03276 ## ya` al {yaw-al'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to ascend ; figuratively , to be valuable (objectively : useful , subjectively : benefited) :-- X at all , set forward , can do good , (be , have) profit , (able) . ~~8796
0026 - agape {ag-ah'-pay}; from 0025; love, i.e. affection or benevolence; specially (plural) a love-feast: -- (feast of) charity( [-ably]), dear, love. 26
2133 - eunoia {yoo'-noy-ah}; from the same as 2132; kindness; euphem. conjugal duty: -- benevolence, good will. 2132
5363 - philanthropia {fil-an-thro-pee'-ah}; from the same as 5364; fondness of mankind, i.e. benevolence ("philanthropy"): -- kindness, love towards man. 5260
5541 - chresteuomai {khraste-yoo'-om-ahee}; middle voice from 5543; to show oneself useful, i.e. act benevolently: -- be kind. 5438
0958 - Beniamin {ben-ee-am-een'}; of Hebrew origin [1144]; Benjamin, an Israelite: -- Benjamin. 958
4652 - skoteinos {skot-i-nos'}; from 4655; opaque, i.e. (figuratively) benighted: -- dark, full of darkness. 4550
01148 ## B@niynuw {ben-ee-noo'} ; probably from 01121 with pron . suff . ; our son ; Beninu , an Israelite :-- Beninu . ~~6668
01148 ## B@niynuw {ben-ee-noo'} ; probably from 01121 with pron . suff . ; our son ; Beninu , an Israelite :-- Beninu . ~~6668
0958 - Beniamin {ben-ee-am-een'}; of Hebrew origin [1144]; Benjamin, an Israelite: -- Benjamin. 958
0958 - Beniamin {ben-ee-am-een'}; of Hebrew origin [1144]; Benjamin, an Israelite: -- Benjamin. 958
01126 ## Ben-'Owniy {ben-o-nee'} ; from 01121 and 00205 ; son of my sorrow ; Ben-Oni , the original name of Benjamin :-- Ben-oni . ~~6646
01144 ## Binyamiyn {bin-yaw-mene'} ; from 01121 and 03225 ; son of (the) right hand ; Binjamin , youngest son of Jacob ; also the tribe descended from him , and its territory :-- Benjamin . ~~6664
01145 ## Ben-y@miyniy {ben-yem-ee-nee'} ; sometimes (with the article inserted) Ben-ha-y@miniy {ben-hah-yem-ee-nee'} ; with 00376 inserted (1 Sam . 9 : 1) Ben-'iysh Y@miyniy {ben-eesh'yem-ee-nee'} ; son of a man of Jemini ; or shortened (1 Sam . 9 : 4 ; Esth . 2 : 5)'Iysh Y@miyniy {eesh yem-ee-nee'} ; a man of Jemini , or (1 Sam . 20 : 1) simply Y@miniy {yem-ee-nee'} ; a Jeminite ; (plural B@niy Y@miyniy {ben-ay'yem-ee-nee'} ; patron from 01144 ; a Benjaminite , or descendent of Benjamin :-- Benjamite , of Benjamin . ~~6666
01145 ## Ben-y@miyniy {ben-yem-ee-nee'} ; sometimes (with the article inserted) Ben-ha-y@miniy {ben-hah-yem-ee-nee'} ; with 00376 inserted (1 Sam . 9 : 1) Ben-'iysh Y@miyniy {ben-eesh'yem-ee-nee'} ; son of a man of Jemini ; or shortened (1 Sam . 9 : 4 ; Esth . 2 : 5)'Iysh Y@miyniy {eesh yem-ee-nee'} ; a man of Jemini , or (1 Sam . 20 : 1) simply Y@miniy {yem-ee-nee'} ; a Jeminite ; (plural B@niy Y@miyniy {ben-ay'yem-ee-nee'} ; patron from 01144 ; a Benjaminite , or descendent of Benjamin :-- Benjamite , of Benjamin . ~~6666
01145 ## Ben-y@miyniy {ben-yem-ee-nee'} ; sometimes (with the article inserted) Ben-ha-y@miniy {ben-hah-yem-ee-nee'} ; with 00376 inserted (1 Sam . 9 : 1) Ben-'iysh Y@miyniy {ben-eesh'yem-ee-nee'} ; son of a man of Jemini ; or shortened (1 Sam . 9 : 4 ; Esth . 2 : 5)'Iysh Y@miyniy {eesh yem-ee-nee'} ; a man of Jemini , or (1 Sam . 20 : 1) simply Y@miniy {yem-ee-nee'} ; a Jeminite ; (plural B@niy Y@miyniy {ben-ay'yem-ee-nee'} ; patron from 01144 ; a Benjaminite , or descendent of Benjamin :-- Benjamite , of Benjamin . ~~6666
