00255 ## 'oach {o'- akh} ; probably from 00253 ; a howler or lonesome wild animal :-- doleful creature . ~~5776
00338 ## 'iy {ee} ; probably identical with 00337 (through the idea of a doleful sound) ; a howler (used only in the plural) , i . e . any solitary wild creature ;-- wild beast of the islands . ~~5858
05093 ## nihyah {nih-yaw'} ; feminine of 05092 ; lamentation :-- doleful . ~~10614
1387 - dolioo {dol-ee-o'-o}; from 1386; to be guileful: -- use deceit. 1386
1386 - dolios {dol'-ee-os}; from 1388; guileful: -- deceitful. 1386
01805 ## d@liy {del-ee'} ; or doliy {dol-ee'} ; from 01802 ; a pail or jar (for drawing water) :-- bucket . ~~7326
1389 - doloo {dol-o'-o}; from 1388; to ensnare, i.e. (figuratively) adulterate: -- handle deceitfully. 1388
1388 - dolos {dol'-os}; from an obsolete primary verb, dello (probably meant to decoy; compare 1185); a trick (bait), i.e. (figuratively) wile: -- craft, deceit, guile, subtilty. 1388
05037 ## Nabal {naw-bawl'} ; the same as 05036 ; dolt ; Nabal , an Israelite :-- Nabal . ~~10558
05529 ## cekel {seh'- kal} ; from 05528 ; silliness ; concretely and collectively , dolts :-- folly . ~~11050
1390 - doma {dom'-ah}; from the base of 1325; a present: -- gift. 1390
1440 - hebdomekonta {heb-dom-ay'-kon-tah}; from 1442 and a modified form of 1176; seventy: -- seventy, three score and ten. 1440
1441 - hebdomekontakis {heb-dom-ay-kon-tak-is}; multiple adverb from 1440; seventy times: -- seventy times. 1440
1442 - hebdomos {heb'-dom-os}; ordinal from 2033; seventh: -- seventh. 1442
1739 - endomesis {en-dom'-ay-sis}; from a compound of 1722 and a derivative of the base of 1218; a housing in (residence), i.e. structure: -- building. 1738
4913 - sunedomai {soon-ay'-dom-ahee}; middle voice from 4862 and the base of 2237; to rejoice in with oneself, i.e. feel satisfaction concerning: -- delight. 4810
5339 - pheidomai {fi'-dom-ahee}; of uncertain affinity; to be chary of, i.e. (subjectively) to abstain or (objectively) to treat leniently: -- forbear, spare. 5236
5340 - pheidomenos {fi-dom-en'-oce}; adverb from participle of 5339; abstemiously, i.e. stingily: -- sparingly. 5238
5574 - pseudomai {psyoo'-dom-ahee}; middle voice of an apparently primary verb; to utter an untruth or attempt to deceive by falsehood: -- falsely, lie. 5470
5575 - pseudomartur {psyoo-dom-ar'-toor}; from 5571 and a kindred form of 3144; a spurious witness, i.e. bearer of untrue testimony: -- false witness. 5472
5576 - pseudomartureo {psyoo-dom-ar-too-reh'-o}; from 5575; to be an untrue testifier, i.e. offer falsehood in evidence: -- be a false witness. 5472
5577 - pseudomarturia {psyoo-dom-ar-too-ree'-ah}; from 5575; untrue testimony: -- false witness. 5474
01824 ## d@miy {dem-ee'} ; or domiy {dom-ee'} ; from 01820 ; quiet :-- cutting off , rest , silence . ~~7344
05467 ## C@dom {sed-ome'} ; from an unused root meaning to scorch ; burnt (i . e . volcanic or bituminous) district ; Sedom , a place near the Dead Sea :-- Sodom . ~~10988
1390 - doma {dom'-ah}; from the base of 1325; a present: -- gift. 1390
1430 - doma {do'-mah}; from demo (to build); properly, an edifice, i.e. (specially) a roof: -- housetop. 1430
0508 - anogeon {an-ogue'-eh-on}; from 0507 and 1093; above the ground, i.e. (properly) the second floor of a building; used for a dome or a balcony on the upper story: -- upper room. 508
00122 ## 'adom {aw-dome'} ; from 00119 ; rosy :-- red , ruddy . ~~ 5642
07134 ## qardom {kar-dome'} ; perhaps from 06923 in the sense of striking upon ; an axe :-- ax . ~~12654
06898 ## qubbah {koob-baw'} ; from 06895 ; a pavilion (as a domed cavity) :-- tent . ~~12418
01828 ## domen {do'- men} ; of uncertain derivation ; manure :-- dung . ~~7348
0563 - aperispastos {ap-er-is-pas-toce'}; adverb from a compound of 0001 (as a negative participle) and a presumed derivative of 4049; undistractedly, i.e. free from (domestic) solicitude: -- without distraction. 562
