01254 ## bara'{baw-raw'} ; a primitive root ; (absolutely) to create ; (qualified) to cut down (a wood) , select , feed (as formative processes) :-- choose , create (creator) , cut down , dispatch , do , make (fat) . ~~6774
0912 - Barabbas {bar-ab-bas'}; of Aramaic origin [1347 and 0005]; son of Abba; Bar-abbas, an Israelite: -- Barabbas. 912
0912 - Barabbas {bar-ab-bas'}; of Aramaic origin [1347 and 0005]; son of Abba; Bar-abbas, an Israelite: -- Barabbas. 912
01272 ## barach {baw-rakh'} ; a primitive root ; to bolt , i . e . figuratively , to flee suddenly :-- chase (away) ; drive away , fain , flee (away) , put to flight , make haste , reach , run away , shoot . ~~6792
01292 ## Barak'el {baw-rak-ale'} ; from 01288 and 00410 , God has blessed ; Barakel , the father of one of Job's friends :-- Barachel . ~~6812
0914 - Barachias {bar-akh-ee'-as}; of Hebrew origin [1296]; Barachias (i.e. Berechijah), an Israelite: -- Barachias. 914
0914 - Barachias {bar-akh-ee'-as}; of Hebrew origin [1296]; Barachias (i.e. Berechijah), an Israelite: -- Barachias. 914
0914 - Barachias {bar-akh-ee'-as}; of Hebrew origin [1296]; Barachias (i.e. Berechijah), an Israelite: -- Barachias. 914
01258 ## barad {baw-rad'} ; a primitive root , to hail :-- hail . ~~ 6778
01259 ## barad {baw-rawd'} ; from 01258 ; hail-- hail ([stones ]) . ~~ 6780
01012 ## Beyth Barah {bayth baw-raw'} ; probably from 01004 and 05679 ; house of (the) ford ; Beth-Barah , a place in Palestine :-- Beth-barah . ~~6532
01012 ## Beyth Barah {bayth baw-raw'} ; probably from 01004 and 05679 ; house of (the) ford ; Beth-Barah , a place in Palestine :-- Beth-barah . ~~6532
01012 ## Beyth Barah {bayth baw-raw'} ; probably from 01004 and 05679 ; house of (the) ford ; Beth-Barah , a place in Palestine :-- Beth-barah . ~~6532
01262 ## barah {baw-raw'} ; a primitive root ; to select ; also (as denominative from 01250) to feed ; also (as equivalent to 01305) to render clear (Eccl . 3 : 18) :-- choose , (cause to) eat , manifest , (give) meat . ~~6782
03531 ## k@barah {keb-aw-raw'} ; from 03527 in its original sense ; a sieve (as netted) :-- sieve . ~~9052
0913 - Barak {bar-ak'}; of Hebrew origin [1301]; Barak, an Israelite: -- Barak. 912
0913 - Barak {bar-ak'}; of Hebrew origin [1301]; Barak, an Israelite: -- Barak. 912
0913 - Barak {bar-ak'}; of Hebrew origin [1301]; Barak, an Israelite: -- Barak. 912
01139 ## B@ney-B@raq {ben-ay'- ber-ak'} ; from the plural construction of 01121 and 01300 ; sons of lightning , Bene-berak , a place in Palestine :-- Bene-barak . ~~6660
01288 ## barak {baw-rak'} ; a primitive root ; to kneel ; by implication to bless God (as an act of adoration) , and (vice-versa) man (as a benefit) ; also (by euphemism) to curse (God or the king , as treason) :-- X abundantly , X altogether , X at all , blaspheme , bless , congratulate , curse , X greatly , X indeed , kneel (down) , praise , salute , X still , thank . ~~6808
01292 ## Barak'el {baw-rak-ale'} ; from 01288 and 00410 , God has blessed ; Barakel , the father of one of Job's friends :-- Barachel . ~~6812
01301 ## Baraq {baw-rawk'} ; the same as 01300 ; Barak , an Israelite :-- Barak . ~~6822
01301 ## Baraq {baw-rawk'} ; the same as 01300 ; Barak , an Israelite :-- Barak . ~~6822
01292 ## Barak'el {baw-rak-ale'} ; from 01288 and 00410 , God has blessed ; Barakel , the father of one of Job's friends :-- Barachel . ~~6812
01299 ## baraq {baw-rak'} ; a primitive root ; to lighten (lightning) :-- cast forth . ~~6820
01300 ## baraq {baw-rawk'} ; from 01299 ; lightning ; by analogy , a gleam ; concretely , a flashing sword :-- bright , glitter (- ing sword) , lightning . ~~6820
01301 ## Baraq {baw-rawk'} ; the same as 01300 ; Barak , an Israelite :-- Barak . ~~6822
01305 ## barar {baw-rar'} ; a primitive root ; to clarify (i . e . brighten) , examine , select :-- make bright , choice , chosen , cleanse (be clean) , clearly , polished , (shew self) pure (- ify) , purge (out) . ~~6826
