0444 - anthropos {anth'-ro-pos}; from 0435 and ops (the countenance; from 3700); man-faced, i.e. a human being: -- certain, man. 444
2146 - euprosopeo {yoo-pros-o-peh'-o}; from a compound of 2095 and 4383; to be of good countenance, i.e. (figuratively) to make a display: -- make a fair show. 2146
2397 - idea {id-eh'-ah}; from 1492; a sight [comparative figuratively "idea"], i.e. aspect: -- countenance. 2396
3359 - metopon {met'-o-pon }; from 3326 and ops (the face); the forehead (as opposite the countenance): -- forehead. 3258
3799 - opsis {op'-sis}; from 3700; properly, sight (the act), i.e. (by impl) the visage, an external show: -- appearance, countenance, face. 3696
4383 - prosopon {pros'-o-pon}; from 4314 and ops (the visage, from 3700); the front (as being towards view), i.e. the countenance, aspect, appearance, surface; by implication, presence, person: -- (outward) appearance, X before, contenance, face, fashion, (men's) person, presence. 4280
4659 - skuthropos {skoo-thro-pos'}; from skuthros (sullen) and a derivative of 3700; angry-visaged, i.e. gloomy or affecting a mournful appearance: -- of a sad countenance. 4556
00639 ## 'aph {af} ; from 00599 ; properly , the nose or nostril ; hence , the face , and occasionally a person ; also (from the rapid breathing in passion) ire :-- anger (- gry) , + before , countenance , face , + forebearing , forehead , + [long-] suffering , nose , nostril , snout , X worthy , wrath . ~~6160
01921 ## hadar {haw-dar'} ; a primitive root ; to swell up (literally or figuratively , active or passive) ; by implication , to favor or honour , be high or proud :-- countenance , crooked place , glorious , honour , put forth . ~~7442
02122 ## ziyv (Aramaic) {zeev} ; corresponding to 02099 ; (figuratively) cheerfulness :-- brightness , countenance . ~~7642
04758 ## mar'eh {mar-eh'} ; from 07200 ; a view (the act of seeing) ; also an appearance (the thing seen) , whether (real) a shape (especially if handsome , comeliness ; often plural the looks) , or (mental) a vision :-- X apparently , appearance (- reth) , X as soon as beautiful (- ly) , countenance , fair , favoured , form , goodly , to look (up) on (to) , look [-eth ] , pattern , to see , seem , sight , visage , vision . ~~10278
05869 ## ` ayin {ah'- yin} ; probably a primitive word ; an eye (literally or figuratively) ; by analogy , a fountain (as the eye of the landscape) :-- affliction , outward appearance , + before , + think best , colour , conceit , + be content , countenance , + displease , eye ([-brow ] , [-d ] ,-sight) , face , + favour , fountain , furrow [from the margin ] , X him , + humble , knowledge , look , (+ well) , X me , open (- ly) , + (not) please , presence , + regard , resemblance , sight , X thee , X them , + think , X us , well , X you (- rselves) . ~~11390
06440 ## paniym {paw-neem'} ; plural (but always as singular) of an unused noun [paneh {paw-neh'} ; from 06437 ] ; the face (as the part that turns) ; used in a great variety of applications (literally and figuratively) ; also (with prepositional prefix) as a preposition (before , etc .) :-- + accept , a-(be-) fore (- time) , against , anger , X as (long as) , at , + battle , + because (of) , + beseech , countenance , edge , + employ , endure , + enquire , face , favour , fear of , for , forefront (- part) , form (- er time ,-ward) , from , front , heaviness , X him (- self) , + honourable , + impudent , + in , it , look [-eth ] (- s) , X me , + meet , X more than , mouth , of , off , (of) old (time) , X on , open , + out of , over against , the partial , person , + please , presence , propect , was purposed , by reason of , + regard , right forth , + serve , X shewbread , sight , state , straight , + street , X thee , X them (- selves) , through (+-out) , till , time (- s) past , (un-) to (- ward) , + upon , upside (+ down) , with (- in , +-stand) , X ye , X you . ~~11960
08389 ## to'ar {to'- ar} ; from 08388 ; outline , i . e . figure or appearance :-- + beautiful , X comely , countenance , + fair , X favoured , form , X goodly , X resemble , visage . ~~13910
