1601 - ekpipto {ek-pip'-to}; from 1537 and 4098; to drop away; specially, be driven out of one's course; figuratively, to lose, become inefficient: -- be cast, fail, fall (away, off), take none effect. 1600
5342 - phero {fer'-o}; a primary verb (for which other and apparently not cognate ones are used in certain tenses only; namely, oio {oy'-o}; and enegko {en-eng'-ko); to "bear" or carry (in a very wide application, literally and figuratively, as follows): -- be, bear, bring (forth), carry, come, + let her drive, be driven, endure, go on, lay, lead, move, reach, rushing, uphold. 5240
04054 ## migrash {mig-rawsh'} ; also (in plural) feminine (Ezek . 27 : 28) migrashah {mig-raw-shaw'} ; from 01644 ; a suburb (i . e . open country whither flocks are driven from pasture) ; hence , the area around a building , or the margin of the sea :-- cast out , suburb . ~~9574
04057 ## midbar {mid-bawr'} ; from 01696 in the sense of driving ; a pasture (i . e . open field , whither cattle are driven) ; by implication , a desert ; also speech (including its organs) :-- desert , south , speech , wilderness . ~~9578
1396 - doulagogeo {doo-lag-ogue-eh'-o}; from a presumed compound of 1401 and 0071; to be a slave-driver, i.e. to enslave (figuratively, subdue): -- bring into subjection. 1396
01582 ## G@malliy {ghem-al-lee'} ; probably from 01581 ; camel-driver ; Gemalli , an Israelite :-- Gemalli . ~~7102
05065 ## nagas {naw-gas'} ; a primitive root ; to drive (an animal , a workman , a debtor , an army) ; by implication , to tax , harass , tyrannize :-- distress , driver , exact (- or) , oppress (- or) , X raiser of taxes , taskmaster . ~~10586
06571 ## parash {paw-rawsh'} ; from 06567 ; a steed (as stretched out to a vehicle , not single nor for mounting [compare 05483 ]) ; also (by implication) a driver (in a chariot) , i . e . (collectively) cavalry :-- horseman . ~~12092
07395 ## rakkab {rak-kawb'} ; from 07392 ; a charioteer :-- chariot man , driver of a chariot , horseman . ~~12916
01702 ## dob@rah {do-ber-aw'} ; feminine active participle of 01696 in the sense of driving [compare 01699 ] ; a raft :-- float . ~~7222
03423 ## yarash {yaw-rash'} ; or yaresh {yaw-raysh'} ; a primitive root ; to occupy (by driving out previous tenants , and possessing in their place) ; by implication , to seize , to rob , to inherit ; also to expel , to impoverish , to ruin :-- cast out , consume , destroy , disinherit , dispossess , drive (- ing) out , enjoy , expel , X without fail , (give to , leave for) inherit (- ance ,-- or) + magistrate , be (make) poor , come to poverty , (give to , make to) possess , get (have) in (take) possession , seize upon , succeed , X utterly . ~~8944
04057 ## midbar {mid-bawr'} ; from 01696 in the sense of driving ; a pasture (i . e . open field , whither cattle are driven) ; by implication , a desert ; also speech (including its organs) :-- desert , south , speech , wilderness . ~~9578
04491 ## minhag {min-hawg'} ; from 05090 ; the driving (of a chariot) :-- driving . ~~10012
04491 ## minhag {min-hawg'} ; from 05090 ; the driving (of a chariot) :-- driving . ~~10012
06999 ## qatar {kaw-tar'} ; a primitive root [identical with 07000 through the idea of fumigation in a close place and perhaps thus driving out the occupants ] ; to smoke , i . e . turn into fragrance by fire (especially as an act of worship) :-- burn (incense , sacrifice) (upon) , (altar for) incense , kindle , offer (incense , a sacrifice) . ~~12520
