03810 ## Lo'D@bar {lo deb-ar'} ; or Low D@bar (2 Samuel 9 : 4 , 5) {lo deb-ar'} ; or Lidbir (Joshua 13 : 26) {lid-beer'} ; [probably rather Lod@bar {lo-deb-ar'} ] ; from 03808 and 01699 ; pastureless ; Lo-Debar , a place in Palestine :-- Debir , Lo-debar . ~~9330
03810 ## Lo'D@bar {lo deb-ar'} ; or Low D@bar (2 Samuel 9 : 4 , 5) {lo deb-ar'} ; or Lidbir (Joshua 13 : 26) {lid-beer'} ; [probably rather Lod@bar {lo-deb-ar'} ] ; from 03808 and 01699 ; pastureless ; Lo-Debar , a place in Palestine :-- Debir , Lo-debar . ~~9330
04513 ## mana` {maw-nah'} ; a primitive root ; to debar (negatively or positively) from benefit or injury :-- deny , keep (back) , refrain , restrain , withhold . ~~10034
05702 ## ` agan {aw-gan'} ; a primitive root ; to debar , i . e . from marriage :-- stay . ~~11222
08213 ## shaphel {shaw-fale'} ; a primitive root ; to depress or sink (expec . figuratively , to humiliate , intransitive or transitive) :-- abase , bring (cast , put) down , debase , humble (self) , be (bring , lay , make , put) low (- er) . ~~13734
1261 - dialogismos {dee-al-og-is-mos'}; from 1260; discussion, i.e. (internal) consideration (by implication, purpose), or (external) debate: -- dispute, doubtful(-ing), imagination, reasoning, thought. 1260
2054 - eris {er'-is}; of uncertain affinity; a quarrel, i.e. (by implication) wrangling: -- contention, debate, strife, variance. 2054
2213 - zetema {dzay'-tay-mah}; from 2212; a search (properly concretely), i.e. (in words) a debate: -- question. 2212
04683 ## matstsah {mats-tsaw'} ; from 05327 ; a quarrel :-- contention , debate , strife . ~~10204
07378 ## riyb {reeb} ; or ruwb {roob} ; a primitive root ; properly , to toss , i . e . grapple ; mostly figuratively , to wrangle , i . e . hold a controversy ; (by implication) to defend :-- adversary , chide , complain , contend , debate , X ever , X lay wait , plead , rebuke , strive , X thoroughly . ~~12898
2897 - kraipale {krahee-pal'-ay}; probably from the same as 0726; properly, a headache (as a seizure of pain) from drunkenness, i.e. (by implication) a debauch (by analogy, a glut): -- surfeiting. 2896
4205 - pornos {por'-nos}; from pernemi (to sell; akin to the base of 4097); a (male) prostitute (as venal), i.e. (by analogy) a debauchee (libertine): -- fornicator, whoremonger. 4102
5172 - truphe {troo-fay'}; from thrupto (to break up or [figuratively] enfeeble, especially the mind and body by indulgence); effeminacy, i.e. luxury or debauchery: -- delicately, riot. 5070
01694 ## debeq {deh'- bek} ; from 01692 ; a joint ; by implication , solder :-- joint , solder . ~~7214
01698 ## deber {deh'- ber} ; from 01696 (in the sense of destroying) ; a pestilence :-- murrain , pestilence , plague . ~~7218
3119 - malakia {mal-ak-ee'-ah}; from 3120; softness, i.e. enervation (debility): -- disease. 3118
01688 ## D@biyr {deb-eer'} ; or (shortened) D@bir (Josh . 13 : 26 [but see 03810 ]) {deb-eer'} ; the same as 01687 ; Debir , the name of an Amoritish king and of two places in Palestine :-- Debir . ~~7208
01688 ## D@biyr {deb-eer'} ; or (shortened) D@bir (Josh . 13 : 26 [but see 03810 ]) {deb-eer'} ; the same as 01687 ; Debir , the name of an Amoritish king and of two places in Palestine :-- Debir . ~~7208
03810 ## Lo'D@bar {lo deb-ar'} ; or Low D@bar (2 Samuel 9 : 4 , 5) {lo deb-ar'} ; or Lidbir (Joshua 13 : 26) {lid-beer'} ; [probably rather Lod@bar {lo-deb-ar'} ] ; from 03808 and 01699 ; pastureless ; Lo-Debar , a place in Palestine :-- Debir , Lo-debar . ~~9330
01683 ## D@bowrah {deb-o-raw'} ; or (shortened) D@borah {deb-o-raw'} ; the same as 01682 ; Deborah , the name of two Hebrewesses :-- Deborah . ~~7204
01683 ## D@bowrah {deb-o-raw'} ; or (shortened) D@borah {deb-o-raw'} ; the same as 01682 ; Deborah , the name of two Hebrewesses :-- Deborah . ~~7204
03941 ## Lappiydowth {lap-pee-doth'} ; feminine plural of 03940 ; Lappidoth , the husband of Deborah :-- Lappidoth . ~~9462
1156 - daneion {dan'-i-on}; from danos (a gift); probably akin to the base of 1325; a loan: -- debt. 1156
1458 - egkaleo {eng-kal-eh'-o}; from 1722 and 2564; to call in (as a debt or demand), i.e. bring to account (charge, criminate, etc.): -- accuse, call in question, implead, lay to the charge. 1458
