0581 - apogenomenos {ap-og-en-om'-en-os}; past participle of a compound of 0575 and 1096; absent, i.e. deceased (figuratively, renounced): -- being dead. 580
0582 - apographe {ap-og-raf-ay'}; from 0583; an enrollment; by implication, an assessment: -- taxing. 582
0583 - apographo {ap-og-raf'-o}; from 0575 and 1125; to write off (a copy or list), i.e. enrol: -- tax, write. 582
0602 - apokalupsis {ap-ok-al'-oop-sis}; from 0601; disclosure: -- appearing, coming, lighten, manifestation, be revealed, revelation. 602
0601 - apokalupto {ap-ok-al-oop'-to}; from 0575 and 2572; to take off the cover, i.e. disclose: -- reveal. 600
0603 - apokaradokia {ap-ok-ar-ad-ok-ee'-ah}; from a comparative of 0575 and a compound of kara (the head) and 1380 (in the sense of watching); intense anticipation: -- earnest expectation. 602
0604 - apokatallasso {ap-ok-at-al-las'-so}; from 0575 and 2644; to reconcile fully: -- reconcile. 604
0605 - apokatastasis {ap-ok-at-as'-tas-is}; from 0600; reconstitution: -- restitution. 604
0600 - apokathistemi {ap-ok-ath-is'-tay-mee}; from 0575 and 2525; to reconstitute (in health, home or organization): -- restore (again). 600
0606 - apokeimai {ap-ok'-i-mahee}; from 0575 and 2749; to be reserved; figuratively, to await: -- be appointed, (be) laid up. 606
0607 - apokephalizo {ap-ok-ef-al-id'-zo}; from 0575 and 2776; to decapitate: -- behead. 606
0608 - apokleio {ap-ok-li'-o}; from 0575 and 2808; to close fully: -- shut up. 608
0609 - apokopto {ap-ok-op'-to}; from 0575 and 2875; to amputate; reflexively (by irony) to mutilate (the privy parts): -- cut off. Compare 2699. 608
0610 - apokrima {ap-ok'-ree-mah}; from 0611 (in its original sense of judging); a judicial decision: -- sentence. 610
0611 - apokrinomai {ap-ok-ree'-nom-ahee}; from 0575 and krino; to conclude for oneself, i.e. (by implication) to respond; by Hebraism [compare 6030] to begin to speak (where an adress is expected): -- answer. 610
0612 - apokrisis {ap-ok'-ree-sis}; from 0611; a response: -- answer. 612
0614 - apokruphos {ap-ok'-roo-fos}; from 0613; secret; by implication, treasured: -- hid, kept secret. 614
0613 - apokrupto {ap-ok-roop'-to}; from 0575 and 2928; to conceal away (i.e. fully); figuratively, to keep secret: -- hide. 612
0615 - apokteino {ap-ok-ti'-no}; from 0575 and kteino (to slay); to kill outright; figuratively, to destroy: -- put to death, kill, slay. 614
0616 - apokueo {ap-ok-oo-eh'-o}; from 0575 and the base of 2949; to breed forth, i.e. (by transf.) to generate (figuratively): -- beget, produce. 616
0617 - apokulio {ap-ok-oo-lee'-o}; from 0575 and 2947; to roll away: -- roll away (back). 616
0618 - apolambano {ap-ol-am-ban'-o}; from 0575 and 2983; to receive (specially, in full, or as a host); also to take aside: -- receive, take. 618
0619 - apolausis {ap-ol'-ow-sis}; from a comparative of 0575 and lauo (to enjoy); full enjoyment: -- enjoy(-ment). 618
0684 - apoleia {ap-o'-li-a}; from a presumed derivative of 0622; ruin or loss (physical, spiritual or eternal): -- damnable(-nation), destruction, die, perdition, X perish, pernicious ways, waste. 684
0621 - apoleicho {ap-ol-i'-kho}; from 0575 and leicho (to "lick"); to lick clean: -- lick. 620
0620 - apoleipo {ap-ol-ipe'-o}; from 0575 and 3007; to leave behind (passively, remain); by implication, to forsake: -- leave, remain. 620
0624 - Apollonia {ap-ol-lo-nee'-ah}; from the pagan deity Apollon (i.e. the sun; from 0622); Apollonia, a place in Macedonia: -- Apollonia. 624
0624 - Apollonia {ap-ol-lo-nee'-ah}; from the pagan deity Apollon (i.e. the sun; from 0622); Apollonia, a place in Macedonia: -- Apollonia. 624
0624 - Apollonia {ap-ol-lo-nee'-ah}; from the pagan deity Apollon (i.e. the sun; from 0622); Apollonia, a place in Macedonia: -- Apollonia. 624
