01599 ## Ginn@thown {ghin-neth-one} ; or Ginn@thow {ghin-neth-o'} ; from 01598 ; gardener ; Ginnethon or Ginnetho , an Israelite :-- Ginnetho , Ginnethon . ~~7120
0160 - aiphnidios {aheef-nid'-ee-os}; from a compound of 0001 (as a negative particle) and 5316 [compare 1810] (meaning non-apparent); unexpected, i.e. (adverbially) suddenly: -- sudden, unawares. 160
1810 - exaiphnes {ex-ah'-eef-nace}; from 1537 and the base of 0160; of a sudden (unexpectedly): -- suddenly. Compare 1819. 1810
1819 - exapina {ex-ap'-ee-nah}; from 1537 and a derivative of the same as 0160; of a sudden, i.e. unexpectedly: -- suddenly. Compare 1810. 1818
01600 ## ga` ah {gaw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to bellow (as cattle) :-- low . ~~7120
01601 ## Go` ah {go-aw'} ; feminine active participle of 01600 ; lowing ; Goah , a place near Jerusalem :-- Goath . ~~7122
01601 ## Go` ah {go-aw'} ; feminine active participle of 01600 ; lowing ; Goah , a place near Jerusalem :-- Goath . ~~7122
01602 ## ga` al {gaw-al'} ; a primitive root ; to detest ; by implication , to reject :-- abhor , fail , lothe , vilely cast away . ~~7122
01603 ## Ga` al {gah'- al} ; from 01602 ; loathing ; Gaal , an Israelite :-- Gaal . ~~7124
01604 ## go` al {go'- al} ; from 01602 ; abhorrence :-- loathing . ~~ 7124
01603 ## Ga` al {gah'- al} ; from 01602 ; loathing ; Gaal , an Israelite :-- Gaal . ~~7124
01604 ## go` al {go'- al} ; from 01602 ; abhorrence :-- loathing . ~~ 7124
01605 ## ga` ar {gaw-ar'} ; a primitive root ; to chide :-- corrupt , rebuke , reprove . ~~7126
01606 ## g@` arah {gheh-aw-raw'} ; from 01605 ; a chiding :-- rebuke (- ing) , reproof . ~~7126
04045 ## mig` ereth {mig-eh'- reth} ; from 01605 ; reproof (i . e . curse) :-- rebuke . ~~9566
01606 ## g@` arah {gheh-aw-raw'} ; from 01605 ; a chiding :-- rebuke (- ing) , reproof . ~~7126
01607 ## ga` ash {gaw-ash'} ; a primitive root to agitate violently :-- move , shake , toss , trouble . ~~7128
01608 ## Ga` ash {ga'- ash} ; from 01607 ; a quaking ; Gaash , a hill in Palestine :-- Gaash . ~~7128
01608 ## Ga` ash {ga'- ash} ; from 01607 ; a quaking ; Gaash , a hill in Palestine :-- Gaash . ~~7128
01609 ## Ga` tam {gah-tawm'} ; of uncertain derivation ; Gatam , an Edomite :-- Gatam . ~~7130
0161 - aichmalosia {aheekh-mal-o-see'-ah}; from 0164; captivity: -- captivity. 160
01610 ## gaph {gaf} ; from an unused root meaning to arch ; the back ; by extensive the body or self :-- + highest places , himself . ~~7130
01611 ## gaph (Aramaic) {gaf} ; corresponding to 01610 ; a wing :-- wing . ~~7132
01611 ## gaph (Aramaic) {gaf} ; corresponding to 01610 ; a wing :-- wing . ~~7132
01612 ## gephen {gheh'- fen} ; from an unused root meaning to bend ; a vine (as twining) , especially the grape :-- vine , tree . ~~7132
01613 ## gopher {go'- fer} ; from an unused root , probably meaning to house in ; a kind of tree or wood (as used for building) , apparently the cypress :-- gopher . ~~7134
01614 ## gophriyth {gof-reeth'} ; probably feminine of 01613 ; properly , cypress-resin ; by analogy , sulphur (as equally inflammable) :-- brimstone . ~~7134
01614 ## gophriyth {gof-reeth'} ; probably feminine of 01613 ; properly , cypress-resin ; by analogy , sulphur (as equally inflammable) :-- brimstone . ~~7134
01528 ## giyr (Aramaic) {gheer} ; corresponding to 01615 ; lime :-- plaster . ~~7048
01615 ## gir {gheer} ; perhaps from 03564 ; lime (from being burned in a kiln) :-- chalk [-stone ] . ~~7136
01616 ## ger {gare} ; or (fully) geyr (gare) ; from 01481 ; properly , a guest ; by implication , a foreigner :-- alien , sojourner , stranger . ~~7136
08453 ## towshab {to-shawb'} ; or toshab (1 Kings 17 : 1) {to-shawb'} ; from 03427 ; a dweller (but not outlandish [05237 ]) ; especially (as distinguished from a native citizen [active participle of 03427 ] and a temporary inmate [01616 ] or mere lodger [03885 ]) resident alien :-- foreigner , inhabitant , sojourner , stranger . ~~13974
