- bonnet . ~~9542
04052 ## migra` ah {mig-raw-aw'} ; from 01639 ; a ledge or offset :-- narrowed rest . ~~9572
04069 ## madduwa` {mad-doo'- ah} ; or maddua` {mad-doo'- ah} ; from 04100 and the passive participle of 03045 ; what (is) known ? ; i . e . (by implication) (adverbially) why ? :-- how , wherefore , why . ~~9590
04069 ## madduwa` {mad-doo'- ah} ; or maddua` {mad-doo'- ah} ; from 04100 and the passive participle of 03045 ; what (is) known ? ; i . e . (by implication) (adverbially) why ? :-- how , wherefore , why . ~~9590
04121 ## Maharay {mah-har-ah'- ee} ; from 04116 ; hasty ; Maharai , an Israelite :-- Maharai . ~~9642
04163 ## mowtsa'ah {mo-tsaw-aw'} ; feminine of 04161 ; a family descent ; also a sewer [marg . ; compare 06675 ] :-- draught house ; going forth . ~~9684
04190 ## mowsha` ah {mo-shaw-aw'} ; from 03467 ; deliverance :-- salvation . ~~9710
04260 ## machama'ah {makh-am-aw-aw'} ; a denominative from 02529 ; something buttery (i . e . unctuous and pleasant) , as (figuratively) flattery :-- X than butter . ~~9780
04266 ## Machanayim {makh-an-ah'- yim} ; dual of 04264 ; double camp ; Machanajim , a place in Palestine :-- Mahanaim . ~~9786
04280 ## machara'ah {makh-ar-aw-aw'} ; from the same as 02716 ; a sink :-- draught house . ~~9800
04356 ## mikla'ah {mik-law-aw'} ; or miklah {mik-law'} ; from 03607 ; a pen (for flocks) :-- ([sheep-]) fold . Compare 04357 . ~~9876
04395 ## m@le'ah {mel-ay-aw'} ; feminine of 04392 ; something fulfilled , i . e . abundance (of produce) :-- (first of ripe) fruit , fulness . ~~9916
04396 ## millu'ah {mil-loo-aw'} ; feminine of 04394 ; a filling , i . e . setting (of gems) :-- inclosing , setting . ~~9916
04444 ## Malkiyshuwa` {mal-kee-shoo'- ah} ; from 04428 and 07769 ; king of wealth ; Malkishua , an Israelite :-- Malchishua . ~~9964
04450 ## Milalay {mee-lal-ah'- ee} ; from 04448 ; talkative ; Milalai , an Israelite :-- Milalai . ~~9970
04459 ## malta` ah {mal-taw-aw'} ; transp . for 04973 ; a grinder , i . e . back tooth :-- great tooth . ~~9980
04517 ## m@na` na` {men-ah-ah'} ; from 05128 ; a sistrum (so called from its rattling sound) :-- cornet . ~~10038
04517 ## m@na` na` {men-ah-ah'} ; from 05128 ; a sistrum (so called from its rattling sound) :-- cornet . ~~10038
04572 ## Ma` aday {mah-ad-ah'- ee} ; from 05710 ; ornamental ; Maadai , an Israelite :-- Maadai . ~~10092
04577 ## m@` ah (Aramaic) {meh-aw'} ; or m@` a'(Aramaic) {meh-aw'} ; corresponding to 04578 ; only in plural the bowels :-- belly . ~~10098
04578 ## me` ah {may-aw'} ; from an unused root probably meaning to be soft ; used only in plural the intestines , or (collectively) the abdomen , figuratively , sympathy ; by implication , a vest ; by extens . the stomach , the uterus (or of men , the seat of generation) , the heart (figuratively) :-- belly , bowels , X heart , womb . ~~10098
04579 ## me` ah {may-aw'} ; feminine of 04578 ; the belly , i . e . (figuratively) interior :-- gravel . ~~10100
04597 ## Ma` ai {maw-ah'- ee} ; probably from 04578 ; sympathetic ; Maai , an Israelite :-- Maai . ~~10118
04640 ## Ma` say {mah-as-ah'ee} ; from 06213 ; operative ; Maasai , an Israelite :-- Maasiai . ~~10160
04652 ## miphla'ah {mif-law-aw'} ; from 06381 ; a miracle :-- wondrous work . ~~10172
04667 ## miphsa` ah {mif-saw-aw'} ; from 06585 ; a stride , i . e . (by euphemism) the crotch :-- buttocks . ~~10188
04740 ## maqtsowa` {mak-tso'- ah} ; or maqtsoa` {mak-tso-ah} ; or (feminine) maqtso` ah {mak-tso-aw'} ; from 07106 in the denominative sense of bending ; an angle or recess :-- corner , turning . ~~10260
04740 ## maqtsowa` {mak-tso'- ah} ; or maqtsoa` {mak-tso-ah} ; or (feminine) maqtso` ah {mak-tso-aw'} ; from 07106 in the denominative sense of bending ; an angle or recess :-- corner , turning . ~~10260
04740 ## maqtsowa` {mak-tso'- ah} ; or maqtsoa` {mak-tso-ah} ; or (feminine) maqtso` ah {mak-tso-aw'} ; from 07106 in the denominative sense of bending ; an angle or recess :-- corner , turning . ~~10260
04741 ## maqtsu` ah {mak-tsoo-aw'} ; from 07106 ; a scraper , i . e . a carving chisel :-- plane . ~~10262
04742 ## m@quts` ah {mek-oots-aw'} ; from 07106 in the denominative sense of bending ; an angle :-- corner . ~~10262
