1650 - elegchos {el'-eng-khos}; from 1651; proof, conviction: -- evidence, reproof. 1650
4102 - pistis {pis'-tis}; from 3982; persuasion, i.e. credence; moral conviction (of religious truth, or the truthfulness of God or a religious teacher), especially reliance upon Christ for salvation; abstractly, constancy in such profession; by extension, the system of religious (Gospel) truth itself: -- assurance, belief, believe, faith, fidelity. 4000
1246 - diakatelegchomai {dee-ak-at-el-eng'-khom-ahee}; middle voice from 1223 and a compound of 2596 and 1651; to prove downright, i.e. confute: -- convince. 1246
1651 - elegcho {el-eng'-kho}; of uncertain affinity; to confute, admonish: -- convict, convince, tell a fault, rebuke, reprove. 1650
1827 - exelegcho {ex-el-eng'-kho}; from 1537 and 1651; to convict fully, i.e. (by implication) to punish: -- convince. 1826
3982 - peitho {pi'-tho}; a primary verb; to convince (by argument, true or false); by analogy, to pacify or conciliate (by other fair means); reflexively or passively, to assent (to evidence or authority), to rely (by inward certainty): -- agree, assure, believe, have confidence, be (wax) conflent, make friend, obey, persuade, trust, yield. 3880
4135 - plerophoreo {play-rof-or-eh'-o}; from 4134 and 5409; to carry out fully (in evidence), i.e. completely assure (or convince), entirely accomplish: -- most surely believe, fully know (persuade), make full proof of. 4032
03198 ## yakach {yaw-kahh'} ; a primitive root ; to be right (i . e . correct) ; reciprocal , to argue ; causatively , to decide , justify or convict :-- appoint , argue , chasten , convince , correct (- ion) , daysman , dispute , judge , maintain , plead , reason (together) , rebuke , reprove (- r) , surely , in any wise . ~~8718
1403 - doche {dokh-ay'}; from 1209; a reception, i.e. convivial entertainment: -- feast. 1402
4682 - sparasso {spar-as'-so}; prolongation from spairo (to grasp; apparently strengthened from 4685 through the idea of spasmodic contraction); to mangle, i.e. convluse with epilepsy: -- rend, tear. 4580
04744 ## miqra'{mik-raw'} ; from 07121 ; something called out , i . e . a public meeting (the act , the persons , or the place) ; also a rehearsal :-- assembly , calling , convocation , reading . ~~10264
06954 ## Q@helathah {keh-hay-law'- thaw} ; from 06950 ; convocation ; Kehelathah , a place in the Desert :-- Kehelathah . ~~12474
4779 - sugkaleo {soong-kal-eh'-o}; from 4862 and 2564; to convoke: -- call together. 4676
06950 ## qahal {'kaw-hal'} ; a primitive root ; to convoke :-- assemble (selves) (together) , gather (selves) (together) . ~~12470
5142 - trepho {tref'-o}; a primary verb (properly, threpho; but perhaps strength. from the base of 5157 through the idea of convolution); properly, to stiffen, i.e. fatten (by implication, to cherish [with food, etc.], pamper, rear): -- bring up, feed, nourish. 5040
2525 - kathistemi {kath-is'-tay-mee}; from 2596 and 2476; to place down (permanently), i.e. (figuratively) to designate, constitute, convoy: -- appoint, be, conduct, make, ordain, set. 2524
4486 - rhegnumi {hrayg'-noo-mee}; or rhesso {hrace'-so}; both prolonged forms of rheko (which appears only in certain forms, and is itself probably a strengthened form of agnumi [see in 2608]); to "break", "wreck" or "crack", i.e. (especially)to sunder (by separation of the parts; 2608 being its intensive [with the preposition in composition], and 2352 a shattering to minute fragments; but not a reduction to the constituent particles, like 3089) or disrupt, lacerate; by implication, to convulse (wih spasms); figuratively, to give vent to joyful emotions: -- break (forth), burst, rend, tear. 4384
4952 - susparasso {soos-par-as'-so}; from 4862 and 4682; to rend completely, i.e. (by analogy) to convulse violently: -- throw down. 4850
06850 ## tsaphaph {tsaw-faf'} ; a primitive root ; to coo or chirp (as a bird) :-- chatter , peep , whisper . ~~12370
5167 - trugon {troo-gone'}; from truzo (to murmur; akin to 5149, but denoting a duller sound); a turtle-dove (as cooing): -- turtle-dove. 5064
00644 ## 'aphah {aw-faw'} ; a primitive root ; to cook , especially to bake :-- bake (- r , [-meats ]) . ~~6164
02281 ## chabeth {khaw-bayth'} ; from an unused root probably meaning to cook [compare 04227 ] ; something fried , probably a griddle-cake :-- pan . ~~7802