01617 ## Gera'{gay-raw'} ; perhaps from 01626 ; a grain ; Gera , the name of six Israelites :-- Gera . ~~7138
01618 ## garab {gaw-rawb'} ; from an unused root meaning to scratch ; scurf (from itching) :-- scab , scurvy . ~~7138
01619 ## Gareb {gaw-rabe'} ; from the same as 01618 ; scabby ; Gareb , the name of an Israelite , also of a hill near Jerusalem :-- Gareb . ~~7140
01619 ## Gareb {gaw-rabe'} ; from the same as 01618 ; scabby ; Gareb , the name of an Israelite , also of a hill near Jerusalem :-- Gareb . ~~7140
0162 - aichmaloteuo {aheekh-mal-o-tew'-o}; from 0164; to capture [like 0163]: -- lead captive. 162
01620 ## gargar {gar-gar'} ; by reduplication from 01641 ; a berry (as if a pellet of rumination) :-- berry . ~~7140
01626 ## gerah {gay-raw'} ; from 01641 (as in 01625) ; properly , (like 01620) a kernel (round as if scraped) , i . e . a gerah or small weight (and coin) :-- gerah . ~~7146
01621 ## garg@rowth {gar-gher-owth'} ; feminine plural from 01641 ; the throat (as used in rumination) :-- neck . ~~7142
01627 ## garown {gaw-rone'} ; or (shortened) garon {gaw-rone'} ; from 01641 ; the throat [compare 01621 ] (as roughened by swallowing) :-- X aloud , mouth , neck , throat . ~~7148
01622 ## Girgashiy {ghir-gaw-shee'} ; patrial from an unused name [of uncertain derivation ] ; a Girgashite , one of the native tribes of Canaan :-- Girgashite , Girgasite . ~~7142
01623 ## garad {gaw-rad'} ; a primitive root ; to abrade :-- scrape . ~~ 7144
01624 ## garah {gaw-raw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to grate , i . e . (figuratively) to anger :-- contend , meddle , stir up , strive . ~~7144
08409 ## tigrah {tig-raw'} ; from 01624 ; strife , i . e . infliction :-- blow . ~~13930
01625 ## gerah {gay-raw'} ; from 01641 ; the cud (as scraping the throat) :-- cud . ~~7146
01626 ## gerah {gay-raw'} ; from 01641 (as in 01625) ; properly , (like 01620) a kernel (round as if scraped) , i . e . a gerah or small weight (and coin) :-- gerah . ~~7146
01617 ## Gera'{gay-raw'} ; perhaps from 01626 ; a grain ; Gera , the name of six Israelites :-- Gera . ~~7138
01626 ## gerah {gay-raw'} ; from 01641 (as in 01625) ; properly , (like 01620) a kernel (round as if scraped) , i . e . a gerah or small weight (and coin) :-- gerah . ~~7146
01627 ## garown {gaw-rone'} ; or (shortened) garon {gaw-rone'} ; from 01641 ; the throat [compare 01621 ] (as roughened by swallowing) :-- X aloud , mouth , neck , throat . ~~7148
01628 ## geruwth {gay-rooth'} ; from 01481 ; a (temporary) residence :-- habitation . ~~7148
01629 ## garaz {gaw-raz'} ; a primitive root ; to cut off :-- cut off . ~~7150
01630 ## G@riziym {gher-ee-zeem'} ; plural of an unused noun from 01629 [compare 01511 ] , cut up (i . e . rocky) ; Gerizim , a mountain of Palestine :-- Gerizim . ~~7150
01631 ## garzen {gar-zen'} ; from 01629 ; an axe :-- ax . ~~ 7152
0162 - aichmaloteuo {aheekh-mal-o-tew'-o}; from 0164; to capture [like 0163]: -- lead captive. 162
0163 - aichmalotizo {aheekh-mal-o-tid'-zo}; from 0164; to make captive: -- lead away captive, bring into captivity. 162
01511 ## Gizriy (in the marg .) {ghiz-ree'} ; patrial from 01507 ; a Gezerite (collectively) or inhabitants of Gezer ; but better (as in the text) by transposition Girziy {gher-zee'} ; patrial of 01630 ; a Grizite (collectively) or member of a native tribe in Palestine :-- Gezrites . ~~7032
01630 ## G@riziym {gher-ee-zeem'} ; plural of an unused noun from 01629 [compare 01511 ] , cut up (i . e . rocky) ; Gerizim , a mountain of Palestine :-- Gerizim . ~~7150
01631 ## garzen {gar-zen'} ; from 01629 ; an axe :-- ax . ~~ 7152