0624 - Apollonia {ap-ol-lo-nee'-ah}; from the pagan deity Apollon (i.e. the sun; from 0622); Apollonia, a place in Macedonia: -- Apollonia. 624
0625 - Apollos {ap-ol-loce'}; probably from the same as 0624; Apollos, an Israelite: -- Apollos. 624
0625 - Apollos {ap-ol-loce'}; probably from the same as 0624; Apollos, an Israelite: -- Apollos. 624
0625 - Apollos {ap-ol-loce'}; probably from the same as 0624; Apollos, an Israelite: -- Apollos. 624
0622 - apollumi {ap-ol'-loo-mee}; from 0575 and the base of 3639; to destroy fully (reflexively, to perish, or lose), literally or figuratively: -- destroy, die, lose, mar, perish. 622
0623 - Apolluon {ap-ol-loo'-ohn}; active participle of 0622; a destroyer (i.e. Satan): -- Apollyon. 622
0623 - Apolluon {ap-ol-loo'-ohn}; active participle of 0622; a destroyer (i.e. Satan): -- Apollyon. 622
0626 - apologeomai {ap-ol-og-eh'-om-ahee}; middle voice from a compound of 0575 and 3056; to give an account (legal plea) of oneself, i.e. exculpate (self): -- answer (for self), make defence, excuse (self), speak for self. 626
0627 - apologia {ap-ol-og-ee'-ah}; from the same as 0626; a plea ("apology"): -- answer (for self), clearing of self, defence. 626
0627 - apologia {ap-ol-og-ee'-ah}; from the same as 0626; a plea ("apology"): -- answer (for self), clearing of self, defence. 626
07683 ## shagag {shaw-gag'} ; a primitive root ; to stray , i . e . (figuratively) sin (with more or less apology) :-- X also for that , deceived , err , go astray , sin ignorantly . ~~13204
0628 - apolouo {ap-ol-oo'-o}; from 0575 and 3068; to wash fully, i.e. (figuratively) have remitted (reflexively): -- wash (away). 628
0630 - apoluo {ap-ol-oo'-o}; from 0575 and 3089; to free fully, i.e. (literally) relieve, release, dismiss (reflexively, depart), or (figuratively) let die, pardon or (specially) divorce: -- (let) depart, dismiss, divorce, forgive, let go, loose, put (send) away, release, set at liberty. 630
0629 - apolutrosis {ap-ol-oo'-tro-sis}; from a compound of 0575 and 3083; (the act) ransom in full, i.e. (figuratively) riddance, or (specially) Christian salvation: -- deliverance, redemption. 628
0631 - apomassomai {ap-om-as'-som-ahee}; middle voice from 0575 and masso (to squeeze, knead, smear); to scrape away: -- wipe off. 630
0632 - aponemo {ap-on-em'-o}; from 0575 and the base of 3551; to apportion, i.e. bestow: -- give. 632
0633 - aponipto {ap-on-ip'-to}; from 0575 and 3538; to wash off (reflexively, one's own hands symbolically): -- wash. 632
0668 - apopheugo {ap-of-yoo'-go}; from 0575 and 5343; (figuratively) to escape: -- escape. 668
0670 - apophortizomai {ap-of-or-tid'-zom-ahee}; from 0575 and the middle voice of 5412; to unload: -- unlade. 670
0669 - apophtheggomai {ap-of-theng'-om-ahee}; from 0575 and 5350; to enunciate plainly, i.e. declare: -- say, speak forth, utterance. 668
0634 - apopipto {ap-op-ip'-to}; from 0575 and 4098; to fall off: -- fall. 634
0635 - apoplanao {ap-op-lan-ah'-o}; from 0575 and 4105; to lead astray (figuratively); passively, to stray (from truth): -- err, seduce. 634
0636 - apopleo {ap-op-leh'-o}; from 0575 and 4126; to set sail: -- sail away. 636
0637 - apopluno {ap-op-loo'-no}; from 0575 and 4150; to rinse off: -- wash. 636
0638 - apopnigo {ap-op-nee'-go}; from 0575 and 4155; to stifle (by drowning or overgrowth): -- choke. 638
0674 - apopsucho {ap-ops-oo'-kho}; from 0575 and 5594; to breathe out, i.e. faint: -- hearts failing. 674
0639 - aporeo {ap-or-eh'-o}; from a compound of 0001 (as a negative particle) and the base of 4198; to have no way out, i.e. be at a loss (mentally): -- (stand in) doubt, be perplexed. 638
0640 - aporia {ap-or-ee'-a}; from the same as 0639; a (state of) quandry: -- perplexity. 640
0642 - aporphanizo {ap-or-fan-id'-zo}; from 0575 and a derivative of 3737; to bereave wholly, i.e. (figuratively) separate (from intercourse): -- take. 642
