0306 - anaballomai {an-ab-al'-lom-ahee}; middle voice from 0303 and 0906; to put off (for oneself): -- defer. 306
00309 ## 'achar {aw-khar'} ; a primitive root ; to loiter (i . e . be behind) ; by implication to procrastinate :-- continue , defer , delay , hinder , be late (slack) , stay (there) , tarry (longer) . ~~5830
00748 ## 'arak {aw-rak'} ; a primitive root ; to be (causative , make) long (literally or figuratively) :-- defer , draw out , lengthen , (be , become , make , pro-) long , + (out-, over-) live , tarry (long) . ~~6268
04900 ## mashak {maw-shak'} ; a primitive root ; to draw , used in a great variety of applications (including to sow , to sound , to prolong , to develop , to march , to remove , to delay , to be tall , etc .) :-- draw (along , out) , continue , defer , extend , forbear , X give , handle , make (pro-, sound) long , X sow , scatter , stretch out . ~~10420
1463 - egkomboomai {eng-kom-bo'-om-ahee}; middle voice from 1722 and komboo (to gird); to engirdle oneself (for labor), i.e. figuratively (the apron as being a badge of servitude) to wear (in token of mutual deference): -- be clothed with. 1462
4285 - proegeomai {pro-ay-geh'-om-ahee}; from 4253 and 2233; to lead the way for others, i.e. show deference: -- prefer. 4182
00430 ## 'elohiym {el-o-heem'} ; plural of 00433 ; gods in the ordinary sense ; but specifically used (in the plural thus , especially with the article) of the supreme God ; occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates ; and sometimes as a superlative :-- angels , X exceeding , God (gods) (- dess ,-ly) , X (very) great , judges , X mighty . ~~5950
06915 ## qadad {kaw-dad'} ; a primitive root ; to shrivel up , i . e . contract or bend the body (or neck) in deference :-- bow (down) (the) head , stoop . ~~12436
04279 ## machar {maw-khar'} ; probably from 00309 ; properly , deferred , i . e . the morrow ; usually (adverbially) tomorrow ; indefinitely , hereafter :-- time to come , tomorrow . ~~9800
07814 ## s@chowq {sekh-oke'} ; or s@choq {sekh-oke'} ; from 07832 ; laughter (in merriment or defiance) :-- derision , laughter (- ed to scorn ,-ing) , mocked , sport . ~~13336
5503 - chera {khay'-rah}; feminine of a presumed derivative apparently from the base of 5490 through the idea of deficiency; a widow (as lacking a husband), literally or figuratively: -- widow. 5400
02642 ## checrown {khes-rone'} ; from 02637 ; deficiency :-- wanting . ~~ 8162
04270 ## machcowr {makh-sore'} ; or machcor {makh-sore'} ; from 02637 ; deficiency ; hence , impoverishment :-- lack , need , penury , poor , poverty , want . ~~9790
1729 - endees {en-deh-ace'}; from a compound of 1722 and 1210 (in the sense of lacking); deficient in: -- lacking. 1728
5302 - hustereo {hoos-ter-eh'-o}; from 5306; to be later, i.e. (by implication) to be inferior; generally, to fall short (be deficient): -- come behind (short), be destitute, fail, lack, suffer need, (be in) want, be the worse. 5200
02627 ## chacciyr (Aramaic) {khas-seer'} ; from a root corresponding to 02637 ; deficient :-- wanting . ~~8148
5303 - husterema {hoos-ter'-ay-mah}; from 5302; a deficit; specifically, poverty: -- that which is behind, (that which was) lack(-ing), penury, want. 5200
0733 - arsenokoites {ar-sen-ok-oy'-tace}; from 0730 and 2845; a sodomite: -- abuser of (that defile) self with mankind. 732
2840 - koinoo {koy-no'-o}; from 2839; to make (or consider) profane (ceremonially): -- call common, defile, pollute, unclean. 2838
3392 - miaino {me-ah'-ee-no}; perhaps a primary verb; to sully or taint, i.e. contaminate (cer. or morally): -- defile. 3290
3435 - moluno {mol-oo'-no}; probably from 3189; to soil (figuratively): -- defile. 3334
4695 - spiloo {spee-lo'-o}; from 4696; to stain or soil (literally or figuratively): -- defile, spot. 4592
5351 - phtheiro {fthi'-ro}; probably strengthened from phthio (to pine or waste); properly, to shrivel or wither, i.e. to spoil (by any process) or (generally) to ruin (especially figuratively, by moral influences, to deprave): -- corrupt (self), defile, destroy. 5248
01351 ## ga'al {gaw-al'} ; a primitive root , [rather identified with 01350 , through the idea of freeing , i . e . repudiating ] ; to soil or (figuratively) desecrate :-- defile , pollute , stain . ~~6872
01352 ## go'el {go'- el} ; from 01351 ; profanation :-- defile . ~~ 6872
02490 ## chalal {khaw-lal'} ; a primitive root [compare 02470 ] ; properly , to bore , i . e . (by implication) to wound , to dissolve ; figuratively , to profane (a person , place or thing) , to break (one's word) , to begin (as if by an " opening wedge ") ; denom . (from 02485) to play (the flute) :-- begin (X men began) , defile , X break , defile , X eat (as common things) , X first , X gather the grape thereof , X take inheritance , pipe , player on instruments , pollute , (cast as) profane (self) , prostitute , slay (slain) , sorrow , stain , wound . ~~8010
