05508 ## cochereth {so-kheh'- reth} ; similar to 05507 ; probably a (black) tile (or tessara) for laying borders with :-- black marble . ~~11028
00243 ## 'Aznowth Tabowr {az-noth'taw-bore'} ; from 00238 and 08396 ; flats (i . e . tops) of Tabor (i . e . situated on it) ; Aznoth-Tabor , a place in Palestine :-- Aznoth-tabor . ~~5764
00877 ## bo'r {bore} ; from 00874 ; a cistern :-- cistern . ~~ 6398
00952 ## buwr {boor} ; a primitive root ; to bore , i . e . (figuratively) examine :-- declare . ~~6472
00953 ## bowr {bore} ; from 00952 (in the sense of 00877) ; a pit hole (especially one used as a cistern or a prison) :-- cistern , dungeon , fountain , pit , well . ~~6474
01252 ## bor {bore} ; from 01305 ; purify :-- cleanness , pureness . ~~ 6772
01253 ## bor {bore} ; the same as 01252 ; vegetable lye (from its cleansing) ; used as a soap for washing , or a flux for metals :-- X never so , purely . ~~6774
01368 ## gibbowr {ghib-bore'} ; or (shortened) gibbor {ghib-bore'} ; intensive from the same as 01397 ; powerful ; by implication , warrior , tyrant :-- champion , chief , X excel , giant , man , mighty (man , one) , strong (man) , valiant man . ~~6888
01368 ## gibbowr {ghib-bore'} ; or (shortened) gibbor {ghib-bore'} ; intensive from the same as 01397 ; powerful ; by implication , warrior , tyrant :-- champion , chief , X excel , giant , man , mighty (man , one) , strong (man) , valiant man . ~~6888
02249 ## Chabowr {khaw-bore'} ; from 02266 ; united ; Chabor , a river of Assyria :-- Habor . ~~7770
02352 ## chuwr {khoor} ; or (shortened) chur {khoor} ; from an unused root probably meaning to bore ; the crevice of a serpent ; the cell of a prison :-- hole . ~~7872
02490 ## chalal {khaw-lal'} ; a primitive root [compare 02470 ] ; properly , to bore , i . e . (by implication) to wound , to dissolve ; figuratively , to profane (a person , place or thing) , to break (one's word) , to begin (as if by an " opening wedge ") ; denom . (from 02485) to play (the flute) :-- begin (X men began) , defile , X break , defile , X eat (as common things) , X first , X gather the grape thereof , X take inheritance , pipe , player on instruments , pollute , (cast as) profane (self) , prostitute , slay (slain) , sorrow , stain , wound . ~~8010
03696 ## Kicloth Tabor {kis-loth'taw-bore'} ; from the feminine plural of 03689 and 08396 ; flanks of Tabor ; Kisloth-Tabor , a place in Palestine :-- Chisloth-tabor . ~~9216
03738 ## karah {kaw-raw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to dig ; figuratively , to plot ; generally , to bore or open :-- dig , X make (a banquet) , open . ~~9258
05344 ## naqab {naw-kab'} ; a primitive root ; to puncture , literally (to perforate , with more or less violence) or figuratively (to specify , designate , libel) :-- appoint , blaspheme , bore , curse , express , with holes , name , pierce , strike through . ~~10864
05357 ## naqiyq {naw-keek'} ; from an unused root meaning to bore ; a cleft :-- hole . ~~10878
05365 ## naqar {naw-kar'} ; a primitive root ; to bore (penetrate , quarry) :-- dig , pick out , pierce , put (thrust) out . ~~10886
05907 ## ` Akbowr {ak-bore'} ; probably for 05909 ; Akbor , the name of an Idumaean and of two Israelites :-- Achbor . ~~11428
07527 ## ratsa` {raw-tsah'} ; a primitive root ; to pierce :-- bore . ~~ 13048
07876 ## shayah {shaw-yaw'} ; a primitive root ; to keep in memory :-- be unmindful . [Render Deuteronomy 32 : 18 , " A Rock bore thee , thou must recollect ; and (yet) thou hast forgotten , " etc . ] ~~13398
08396 ## Tabowr {taw-bore'} ; from a root corresponding to 08406 ; broken region ; Tabor , a mountain in Palestine , also a city adjacent :-- Tabor . ~~13918