02876 ## tabbach {tab-bawkh'} ; from 02873 ; properly , a butcher ; hence , a lifeguardsman (because he was acting as an executioner) ; also a cook (usually slaughtering the animal for food) :-- cook , guard . ~~8396
02876 ## tabbach {tab-bawkh'} ; from 02873 ; properly , a butcher ; hence , a lifeguardsman (because he was acting as an executioner) ; also a cook (usually slaughtering the animal for food) :-- cook , guard . ~~8396
02879 ## tabbachah {tab-baw-khaw'} ; feminine of 02876 ; a female cook :-- cook . ~~8400
02879 ## tabbachah {tab-baw-khaw'} ; feminine of 02876 ; a female cook :-- cook . ~~8400
3702 - optos {op-tos'}; from an obsolete verb akin to hepso (to "steep"); cooked, i.e. roasted: -- broiled. 3600
3795 - opsarion {op-sar'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of the base of 3702; a relish to other food (as if cooked sauce), i.e. (specifically) fish (presumably salted and dried as a condiment): -- fish. 3692
08601 ## tuphiyn {too-feen'} ; from 00644 ; cookery , i . e . (concretely) a cake :-- baked piece . ~~14122
3582 - xestes {xes'-tace}; as if from xeo (properly, to smooth; by implication [of friction] to boil or heat); a vessel (as fashioned or for cooking) [or perhaps by corruption from the Latin sextarius, the sixth of a modius, i.e. about a pint], i.e. (specifically) a measure for liquids or solids, (by analogy, a pitcher): -- pot. 3480
01310 ## bashal {baw-shal'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to boil up ; hence , to be done in cooking ; figuratively to ripen :-- bake , boil , bring forth , roast , seethe , sod (be sodden) . ~~6830
03595 ## kiyowr {kee-yore'} ; or kiyor {kee-yore'} ; from the same as 03564 ; properly , something round (as excavated or bored) , i . e . a chafing-dish for coals or a caldron for cooking ; hence (from similarity of form) a washbowl ; also (for the same reason) a pulpit or platform :-- hearth , laver , pan , scaffold . ~~9116
03600 ## kiyr {keer} ; a form for 03564 (only in the dual) ; a cooking range (consisting of two parallel stones , across which the boiler is set) :-- ranges for pots . ~~9120
04018 ## m@bashsh@lah {meb-ash-shel-aw'} ; from 01310 ; a cooking hearth :-- boiling-place . ~~9538
0404 - anapsucho {an-aps-oo'-kho}; from 0303 and 5594; properly, to cool off, i.e. (figuratively) relieve: -- refresh. 404
2711 - katapsucho {kat-ap-soo'-kho}; from 2596 and 5594; to cool down (off), i.e. refresh: -- cool. 2710
2711 - katapsucho {kat-ap-soo'-kho}; from 2596 and 5594; to cool down (off), i.e. refresh: -- cool. 2710
07119 ## qar {kar} ; contracted from an unused root meaning to chill ; cool ; figuratively , quiet :-- cold , excellent [from the margin ] . ~~12640
07307 ## ruwach {roo'- akh} ; from 07306 ; wind ; by resemblance breath , i . e . a sensible (or even violent) exhalation ; figuratively , life , anger , unsubstantiality ; by extension , a region of the sky ; by resemblance spirit , but only of a rational being (including its expression and functions) :-- air , anger , blast , breath , X cool , courage , mind , X quarter , X side , spirit ([-ual ]) , tempest , X vain , ([whirl-]) wind (- y) . ~~12828
04747 ## m@qerah {mek-ay-raw'} ; from the same as 07119 ; a cooling off :-- X summer . ~~10268
5592 - psuchos {psoo'-khos}; from 5594; coolness: -- cold. 5488
07135 ## qarah {kaw-raw'} ; feminine of 07119 ; coolness :-- cold . ~~ 12656
05618 ## Cophereth {so-feh'- reth} ; feminine active participle of 05608 ; a scribe (properly , female) ; Sophereth , a temple servant :-- Sophereth . ~~11138
02947 ## tephach {tay'- fakh} ; from 02946 ; a spread of the hand , i . e . a palm-breadth (not " span " of the fingers) ; architecturally , a corbel (as a supporting palm) :-- coping , hand-breadth . ~~8468
0572 - haplotes {hap-lot'-ace}; from 0573; singleness, i.e. (subjectively) sincerity (without dissimulation or self-seeking), or (objectively) generosity (copious bestowal): -- bountifulness, liberal(-ity), simplicity, singleness. 572
08230 ## Shiph` iy {shif-ee'} ; from 08228 ; copious ; Shiphi , an Israelite :-- Shiphi . ~~13752
4146 - plousios {ploo-see'-oce}; adverb from 4145; copiously: -- abundantly, richly. 4044