04759 ## mar'ah {mar-aw'} ; feminine of 04758 ; a vision ; also (causatively) a mirror :-- looking glass , vision . ~~10280
04760 ## mur'ah {moor-aw'} ; apparently feminine passive causative participle of 07200 ; something conspicuous , i . e . the craw of a bird (from its prominence) :-- crop . ~~10280
04763 ## m@ra'ashah {mer-ah-ash-aw'} ; formed like 04761 ; properly , a headpiece , i . e . (plural for adverbial) at (or as) the head-rest (or pillow) :-- bolster , head , pillow . Compare 04772 . ~~10284
04771 ## margowa` {mar-go'- ah} ; from 07280 ; a resting place :-- rest . ~~10292
04774 ## marge` ah {mar-gay-aw'} ; from 07280 ; rest :-- refreshing . ~~ 10294
04782 ## Mord@kay {mor-dek-ah'- ee} ; of foreign derivation ; Mordecai , an Israelite :-- Mordecai . ~~10302
04828 ## merea` {may-ray'- ah} ; from 07462 in the sense of companionship ; a friend :-- companion , friend . ~~10348
04836 ## martsea` {mar-tsay'- ah} ; from 07527 ; an awl :-- aul . ~~ 10356
04858 ## massa'ah {mas-saw-aw'} ; from 05375 ; a conflagration (from the rising of smoke) :-- burden . ~~10378
04859 ## mashsha'ah {mash-shaw-aw'} ; feminine of 04855 ; a loan :-- X any [-thing ] , debt . ~~10380
04875 ## m@show'ah {meh-o-aw'} ; or m@sho'ah {mesh-o-aw'} ; from the same as 07722 ; (a) ruin , abstractly (the act) or concretely (the wreck) :-- desolation , waste . ~~10396
04875 ## m@show'ah {meh-o-aw'} ; or m@sho'ah {mesh-o-aw'} ; from the same as 07722 ; (a) ruin , abstractly (the act) or concretely (the wreck) :-- desolation , waste . ~~10396
04876 ## masshuw'ah {mash-shoo-aw'} ; or mashshu'ah {mash-shoo-aw'} ; for 04875 ; ruin :-- desolation , destruction . ~~10396
04876 ## masshuw'ah {mash-shoo-aw'} ; or mashshu'ah {mash-shoo-aw'} ; for 04875 ; ruin :-- desolation , destruction . ~~10396
04972 ## matt@la'ah {mat-tel-aw-aw'} ; from 04100 and 08513 ; what a trouble ! :-- what a weariness . ~~10492
04973 ## m@thall@` ah {meth-al-leh-aw'} ; contr . from 03216 ; properly , a biter , i . e . a tooth :-- cheek (jaw) tooth , jaw . ~~10494
04982 ## Matt@nay {mat-ten-ah'ee} ; from 04976 ; liberal ; Mattenai , the name of three Israelites :-- Mattenai . ~~10502
04998 ## na'ah {naw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be at home , i . e . (by implication) to be pleasant (or suitable) , i . e . beautiful :-- be beautiful , become , be comely . ~~10518
04999 ## na'ah {naw-aw'} ; from 04998 ; a home ; figuratively , a pasture :-- habitation , house , pasture , pleasant place . ~~10520
05016 ## n@buw'ah {neb-oo-aw'} ; from 05012 ; a prediction (spoken or written) :-- prophecy . ~~10536
05017 ## n@buw'ah (Aramaic) {neb-oo-aw} ; corresponding to 05016 ; inspired teaching :-- prophesying . ~~10538
05031 ## n@biy'ah {neb-ee-yaw'} ; feminine of 05030 ; a prophetess or (generally) inspired woman ; by implication , a poetess ; by association a prophet's wife :-- prophetess . ~~10552
05089 ## noahh {no'- ah} ; from an unused root meaning to lament ; lamentation :-- wailing . ~~10610
05128 ## nuwa` {noo'- ah} ; a primitive root ; to waver , in a great variety of applications , literally and figuratively (as subjoined) :-- continually , fugitive , X make , to [go ] up and down , be gone away , (be) move (- able ,-d) , be promoted , reel , remove , scatter , set , shake , sift , stagger , to and fro , be vagabond , wag , (make) wander (up and down) . ~~10648
05171 ## Nacharay {nakh-ar-ah'- ee} ; or Nachray {nakh-rah'- ee} ; from the same as 05170 ; snorer ; Nacharai or Nachrai , an Israelite :-- Naharai , Nahari . ~~10692
05195 ## natia` {naw-tee'- ah} ; from 05193 ; a plant :-- plant . ~~ 10716
05269 ## Ne` ah {nay-aw'} ; from 05128 ; motion ; Neah , a place in Palestine :-- Neah . ~~10790
05270 ## No` ah {no-aw'} ; from 05128 ; movement ; Noah , an Israelitess :-- Noah . ~~10790
05293 ## Na` aray {nah-ar-ah'- ee} ; from 05288 ; youthful ; Naarai , an Israelite :-- Naarai . ~~10814
05385 ## n@suw'ah {nes-oo-aw'} ; or rather , n@su'ah {nes-oo-aw'} ; feminine . passive participle of 05375 ; something borne , i . e . a load :-- carriage . ~~10906
05385 ## n@suw'ah {nes-oo-aw'} ; or rather , n@su'ah {nes-oo-aw'} ; feminine . passive participle of 05375 ; something borne , i . e . a load :-- carriage . ~~10906