01145 ## Ben-y@miyniy {ben-yem-ee-nee'} ; sometimes (with the article inserted) Ben-ha-y@miniy {ben-hah-yem-ee-nee'} ; with 00376 inserted (1 Sam . 9 : 1) Ben-'iysh Y@miyniy {ben-eesh'yem-ee-nee'} ; son of a man of Jemini ; or shortened (1 Sam . 9 : 4 ; Esth . 2 : 5)'Iysh Y@miyniy {eesh yem-ee-nee'} ; a man of Jemini , or (1 Sam . 20 : 1) simply Y@miniy {yem-ee-nee'} ; a Jeminite ; (plural B@niy Y@miyniy {ben-ay'yem-ee-nee'} ; patron from 01144 ; a Benjaminite , or descendent of Benjamin :-- Benjamite , of Benjamin . ~~6666
03430 ## Yishbow b@-Nob {yish-bo'beh-nobe} ; from 03427 and 05011 , with a pronominal suffix and a preposition interposed ; his dwelling (is) in Nob ; Jishbo-be-Nob , a Philistine :-- Ishbi-benob [from the margin ] . ~~8950
05524 ## Cukkowth b@nowth {sook-kohth'ben-ohth'} ; from 05523 and the (irreg .) plural of 01323 ; booths of (the) daughters ; brothels , i . e . idoalatrous tents for impure purpose :-- Succoth-benoth . ~~11044
0030 - aggeion {ang-eye'-on}; from aggos (a pail, perhaps as bent; compare the base of 0043); a receptacle: -- vessel. 30
0044 - agkistron {ang'-kis-tron}; from the same as 0043; a hook (as bent): -- hook. 44
1709 - empneo {emp-neh'-o}; from 1722 and 4154; to inhale, i.e. (figuratively) to be animated by (bent upon): -- breathe. 1708
4625 - skandalon {skan'-dal-on} ("scandal"); probably from a derivative of 2578; a trap-stick (bent sapling), i.e. snare (figuratively, cause of displeasure or sin): -- occasion to fall (of stumbling), offence, thing that offends, stumblingblock. 4522
04132 ## mowt {mote} ; from 04131 ; a wavering , i . e . fall ; by implication , a pole (as shaking) ; hence , a yoke (as essentially a bent pole) :-- bar , be moved , staff , yoke . ~~9652
08511 ## tala'{taw-law'} ; a primitive root ; to suspend ; figuratively (through hesitation) to be uncertain ; by implication (of mental dependence) to habituate :-- be bent , hang (in doubt) . ~~14032
01194 ## B@` on {beh-ohn'} ; probably a contraction of 01010 ; Beon , a place East of the Jordan :-- Beon . ~~6714
01194 ## B@` on {beh-ohn'} ; probably a contraction of 01010 ; Beon , a place East of the Jordan :-- Beon . ~~6714
1007 - Bosor {bos-or'}; of Hebrew origin [1160]; Bosor (i.e. Beor), a Moabite: -- Bosor. 1006
01160 ## B@` owr {beh-ore'} ; from 01197 (int the sense of burning) ; a lamp ; Beor , the name of the father of an Edomitish king ; also of that of Balaam :-- Beor . ~~6680
01160 ## B@` owr {beh-ore'} ; from 01197 (int the sense of burning) ; a lamp ; Beor , the name of the father of an Edomitish king ; also of that of Balaam :-- Beor . ~~6680
01235 ## beqa` {beh'- kah} ; from 01234 ; a section (half) of a shekel , i . e . a beka (a weight and a coin) :-- bekah , half a shekel . ~~6756
5277 - hupolimpano {hoop-ol-im-pan'-o}; a prolonged form for 5275; to leave behind, i.e. bequeath: -- leave. 5174
05157 ## nachal {naw-khal'} ; a primitive root ; to inherit (as a [figurative ] mode of descent) , or (generally) to occupy ; causatively , to bequeath , or (generally) distribute , instate :-- divide , have ([inheritance ]) , take as a heritage , (cause to , give to , make to) inherit , (distribute for , divide [for , for an , by ] , give for , have , leave for , take [for ]) inheritance , (have in , cause to , be made to) possess (- ion) . ~~10678