2012 - epitropos {ep-it'-rop-os}; from 1909 and 5158 (in the sense of 2011); a commissioner, i.e. domestic manager, guardian: -- steward, tutor. 2012
2934 - ktenos {ktay'-nos}; from 2932; property, i.e. (specially) a domestic animal: -- beast. 2932
3609 - oikeios {oy-ki'-os}; from 3624; domestic, i.e. (as noun), a relative, adherent: -- (those) of the (his own) house(-hold). 3508
3610 - oiketes {oy-ket'-ace}; from 3611; a fellow resident, i.e. menial domestic: -- (household) servant. 3508
3733 - ornis {or'-nis}; probably from a prolonged form of the base of 3735; a bird (as rising in the air), i.e. (specifically) a hen (or female domestic fowl): -- hen. 3632
03537 ## kad {kad} ; from an unused root meaning to deepen ; properly , a pail ; but generally of earthenware ; a jar for domestic purposes :-- barrel , pitcher . ~~9058
3626 - oikouros {oy-koo-ros'}; from 3624 and ouros (a guard; be "ware"); a stayer at home, i.e. domestically inclined (a "good housekeeper"): -- keeper at home. 3524
2565 - kallielaios {kal-le-el'-ah-yos}; from the base of 2566 and 1636; a cultivated olive tree, i.e. a domesticated or improved one: -- good olive tree. 2564
2322 - therapeia {ther-ap-i'-ah}; from 2323; attendance (specially, medical, i.e. cure); figuratively and collec. domestics: -- healing, household. 2322
3614 - oikia {oy-kee'-ah}; from 3624; properly, residence (abstractly), but usually (concretely) an abode (literally or figuratively); by implication a family (especially domestics): -- home, house(-hold). 3512
05979 ## ` emdah {em-daw'} ; from 05975 ; a station , i . e . domicile :-- standing . ~~11500
0831 - authenteo {ow-then-teh'-o}; from a compound of 0846 and an obsolete hentes (a worker); to act of oneself, i.e. (figuratively) dominate: -- usurp authority over. 830
03532 ## kebes {keh-bes'} ; from an unused root meaning to dominate ; a ram (just old enough to butt) :-- lamb , sheep . ~~9052
07980 ## shalat {shaw-lat'} ; a primitive root ; to dominate , i . e . govern ; by implication , to permit :-- (bear , have) rule , have dominion , give (have) power . ~~13502
08297 ## Saray {saw-rah'- ee} ; from 08269 ; dominative ; Sarai , the wife of Abraham :-- Sarai . ~~13818
01153 ## B@cay {bes-ah'- ee} ; from 00947 ; domineering ; Besai , one of the Nethinim :-- Besai . ~~6674
04756 ## mare'(Aramaic) {maw-ray'} ; from a root corresponding to 04754 in the sense of domineering ; a master :-- lord , Lord . ~~10276
04806 ## m@riy'{mer-ee'} ; from 04754 in the sense of grossness , through the idea of domineering (compare 04756) ; stall-fed ; often (as noun) a beeve :-- fat (fed) beast (cattle ,-ling) . ~~10326
07260 ## rabrab (Aramaic) {rab-rab'} ; from 07229 ; huge (in size) ; domineering (in character) :-- (very) great (things) . ~~12780
07288 ## Radday {rad-dah'- ee} ; intensive from 07287 ; domineering ; Raddai , an Israelite :-- Raddai . ~~12808
2616 - katadunasteuo {kat-ad-oo-nas-tyoo'-o}; from 2596 and a derivative of 1413; to exercise dominion against, i.e. oppress: -- oppress. 2616
2634 - katakurieuo {kat-ak-oo-ree-yoo'-o}; from 2596 and 2961; to lord against, i.e. control, subjugate: -- exercise dominion over (lordship), be lord over, overcome. 2634
2904 - kratos {krat'-os}; perhaps a primary word; vigor ["great"] (literally or figuratively): -- dominion, might [-ily], power, strength. 2902
2961 - kurieuo {ko-ree-yoo'-o}; from 2962; to rule: -- have dominion over, lord, be lord of, exercise lordship over. 2960
2963 - kuriotes {koo-ree-ot'-ace}; from 2962; mastery, i.e. (concretely and collectively) rulers: -- dominion, government. 2962
01166 ## ba` al {baw-al'} ; a primitive root ; to be master ; hence (as denominative from 01167) to marry :-- Beulah have dominion (over) , be husband , marry (- ied , X wife) . ~~6686