05429 ## c@'ah {seh-aw'} ; from an unused root meaning to define ; a seah , or certain measure (as determinative) for grain :-- measure . ~~10950
05432 ## ca'c@'ah {sah-seh-aw'} ; for 05429 ; measurement , i . e . moderation :-- measure . ~~10952
05444 ## Cibb@kay {sib-bek-ah'- ee} ; from 05440 ; copse-like ; Sibbecai , an Israelite :-- Sibbecai , Sibbechai . ~~10964
05517 ## Ciy` a'{see-ah'} ; or Ciy` aha'{see-ah-haw'} ; from an unused root meaning to converse ; congregation ; Sia or Siaha , one of the Nethinim :-- Sia , Siaha . ~~11038
05517 ## Ciy` a'{see-ah'} ; or Ciy` aha'{see-ah-haw'} ; from an unused root meaning to converse ; congregation ; Sia or Siaha , one of the Nethinim :-- Sia , Siaha . ~~11038
05570 ## C@na'ah {sen-aw-aw'} ; from an unused root meaning to prick ; thorny ; Senaah , a place in Palestine :-- Senaah , Hassenaah [with the article ] . ~~11090
05574 ## C@nuw'ah {sen-oo-aw'} ; or C@nu'ah {sen-oo-aw'} from the same as 05570 ; pointed ; (used with the article as a proper name) Senuah , the name of two Israelites :-- Hasenuah [including the art ] , Senuah . ~~11094
05574 ## C@nuw'ah {sen-oo-aw'} ; or C@nu'ah {sen-oo-aw'} from the same as 05570 ; pointed ; (used with the article as a proper name) Senuah , the name of two Israelites :-- Hasenuah [including the art ] , Senuah . ~~11094
05584 ## ca` ah {saw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to rush :-- storm . ~~ 11104
05762 ## ` Aviyth {av-veeth'} ; or [perhaps` Ayowth {ah-yoth'} , as if plural of 05857 ]` Ayuwth {ah-yoth'} ; from 05753 ; ruin ; Avvith (or Avvoth) , a place in Palestine :-- Avith . ~~11282
05762 ## ` Aviyth {av-veeth'} ; or [perhaps` Ayowth {ah-yoth'} , as if plural of 05857 ]` Ayuwth {ah-yoth'} ; from 05753 ; ruin ; Avvith (or Avvoth) , a place in Palestine :-- Avith . ~~11282
05857 ## ` Ay {ah'ee} ; or (feminine)` Aya'(Neh . 11 : 31) {ah-yaw'} ; or` Ayath (Isaiah 10 : 28) {ah-yawth'} ; for 05856 ; Ai , Aja or Ajath , a place in Palestine :-- Ai , Aija , Aijath , Hai . ~~11378
05857 ## ` Ay {ah'ee} ; or (feminine)` Aya'(Neh . 11 : 31) {ah-yaw'} ; or` Ayath (Isaiah 10 : 28) {ah-yawth'} ; for 05856 ; Ai , Aja or Ajath , a place in Palestine :-- Ai , Aija , Aijath , Hai . ~~11378
05857 ## ` Ay {ah'ee} ; or (feminine)` Aya'(Neh . 11 : 31) {ah-yaw'} ; or` Ayath (Isaiah 10 : 28) {ah-yawth'} ; for 05856 ; Ai , Aja or Ajath , a place in Palestine :-- Ai , Aija , Aijath , Hai . ~~11378
05861 ## ` ayit {ah'- yit} ; from 05860 ; a hawk or other bird of prey :-- bird , fowl , ravenous (bird) . ~~11382
05868 ## ` ayam {ah-yawm'} ; of doubtful origin and authenticity ; probably meaning strength :-- mighty . ~~11388
05869 ## ` ayin {ah'- yin} ; probably a primitive word ; an eye (literally or figuratively) ; by analogy , a fountain (as the eye of the landscape) :-- affliction , outward appearance , + before , + think best , colour , conceit , + be content , countenance , + displease , eye ([-brow ] , [-d ] ,-sight) , face , + favour , fountain , furrow [from the margin ] , X him , + humble , knowledge , look , (+ well) , X me , open (- ly) , + (not) please , presence , + regard , resemblance , sight , X thee , X them , + think , X us , well , X you (- rselves) . ~~11390
05870 ## ` ayin (Aramaic) {ah'- yin} ; corresponding to 05869 ; an eye :-- eye . ~~11390
05871 ## ` Ayin {ah'- yin} ; the same as 05869 ; fountain ; Ajin , the name (thus simply) of two places in Palestine :-- Ain . ~~11392
05895 ## ` ayir {ah'- yeer} ; from 05782 in the sense of raising (i . e . bearing a burden) ; properly , a young ass (as just broken to a load) ; hence an ass-colt :-- (ass) colt , foal , young ass . ~~11416
05906 ## ` Ayish {ah'- yish} ; or` Ash {awsh} ; from 05789 ; the constellation of the Great Bear (perhaps from its migration through the heavens) :-- Arcturus . ~~11426
05967 ## ` ala` (Aramaic) {al-ah'} ; corresponding to 06763 ; a rib :-- rib . ~~11488
06284 ## pa'ah {paw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to puff , i . e . blow away :-- scatter into corners . ~~11804
06285 ## pe'ah {pay-aw'} ; feminine of 06311 ; properly , mouth in a figurative sense , i . e . direction , region , extremity :-- corner , end , quarter , side . ~~11806