02490 ## chalal {khaw-lal'} ; a primitive root [compare 02470 ] ; properly , to bore , i . e . (by implication) to wound , to dissolve ; figuratively , to profane (a person , place or thing) , to break (one's word) , to begin (as if by an " opening wedge ") ; denom . (from 02485) to play (the flute) :-- begin (X men began) , defile , X break , defile , X eat (as common things) , X first , X gather the grape thereof , X take inheritance , pipe , player on instruments , pollute , (cast as) profane (self) , prostitute , slay (slain) , sorrow , stain , wound . ~~8010
02610 ## chaneph {khaw-nafe'} ; a primitive root ; to soil , especially in a moral sense :-- corrupt , defile , X greatly , pollute , profane . ~~8130
02930 ## tame'{taw-may'} ; a primitive root ; to be foul , especially in a ceremial or moral sense (contaminated) :-- defile (self) , pollute (self) , be (make , make self , pronounce) unclean , X utterly . ~~8450
02936 ## tanaph {taw-naf'} ; a primitive root ; to soil :-- defile . ~~ 8456
05953 ## ` alal {aw-lal'} ; a primitive root ; to effect thoroughly ; specifically , to glean (also figuratively) ; by implication (in a bad sense) to overdo , i . e . maltreat , be saucy to , pain , impose (also literal) :-- abuse , affect , X child , defile , do , glean , mock , practise , thoroughly , work (wonderfully) . ~~11474
06031 ## ` anah {aw-naw'} ; a primitive root [possibly rather ident . with 06030 through the idea of looking down or browbeating ] ; to depress literally or figuratively , transitive or intransitive (in various applications , as follows) :-- abase self , afflict (- ion , self) , answer [by mistake for 06030 ] , chasten self , deal hardly with , defile , exercise , force , gentleness , humble (self) , hurt , ravish , sing [by mistake for 06030 ] , speak [by mistake for 06030 ] , submit self , weaken , X in any wise . ~~11552
06942 ## qadash {kaw-dash'} ; a primitive root ; to be (causatively , make , pronounce or observe as) clean (ceremonially or morally) :-- appoint , bid , consecrate , dedicate , defile , hallow , (be , keep) holy (- er , place) , keep , prepare , proclaim , purify , sanctify (- ied one , self) , X wholly . ~~12462
2839 - koinos {koy-nos'}; probably from 4862; common, i.e. (literally) shared by all or several, or (cer.) profane: -- common, defiled, unclean, unholy. 2838
02931 ## tame'{taw-may'} ; from 02930 ; foul in a relig . sense :-- defiled , + infamous , polluted (- tion) , unclean . ~~8452
02933 ## tamah {taw-maw'} ; a collateral form of 02930 ; to be impure in a religious sense :-- be defiled , be reputed vile . ~~8454
0234 - alisgema {al-is'-ghem-ah}; from alisgeo (to soil); (ceremonially) defilement: -- pollution. 234
3741 - hosios {hos'-ee-os}; of uncertain affinity; properly, right (by intrinsic or divine character; thus distinguished from 1342, which refers rather to human statutes and relations; from 2413, which denotes formal consecration; and from 0040, which relates to purity from defilement), i.e. hallowed (pious, sacred, sure): -- holy, mercy, shalt be. 3638
05429 ## c@'ah {seh-aw'} ; from an unused root meaning to define ; a seah , or certain measure (as determinative) for grain :-- measure . ~~10950
2250 - hemera {hay-mer'-ah}; feminine (with 5610 implied) of a derivative of hemai (to sit; akin to the base of 1476) meaning tame, i.e. gentle; day, i.e. (literally) the time space between dawn and dark, or the whole 24 hours (but several days were usually reckoned by the Jews as inclusive of the parts of both extremes); figuratively, a period (always defined more or less clearly by the context): -- age, + alway, (mid-)day (by day, [-ly]), + for ever, judgment, (day) time, while, years. 2250
03117 ## yowm {yome} ; from an unused root meaning to be hot ; a day (as the warm hours) , whether literal (from sunrise to sunset , or from one sunset to the next) , or figurative (a space of time defined by an associated term) , [often used adverb ] :-- age , + always , + chronicals , continually (- ance) , daily , ([birth-] , each , to) day , (now a , two) days (agone) , + elder , X end , + evening , + (for) ever (- lasting ,-- more) , X full , life , as (so) long as (. . live) , (even) now , + old , + outlived , + perpetually , presently , + remaineth , X required , season , X since , space , then , (process of) time , + as at other times , + in trouble , weather , (as) when , (a , the , within a) while (that) , X whole (+ age) , (full) year (- ly) , + younger . ~~8638