06829 ## Tsaphown {tsaw-fone'} ; the same as 06828 ; boreal ; Tsaphon , a place in Palestine :-- Zaphon . ~~12350
03595 ## kiyowr {kee-yore'} ; or kiyor {kee-yore'} ; from the same as 03564 ; properly , something round (as excavated or bored) , i . e . a chafing-dish for coals or a caldron for cooking ; hence (from similarity of form) a washbowl ; also (for the same reason) a pulpit or platform :-- hearth , laver , pan , scaffold . ~~9116
01287 ## boriyth {bo-reeth'} ; feminine of 01253 ; vegetable alkali :-- sope . ~~6808
0738 - artigennetos {ar-teeg-en'-nay-tos}; from 0737 and 1084; just born, i.e. (figuratively) a young convert: -- new born. 738
0738 - artigennetos {ar-teeg-en'-nay-tos}; from 0737 and 1084; just born, i.e. (figuratively) a young convert: -- new born. 738
1080 - gennao {ghen-nah'-o}; from a variation of 1085; to procreate (properly, of the father, but by extension of the mother); figuratively, to regenerate: -- bear, beget, be born, bring forth, conceive, be delivered of, gender, make, spring. 1080
1084 - gennetos {ghen-nay-tos'}; from 1080; born: -- they that are born. 1084
1084 - gennetos {ghen-nay-tos'}; from 1080; born: -- they that are born. 1084
1085 - genos {ghen'-os}; from 1096; "kin" (abstract or concrete, literal or figurative, individual or collective): -- born, country(-man), diversity, generation, kind(-red), nation, offspring, stock. 1084
1272 - dianoigo {dee-an-oy'-go}; from 1223 and 0455; to open thoroughly, literally (as a first-born) or figuratively (to expound): -- open. 1272
1626 - ektroma {ek'-tro-mah}; from a comparative of 1537 and titrosko (to wound); a miscarriage (abortion), i.e. (by analogy) untimely birth: -- born out of due time. 1626
2061 - Hermogenes {her-mog-en'-ace}; from 2060 and 1096; born of Hermes; Hermogenes, an apostate Christian: -- Hermogenes. 2060
2104 - eugenes {yoog-en'-ace}; from 2095 and 1096; well born, i.e. (literally) high in rank, or (figuratively) generous: -- more noble, nobleman. 2104
3439 - monogenes {mon-og-en-ace'}; from 3441 and 1096; only-born, i.e. sole: -- only (begotten, child). 3338
3564 - Numphas {noom-fas'}; probably contracted for a compound of 3565 and 1435; nymph-given (i.e. -born); Nymphas, a Christian: -- Nymphas. 3462
4193 - Pontikos {pon-tik-os'}; from 4195; a Pontican, i.e. native of Pontus: -- born in Pontus. 4090
4416 - prototokos {pro-tot-ok'-os}; from 4413 and the alternate of 5088; first-born (usually as noun, literally or figuratively): -- firstbegotten(-born). 4314
4416 - prototokos {pro-tot-ok'-os}; from 4413 and the alternate of 5088; first-born (usually as noun, literally or figuratively): -- firstbegotten(-born). 4314
5088 - tikto {tik'-to}; a strengthened form of a primary teko {tek'-o} (which is used only as alternate in certain tenses); to produce (from seed, as a mother, a plant, the earth, etc.), literally or figuratively: -- bear, be born, bring forth, be delivered, be in travail. 4986
00249 ## 'ezrach {ez-rawkh'} ; from 02224 (in the sense of springing up) ; a spontaneous growth , i . e . native (tree or persons) :-- bay tree , (home-) born (in the land) , of the (one's own) country (nation) . ~~5770
00286 ## 'Achiyluwd {akh-ee-lood'} ; from 00251 and 03205 ; brother of one born ; Achilud , an Israelite :-- Ahilud . ~~5806
00990 ## beten {beh'- ten} ; from an unused root probably meaning to be hollow ; the belly , especially the womb ; also the bosom or body of anything :-- belly , body , + as they be born , + within , womb . ~~6510