06300 ## P@dah'el {ped-ah-ale'} ; from 06299 and 00410 ; God has ransomed ; Pedahel , an Israelite :-- Pedahel . ~~11820
06312 ## Puw'ah {poo-aw'} or Puvvah {poov-vaw'} ; from 06284 ; a blast ; Puah or Puvvah , the name of two Israelites :-- Phuvah , Pua , Puah . ~~11832
06326 ## Puw` ah {poo-aw'} ; from an unused root meaning to glitter ; brilliancy ; Puah , an Israelitess :-- Puah . ~~11846
06463 ## pa` ah {paw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to scream :-- cry . ~~ 11984
06474 ## Pa` aray {pah-ar-ah'- ee} ; from 06473 ; yawning ; Paarai , an Israelite :-- Paarai . ~~11994
06498 ## paqqu` ah {pak-koo-aw'} ; from the same as 06497 ; the wild cucumber (from splitting open to shed its seeds) :-- gourd . ~~12018
06546 ## par` ah {par-aw'} ; feminine of 06545 (in the sense of beginning) ; leadership (plural concretely , leaders) :-- + avenging , revenge . ~~12066
06613 ## p@thay (Aramaic) {peth-ah'- ee} ; from a root corresponding to 06601 ; open , i . e . (as noun) width :-- breadth . ~~12134
06615 ## p@thayuwth {peth-ah-yooth'} ; from 06612 ; silliness (i . e . seducibility) :-- simple . ~~12136
06627 ## tsa'ah {tsaw-aw'} ; from 03318 ; issue , i . e . (human) excrement :-- that (which) cometh from (out) . ~~12148
06635 ## tsaba'{tsaw-baw'} ; or (feminine) ts@ba'ah {tseb-aw-aw'} ; from 06633 ; a mass of persons (or figuratively , things) , especially reg . organized for war (an army) ; by implication , a campaign , literally or figuratively (specifically , hardship , worship) :-- appointed time , (+) army , (+) battle , company , host , service , soldiers , waiting upon , war (- fare) . ~~12156
06641 ## tsabuwa` {tsaw-boo'- ah} ; passive participle of the same as 06648 ; dyed (in stripes) , i . e . the hyena :-- speckled . ~~12162
06647 ## ts@ba` (Aramaic) {tseb-ah'} ; a root corresponding to that of 06648 ; to dip :-- wet . ~~12168
06675 ## tsow'ah {tso-aw'} ; or tso'ah {tso-aw'} : feminine of 06674 ; excrement ; generally , dirt ; figuratively , pollution :-- dung , filth (- iness) . Marg . for 02716 . ~~12196
06675 ## tsow'ah {tso-aw'} ; or tso'ah {tso-aw'} : feminine of 06674 ; excrement ; generally , dirt ; figuratively , pollution :-- dung , filth (- iness) . Marg . for 02716 . ~~12196
06763 ## tsela` {tsay-law'} ; or (feminine) tsal` ah {tsal-aw'} ; from 06760 ; a rib (as curved) , literally (of the body) or figuratively (of a door , i . e . leaf) ; hence , a side , literally (of a person) or figuratively (of an object or the sky , i . e . quarter) ; architecturally , a (especially floor or ceiling) timber or plank (single or collective , i . e . a flooring) :-- beam , board , chamber , corner , leaf , plank , rib , side (chamber) . ~~12284
06769 ## Tsill@thay {tsil-leth-ah'- ee} ; from the feminine of 06738 ; shady ; Tsillethai , the name of two Israelites :-- Zilthai . ~~12290
06773 ## tsim'ah {tsim-aw'} ; feminine of 06772 ; thirst (figuratively , of libidinousnes) :-- thirst . ~~12294
06808 ## tsa` ah {tsaw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to tip over (for the purpose of spilling or pouring out) , i . e . (figuratively) depopulate ; by implication , to imprison or conquer ; (reflexive) to lie down (for coitus) :-- captive exile , travelling , (cause to) wander (- er) . ~~12328
06815 ## Tsa` ananniym {tsah-an-an-neem'} ; or (dual) Tsa` anayim {tsah-an-ah'- yim} ; plural from 06813 ; removals ; Tsaanannim or Tsaanajim , a place in Palestine :-- Zaannannim , Zaanaim . ~~12336
06816 ## tsa` tsua` {tsah-tsoo'- ah} ; from an unused root meaning to bestrew with carvings ; sculpture :-- image [work ] . ~~12336
06832 ## ts@phuwa` {tsef-oo'- ah} ; from the same as 06848 ; excrement (as protruded) :-- dung . ~~12352
06849 ## ts@phi` ah {tsef-ee-aw'} ; feminine from the same as 06848 ; an outcast thing :-- issue . ~~12370
06854 ## ts@phardea` {tsef-ar-day'- ah} ; from 06852 and a word elsewhere unused meaning a swamp ; a marsh-leaper , i . e . frog :-- frog . ~~12374
06871 ## Ts@ruw` ah {tser-oo-aw'} ; feminine passive participle of 06879 ; leprous ; Tseruah , an Israelitess :-- Zeruah . ~~12392