0915 - barbaros {bar'-bar-os}; of uncertain derivation; a foreigner (i.e. non-Greek): -- barbarian(-rous). 914
0915 - barbaros {bar'-bar-os}; of uncertain derivation; a foreigner (i.e. non-Greek): -- barbarian(-rous). 914
04031 ## Magowg {maw-gogue'} ; from 01463 ; Magog , a son of Japheth ; also a barbarous northern region :-- Magog . ~~9552
07905 ## sukkah {sook-kaw'} ; feminine of 07900 in the sense of 07899 ; a dart (as pointed like a thorn) :-- barbed iron . ~~13426
01532 ## gallab {gal-lawb'} ; from an unused root meaning to shave ; a barber :-- barber . ~~7052
01532 ## gallab {gal-lawb'} ; from an unused root meaning to shave ; a barber :-- barber . ~~7052
01257 ## barbur {bar-boor'} ; by reduplication from 01250 ; a fowl (as fattened on grain) :-- fowl . ~~6778
01273 ## Barchumiy {bar-khoo-mee'} ; by transposition for 00978 ; a Barchumite , or native of Bachurim :-- Barhumite . ~~6794
01273 ## Barchumiy {bar-khoo-mee'} ; by transposition for 00978 ; a Barchumite , or native of Bachurim :-- Barhumite . ~~6794
5136 - trachelizo {trakh-ay-lid'-zo}; from 5137; to seize by the throat or neck, i.e. to expose the gullet of a victim for killing (generally, to lay bare): -- opened. 5034
01372 ## gabbachath {gab-bakh'- ath} ; from the same as 01371 ; baldness in the forehead ; by analogy , a bare spot on the right side of cloth :-- bald forehead , X without . ~~6892
01549 ## gillayown {ghil-law-yone'} ; or gilyown {ghil-yone'} ; from 01540 ; a tablet for writing (as bare) ; by analogy , a mirror (as a plate) :-- glass , roll . ~~7070
01699 ## dober {do'- ber} ; from 01696 (in its original sense) ; a pasture (from its arrangement of the flock) :-- fold , manner . 01699 . ## dibber {dib-bare'} ; for 01697 :-- word . ~~7220
02270 ## chaber {khaw-bare'} ; from 02266 ; an associate :-- companion , fellow , knit together . ~~7790
02510 ## Chalaq {khaw-lawk'} ; the same as 02509 ; bare ; Chalak , a mountain of Idumaea :-- Halak . ~~8030
02554 ## chamac {khaw-mas'} ; a primitive root ; to be violent ; by implication , to maltreat :-- make bare , shake off , violate , do violence , take away violently , wrong , imagine wrongfully . ~~8074
02834 ## chasaph {khaw-saf'} ; a primitive root ; to strip off , i . e . generally to make naked (for exertion or in disgrace) , to drain away or bail up (a liquid) :-- make bare , clean , discover , draw out , take , uncover . ~~8354
04345 ## makber {mak-bare'} ; from 03527 in the sense of covering [compare 03531 ] ; a grate :-- grate . ~~9866
04636 ## ma` arom {mah-ar-ome'} ; from 06191 , in the sense of stripping ; bare :-- naked . ~~10156
04866 ## mishber {mish-bare'} ; from 07665 ; the orifice of the womb (from which the fetus breaks forth) :-- birth , breaking forth . ~~10386
05352 ## naqah {naw-kaw'} ; a primitive root ; to be (or make) clean (literally or figuratively) ; by implication (in an adverse sense) to be bare , i . e . extirpated :-- acquit X at all , X altogether , be blameless , cleanse , (be) clear (- ing) , cut off , be desolate , be free , be (hold) guiltless , be (hold) innocent , X by no means , be quit , be (leave) unpunished , X utterly , X wholly . ~~10872
05783 ## ` uwr {oor} ; a primitive root ; to (be) bare :-- be made naked . ~~11304
05858 ## ` Eybal {ay-bawl'} ; perhaps from an unused root probably meaning to be bald ; bare ; Ebal , a mountain of Palestine :-- Ebal . ~~11378
06168 ## ` arah {aw-raw'} ; a primitive root ; to be (causatively , make) bare ; hence , to empty , pour out , demolish :-- leave destitute , discover , empty , make naked , pour (out) , rase , spread self , uncover . ~~11688
06181 ## ` eryah {er-yaw'} ; for 06172 ; nudity :-- bare , naked , X quite . ~~11702
06185 ## ` ariyriy {ar-e-ree'} ; from 06209 ; bare , i . e . destitute (of children) :-- childless . ~~11706
06191 ## ` aram {aw-ram'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be (or make) bare ; but used only in the derivative sense (through the idea perhaps of smoothness) to be cunning (usually in a bad sense) :-- X very , beware , take crafty [counsel ] , be prudent , deal subtilly . ~~11712