5039 - tekmerion {tek-may'-ree-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of tekmar (a goal or fixed limit); a token (as defining a fact), i.e. criterion of certainty: -- infallible proof. 4936
5419 - phrazo {frad'-zo}; probably akin to 5420 through the idea of defining; to indicate (by word or act), i.e. (specifically) to expound: -- declare. 5316
2036 - epo {ep'-o}; a primary verb (used only in the definite past tense, the others being borrowed from 2046, 4483, and 5346); to speak or say (by word or writing): -- answer, bid, bring word, call, command, grant, say (on), speak, tell. Compare 3004. 2036
3697 - hopoios {hop-oy'-os}; from 3739 and 4169; of what kind that, i.e. how (as) great (excellent) (specifically, as an indefinite correlative to the definite antecedent 5108 of quality): -- what manner (sort) of, such as whatsoever. 3596
4567 - Satanas {sat-an-as'}; of Aramaic origin corresponding to 4566 (with the definite affix); the accuser, i.e. the devil: -- Satan. 4464
5056 - telos {tel'-os}; from a primary tello (to set out for a definite point or goal); properly, the point aimed at as a limit, i.e. (by implication) the conclusion of an act or state (termination [literally, figuratively or indefinitely], result [immediate, ultimate or prophetic], purpose); specifically, an impost or levy (as paid): -- + continual, custom, end(-ing), finally, uttermost. Compare 5411. 4954
00376 ## 'iysh {eesh} ; contracted for 00582 [or perhaps rather from an unused root meaning to be extant ] ; a man as an individual or a male person ; often used as an adjunct to a more definite term (and in such cases frequently not expressed in translation) :-- also , another , any (man) , a certain , + champion , consent , each , every (one) , fellow , [foot-, husband-] man , [good-, great , mighty) man , he , high (degree) , him (that is) , husband , man [-kind ] , + none , one , people , person , + steward , what (man) soever , whoso (- ever) , worthy . Compare 00802 . ~~5896
04150 ## mow` ed {mo-ade'} ; or mo` ed {mo-ade'} ; or (feminine) mow` adah (2 Chronicles 8 : 13) {mo-aw-daw'} ; from 03259 ; properly , an appointment , i . e . a fixed time or season ; specifically , a festival ; conventionally a year ; by implication , an assembly (as convened for a definite purpose) ; technically the congregation ; by extension , the place of meeting ; also a signal (as appointed beforehand) :-- appointed (sign , time) , (place of , solemn) assembly , congregation , (set , solemn) feast , (appointed , due) season , solemn (- ity) , synogogue , (set) time (appointed) . ~~9670
04557 ## micpar {mis-pawr'} ; from 05608 ; a number , definite (arithmetical) or indefinite (large , innumerable ; small , a few) ; also (abstractly) narration :-- + abundance , account , X all , X few , [in-] finite , (certain) number (- ed) , tale , telling , + time . ~~10078
07233 ## r@babah {reb-aw-baw'} ; from 07231 ; abundance (in number) , i . e . (specifically) a myriad (whether definite or indefinite) :-- many , million , X multiply , ten thousand . ~~12754
08034 ## shem {shame} ; a primitive word [perhaps rather from 07760 through the idea of definite and conspicuous position ; compare 08064 ] ; an appellation , as a mark or memorial of individuality ; by implication honor , authority , character :-- + base , [in-] fame [-ous ] , named (- d) , renown , report . ~~13556
08427 ## tavah {taw-vaw'} ; a primitive root ; to mark out , i . e . (primitive) scratch or (definite) imprint :-- scrabble , set [a mark ] . ~~13948
00853 ## 'eth {ayth} ; apparent contracted from 00226 in the demonstrative sense of entity ; properly , self (but generally used to point out more definitely the object of a verb or preposition , even or namely) :-- [as such unrepresented in English ] . ~~6374
00865 ## 'ethmowl {eth-mole'} ; or'ithmowl {ith-mole'} ; or'ethmuwl {eth-mool'} ; probably from 00853 or 00854 and 04136 ; heretofore ; definitely yesterday :-- + before (that) time , + heretofore , of late (old) , + times past , yester [day ] . ~~6386
07192 ## q@siytah {kes-ee-taw'} ; from an unused root (probably meaning to weigh out) ; an ingot (as definitely estimated and stamped for a coin) :-- piece of money (silver) . ~~12712
0665 - apotrepo {ap-ot-rep'-o}; from 0575 and the base of 5157; to deflect, i.e. (reflexively) avoid: -- turn away. 664
1624 - ektrepo {ek-trep'-o}; from 1537 and the base of 5157; to deflect, i.e. turn away (literally or figuratively): -- avoid, turn (aside, out of the way). 1624