06880 ## tsir` ah {tsir-aw'} ; from 06879 ; a wasp (as stinging) :-- hornet . ~~12400
06881 ## Tsor` ah {tsor-aw'} ; apparently another form for 06880 ; Tsorah , a place in Palestine :-- Zareah , Zorah , Zoreah . ~~12402
06947 ## Qadesh Barnea` {kaw-dashe'bar-nay'- ah} ; from the same as 06946 and an otherwise unused word (apparently compounded of a correspondent to 01251 and a derivative of 05128) meaning desert of a fugitive ; Kadesh of (the) Wilderness of Wandering ; Kadesh-Barnea , a place in the Desert :-- Kadesh-barnea . ~~12468
06970 ## Qowa` {ko'- ah} ; probably from 06972 in the original sense of cutting off ; curtailment ; Koa , a region of Bab . :-- Koa . ~~12490
07068 ## qin'ah {kin-aw'} ; from 07065 ; jealousy or envy :-- envy (- ied) , jealousy , X sake , zeal . ~~12588
07085 ## qa` aqa` {kah-ak-ah'} ; from the same as 06970 ; an incision or gash :-- + mark . ~~12606
07102 ## q@tsiy` ah {kets-ee-aw'} ; from 07106 ; cassia (as peeled ; plural the bark) :-- cassia . ~~12622
07103 ## Q@tsiy` ah {kets-ee-aw'} ; the same as 07102 ; Ketsiah , a daughter of Job :-- Kezia . ~~12624
07125 ## qir'ah {keer-aw'} ; from 07122 ; an encountering , accidental , friendly or hostile (also adverbially , opposite) :-- X against (he come) , help , meet , seek , X to , X in the way . ~~12646
07150 ## q@riy'ah {ker-ee-aw'} ; from 07121 ; a proclamation :-- preaching . ~~12670
07200 ## ra'ah {raw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to see , literally or figuratively (in numerous applications , direct and implied , transitive , intransitive and causative) :-- advise self , appear , approve , behold , X certainly , consider , discern , (make to) enjoy , have experience , gaze , take heed , X indeed , X joyfully , lo , look (on , one another , one on another , one upon another , out , up , upon) , mark , meet , X be near , perceive , present , provide , regard , (have) respect , (fore-, cause to , let) see (- r ,-m , one another) , shew (self) , X sight of others , (e-) spy , stare , X surely , X think , view , visions . ~~12720
07201 ## ra'ah {raw-aw'} ; from 07200 ; a bird of prey (probably the vulture , from its sharp sight) :-- glede . Compare 01676 . ~~12722
07244 ## r@biy` ay (Aramaic) {reb-ee-ah'- ee} ; corresponding to 07243-- fourth . ~~12764
07256 ## ribbea` {rib-bay'- ah} ; from 07251 ; a descendant of the fourth generation , i . e . great great grandchild :-- fourth . ~~12776
07282 ## ragea` {raw-gay'- ah} ; from 07280 ; restful , i . e . peaceable :-- that are quiet . ~~12802
07321 ## ruwa` {roo-ah'} ; a primitive root ; to mar (especially by breaking) ; figuratively , to split the ears (with sound) , i . e . shout (for alarm or joy) :-- blow an alarm , cry (alarm , aloud , out) , destroy , make a joyful noise , smart , shout (for joy) , sound an alarm , triumph . ~~12842
07451 ## ra` {rah} ; from 07489 ; bad or (as noun) evil (natural or moral) :-- adversity , affliction , bad , calamity , + displease (- ure) , distress , evil ([-favouredness ] , man , thing) , + exceedingly , X great , grief (- vous) , harm , heavy , hurt (- ful) , ill (favoured) , + mark , mischief (- vous) , misery , naught (- ty) , noisome , + not please , sad (- ly) , sore , sorrow , trouble , vex , wicked (- ly ,-ness , one) , worse (- st) , wretchedness , wrong . [Incl . feminine ra` ah ; as adjective or noun . ] . ~~12972
07452 ## rea` {ray'- ah} ; from 07321 ; a crash (of thunder) , noise (of war) , shout (of joy) :-- X aloud , noise , shouted . ~~12972
07453 ## rea` {ray'- ah} ; or reya` {ray'- ah} ; from 07462 ; an associate (more or less close) :-- brother , companion , fellow , friend , husband , lover , neighbour , X (an-) other . ~~12974
07453 ## rea` {ray'- ah} ; or reya` {ray'- ah} ; from 07462 ; an associate (more or less close) :-- brother , companion , fellow , friend , husband , lover , neighbour , X (an-) other . ~~12974
07454 ## rea` {ray'- ah} ; from 07462 ; a thought (as association of ideas) :-- thought . ~~12974
07455 ## roa` {ro'- ah} ; from 07489 ; badness (as marring) , physically or morally :-- X be so bad , badness , (X be so) evil , naughtiness , sadness , sorrow , wickedness . ~~12976