06209 ## ` arar {aw-rar'} ; a primitive root ; to bare ; figuratively , to demolish :-- make bare , break , raise up [perhaps by clerical error for raze ] , X utterly . ~~11730
06209 ## ` arar {aw-rar'} ; a primitive root ; to bare ; figuratively , to demolish :-- make bare , break , raise up [perhaps by clerical error for raze ] , X utterly . ~~11730
06544 ## para` {paw-rah'} ; a primitive root ; to loosen ; by implication , to expose , dismiss ; figuratively , absolve , begin :-- avenge , avoid , bare , go back , let , (make) naked , set at nought , perish , refuse , uncover . ~~12064
06708 ## ts@chiychiy {tsekh-ee-khee'} ; from 06706 ; bare spot , i . e . in the glaring sun :-- higher place . ~~12228
07146 ## qarachath {kaw-rakh'- ath} ; from 07139 ; a bald spot (on the back of the head) ; figuratively , a threadbare spot (on the back side of the cloth) :-- bald head , bare within . ~~12666
07758 ## showlal {sho-lawl'} ; or sheylal (Micah 1 : 8) {shay-lawl'} ; from 07997 ; nude (especially bare-foot) ; by implication , captive :-- spoiled , stripped . ~~13280
08192 ## shaphah {shaw-faw'} ; a primitive root ; to abrade , i . e . bare :-- high , stick out . ~~13714
08205 ## sh@phiy {shef-ee'} ; from 08192 ; bareness ; concretely , a bare hill or plain :-- high place , stick out . ~~13726
08221 ## Sh@pham {shef-awm'} ; probably from 08192 ; bare spot ; Shepham , a place in or near Palestine :-- Shepham . ~~13742
08593 ## ta` ar {tah'- ar} ; from 06168 ; a knife or razor (as making bare) : also a scabbard (as being bare , i . e . empty) :-- [pen-] knife , razor , scabbard , shave , sheath . ~~14114
08593 ## ta` ar {tah'- ar} ; from 06168 ; a knife or razor (as making bare) : also a scabbard (as being bare , i . e . empty) :-- [pen-] knife , razor , scabbard , shave , sheath . ~~14114
03182 ## yacheph {yaw-khafe'} ; from an unused root meaning to take off the shoes ; unsandalled :-- barefoot , being unshod . ~~8702
08205 ## sh@phiy {shef-ee'} ; from 08192 ; bareness ; concretely , a bare hill or plain :-- high place , stick out . ~~13726
0916 - bareo {bar-eh'-o}; from 0926; to weigh down (figuratively): -- burden, charge, heavy, press. 916
0917 - bareos {bar-eh'-oce}; adverb from 0926; heavily (figuratively): -- dull. 916
01304 ## bareqeth {baw-reh'- keth} ; or bar@kath {baw-rek-ath'} ; from 01300 ; a gem (as flashing) , perhaps the emerald :-- carbuncle . ~~6824
4934 - suntithemai {soon-tith'-em-ahee}; middle voice from 4862 and 5087; to place jointly, i.e. (figuratively) to consent (bargain, stipulate), concur: -- agree, assent, covenant. 4832
03739 ## karah {kaw-raw'} ; usually assigned as a primitive root , but probably only a special application of 03738 (through the common idea of planning implied in a bargain) ; to purchase :-- buy , prepare . ~~9260
03772 ## karath {kaw-rath'} ; a primitive root ; to cut (off , down or asunder) ; by implication , to destroy or consume ; specifically , to covenant (i . e . make an alliance or bargain , originally by cutting flesh and passing between the pieces) :-- be chewed , be con-[feder-] ate , covenant , cut (down , off) , destroy , fail , feller , be freed , hew (down) , make a league ([covenant ]) , X lose , perish , X utterly , X want . ~~9292
04117 ## mahar {maw-har'} ; a primitive root (perhaps rather the same as 04116 through the idea of readiness in assent) ; to bargain (for a wife) , i . e . to wed :-- endow , X surely . ~~9638
06161 ## ` arubbah {ar-oob-baw'} ; feminine passive participle of 06048 in the sense of a bargain or exchange ; something given as security , i . e . (literally) a token (of safety) or (metaphorically) a bondsman :-- pledge , surety . ~~11682
08566 ## tanah {taw-naw'} ; a primitive root ; to present (a mercenary inducement) , i . e . bargain with (a harlot) :-- hire . ~~14088