0641 - aporrhipto {ap-or-hrip'-to}; from 0575 and 4496; to hurl off, i.e. precipitate (oneself): -- cast. 640
0643 - aposkeuazo {ap-osk-yoo-ad'-zo}; from 0575 and a derivative of 4632; to pack up (one's) baggage: -- take up...carriages. 642
0644 - aposkiasma {ap-os-kee'-as-mah}; from a compound of 0575 and a derivative of 4639; a shading off, i.e. obsuration: -- shadow. 644
0645 - apospao {ap-os-pah'-o}; from 0575 and 4685; to drag forth, i.e. (literally) unsheathe (a sword), or relatively (with a degree of force implied) retire (personally or factiously): -- (with-)draw (away), after we were gotten from. 644
0646 - apostasia {ap-os-tas-ee'-ah}; feminine of the same as 0647; defection from truth (properly, the state) ["apostasy"]: -- falling away, forsake. 646
0647 - apostasion {ap-os-tas'-ee-on}; neuter of a (presumed) adj. from a derivative of 0868; properly, something separative, i.e. (specially) divorce: -- (writing of) divorcement. 646
0646 - apostasia {ap-os-tas-ee'-ah}; feminine of the same as 0647; defection from truth (properly, the state) ["apostasy"]: -- falling away, forsake. 646
2692 - katastrophe {kat-as-trof-ay'}; from 2690; an overturn ("catastrophe"), i.e. demolition; figuratively, apostasy: -- overthrow, subverting. 2692
4348 - proskomma {pros'-kom-mah}; from 4350; a stub, i.e. (figuratively) occasion of apostasy: -- offence, stumbling(-block, [-stone]). 4246
4624 - skandalizo {skan-dal-id'-zo} ("scandalize"); from 4625; to entrap, i.e. trip up (figuratively, stumble [transitively] or entice to sin, apostasy or displeasure): -- (make to) offend. 4522
5289 - hupostole {hoop-os-tol-ay'}; from 5288; shrinkage (timidity), i.e. (by implication) apostasy: -- draw back. 5186
04878 ## m@shuwbah {mesh-oo-baw'} ; or m@shubah {mesh-oo-baw'} ; from 07725 ; apostasy :-- backsliding , turning away . ~~10398
05627 ## carah {saw-raw'} ; from 05493 ; apostasy , crime ; figuratively , remission :-- X continual , rebellion , revolt ([-ed ]) , turn away , wrong . ~~11148
2061 - Hermogenes {her-mog-en'-ace}; from 2060 and 1096; born of Hermes; Hermogenes, an apostate Christian: -- Hermogenes. 2060
3432 - moichos {moy-khos'}; perhaps a primary word; a (male) paramour; figuratively, apostate: -- adulterer. 3330
5436 - Phugellos {foog'-el-los}; probably from 5343; fugitive; Phygellus, an apostate Christian: -- Phygellus. 5334
07726 ## showbab {sho-bawb'} ; from 07725 ; apostate , i . e . idolatrous :-- backsliding , frowardly , turn away [from margin ] . ~~13248
07728 ## showbeb {sho-babe'} ; from 07725 ; apostate , i . e . heathenish or (actually) heathen :-- backsliding . ~~13250
3895 - parapipto {par-ap-ip'-to}; from 3844 and 4098; to fall aside, i.e. (figuratively) to apostatize: -- fall away. 3792
04560 ## macar {maw-sar'} ; a primitive root ; to sunder , i . e . (transitively) set apart , or (reflex .) apostatize :-- commit , deliver . ~~10080
05003 ## na'aph {naw-af'} ; a primitive root ; to commit adultery ; figuratively , to apostatize :-- adulterer (- ess) , commit (- ing) adultery , woman that breaketh wedlock . ~~10524
05144 ## nazar {naw-zar'} ; a primitive root ; to hold aloof , i . e . (intransitivey) abstain (from food and drink , from impurity , and even from divine worship [i . e . apostatize ]) ; specifically , to set apart (to sacred purposes) , i . e . devote :-- consecrate , separate (- ing , self) . ~~10664
05472 ## cuwg {soog} ; a primitive root ; properly , to flinch , i . e . (by implication) to go back , literally (to retreat) or figuratively (to apostatize) :-- backslider , drive , go back , turn (away , back) . ~~10992
06586 ## pasha` {paw-shah'} ; a primitive root [identical with 06585 through the idea of expansion ] ; to break away (from just authority) , i . e . trespass , apostatize , quarrel :-- offend , rebel , revolt , transgress (- ion ,-or) . ~~12106