07462 ## ra` ah {raw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to tend a flock ; i . e . pasture it ; intransitively , to graze (literally or figuratively) ; generally to rule ; by extension , to associate with (as a friend) :-- X break , companion , keep company with , devour , eat up , evil entreat , feed , use as a friend , make friendship with , herdman , keep [sheep ] (- er) , pastor , + shearing house , shepherd , wander , waste . ~~12982
07464 ## re` ah {ray'- aw} ; feminine of 07453 ; a female associate :-- companion , fellow . ~~12984
07465 ## ro` ah {ro-aw'} ; for 07455 ; breakage :-- broken , utterly . ~~ 12986
07489 ## ra` a` {raw-ah'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to spoil (literally , by breaking to pieces) ; figuratively , to make (or be) good for nothing , i . e . bad (physically , socially or morally) :-- afflict , associate selves [by mistake for 07462 ] , break (down , in pieces) , + displease , (be , bring , do) evil (doer , entreat , man) , show self friendly [by mistake for 07462 ] , do harm , (do) hurt , (behave self , deal) ill , X indeed , do mischief , punish , still , vex , (do) wicked (doer ,-ly) , be (deal , do) worse . ~~13010
07490 ## r@` a` (Aramaic) {reh-ah'} ; corresponding to 07489 :-- break , bruise . ~~13010
07499 ## r@phu'ah {ref-oo-aw'} ; feminine passive participle of 07495 ; a medicament :-- heal [-ed ] , medicine . ~~13020
07549 ## raqiya` {raw-kee'- ah} ; from 07554 ; properly , an expanse , i . e . the firmament or (apparently) visible arch of the sky :-- firmament . ~~13070
07555 ## riqqua` {rik-koo'- ah} ; from 07554 ; beaten out , i . e . a (metallic) plate :-- broad . ~~13076
07564 ## rish` ah {rish-aw'} ; feminine of 07562 ; wrong (especially moral) :-- fault , wickedly (- ness) . ~~13084
07582 ## sha'ah {shaw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to rush ; by implication , to desolate :-- be desolate , (make a) rush (- ing) , (lay) waste . ~~13102
07583 ## sha'ah {shaw-aw'} ; a primitive root [identical with 07582 through the idea of whirling to giddiness ] ; to stun , i . e . (intransitively) be astonished :-- wonder . ~~13104
07620 ## shabuwa` {shaw-boo'- ah} ; or shabua` {shaw-boo'- ah} ; also (feminine) sh@bu` ah {sheb-oo-aw'} ; properly , passive participle of 07650 as a denominative of 07651 ; literal , sevened , i . e . a week (specifically , of years) :-- seven , week . ~~13140
07620 ## shabuwa` {shaw-boo'- ah} ; or shabua` {shaw-boo'- ah} ; also (feminine) sh@bu` ah {sheb-oo-aw'} ; properly , passive participle of 07650 as a denominative of 07651 ; literal , sevened , i . e . a week (specifically , of years) :-- seven , week . ~~13140
07620 ## shabuwa` {shaw-boo'- ah} ; or shabua` {shaw-boo'- ah} ; also (feminine) sh@bu` ah {sheb-oo-aw'} ; properly , passive participle of 07650 as a denominative of 07651 ; literal , sevened , i . e . a week (specifically , of years) :-- seven , week . ~~13140
07621 ## sh@buw` ah {sheb-oo-aw'} ; feminine passive participle of 07650 ; properly , something sworn , i . e . an oath :-- curse , oath , X sworn . ~~13142
07646 ## saba` {saw-bah'} ; or sabea` {saw-bay'- ah} ; a primitive root ; to sate , i . e . fill to satisfaction (literally or figuratively) :-- have enough , fill (full , self , with) , be (to the) full (of) , have plenty of , be satiate , satisfy (with) , suffice , be weary of . ~~13166
07649 ## sabea` {saw-bay'- ah} ; from 07646 ; satiated (in a pleasant or disagreeable sense) :-- full (of) , satisfied (with) . ~~13170
07651 ## sheba` {sheh'- bah} ; or (masculine) shib` ah {shib-aw'} ; from 07650 ; a primitive cardinal number ; seven (as the sacred full one) ; also (adverbially) seven times ; by implication , a week ; by extension , an indefinite number :-- (+ by) seven [-fold ] ,-s , [-teen ,-teenth ] ,-th , times) . Compare 07658 . ~~13172
07653 ## sib` ah {sib-aw'} ; feminine of 07647 ; satiety :-- fulness . ~~ 13174
07654 ## sob` ah {sob-aw'} ; feminine of 07648 ; satiety :-- (to have) enough , X till . . . be full , [un-] satiable , satisfy , X sufficiently . ~~13174
07655 ## shib` ah (Aramaic) {shib-aw'} ; corresponding to 07651 :-- seven (times) . ~~13176
07656 ## Shib` ah {shib-aw'} ; masculine of 07651 ; seven (- th) ; Shebah , a well in Palestine :-- Shebah . ~~13176