1303 - diatithemai {dee-at-ith'-em-ahee}; middle voice from 1223 and 5087; to put apart, i.e. (figuratively) dispose (by assignment, compact, or bequest): -- appoint, make, testator. 1302
0959 - Bernike {ber-nee'-kay}; from a provincial form of 5342 and 3529; victorious; Bernice, a member of the Herodian family: -- Bernice. 958
0960 - Beroia {ber'-oy-ah}; perhaps a provincial from a derivative of 4008 [Peroea, i.e. the region beyond the coast-line]; Beroea, a place in Macedonia: -- Berea. 960
0961 - Beroiaios {ber-oy-ah'-yos}; from 0960; a Beroeoean or native of Beroea: -- of Berea. 960
2941 - kubernesis {koo-ber'-nay-sis}; from kubernao (of Latin origin, to steer); pilotage, i.e. (figuratively) directorship (in the church): -- government. 2940
2942 - kubernetes {koo-ber-nay'-tace}; from the same as 2941; helmsman, i.e. (by implication) captain: -- (ship) master. 2940
00083 ## 'eber {ay-ber'} ; from 00082 ; a pinion :-- [long-] wing (- ed) . ~~5604
00962 ## bazaz {baw-zaz'} ; a primitive root ; to plunder :-- catch , gather , (take) for a prey , rob (- ber) , spoil , take (away , spoil) , X utterly . ~~6482
01127 ## Ben-Geber {ben-gheh'- ber} ; from 01121 and 01397 ; son of (the) hero ; Ben-Geber , an Israelite :-- the son of Geber . ~~6648
01139 ## B@ney-B@raq {ben-ay'- ber-ak'} ; from the plural construction of 01121 and 01300 ; sons of lightning , Bene-berak , a place in Palestine :-- Bene-barak . ~~6660
01170 ## Ba` al B@riyth {bah'- al ber-eeth} ; from 01168 and 01285 ; Baal of (the) covenant ; Baal-Berith , a special deity of the Shechemites :-- Baal-berith . ~~6690
01255 ## B@ro'dak Bal'adan {ber-o-dak'bal-ad-awn'} ; a variation of 04757 ; Berodak-Baladan , a Babylonian king :-- Berodach-baladan . Bir'iy . ~~6776
01256 ## B@ra'yah {ber-aw-yaw'} ; from 01254 and 08050 ; Jah has created ; Berajah , an Israelite :-- Beraiah . ~~6776
01264 ## b@rowm {ber-ome'} ; probably of foreign origin ; damask (stuff of variegated thread) :-- rich apparel . ~~6784
01265 ## b@rowsh {ber-osh'} ; of uncertain derivation ; a cypress (?) tree ; hence , a lance or a musical instrument (as made of that wood) :-- fir (tree) . ~~6786
01266 ## b@rowth {ber-oth'} ; a variation of 01265 ; the cypress (or some elastic tree) :-- fir . ~~6786
01274 ## b@riy {ber-ee'} ; from 01262 ; fat :-- fat . ~~ 6794
01278 ## b@riy'ah {ber-ee-aw'} ; feminine from 01254 ; a creation , i . e . a novelty :-- new thing . ~~6798
01280 ## b@riyach {ber-ee'- akh} ; from 01272 ; a bolt :-- bar , fugitive . ~~6800
01283 ## B@riy` ah {ber-ee'- aw} ; apparently from the feminine of 07451 with a prepositional prefix ; in trouble ; Beriah , the name of four Israelites :-- Beriah . ~~6804
01284 ## B@riy` iy {ber-ee-ee'} ; patronymically from 01283 ; a Beriite (collectively) or descendants of Beriah :-- Beerites . ~~6804
01285 ## b@riyth {ber-eeth'} ; from 01262 (in the sense of cutting [like 01254 ]) ; a compact (because made by passing between pieces of flesh) :-- confederacy , [con-] feder [-ate ] , covenant , league . ~~6806
01286 ## B@riyth {ber-eeth'} ; the same as 01285 ; Berith , a Shechemitish deity :-- Berith . ~~6806
01289 ## b@rak (Aramaic) {ber-ak'} ; corresponding to 01288 :-- bless , kneel . ~~6810
01293 ## B@rakah {ber-aw-kaw'} ; from 01288 ; benediction ; by implication prosperity :-- blessing , liberal , pool , present . ~~6814
01294 ## B@rakah {ber-aw-kaw'} ; the same as 01293 ; Berakah , the name of an Israelite , and also of a valley in Palestine :-- Berachah . ~~6814