3782 - opheile {of-i-lay'}; from 3784; indebtedness, i.e. (concretely) a sum owed; figuratively, obligation, i.e. (conjugal) duty: -- debt, due. 3680
3783 - opheilema {of-i'-lay-mah}; from (the alternate of) 3784; something owed, i.e. (figuratively) a due; morally, a fault: -- debt. 3680
3784 - opheilo {of-i'-lo}; or (in certain tenses) its prolonged form opheileo {of-i-leh'-o}; probably from the base of 3786 (through the idea of accruing); to owe (pecuniarily); figuratively, to be under obligation (ought, must, should); morally, to fail in duty: -- behove, be bound, (be) debt(-or), (be) due(-ty), be guilty (indebted), (must) need(-s), ought, owe, should. See also 3785. 3682
5055 - teleo {tel-eh'-o}; from 5056; to end, ie. complete, execute, conclude, discharge (a debt): -- accomplish, make an end, expire, fill up, finish, go over, pay, perform. 4952
02258 ## chabol {khab-ole'} ; or (feminine) chabolah {khab-o-law'} ; from 02254 ; a pawn (as security for debt) :-- pledge . ~~7778
02326 ## chowb {khobe} ; from 02325 ; debt :-- debtor . ~~ 7846
03027 ## yad {yawd} ; a primitive word ; a hand (the open one [indicating power , means , direction , etc . ] , in distinction from 03709 , the closed one) ; used (as noun , adverb , etc .) in a great variety of applications , both literally and figuratively , both proximate and remote [as follows ] :-- (+ be) able , X about , + armholes , at , axletree , because of , beside , border , X bounty , + broad , [broken-] handed , X by , charge , coast , + consecrate , + creditor , custody , debt , dominion , X enough , + fellowship , force , X from , hand [-staves ,-- y work ] , X he , himself , X in , labour , + large , ledge , [left-] handed , means , X mine , ministry , near , X of , X order , ordinance , X our , parts , pain , power , X presumptuously , service , side , sore , state , stay , draw with strength , stroke , + swear , terror , X thee , X by them , X themselves , X thine own , X thou , through , X throwing , + thumb , times , X to , X under , X us , X wait on , [way-] side , where , + wide , X with (him , me , you) , work , + yield , X yourselves ~~8548
04855 ## mashsha'{mash-shaw'} ; from 05383 ; a loan ; by implication , interest on a debt :-- exaction , usury . ~~10376
04859 ## mashsha'ah {mash-shaw-aw'} ; feminine of 04855 ; a loan :-- X any [-thing ] , debt . ~~10380
04874 ## mashsheh {mash-sheh'} ; from 05383 ; a debt :-- + creditor . ~~ 10394
05378 ## nasha'{naw-shaw'} ; a primitive root [perhaps identical with 05377 , through the idea of imposition ] ; to lend on interest ; by implication , to dun for debt :-- X debt , exact , giver of usury . ~~10898
05378 ## nasha'{naw-shaw'} ; a primitive root [perhaps identical with 05377 , through the idea of imposition ] ; to lend on interest ; by implication , to dun for debt :-- X debt , exact , giver of usury . ~~10898
05386 ## n@shiy {nesh-ee'} ; from 05383 ; a debt :-- debt . ~~ 10906
05386 ## n@shiy {nesh-ee'} ; from 05383 ; a debt :-- debt . ~~ 10906
05392 ## neshek {neh'- shek} ; from 05391 ; interest on a debt :-- usury . ~~10912
07521 ## ratsah {raw-tsaw'} ; a primitive root ; to be pleased with ; specifically , to satisfy a debt :-- (be) accept (- able) , accomplish , set affection , approve , consent with , delight (self) , enjoy , (be , have a) favour (- able) , like , observe , pardon , (be , have , take) please (- ure) , reconcile self . ~~13042
08059 ## sh@mittah {shem-it-taw'} ; from 08058 ; remission (of debt) or suspension of labor) :-- release . ~~13580
0586 - apodekatoo {ap-od-ek-at-o'-o}; from 0575 and 1183; to tithe (as debtor or creditor): -- (give, pay, take) tithe. 586
3781 - opheiletes {of-i-let'-ace}; from 3784; an ower, i.e. person indebted; figuratively, a delinquent; morally, a transgressor (against God): -- debtor, which owed, sinner. 3678
5533 - chreopheiletes {khreh-o-fi-let'-ace}; from a derivative of 5531 and 3781; a loan-ower, i.e. indebted person: -- debtor. 5430
02326 ## chowb {khobe} ; from 02325 ; debt :-- debtor . ~~ 7846