5132 - trapeza {trap'-ed-zah}; probably contracted from 5064 and 3979; a table or stool (as being four-legged), usually for food (figuratively, a meal); also a counter for money (figuratively, a broker's office for loans at interest): -- bank, meat, table. 5030
5586 - psephos {psay'-fos}; from the same as 5584; a pebble (as worn smooth by handling), i.e. (by implication of use as a counter or ballot) a verdict (of acquittal) or ticket (of admission); a vote: -- stone, voice. 5482
07737 ## shavah {shaw-vaw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to level , i . e . equalize ; figuratively , to resemble ; by implication , to adjust (i . e . counterbalance , be suitable , compose , place , yield , etc .) :-- avail , behave , bring forth , compare , countervail , (be , make) equal , lay , be (make , a-) like , make plain , profit , reckon . ~~13258
0499 - antitupon {an-teet'-oo-pon}; neuter of a compound of 0473 and 5179; corresponding ["antitype"], i.e. a representative, counterpart: -- (like) figure (whereunto). 498
05048 ## neged {neh'- ghed} ; from 05046 ; a front , i . e . part opposite ; specifically a counterpart , or mate ; usually (adverbial , especially with preposition) over against or before :-- about , (over) against , X aloof , X far (off) , X from , over , presence , X other side , sight , X to view . ~~10568
07737 ## shavah {shaw-vaw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to level , i . e . equalize ; figuratively , to resemble ; by implication , to adjust (i . e . counterbalance , be suitable , compose , place , yield , etc .) :-- avail , behave , bring forth , compare , countervail , (be , make) equal , lay , be (make , a-) like , make plain , profit , reckon . ~~13258
3969 - Patrobas {pat-rob'-as}; perhaps countr. for Patrobios (a compound of 3962 and 0979); father's life; Patrobas, a Christian: -- Patrobas. 3866
1290 - diaspora {dee-as-por-ah'}; from 1289; dispersion, i.e. (specially and concretely) the (converted) Israelite resident in Gentile countries: -- (which are) scattered (abroad). 1290
0066 - agrios {ag'-ree-os}; from 0068; wild (as pertaining to the country), literally (natural) or figuratively (fierce): -- wild, raging. 66
0068 - agros {ag-ros'}; from 0071; a field (as a drive for cattle); genitive case the country; specially, a farm, i.e. hamlet: -- country, farm, piece of ground, land. 68
0068 - agros {ag-ros'}; from 0071; a field (as a drive for cattle); genitive case the country; specially, a farm, i.e. hamlet: -- country, farm, piece of ground, land. 68
0589 - apodemeo {ap-od-ay-meh'-o}; from 0590; to go abroad, i.e. visit a foreign land: -- go (travel) into a far country, journey. 588
0882 - Achaia {ach-ah-ee'-ah}; of uncertain derivation; Achaia (i.e. Greece), a country of Europe: -- Achaia. 882
1085 - genos {ghen'-os}; from 1096; "kin" (abstract or concrete, literal or figurative, individual or collective): -- born, country(-man), diversity, generation, kind(-red), nation, offspring, stock. 1084
1093 - ge {ghay}; contracted from a primary word; soil; by extension a region, or the solid part or the whole of the terrene globe (including the occupants in each application): -- country, earth(-ly), ground, land, world. 1092
1671 - Hellas {hel-las'}; of uncertain affinity; Hellas (or Greece), a country of Europe: -- Greece. 1670
1710 - emporeuomai {em-por-yoo'-om-ahee}; from 1722 and 4198; to travel in (a country as a peddler), i.e. (by implication) to trade: -- buy and sell, make merchandise. 1710
1736 - endemeo {en-day-meh'-o}; from a compound of 1722 and 1218; to be in one's own country, i.e. home (figuratively): -- be at home (present). 1736
1927 - epidemeo {ep-ee-day-meh'-o}; from a compound of 1909 and 1218; to make oneself at home, i.e. (by extension) to reside (in a foreign country): -- [be] dwelling (which were) there, stranger. 1926
2453 - Ioudaios {ee-oo-dah'-yos}; from 2448 (in the sense of 2455 as a country); Judaean, i.e. belonging to Jehudah: -- Jew(-ess), of Judaea. 2452