5203 - hudropikos {hoo-dro-pik-os'}; from a compound of 5204 and a derivative of 3700 (as if looking watery); to be "dropsical": -- have the dropsy. 5100
0409 - androphonos {an-drof-on'-os}; from 0435 and 5408; a murderer: -- manslayer. 408
1408 - dromos {drom'-os}; from the alternate of 5143; a race, i.e. (figuratively) career: -- course. 1408
2113 - euthudromeo {yoo-thoo-drom-eh'-o}; from 2117 and 1408; to lay a straight course, i.e. sail direct: -- (come) with a straight course. 2112
4890 - sundrome {soon-drom-ay'}; from (the alternate of) 4936; a running together, i.e. (riotous) concourse: -- run together. 4788
01070 ## beker {beh'- ker} ; from 01069 (in the sense of youth) ; a young camel :-- dromedary . ~~6590
01072 ## bikrah {bik-raw'} ; feminine of 01070 ; a young she-camel :-- dromedary . ~~6592
03753 ## karkarah {kar-kaw-raw'} ; from 03769 ; a dromedary (from its rapid motion as if dancing) :-- swift beast . ~~9274
07409 ## rekesh {reh'- kesh} ; from 07408 ; a relay of animals on a post-route (as stored up for that purpose) ; by implication , a courser :-- dromedary , mule , swift beast . ~~12930
07424 ## rammak {ram-mawk'} ; of foreign origin ; a brood mare :-- dromedary . ~~12944
1408 - dromos {drom'-os}; from the alternate of 5143; a race, i.e. (figuratively) career: -- course. 1408
0408 - Andronikos {an-dron'-ee-kos}; from 0435 and 3534; man of victory; Andronicos, an Israelite: -- Adronicus. 408
1186 - dendron {den'-dron}; probably from drus (an oak); a tree: -- tree. 1186
1409 - Drousilla {droo'-sil-lah}; a feminine diminutive of Drusus (a Roman name); Drusilla, a member of the Herodian family: -- Drusilla. ***. dumi. See 1416. 1408
00535 ## 'amal {aw-mal'} ; a primitive root ; to droop ; by implication to be sick , to mourn :-- languish , be weak , wax feeble . ~~6056
06201 ## ` araph {aw-raf'} ; a primitive root ; to droop ; hence , to drip :-- drop (down) . ~~11722
0879 - aphupnoo {af-oop-no'-o}; from a compound of 0575 and 5258; properly, to become awake, i.e. (by implication) to drop (off) in slumber: -- fall asleep. 878
1601 - ekpipto {ek-pip'-to}; from 1537 and 4098; to drop away; specially, be driven out of one's course; figuratively, to lose, become inefficient: -- be cast, fail, fall (away, off), take none effect. 1600
2361 - thrombos {throm'-bos}; perhaps from 5142 (in the sense of thickening); a clot: -- great drop. 2360
5202 - hudropoteo {hoo-drop-ot-eh'-o}; from a compound of 5204 and a derivative of 4095; to be a water-drinker, i.e. to abstain from vinous beverages: -- drink water. 5100
00096 ## 'egel {eh'- ghel} ; from an unused root (meaning to flow down or together as drops) ; a reservoir :-- drop . ~~5616
01811 ## dalaph {daw-laf'} ; a primitive root ; to drip ; by implication , to weep :-- drop through , melt , pour out . ~~7332
03363 ## yaqa` {yaw-kah'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to sever oneself , i . e . (by implication) to be dislocated ; figuratively , to abandon ; causatively , to impale (and thus allow to drop to pieces by rotting) :-- be alienated , depart , hang (up) , be out of joint ~~8884
04752 ## mar {mar} ; from 04843 in its original sense of distillation ; a drop :-- drop . ~~10272
04752 ## mar {mar} ; from 04843 in its original sense of distillation ; a drop :-- drop . ~~10272
05140 ## nazal {naw-zal'} ; a primitive root ; to drip , or shed by trickling :-- distil , drop , flood , (cause to) flow (- ing) , gush out , melt , pour (down) , running water , stream . ~~10660
