4710 - spoude {spoo-day'}; from 4692; "speed", i.e. (by implication) despatch, eagerness, earnestness: -- business, (earnest) care(-fulness), diligence, forwardness, haste. 4608
07836 ## shachar {shaw-khar'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to dawn , i . e . (figuratively) be (up) early at any task (with the implication of earnestness) ; by extension , to search for (with painstaking) :-- [do something ] betimes , enquire early , rise (seek) betimes , seek diligently) early , in the morning) . ~~13358
03022 ## yaga` {yaw-gaw'} ; from 03021 ; earnings (as the product of toil) ;-- that which he laboured for . ~~8542
03908 ## lachash {lakh'- ash} ; from 03907 ; properly , a whisper , i . e . by implication , (in a good sense) a private prayer , (in a bad one) an incantation ; concretely , an amulet :-- charmed , earring , enchantment , orator , prayer . ~~9428
05141 ## nexem {neh'- zem} ; from an unused root of uncertain meaning ; a nose-ring :-- earring , jewel . ~~10662
05694 ## ` agiyl {aw-gheel'} ; from the same as 05696 ; something round , i . e . a ring (for the ears) :-- earring . ~~11214
0191 - akouo {ak-oo'-o}; a primary verb; to hear (in various senses): -- give (in the) audience (of), come (to the ears), ( [shall]) hear(-er, -ken), be noised, be reported, understand. 190
2727 - katecheo {kat-ay-kheh'-o}; from 2596 and 2279; to sound down into the ears, i.e. (by implication) to indoctrinate ("catechize") or (genitive case) to apprise of: -- inform, instruct, teach. 2726
4912 - sunecho {soon-ekh'-o}; from 4862 and 2192; to hold together, i.e. to compress (the ears, with a crowd or siege) or arrest (a prisoner); figuratively, to compel, perplex, afflict, preoccupy: -- constrain, hold, keep in, press, lie sick of, stop, be in a strait, straiten, be taken with, throng. 4810
5621 - otion {o-tee'-on}; diminutive of 3775; an earlet, i.e. one of the ears, or perhaps the lobe of the ear: -- ear. 5518
00024 ## 'abiyb {aw-beeb'} ; from an unused root (meaning to be tender) ; green , i . e . a young ear of grain ; hence , the name of the month Abib or Nisan :-- Abib , ear , green ears of corn (not maize) . ~~5544
00239 ## 'azan {aw-zan'} ; a primitive root [rather identical with 00238 through the idea of scales as if two ears ] ; to weigh , i . e . (figuratively) ponder :-- give good head . ~~5760
00244 ## 'Ozniy {oz-nee'} ; from 00241 ; having (quick) ears ; Ozni , an Israelite ; also an Oznite (collectively) , his descendant :-- Ozni , Oznites . ~~5764
00331 ## 'atam {aw-tam'} ; a primitive root ; to close (the lips or ears) ; by analology to contract (a window by bevelled jambs) :-- narrow , shut , stop . ~~5852
03759 ## karmel {kar-mel'} ; from 03754 ; a planted field (garden , orchard , vineyard or park) ; by implication , garden produce :-- full (green) ears (of corn) , fruitful field (place) , plentiful (field) . ~~9280
05188 ## n@tiyphah {net-ee-faw'} ; from 05197 ; a pendant for the ears (especially of pearls) :-- chain , collar . ~~10708
05694 ## ` agiyl {aw-gheel'} ; from the same as 05696 ; something round , i . e . a ring (for the ears) :-- earring . ~~11214
06750 ## tsalal {tsaw-lal'} ; a primitive root [identical with 06749 through the idea of vibration ] ; to tinkle , i . e . rattle together (as the ears in reddening with shame , or the teeth in chattering with fear) :-- quiver , tingle . ~~12270
07039 ## qaliy {kaw-lee'} ; or qaliy'{kaw-lee'} ; from 07033 ; roasted ears of grain :-- parched corn . ~~12560
07181 ## qashab {kaw-shab'} ; a primitive root ; to prick up the ears , i . e . hearken :-- attend , (cause to) hear (- ken) , give heed , incline , mark (well) , regard . ~~12702
07321 ## ruwa` {roo-ah'} ; a primitive root ; to mar (especially by breaking) ; figuratively , to split the ears (with sound) , i . e . shout (for alarm or joy) :-- blow an alarm , cry (alarm , aloud , out) , destroy , make a joyful noise , smart , shout (for joy) , sound an alarm , triumph . ~~12842
0417 - anemos {an'-em-os}; from the base of 0109; wind; (plural) by implication (the four) quarters (of the earth): -- wind. 416