07678 ## Shabb@thay {shab-beth-ah'- ee} ; from 07676 ; restful ; Shabbethai , the name of three Israelites :-- Shabbethai . ~~13198
07691 ## sh@giy'ah {sheg-ee-aw'} ; from 07686 ; a moral mistake :-- error . ~~13212
07722 ## show'{sho} ; or (feminine) show'ah {sho-aw'} ; or sho'ah {sho-aw'} ; from an unused root meaning to rush over ; a tempest ; by implication , devastation :-- desolate (- ion) , destroy , destruction , storm , wasteness . ~~13242
07722 ## show'{sho} ; or (feminine) show'ah {sho-aw'} ; or sho'ah {sho-aw'} ; from an unused root meaning to rush over ; a tempest ; by implication , devastation :-- desolate (- ion) , destroy , destruction , storm , wasteness . ~~13242
07769 ## shuwa` {shoo'- ah} ; from 07768 ; a halloo :-- cry , riches . ~~ 13290
07770 ## Shuwa` {shoo'- ah} ; the same as 07769 ; Shua , a Canaanite :-- Shua , Shuah . ~~13292
07771 ## showa` {sho'- ah} ; from 07768 in the original sense of freedom ; a noble , i . e . liberal , opulent ; also (as noun in the derived sense) a halloo :-- bountiful , crying , rich . ~~13292
07772 ## Showa` {sho'- ah} ; the same as 07771 ; rich ; Shoa , an Oriental people :-- Shoa . ~~13294
07775 ## shav` ah {shav-aw'} ; feminine of 07773 ; a hallooing :-- crying . ~~13296
07842 ## Shacharayim {shakh-ar-ah'- yim} ; dual of 07837 ; double dawn ; Shacharajim , an Israelite :-- Shaharaim . ~~13364
08039 ## Shim'ah {shim-aw'} ; perhaps for 08093 ; Shimah , an Israelite :-- Shimah . Compare 08043 . ~~13560
08051 ## Shammuwa` {sham-moo'- ah} ; from 08074 ; renowned ; Shammua , the name of four Israelites :-- Shammua , Shammuah . ~~13572
08052 ## sh@muw` ah {sehm-oo-aw'} ; feminine passive participle of 08074 ; something heard , i . e . an announcement :-- bruit , doctrine , fame , mentioned , news , report , rumor , tidings . ~~13574
08086 ## sh@ma` (Aramaic) {shem-ah'} ; corresponding to 08085 :-- hear , obey . ~~13608
08093 ## Shim` ah {shim-aw'} ; feminine of 08088 ; annunciation ; Shimah , an Israelite :-- Shimeah . ~~13614
08094 ## Sh@ma` ah {shem-aw-aw'} ; for 08093 ; Shemaah , an Israelite :-- Shemaah . ~~13616
08125 ## Shamsh@ray {sham-sher-ah'- ee} ; apparently from 08121 ; sunlike ; Shamsherai , an Israelite :-- Shamsherai . ~~13646
08135 ## sin'ah {sin-aw'} ; from 08130 ; hate :-- + exceedingly , hate (- ful ,-red) . ~~13656
08147 ## sh@nayim {shen-ah'- yim} ; dual of 08145 ; feminine sh@ttayim {shet-tah'- yim} ; two ; also (as ordinal) twofold :-- both , couple , double , second , twain , + twelfth , + twelve , + twenty (sixscore) thousand , twice , two . ~~13668
08159 ## sha` ah {shaw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to gaze at or about (properly , for help) ; by implication , to inspect , consider , compassionate , be nonplussed (as looking around in amazement) or bewildered :-- depart , be dim , be dismayed , look (away) , regard , have respect , spare , turn . ~~13680
08160 ## sha` ah (Aramaic) {shaw-aw'} ; from a root corresponding to 08159 ; properly , a look , i . e . a moment :-- hour . ~~13682
08173 ## sha` a` {shaw-ah'} ; a primitive root ; (in a good acceptation) to look upon (with complacency) , i . e . fondle , please or amuse (self) ; (in a bad one) to look about (in dismay) , i . e . stare :-- cry (out) [by confusion with 07768 ] , dandle , delight (self) , play , shut . ~~13694
08189 ## Sha` arayim {shah-ar-ah'- yim} ; dual of 08179 ; double gates ; Shaarajim , a place in Palestine :-- Shaaraim . ~~13710
08191 ## sha` shua` {shah-shoo'- ah} ; from 08173 ; enjoyment :-- delight , pleasure . ~~13712
08229 ## shiph` ah {shif-aw'} ; feminine of 08228 ; copiousness :-- abundance , company , multitude . ~~13750
08258 ## sh@qa` ruwrah {shek-ah-roo-raw'} ; from 08257 ; a depression :-- hollow strake . ~~13780
08370 ## Sh@thar Bowz@nay {sheth-ar'bo-zen-ah'- ee} ; of foreign derivation ; Shethar-Bozenai , a Persian officer :-- Shethar-boznai . ~~13892
08372 ## ta'{taw} ; and (feminine) ta'ah (Ezek . 40 : 12) {taw-aw'} ; from (the base of) 08376 ; a room (as circumscribed) :-- (little) chamber . ~~13894
08376 ## ta'ah {taw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to mark off , i . e . (intensively) designate :-- point out . ~~13898