05197 ## nataph {naw-taf'} ; a primitive root ; to ooze , i . e . distil gradually ; by implication , to fall in drops ; figuratively , to speak by inspiration :-- drop (- ping) , prophesy (- et) . ~~10718
05198 ## nataph {naw-tawf'} ; from 05197 ; a drop ; specifically , an aromatic gum (probably stacte) :-- drop , stacte . ~~10718
05198 ## nataph {naw-tawf'} ; from 05197 ; a drop ; specifically , an aromatic gum (probably stacte) :-- drop , stacte . ~~10718
05394 ## nashal {naw-shal'} ; a primitive root ; to pluck off , i . e . divest , eject or drop :-- cast (out) , drive , loose , put off (out) , slip . ~~10914
05413 ## nathak {naw-thak'} ; a primitive root ; to flow forth (literally or figuratively) ; by implication , to liquify :-- drop , gather (together) , melt , pour (forth , out) . ~~10934
06201 ## ` araph {aw-raf'} ; a primitive root ; to droop ; hence , to drip :-- drop (down) . ~~11722
07447 ## raciyc {raw-sees'} ; from 07450 ; properly , dripping to pieces , i . e . a ruin ; also a dew-drop :-- breach , drop . ~~12968
07447 ## raciyc {raw-sees'} ; from 07450 ; properly , dripping to pieces , i . e . a ruin ; also a dew-drop :-- breach , drop . ~~12968
07491 ## ra` aph {raw-af'} ; a primitive root ; to drip :-- distil , drop (down) . ~~13012
07997 ## shalal {shaw-lal'} ; a primitive root ; to drop or strip ; by implication , to plunder :-- let fall , make self a prey , X of purpose , (make a , [take ]) spoil . ~~13518
01982 ## helek {hay'- lek} ; from 01980 ; properly , a journey , i . e . (by implication) a wayfarer ; also a flowing :-- X dropped , traveller . ~~7502
01812 ## deleph {deh'- lef} ; from 01811 ; a dripping :-- dropping . ~~ 7332
02153 ## Zilpah {zil-paw} : from an unused root apparently meaning to trickle , as myrrh ; fragrant dropping ; Zilpah , Leah's maid :-- Zilpah . ~~7674
02955 ## Taphath {taw-fath'} ; probably from 05197 ; a dropping (of ointment) ; Taphath , an Israelitess :-- Taphath . ~~8476
06183 ## ` ariyph {aw-reef'} ; from 06201 ; the sky (as dropping at the horizon) :-- heaven . ~~11704
06329 ## puwq {pook} ; a primitive root [identical with 06328 through the idea of dropping out ; compare 05312 ] ; to issue , i . e . furnish ; causatively , to secure ; figuratively , to succeed :-- afford , draw out , further , get , obtain . ~~11850
00096 ## 'egel {eh'- ghel} ; from an unused root (meaning to flow down or together as drops) ; a reservoir :-- drop . ~~5616
00658 ## 'Ephec Dammiym {eh'- fes dam-meem'} ; from 00657 and the plural of 01818 ; boundary of blood-drops ; Ephes-Dammim , a place in Palestine :-- Ephes-dammim . ~~6178
01818 ## dam {dawm} ; from 01826 (compare 00119) ; blood (as that which when shed causes death) of man or an animal ; by analogy , the juice of the grape ; figuratively (especially in the plural) bloodshed (i . e . drops of blood) :-- blood (- y ,-- guiltiness , [-thirsty ] , + innocent . ~~7338
04753 ## more {mor} ; or mowr {more} ; from 04843 ; myrrh (as distilling in drops , and also as bitter) :-- myrrh . ~~10274
05197 ## nataph {naw-taf'} ; a primitive root ; to ooze , i . e . distil gradually ; by implication , to fall in drops ; figuratively , to speak by inspiration :-- drop (- ping) , prophesy (- et) . ~~10718
07241 ## rabiyb {raw-beeb'} ; from 07231 ; a rain (as an accumulation of drops) :-- shower . ~~12762
07450 ## racac {raw-sas'} ; a primitive root ; to comminute ; used only as denominative from 07447 , to moisten (with drops) :-- temper . ~~12970
5203 - hudropikos {hoo-dro-pik-os'}; from a compound of 5204 and a derivative of 3700 (as if looking watery); to be "dropsical": -- have the dropsy. 5100