01632 ## garol {gaw-role'} ; from the same as 01486 ; harsh :-- man of great [as in the margin which reads 01419 ] . ~~7152
01633 ## garam {gaw-ram'} ; a primitive root ; to be spare or skeleton-like ; used only as a denominative from 01634 ; (causative) to bone , i . e . denude (by extensive , craunch) the bones :-- gnaw the bones , break . ~~7154
01634 ## gerem {gheh'- rem} ; from 01633 ; a bone (as the skeleton of the body) ; hence , self , i . e . (figuratively) very :-- bone , strong , top . ~~7154
01633 ## garam {gaw-ram'} ; a primitive root ; to be spare or skeleton-like ; used only as a denominative from 01634 ; (causative) to bone , i . e . denude (by extensive , craunch) the bones :-- gnaw the bones , break . ~~7154
01634 ## gerem {gheh'- rem} ; from 01633 ; a bone (as the skeleton of the body) ; hence , self , i . e . (figuratively) very :-- bone , strong , top . ~~7154
01635 ## gerem (Aramaic) {gheh'- rem} ; corresponding to 01634 ; a bone :-- bone . ~~7156
01636 ## Garmiy {gar-mee'} ; from 01634 ; bony , i . e . strong :-- Garmite . ~~7156
01635 ## gerem (Aramaic) {gheh'- rem} ; corresponding to 01634 ; a bone :-- bone . ~~7156
01636 ## Garmiy {gar-mee'} ; from 01634 ; bony , i . e . strong :-- Garmite . ~~7156
01637 ## goren {go'- ren} ; from an unused root meaning to smooth ; a threshing-floor (as made even) ; by analogy , any open area :-- (barn , corn , threshing-) floor , (threshing-, void) place . ~~7158
01638 ## garac {gaw-ras'} ; a primitive root ; to crush ; also (intransitively and figuratively) to dissolve :-- break . ~~7158
01639 ## gara` {gaw-rah'} ; a primitive root ; to scrape off ; by implication , to shave , remove , lessen , withhold :-- abate , clip , (di-) minish , do (take) away , keep back , restrain , make small , withdraw . ~~7160
04052 ## migra` ah {mig-raw-aw'} ; from 01639 ; a ledge or offset :-- narrowed rest . ~~9572
0161 - aichmalosia {aheekh-mal-o-see'-ah}; from 0164; captivity: -- captivity. 160
0162 - aichmaloteuo {aheekh-mal-o-tew'-o}; from 0164; to capture [like 0163]: -- lead captive. 162
0163 - aichmalotizo {aheekh-mal-o-tid'-zo}; from 0164; to make captive: -- lead away captive, bring into captivity. 162
0164 - aichmalotos {aheekh-mal-o-tos'}; from aichme (a spear) and a derivative of the same as 0259; properly, a prisoner of war, i.e. (genitive case) a captive: -- captive. 164
4869 - sunaichmalotos {soon-aheekh-mal'-o-tos}; from 4862 and 0164; a co-captive: -- fellowprisoner. 4766
00106 ## 'egroph {eg-rofe'} ; from 01640 (in the sense of grasping) ; the clenched hand :-- fist . ~~5626
01640 ## garaph {gaw-raf'} ; a primitive root ; to bear off violently :-- sweep away . ~~7160
04053 ## migraphah {mig-raw-faw'} ; from 01640 ; something thrown off (by the spade) , i . e . a clod :-- clod . ~~9574
01620 ## gargar {gar-gar'} ; by reduplication from 01641 ; a berry (as if a pellet of rumination) :-- berry . ~~7140
01621 ## garg@rowth {gar-gher-owth'} ; feminine plural from 01641 ; the throat (as used in rumination) :-- neck . ~~7142
01625 ## gerah {gay-raw'} ; from 01641 ; the cud (as scraping the throat) :-- cud . ~~7146
01626 ## gerah {gay-raw'} ; from 01641 (as in 01625) ; properly , (like 01620) a kernel (round as if scraped) , i . e . a gerah or small weight (and coin) :-- gerah . ~~7146
01627 ## garown {gaw-rone'} ; or (shortened) garon {gaw-rone'} ; from 01641 ; the throat [compare 01621 ] (as roughened by swallowing) :-- X aloud , mouth , neck , throat . ~~7148
01641 ## garar {gaw-rar'} ; a primitive root ; to drag off roughly ; by implication , to bring up the cud (i . e . ruminate) ; by analogy , to saw :-- catch , chew , X continuing , destroy , saw . ~~7162
01642 ## G@rar {gher-awr'} ; probably from 01641 ; a rolling country ; Gerar , a Philistine city :-- Gerar . ~~7162
04050 ## m@gerah {meg-ay-raw'} ; from 01641 ; a saw :-- axe , saw . ~~ 9570