4138 - pleroma {play'-ro-mah}; from 4137; repletion or completion, i.e. (subjectively) what fills (as contents, supplement, copiousness, multitude), or (objectively) what is filled (as container, performance, period): -- which is put in to fill up, piece that filled up, fulfilling, full, fulness. 4036
03519 ## kabowd {kaw-bode'} ; rarely kabod {kaw-bode'} ; from 03513 ; properly , weight , but only figuratively in a good sense , splendor or copiousness :-- glorious (- ly) , glory , honour (- able) . ~~9040
06283 ## ` athereth {ath-eh'- reth} ; from 06280 ; copiousness :-- abundance . ~~11804
07647 ## saba` {saw-baw'} ; from 07646 ; copiousness :-- abundance , plenteous (- ness ,-ly) . ~~13168
08229 ## shiph` ah {shif-aw'} ; feminine of 08228 ; copiousness :-- abundance , company , multitude . ~~13750
5471 - chalkeus {khalk-yooce'}; from 5475; a copper-worker or brazier: -- coppersmith. 5368
5472 - chalkedon {khal-kay-dohn'}; from 5475 and perhaps 1491; copper-like, i.e. "chalcedony": -- chalcedony. 5370
5473 - chalkion {khal-kee'-on}; diminutive from 5475; a copper dish: -- brazen vessel. 5370
5474 - chalkolibanon {khal-kol-ib'-an-on}; neuter of a compound of 5475 and 3030 (in the implied mean of whiteness or brilliancy); burnished copper, an alloy of copper (or gold) and silver having a brilliant lustre: -- fine brass. 5372
5474 - chalkolibanon {khal-kol-ib'-an-on}; neuter of a compound of 5475 and 3030 (in the implied mean of whiteness or brilliancy); burnished copper, an alloy of copper (or gold) and silver having a brilliant lustre: -- fine brass. 5372
5475 - chalkos {khal-kos'}; perhaps from 5465 through the idea of hollowing out as a vessel (this metal being chiefly used for that purpose); copper (the substance, or some implement or coin made of it): -- brass, money. 5372
05154 ## n@chuwshah {nekh-oo-shaw'} ; or n@chushah {nekh-oo-shaw'} ; feminine of 05153 ; copper :-- brass , steel . Compare 05176 . ~~10674
05174 ## n@chash (Aramaic) {nekh-awsh'} ; corresponding to 05154 ; copper :-- brass . ~~10694
05178 ## n@chosheth {nekh-o'- sheth} ; for 05154 ; copper , hence , something made of that metal , i . e . coin , a fetter ; figuratively , base (as compared with gold or silver) :-- brasen , brass , chain , copper , fetter (of brass) , filthiness , steel . ~~10698
05178 ## n@chosheth {nekh-o'- sheth} ; for 05154 ; copper , hence , something made of that metal , i . e . coin , a fetter ; figuratively , base (as compared with gold or silver) :-- brasen , brass , chain , copper , fetter (of brass) , filthiness , steel . ~~10698
05179 ## N@chushta'{nekh-oosh-taw'} ; from 05178 ; copper ; Nechushta , an Israelitess :-- Nehushta . ~~10700
05180 ## N@chushtan {nekh-oosh-tawn'} ; from 05178 ; something made of copper , i . e . the copper serpent of the Desert :-- Nehushtan . ~~10700
05180 ## N@chushtan {nekh-oosh-tawn'} ; from 05178 ; something made of copper , i . e . the copper serpent of the Desert :-- Nehushtan . ~~10700
08314 ## saraph {saw-rawf'} ; from 08313 ; burning , i . e . (figuratively) poisonous (serpent) ; specifically , a saraph or symbolical creature (from their copper color) :-- fiery (serpent) , seraph . ~~13836
5471 - chalkeus {khalk-yooce'}; from 5475; a copper-worker or brazier: -- coppersmith. 5368
5470 - chalkeos {khal'-keh-os}; from 5475; coppery: -- brass. 5368
05153 ## nachuwsh {naw-khoosh'} ; apparently passive participle of 05172 (perhaps in the sense of ringing , i . e . bell-metal ; or from the red color of the throat of a serpent [05175 , as denominative ] when hissing) ; coppery , i . e . (figuratively) hard :-- of brass . ~~10674
03293 ## ya` ar {yah'- ar} from an unused root probably meaning to thicken with verdure ; a copse of bushes ; hence , a forest ; hence , honey in the comb (as hived in trees) :-- [honey-] comb , forest , wood . ~~8814
05441 ## cobek {so'- bek} ; from 05440 ; a copse :-- thicket . ~~ 10962
05442 ## c@bak {seb-awk'} ; from 05440 , a copse :-- thick [-et ] . ~~ 10962
05444 ## Cibb@kay {sib-bek-ah'- ee} ; from 05440 ; copse-like ; Sibbecai , an Israelite :-- Sibbecai , Sibbechai . ~~10964
05645 ## ` ab {awb} (masculine and feminine) ; from 05743 ; properly , an envelope , i . e . darkness (or density , 2 Chron . 4 : 17) ; specifically , a (scud) cloud ; also a copse :-- clay , (thick) cloud , X thick , thicket . Compare 05672 . ~~11166