01004 ## bayith {bah'- yith} ; probably from 01129 abbreviated ; a house (in the greatest variation of applications , especially family , etc .) :-- court , daughter , door , + dungeon , family , + forth of , X great as would contain , hangings , home [born ] , [winter ] house (- hold) , inside (- ward) , palace , place , + prison , + steward , + tablet , temple , web , + within (- out) . ~~6524
01074 ## Bok@ruw {bo-ker-oo'} ; from 01069 ; first-born ; Bokeru , an Israelite :-- Bocheru . ~~6594
01121 ## ben {bane} ; from 01129 ; a son (as a builder of the family name) , in the widest sense (of literal and figurative relationship , including grandson , subject , nation , quality or condition , etc . , [like 00001 , 00251 , etc . ]) :-- + afflicted , age , [Ahoh-] [Ammon-] [Hachmon-] [Lev-] ite , [anoint-] ed one , appointed to , (+) arrow , [Assyr-] [Babylon-] [Egypt-] [Grec-] ian , one born , bough , branch , breed , + (young) bullock , + (young) calf , X came up in , child , colt , X common , X corn , daughter , X of first , + firstborn , foal , + very fruitful , + postage , X in , + kid , + lamb , (+) man , meet , + mighty , + nephew , old , (+) people , + rebel , + robber , X servant born , X soldier , son , + spark , + steward , + stranger , X surely , them of , + tumultuous one , + valiant [-est ] , whelp , worthy , young (one) , youth . ~~6642
01121 ## ben {bane} ; from 01129 ; a son (as a builder of the family name) , in the widest sense (of literal and figurative relationship , including grandson , subject , nation , quality or condition , etc . , [like 00001 , 00251 , etc . ]) :-- + afflicted , age , [Ahoh-] [Ammon-] [Hachmon-] [Lev-] ite , [anoint-] ed one , appointed to , (+) arrow , [Assyr-] [Babylon-] [Egypt-] [Grec-] ian , one born , bough , branch , breed , + (young) bullock , + (young) calf , X came up in , child , colt , X common , X corn , daughter , X of first , + firstborn , foal , + very fruitful , + postage , X in , + kid , + lamb , (+) man , meet , + mighty , + nephew , old , (+) people , + rebel , + robber , X servant born , X soldier , son , + spark , + steward , + stranger , X surely , them of , + tumultuous one , + valiant [-est ] , whelp , worthy , young (one) , youth . ~~6642
02216 ## Z@rubbabel {zer-oob-baw-bel'} ; from 02215 and 00894 ; descended of (i . e . from) Babylon , i . e . born there ; Zerubbabel , an Israelite :-- Zerubbabel . ~~7736
03205 ## yalad {yaw-lad'} ; a primitive root ; to bear young ; causatively , to beget ; medically , to act as midwife ; specifically , to show lineage :-- bear , beget , birth ([-day ]) , born , (make to) bring forth (children , young) , bring up , calve , child , come , be delivered (of a child) , time of delivery , gender , hatch , labour , (do the office of a) midwife , declare pedigrees , be the son of , (woman in , woman that) travail (- eth ,-- ing woman) . ~~8726
03206 ## yeled {yeh'- led} ; from 03205 ; something born , i . e . a lad or offspring :-- boy , child , fruit , son , young man (one) . ~~8726
03209 ## yillowd {yil-lode'} ; passive from 03205 ; born :-- born . ~~ 8730
03209 ## yillowd {yil-lode'} ; passive from 03205 ; born :-- born . ~~ 8730
03211 ## yaliyd {yaw-leed'} ; from 03205 ; born :-- ([home-]) born , child , son . ~~8732
03211 ## yaliyd {yaw-leed'} ; from 03205 ; born :-- ([home-]) born , child , son . ~~8732
03386 ## Yarowach {yaw-ro'- akh} ; perhaps denominative from 03394 ; (born at the) new moon ; Jaroach , an Israelite :-- Jaroah . ~~8906
04138 ## mowledeth {mo-leh'- deth} ; from 03205 ; nativity (plural birth-place) ; by implication , lineage , native country ; also offspring , family :-- begotten , born , issue , kindred , native (- ity) . ~~9658