05065 ## nagas {naw-gas'} ; a primitive root ; to drive (an animal , a workman , a debtor , an army) ; by implication , to tax , harass , tyrannize :-- distress , driver , exact (- or) , oppress (- or) , X raiser of taxes , taskmaster . ~~10586
06218 ## ` asowr {aw-sore'} ; or` asor {aw-sore'} ; from 06235 ; ten ; by abbrev . ten strings , and so a decachord :-- (instrument of) ten (strings ,-th) . ~~11738
5062 - tessarakonta {tes-sar-ak'-on-tah}; the decade of 5064; forty: -- forty. 4960
5144 - triakonta {tree-ak'-on-tah}; the decade of 5140; thirty: -- thirty. 5042
04658 ## mappeleth {map-peh'- leth} ; from 05307 ; fall , i . e . decadence ; concretely , a ruin ; specifically a carcase :-- carcase , fall , ruin . ~~10178
3142 - marturion {mar-too'-ree-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 3144; something evidential, i.e. (genitive case) evidence given or (specifically) the Decalogue (in the sacred Tabernacle): -- to be testified, testimony, witness. 3140
08451 ## towrah {to-raw'} ; or torah {to-raw'} ; from 03384 ; a precept or statute , especially the Decalogue or Pentateuch :-- law . ~~13972
0607 - apokephalizo {ap-ok-ef-al-id'-zo}; from 0575 and 2776; to decapitate: -- behead. 606
1179 - Dekapolis {dek-ap'-ol-is}; from 1176 and 4172; the ten-city region; the Decapolis, a district in Syria: -- Decapolis. 1178
1179 - Dekapolis {dek-ap'-ol-is}; from 1176 and 4172; the ten-city region; the Decapolis, a district in Syria: -- Decapolis. 1178
1311 - diaphtheiro {dee-af-thi'-ro}; from 1225 and 5351; to rot thoroughly, i.e. (by implication) to ruin (passively, decay utterly, figuratively, pervert): -- corrupt, destroy, perish. 1310
1312 - diaphthora {dee-af-thor-ah'}; from 1311; decay: -- corruption. 1312
3822 - palaioo {pal-ah-yo'-o}; from 3820; to make (passively, become) worn out, or declare obsolete: -- decay, make (wax) old. 3720
5356 - phthora {fthor-ah'}; from 5351; decay, i.e. ruin (spontaneous or inflicted, literally or figuratively): -- corruption, destroy, perish. 5254
01086 ## balah {baw-law'} ; a primitive root ; to fail ; by implication to wear out , decay (causatively , consume , spend) :-- consume , enjoy long , become (make , wax) old , spend , waste . ~~6606
02522 ## chalash {khaw-lash'} ; a primitive root ; to prostrate ; by implication , to overthrow , decay :-- discomfit , waste away , weaken . ~~8042
02717 ## charab {khaw-rab'} ; or chareb {khaw-rabe'} ; a primitive root ; to parch (through drought) i . e . (by analogy ,) to desolate , destroy , kill :-- decay , (be) desolate , destroy (- er) , (be) dry (up) , slay , X surely , (lay , lie , make) waste . ~~8238
04131 ## mowt {mote} ; a primitive root ; to waver ; by implication , to slip , shake , fall :-- be carried , cast , be out of course , be fallen in decay , X exceedingly , fall (- ing down) , be (re-) moved , be ready , shake , slide , slip . ~~9652
04355 ## makak {maw-kak'} ; a primitive root ; to tumble (in ruins) ; figuratively , to perish :-- be brought low , decay . ~~9876
07537 ## raqab {raw-kab'} ; a primitive root ; to decay (as by worm-eating) :-- rot . ~~13058
07538 ## raqab {raw-kawb'} ; from 07537 ; decay (by caries) :-- rottenness (thing) . ~~13058
07539 ## riqqabown {rik-kaw-bone'} ; from 07538 ; decay (by caries) :-- rotten . ~~13060
07843 ## shachath {shaw-khath'} ; a primitive root ; to decay , i . e . (causatively) ruin (literally or figuratively) :-- batter , cast off , corrupt (- er , thing) , destroy (- er ,-uction) , lose , mar , perish , spill , spoiler , X utterly , waste (- r) . ~~13364
5349 - phthartos {fthar-tos'}; from 5351; decayed, i.e. (by implication) perishable: -- corruptible. 5246
02723 ## chorbah {khor-baw'} ; feminine of 02721 ; properly , drought , i . e . (by implication) a desolation :-- decayed place , desolate (place ,-- tion) , destruction , (laid) waste (place) . ~~8244
03782 ## kashal {kaw-shal'} ; a primitive root ; to totter or waver (through weakness of the legs , especially the ankle) ; by implication , to falter , stumble , faint or fall :-- bereave [from the margin ] , cast down , be decayed , (cause to) fail , (cause , make to) fall (down ,-- ing) , feeble , be (the) ruin (- ed , of) , (be) overthrown , (cause to) stumble , X utterly , be weak . ~~9302