03027 ## yad {yawd} ; a primitive word ; a hand (the open one [indicating power , means , direction , etc . ] , in distinction from 03709 , the closed one) ; used (as noun , adverb , etc .) in a great variety of applications , both literally and figuratively , both proximate and remote [as follows ] :-- (+ be) able , X about , + armholes , at , axletree , because of , beside , border , X bounty , + broad , [broken-] handed , X by , charge , coast , + consecrate , + creditor , custody , debt , dominion , X enough , + fellowship , force , X from , hand [-staves ,-- y work ] , X he , himself , X in , labour , + large , ledge , [left-] handed , means , X mine , ministry , near , X of , X order , ordinance , X our , parts , pain , power , X presumptuously , service , side , sore , state , stay , draw with strength , stroke , + swear , terror , X thee , X by them , X themselves , X thine own , X thou , through , X throwing , + thumb , times , X to , X under , X us , X wait on , [way-] side , where , + wide , X with (him , me , you) , work , + yield , X yourselves ~~8548
04437 ## malkuw (Aramaic) {mal-koo'} ; corresponding to 04438 ; dominion (abstractly or concretely) :-- kingdom , kingly , realm , reign . ~~9958
04438 ## malkuwth {mal-kooth'} ; or malkuth {mal-kooth'} ; or (in plural) malkuyah {mal-koo-yah'} ; from 04427 ; a rule ; concretely , a dominion :-- empire , kingdom , realm , reign , royal . ~~9958
04467 ## mamlakah {mam-law-kaw'} ; from 04427 ; dominion , i . e . (abstractly) the estate (rule) or (concretely) the country (realm) :-- kingdom , king's , reign , royal . ~~9988
04474 ## mimshal {mim-shawl'} ; from 04910 ; a ruler or (abstractly) rule :-- dominion , that ruled . ~~9994
04475 ## memshalah {mem-shaw-law'} ; feminine of 04474 ; rule ; also (concretely in plural) a realm or a ruler :-- dominion , government , power , to rule . ~~9996
04761 ## mar'ashah {mar-aw-shaw'} ; denominative from 07218 ; properly , headship , i . e . (plural for collective) dominion :-- principality . ~~10282
04896 ## mishtar {mish-tawr'} ; from 07860 ; jurisdiction :-- dominion . ~~10416
04910 ## mashal {maw-shal'} ; a primitive root ; to rule :-- (have , make to have) dominion , governor , X indeed , reign , (bear , cause to , have) rule (- ing ,-r) , have power . ~~10430
04915 ## moshel {mo'- shel} ; (1) from 04910 ; empire ; (2) from 04911 ; a parallel :-- dominion , like . ~~10436
07287 ## radah {raw-daw'} ; a primitive root ; to tread down , i . e . subjugate ; specifically , to crumble off :-- (come to , make to) have dominion , prevail against , reign , (bear , make to) rule , (- r , over) , take . ~~12808
07300 ## ruwd {rood} ; a primitive root ; to tramp about , i . e . ramble (free or disconsolate) :-- have the dominion , be lord , mourn , rule . ~~12820
07980 ## shalat {shaw-lat'} ; a primitive root ; to dominate , i . e . govern ; by implication , to permit :-- (bear , have) rule , have dominion , give (have) power . ~~13502
07985 ## sholtan (Aramaic) {shol-tawn'} ; from 07981 ; empire (abstractly or concretely) :-- dominion . ~~13506
08323 ## sarar {saw-rar'} ; a primitive root ; to have (transitively , exercise ; reflexively , get) dominion :-- X altogether , make self a prince , (bear) rule . ~~13844
01824 ## d@miy {dem-ee'} ; or domiy {dom-ee'} ; from 01820 ; quiet :-- cutting off , rest , silence . ~~7344
1896 - epeidon {ep-i'-don}; and other moods and persons of the same tense; from 1909 and 1492; to regard (favorably or otherwise): -- behold, look upon. 1896
2237 - hedone {hay-don-ay'}; from handano (to please); sensual delight; by implication, desire: -- lust, pleasure. 2236
4500 - rhoizedon {hroyd-zay-don'}; adverb from a derivative of rhoizos (a whir); whizzingly, i.e. with a crash: -- with a great noise. 4398
4557 - sardonux {sar-don'-oox}; from the base of 4556 and onux (the nail of a finger; hence the "onyx" stone); a "sardonyx", i.e. the gem so called: -- sardonyx. 4454
5369 - philedonos {fil-ay'-don-os}; from 5384 and 2237; fond of pleasure, i.e. voluptuous: -- lover of pleasure. 5266
06574 ## parsh@don {par-shed-one'} ; perhaps by compounding 06567 and 06504 (in the sense of straddling) [compare 06576 ] ; the crotch (or anus) :-- dirt . ~~12094