01295 ## b@rekah {ber-ay-kaw'} ; from 01288 ; a reservoir (at which camels kneel as a resting-place) :-- (fish-) pool . ~~6816
01297 ## b@ram (Aramaic) {ber-am'} ; perhaps from 07313 with a prepositional prefix ; properly , highly , i . e . surely ; but used adversatively , however :-- but , nevertheless , yet . ~~6818
01397 ## geber {gheh'- ber} ; from 01396 ; properly , a valiant man or warrior ; generally , a person simply :-- every one , man , X mighty . ~~6918
01398 ## Geber {gheh'- ber} ; the same as 01397 ; Geber , the name of two Israelites :-- Geber . ~~6918
01698 ## deber {deh'- ber} ; from 01696 (in the sense of destroying) ; a pestilence :-- murrain , pestilence , plague . ~~7218
01699 ## dober {do'- ber} ; from 01696 (in its original sense) ; a pasture (from its arrangement of the flock) :-- fold , manner . 01699 . ## dibber {dib-bare'} ; for 01697 :-- word . ~~7220
01702 ## dob@rah {do-ber-aw'} ; feminine active participle of 01696 in the sense of driving [compare 01699 ] ; a raft :-- float . ~~7222
01705 ## Dab@rath {daw-ber-ath'} ; from 01697 (perhaps in the sense of 01699) ; Daberath , a place in Palestine :-- Dabareh , Daberath . ~~7226
02267 ## cheber {kheh'- ber} ; from 02266 ; a society ; also a spell :-- + charmer (- ing) , company , enchantment , X wide . ~~7788
02268 ## Cheber {kheh'- ber} ; the same as 02267 ; community ; Cheber , the name of a Kenite and of three Israelites :-- Heber . ~~7788
04226 ## m@chabb@rah {mekh-ab-ber-aw'} ; from 02266 ; a joiner , i . e . brace or cramp :-- coupling , joining . ~~9746
05676 ## ` eber {ay'- ber} ; from 05674 ; properly , a region across ; but used only adverbially (with or without a preposition) on the opposite side (especially of the Jordan ; ususally meaning the east) :-- X against , beyond , by , X from , over , passage , quarter , (other , this) side , straight . ~~11196
05677 ## ` Eber {ay'- ber} ; the same as 05676 ; Eber , the name of two patriarchs and four Israelites :-- Eber , Heber . ~~11198
06100 ## ` Etsyown (shorter)` Etsyon Geber {ets-yone'gheh'ber} ; from 06096 and 01397 ; backbone-like of a man ; Etsjon-Geber , a place on the Red Sea :-- Ezion-geber . ~~11620
06913 ## qeber {keh'- ber} ; or (feminine) qibrah {kib-raw'} ; from 06912 ; a sepulchre :-- burying place , grave , sepulchre . ~~12434
07664 ## seber {say'- ber} ; from 07663 ; expectation :-- hope . ~~ 13184
07667 ## sheber {sheh'- ber} ; or sheber {shay'- ber} ; from 07665 ; a fracture , figuratively , ruin ; specifically , a solution (of a dream) :-- affliction , breach , breaking , broken [-footed ,-handed ] , bruise , crashing , destruction , hurt , interpretation , vexation . ~~13188
07667 ## sheber {sheh'- ber} ; or sheber {shay'- ber} ; from 07665 ; a fracture , figuratively , ruin ; specifically , a solution (of a dream) :-- affliction , breach , breaking , broken [-footed ,-handed ] , bruise , crashing , destruction , hurt , interpretation , vexation . ~~13188
07668 ## sheber {sheh'- ber} ; the same as 07667 ; grain (as if broken into kernels) :-- corn , victuals . ~~13188
07669 ## Sheber {sheh'- ber} ; the same as 07667 ; Sheber , an Israelite :-- Sheber . ~~13190
08038 ## Shem'eber {shem-ay'- ber} ; apparently from 08034 and 00083 ; name of pinion , i . e . illustrious ; Shemeber , a king of Zeboim :-- Shemeber . ~~13560