5203 - hudropikos {hoo-dro-pik-os'}; from a compound of 5204 and a derivative of 3700 (as if looking watery); to be "dropsical": -- have the dropsy. 5100
0223 - Alexandros {al-ex'-an-dros}; from the same as (the first part of) 0220 and 0435; man-defender; Alexander, the name of three Israelites and one other man: -- Alexander. 222
0504 - anudros {an'-oo-dros}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 5204; waterless, i.e. dry: -- dry, without water. 504
5220 - hupandros {hoop'-an-dros}; from 5259 and 0435; in subjection under a man, i.e. a married woman: -- which hath an husband. 5118
5362 - philandros {fil'-an-dros}; from 5384 and 0435; fond of man, i.e. affectionate as a wife: -- love their husbands. 5260
05509 ## ciyg {seeg} ; or cuwg (Ezek . 22 : 18) {soog} ; from 05472 in the sense of refuse ; scoria :-- dross . ~~11030
01226 ## batstsoreth {bats-tso'- reth} ; feminine intensive from 01219 ; restraint (of rain) , i . e . drought :-- dearth , drought . ~~6746
01226 ## batstsoreth {bats-tso'- reth} ; feminine intensive from 01219 ; restraint (of rain) , i . e . drought :-- dearth , drought . ~~6746
02717 ## charab {khaw-rab'} ; or chareb {khaw-rabe'} ; a primitive root ; to parch (through drought) i . e . (by analogy ,) to desolate , destroy , kill :-- decay , (be) desolate , destroy (- er) , (be) dry (up) , slay , X surely , (lay , lie , make) waste . ~~8238
02719 ## chereb {kheh'- reb} ; from 02717 ; drought ; also a cutting instrument (from its destructive effect) , as a knife , sword , or other sharp implement :-- axe , dagger , knife , mattock , sword , tool . ~~8240
02721 ## choreb {kho'- reb} ; a collaterally form of 02719 ; drought or desolation :-- desolation , drought , dry , heat , X utterly , waste . ~~8242
02721 ## choreb {kho'- reb} ; a collaterally form of 02719 ; drought or desolation :-- desolation , drought , dry , heat , X utterly , waste . ~~8242
02723 ## chorbah {khor-baw'} ; feminine of 02721 ; properly , drought , i . e . (by implication) a desolation :-- decayed place , desolate (place ,-- tion) , destruction , (laid) waste (place) . ~~8244
02725 ## charabown {khar-aw-bone'} ; from 02717 ; parching heat :-- drought . ~~8246
03420 ## yeraqown {yay-raw-kone'} ; from 03418 ; paleness , whether of persons (from fright) , or of plants (from drought) :-- greenish , yellow . ~~8940
05045 ## negeb {neh'- gheb} ; from an unused root meaning to be parched ; the south (from its drought) ; specifically , the Negeb or southern district of Judah , occasionally , Egypt (as south to Palestine) :-- south (country , side ,-ward) . ~~10566
06710 ## tsachtsachah {tsakh-tsaw-khaw'} ; from 06705 ; a dry place , i . e . desert :-- drought . ~~12230
06723 ## tsiyah {tsee-yaw'} ; from an unused root meaning to parch ; aridity ; concretely , a desert :-- barren , drought , dry (land , place) , solitary place , wilderness . ~~12244
06727 ## Tsiycha'{tsee-khaw'} ; or Tsicha'{tsee-khaw'} ; as if feminine of 06704 ; drought ; Tsicha , the name of two Nethinim :-- Ziha . ~~12248
06774 ## tsimma'own {tsim-maw-one'} ; from 06771 ; a thirsty place , i . e . desert :-- drought , dry ground , thirsty land . ~~12294
07197 ## qashash {kaw-shash'} ; a primitive root ; to become sapless through drought ; used only as denominative from 07179 ; to forage for straw , stubble or wood ; figuratively , to assemble :-- gather (selves) (together) . ~~12718
08514 ## tal'uwbah {tal-oo-baw'} ; from 03851 ; desiccation :-- great drought . ~~14036