08390 ## Ta'area` {tah-ar-ay'- ah} ; perhaps from 00772 ; Taarea , an Israelite :-- Tarea . See 08475 . ~~13912
08393 ## t@buw'ah {teb-oo-aw'} ; from 00935 ; income , i . e . produce (literally or figuratively) :-- fruit , gain , increase , revenue . ~~13914
08429 ## t@vahh (Aramaic) {tev-ah'} ; corresponding to 08539 or perhaps to 07582 through the idea of sweeping to ruin [compare 08428 ] ; to amaze , i . e . (reflex . by implication) take alarm :-- be astonied . ~~13950
08438 ## towla` {to-law'} ; and (feminine) towle` ah {to-lay-aw'} ; or towla` ath {to-lah'- ath} ; or tola` ath {to-lah'- ath} ; from 03216 ; a maggot (as voracious) ; specifically (often with ellipsis of 08144) the crimson-grub , but used only (in this connection) of the color from it , and cloths dyed therewith :-- crimson , scarlet , worm . ~~13960
08442 ## tow` ah {to-aw'} ; feminine active participle of 08582 ; mistake , i . e . (morally) impiety , or (political) injury :-- error , hinder . ~~13964
08444 ## towtsa'ah {to-tsaw-aw'} ; or totsa'ah {to-tsaw-aw'} ; from 03318 ; (only in plural collective) exit , i . e . (geographical) boundary , or (figuratively) deliverance , (actively) source :-- border (- s) , going (- s) forth (out) , issues , outgoings . ~~13966
08444 ## towtsa'ah {to-tsaw-aw'} ; or totsa'ah {to-tsaw-aw'} ; from 03318 ; (only in plural collective) exit , i . e . (geographical) boundary , or (figuratively) deliverance , (actively) source :-- border (- s) , going (- s) forth (out) , issues , outgoings . ~~13966
08475 ## Tachrea` {takh-ray'- ah} ; for 08390 ; Tachrea , an Israelite :-- Tahrea . ~~13996
08513 ## t@la'ah {tel-aw-aw'} ; from 03811 ; distress :-- travail , travel , trouble . ~~14034
08540 ## t@mahh (Aramaic) {tem-ah'} ; from a root corresponding to 08539 ; a miracle :-- wonder . ~~14062
08569 ## t@nuw'ah {ten-oo-aw'} ; from 05106 ; alienation ; by implication , enmity :-- breach of promise , occasion . ~~14090
08582 ## ta` ah {taw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to vacillate , i . e . reel or stray (literally or figuratively) ; also causative of both :-- (cause to) go astray , deceive , dissemble , (cause to , make to) err , pant , seduce , (make to) stagger , (cause to) wander , be out of the way . ~~14104
08588 ## ta` anuwg {tah-an-oog'} ; or ta` anug {tah-an-oog'} ; and (feminine) ta` anugah {tah-ah-oog-aw'} ; from 06026 ; luxury :-- delicate , delight , pleasant . ~~14110
08591 ## ta` a` {taw-ah'} ; a primitive root ; to cheat ; by analogy , to maltreat :-- deceive , misuse . ~~14112
08595 ## ta` tua` {tah-too'- ah} ; from 08591 ; a fraud :-- error . ~~ 14116
08619 ## taqowa` {taw-ko'- ah} ; from 08628 (in the musical sense) ; a trumpet :-- trumpet . ~~14140
08620 ## T@qowa` {tek-o'- ah} ; a form of 08619 ; Tekoa , a place in Palestine :-- Tekoa , Tekoah . ~~14142
08643 ## t@ruw` ah {ter-oo-aw'} ; from 07321 ; clamor , i . e . acclamation of joy or a battle-cry ; especially clangor of trumpets , as an alarum :-- alarm , blow (- ing) (of , the) (trumpets) , joy , jubile , loud noise , rejoicing , shout (- ing) , (high , joyful) sound (- ing) . ~~14164
08651 ## t@ra` (Aramaic) {ter-ah'} ; corresponding to 08179 ; a door ; by implication , a palace :-- gate mouth . ~~14172
08663 ## t@shu'ah {tesh-oo-aw'} ; from 07722 ; a crashing or loud clamor :-- crying , noise , shouting , stir . ~~14184
08668 ## t@shuw` ah {tesh-oo-aw'} ; or t@shu` ah {tesh-oo-aw'} ; from 07768 in the sense of 03467 ; rescue (literal or figurative , pers . , national or spir .) :-- deliverance , help , safety , salvation , victory . ~~14190
08668 ## t@shuw` ah {tesh-oo-aw'} ; or t@shu` ah {tesh-oo-aw'} ; from 07768 in the sense of 03467 ; rescue (literal or figurative , pers . , national or spir .) :-- deliverance , help , safety , salvation , victory . ~~14190
08672 ## tesha` {tay'- shah} ; or (masculine) tish` ah {tish-aw'} ; perhaps from 08159 through the idea of a turn to the next or full number ten ; nine or (ord .) ninth :-- nine (+-teen , +-teenth ,-th) . ~~14194
08674 ## Tatt@nay {tat-ten-ah'- ee} ; of foreign derivation ; Tattenai , a Persian :-- Tatnai . 14196