2824 - klima {klee'-mah}; from 2827; a slope, i.e. (spec.) a "clime" or tract of country: -- part, region. 2822
3714 - oreinos {or-i-nos}; from 3735; mountainous, i.e. (feminine by implication of 5561) the Highlands (of Judaea): -- hill country. 3612
3968 - patris {pat-rece'}; from 3902; a father-land, i.e. native town; (figuratively) heavenly home: -- (own) country. 3866
4066 - perichoros {per-ikh'-o-ros}; from 4012 and 5561; around the region, i.e. circumjacent (as noun, with 1093 implied vicinity): -- country (round) about, region (that lieth) round about. 3964
4853 - sumphuletes {soom-foo-let'-ace}; from 4862 and a derivative of 5443; a co-tribesman, i.e. native of the same country: -- countryman. 4750
5076 - tetrarches {tet-rar'-khace}; from 5064 and 0757; the ruler of a fourth part of a country ("tetrarch"): -- tetrarch. ***. teucho. See 5177. 4974
5403 - Phoinike {foy-nee'-kay}; from 5404; palm-country; Phoenice (or Phoenicia), a region of Palestine: -- Phenice, Phenicia. 5300
00127 ## 'adamah {ad-aw-maw'} ; from 00119 ; soil (from its general redness) :-- country , earth , ground , husband [-man ] (- ry) , land . ~~5648
00249 ## 'ezrach {ez-rawkh'} ; from 02224 (in the sense of springing up) ; a spontaneous growth , i . e . native (tree or persons) :-- bay tree , (home-) born (in the land) , of the (one's own) country (nation) . ~~5770
00339 ## 'iy {ee} ; from 00183 ; properly , a habitable spot (as desirable) ; dry land , a coast , an island :-- country , isle , island . ~~5860
00495 ## 'Ellacar {el-law-sawr'} ; probably of foreign derivation ; Ellasar , an early country of Asia :-- Ellasar . ~~6016
00776 ## 'erets {eh'- rets} ; from an unused root probably meaning to be firm ; the earth (at large , or partitively a land) :-- X common , country , earth , field , ground , land , X natins , way , + wilderness , world . ~~6296
00804 ## 'Ashshuwr {ash-shoor'} ; or'Ashshur {ash-shoor'} ; apparently from 00833 (in the sense of successful) ; Ashshur , the second son of Shem ; also his descendants and the country occupied by them (i . e . Assyria) , its region and its empire :-- Asshur , Assur , Assyria , Assyrians . See 00838 . ~~6324
01250 ## bar {bawr} ; or bar {bar} ; from 01305 (in the sense of winnowing) ; grain of any kind (even while standing in the field) ; by extens . the open country :-- corn , wheat . ~~6770
01552 ## g@liylah {ghel-ee-law'} ; feminine of 01550 ; a circuit or region :-- border , coast , country . ~~7072
01642 ## G@rar {gher-awr'} ; probably from 01641 ; a rolling country ; Gerar , a Philistine city :-- Gerar . ~~7162
02022 ## har {har} ; a shortened form of 02042 ; a mountain or range of hills (sometimes used figuratively) :-- hill (country) , mount (- ain) , X promotion . ~~7542
02256 ## chebel {kheh'- bel} ; or chebel {khay'- bel} ; from 02254 ; a rope (as twisted) , especially a measuring line ; by implication , a district or inheritance (as measured) ; or a noose (as of cords) ; figuratively , a company (as if tied together) ; also a throe (especially of parturition) ; also ruin :-- band , coast , company , cord , country , destruction , line , lot , pain , pang , portion , region , rope , snare , sorrow , tackling . ~~7776
02526 ## Cham {khawm} ; the same as 02525 ; hot (from the tropical habitat) ; Cham , a son of Noah ; also (as a patronymic) his descendants or their country :-- Ham . ~~8046
02690 ## chatsar {khaw-tsar'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to surround with a stockade , and thus separate from the open country ; but used only in the reduplicated form chatsotser {khast-o-tsare'} ; or (2 Chronicles 5 : 12) chatsorer {khats-o-rare'} ; asdem . from 02689 ; to trumpet , i . e . blow on that instrument :-- blow , sound , trumpeter . ~~8210
03552 ## Kuwb {koob} ; of foreign derivation ; Kub , a country near Egypt :-- Chub . ~~9072
03667 ## K@na` an {ken-ah'- an} ; from 03665 ; humiliated ; Kenaan , a son a Ham ; also the country inhabited by him :-- Canaan , merchant , traffick . ~~9188