04464 ## mamzer {mam-zare'} ; from an unused root meaning to alienate ; a mongrel , i . e . born of a Jewish father and a heathen mother :-- bastard . ~~9984
1419 - dusbastaktos {doos-bas'-tak-tos}; from 1418 and a derivative of 0941; oppressive: -- grievous to be borne. 1418
3793 - ochlos {okh'los}; from a derivative of 2192 (meaning a vehicle); a throng (as borne along); by implication, the rabble; by extension, a class of people; figuratively, a riot: -- company, multitude, number (of people), people, press. 3690
4216 - potamophoretos {pot-am-of-or'-ay-tos}; from 4215 and a derivative of 5409; river-borne, i.e. overwhelmed by a stream: -- carried away of the flood. 4114
5411 - phoros {for'-os}; from 5342; a load (as borne), i.e. (figuratively) a tax (properly, an individual assessment on persons or property; whereas 5056 is usually a general toll on goods or travel): -- tribute. 5308
5606 - omos {o'-mos}; perhaps from the alternate of 5342; the shoulder (as that on which burdens are borne): -- shoulder. 5502
05385 ## n@suw'ah {nes-oo-aw'} ; or rather , n@su'ah {nes-oo-aw'} ; feminine . passive participle of 05375 ; something borne , i . e . a load :-- carriage . ~~10906
06006 ## ` amac {aw-mas'} ; or` amas {aw-mas'} ; a primitive root ; to load , i . e . impose a burden (or figuratively , infliction) :-- be borne , (heavy) burden (self) , lade , load , put . ~~11526
06036 ## ` Anuwb {aw-noob'} ; passive participle from the same as 06025 ; borne (as fruit) ; Anub , an Israelite :-- Anub . ~~11556
1005 - borrhas {bor-hras'}; of uncertain derivation; the north (properly, wind): -- north. 1004
1155 - daneizo {dan-ide'-zo}; from 1156; to loan on interest; reflexively, to borrow: -- borrow, lend. 1154
1155 - daneizo {dan-ide'-zo}; from 1156; to loan on interest; reflexively, to borrow: -- borrow, lend. 1154
03867 ## lavah {law-vaw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to twine , i . e . (by implication) to unite , to remain ; also to borrow (as a form of obligation) or (caus .) to lend :-- abide with , borrow (- er) , cleave , join (self) , lend (- er) . ~~9388
03867 ## lavah {law-vaw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to twine , i . e . (by implication) to unite , to remain ; also to borrow (as a form of obligation) or (caus .) to lend :-- abide with , borrow (- er) , cleave , join (self) , lend (- er) . ~~9388
04591 ## ma` at {maw-at'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to pare off , i . e . lessen ; intransitively , to be (or causatively , to make) small or few (or figuratively , ineffective) :-- suffer to decrease , diminish , (be , X borrow a , give , make) few (in number ,-ness) , gather least (little) , be (seem) little , (X give the) less , be minished , bring to nothing . ~~10112
05383 ## nashah {naw-shaw'} ; a primitive root [rather identical with 05382 , in the sense of 05378 ] ; to lend or (by reciprocity) borrow on security or interest :-- creditor , exact , extortioner , lend , usurer , lend on (taker on) usury . ~~10904
05670 ## ` abat {aw-bat'} ; a primitive root ; to pawn ; causatively , to lend (on security) ; figuratively , to entangle :-- borrow , break [ranks ] , fetch [a pledge ] , lend , X surely . ~~11190
07592 ## sha'al {shaw-al'} ; or sha'el {shaw-ale'} ; a primitive root ; to inquire ; by implication , to request ; by extension , to demand :-- ask (counsel , on) , beg , borrow , lay to charge , consult , demand , desire , X earnestly , enquire , + greet , obtain leave , lend , pray , request , require , + salute , X straitly , X surely , wish . ~~13112