04054 ## migrash {mig-rawsh'} ; also (in plural) feminine (Ezek . 27 : 28) migrashah {mig-raw-shaw'} ; from 01644 ; a suburb (i . e . open country whither flocks are driven from pasture) ; hence , the area around a building , or the margin of the sea :-- cast out , suburb . ~~9574
04074 ## Maday {maw-dah'- ee} ; of foreign derivation ; Madai , a country of central Asia :-- Madai , Medes , Media . ~~9594
04080 ## Midyan {mid-yawn'} ; the same as 04079 ; Midjan , a son of Abraham ; also his country and (collectively) his descendants :-- Midian , Midianite . ~~9600
04138 ## mowledeth {mo-leh'- deth} ; from 03205 ; nativity (plural birth-place) ; by implication , lineage , native country ; also offspring , family :-- begotten , born , issue , kindred , native (- ity) . ~~9658
04467 ## mamlakah {mam-law-kaw'} ; from 04427 ; dominion , i . e . (abstractly) the estate (rule) or (concretely) the country (realm) :-- kingdom , king's , reign , royal . ~~9988
04725 ## maqowm {maw-kome'} ; or maqom {maw-kome'} ; also (feminine) m@qowmah {mek-o-mah'} ; or m@qomah {mek-o-mah'} ; from 06965 ; properly , a standing , i . e . a spot ; but used widely of a locality (general or specific) ; also (figuratively) of a condition (of body or mind) :-- country , X home , X open , place , room , space , X whither [-soever ] . ~~10246
04801 ## merchaq {mer-khawk'} : from 07368 ; remoteness , i . e . (concretely) a distant place ; often (adverbially) from afar :-- (a-, dwell in , very) far (country , off) . See also 01023 . ~~10322
05032 ## N@bayowth {neb-aw-yoth'} ; or N@bayoth {neb-aw-yoth'} ; feminine plural from 05107 ; fruitfulnesses ; Nebajoth , a son of Ismael , and the country settled by him :-- Nebaioth , Nebajoth . ~~10552
05045 ## negeb {neh'- gheb} ; from an unused root meaning to be parched ; the south (from its drought) ; specifically , the Negeb or southern district of Judah , occasionally , Egypt (as south to Palestine) :-- south (country , side ,-ward) . ~~10566
05316 ## nepheth {neh'- feth} ; for 05299 ; a height :-- country . ~~ 10836
05434 ## C@ba'{seb-aw'} ; of foreign origin ; Seba , a son of Cush , and the country settled by him :-- Seba . ~~10954
05454 ## Cabta'{sab-taw'} ; or Cabtah {sab-taw'} ; probably of foreign derivation ; Sabta or Sabtah , the name of a son of Cush , and the country occupied by his posterity :-- Sabta , Sabtah . ~~10974
05867 ## ` Eylam {ay-lawm'} ; or` Owlam (Ezra 10 : 2 ; Jeremiah 49 : 36) {o-lawm'} ; probably from 05956 ; hidden , i . e . distant ; Elam , a son of Shem and his descendants , with their country ; also of six Israelites :-- Elam . ~~11388
05983 ## ` Ammown {am-mone'} ; from 05971 ; tribal , i . e . inbred ; Ammon , a son of Lot ; also his posterity and their country :-- Ammon , Ammonites . ~~11504
06002 ## ` Amaleq {am-aw-lake'} ; probably of foreign origin ; Amalek , a descendant of Esau ; also his posterity and their country :-- Amalek . ~~11522
06047 ## ` Anamim {an-aw-meem'} ; as if plural of some Egyptian word ; Anamim , a son of Mizraim and his descendants , with their country :-- Anamim . ~~11568
06152 ## ` Arab {ar-awb'} or` Arab {ar-ab'} ; from 06150 in the figurative sense of sterility ; Arab (i . e . Arabia) , a country East of Palestine :-- Arabia . ~~11672
06519 ## p@razah {per-aw-zaw'} ; from the same as 06518 ; an open country :-- (unwalled) town (without walls) , unwalled village . ~~12040
06522 ## P@rizziy {per-iz-zee'} ; for 06521 ; inhabitant of the open country ; a Perizzite , one of the Canaanitish tribes :-- Perizzite . ~~12042
06539 ## Parac {paw-ras'} ; of foreign origin ; Paras (i . e . Persia) , an Eastern country , including its inhabitants :-- Persia , Persians . ~~12060
07704 ## sadeh {saw-deh'} ; or saday {saw-dah'- ee} ; from an unused root meaning to spread out ; a field (as flat) :-- country , field , ground , land , soil , X wild . ~~13224
08219 ## sh@phelah {shef-ay-law'} ; from 08213 ; Lowland , i . e . (with the article) the maritime slope of Palestine :-- low country , (low) plain , vale (- ley) . ~~13740