1093 - ge {ghay}; contracted from a primary word; soil; by extension a region, or the solid part or the whole of the terrene globe (including the occupants in each application): -- country, earth(-ly), ground, land, world. 1092
1577 - ekklesia {ek-klay-see'-ah}; from a compound of 1537 and a derivative of 2564; a calling out, i.e. (concretely) a popular meeting, especially a religious congregation (Jewish synagogue, or Christian community of members on earth or saints in heaven or both): -- assembly, church. 1576
1919 - epigeios {ep-ig'-i-os}; from 1909 and 1093; worldly (physically or morally): -- earthly, in earth, terrestrial. 1918
2709 - katachthonios {kat-akh-thon'-ee-os}; from 2596 and chthon (the ground); subterranean, i.e. infernal (belonging to the world of departed spirits): -- under the earth. 2708
3584 - xeros {xay-ros'}; from the base of 3582 (through the idea of scorching); arid; by implication shrunken, earth (as opposed to water): -- dry land, withered. 3482
3625 - oikoumene {oy-kou-men'-ay}; feminine participle present passive of 3611 (as noun, by implication of 1093); land, i.e. the (terrene part of the) globe; specifically, the Roman empire: -- earth, world. 3524
3749 - ostrakinos {os-tra'-kin-os}; from ostrakon ["oyster"] (a tile, i.e. terra cotta); earthen-ware, i.e. clayey; by implication, frail: -- of earth, earthen. 3646
4663 - skolex {sko'-lakes}; of uncertain derivation; a grub, maggot or earth-worm: -- worm. 4560
4750 - stoma {stom'-a}; probably strengthened from a presumed derivative of the base of 5114; the mouth (as if a gash in the face); by implication, language (and its relations); figuratively, an opening (in the earth); specifically, the front or edge (of a weapon): -- edge, face, mouth. 4648
5088 - tikto {tik'-to}; a strengthened form of a primary teko {tek'-o} (which is used only as alternate in certain tenses); to produce (from seed, as a mother, a plant, the earth, etc.), literally or figuratively: -- bear, be born, bring forth, be delivered, be in travail. 4986
5452 - phuteuo {foot-yoo'-o}; from a derivative of 5453; to set out in the earth, i.e. implant; figuratively, to instil doctrine: -- plant. 5350
00127 ## 'adamah {ad-aw-maw'} ; from 00119 ; soil (from its general redness) :-- country , earth , ground , husband [-man ] (- ry) , land . ~~5648
00657 ## 'ephec {eh'- fes} ; from 00656 ; cessation , i . e . an end (especially of the earth) ; often used adverb , no further ; also (like 06466) the ankle (in the dual) , as being the extremity of the leg or foot :-- ankle , but (only) , end , howbeit , less than nothing , nevertheless (where) , no , none (beside) , not (any ,-withstanding) , thing of nought , save (- ing) , there , uttermost part , want , without (cause) . ~~6178
00772 ## 'ara` (Aramaic) {ar-ah'} ; corresponding to 00776 ; the earth ; by implication (figuratively) low :-- earth , interior . ~~6292
00772 ## 'ara` (Aramaic) {ar-ah'} ; corresponding to 00776 ; the earth ; by implication (figuratively) low :-- earth , interior . ~~6292
00776 ## 'erets {eh'- rets} ; from an unused root probably meaning to be firm ; the earth (at large , or partitively a land) :-- X common , country , earth , field , ground , land , X natins , way , + wilderness , world . ~~6296
00776 ## 'erets {eh'- rets} ; from an unused root probably meaning to be firm ; the earth (at large , or partitively a land) :-- X common , country , earth , field , ground , land , X natins , way , + wilderness , world . ~~6296
00778 ## 'araq (Aramaic) {ar-ak'} ; by transmutation for 00772 ; the earth :-- earth . ~~6298
00778 ## 'araq (Aramaic) {ar-ak'} ; by transmutation for 00772 ; the earth :-- earth . ~~6298
00944 ## buwl {bool} ; for 02981 ; produce (of the earth , etc .) :-- food , stock . ~~6464
01487 ## guwsh {goosh} ; or rather (by permutation) giysh {gheesh} ; of uncertain derivation ; a mass of earth :-- clod . ~~7008
02337 ## chavach {khaw-vawkh'} ; perhaps the same as 02336 ; a dell or crevice (as if pierced in the earth) :-- thicket . ~~7858
02563 ## chomer {kho'mer} ; from 02560 ; properly , a bubbling up , i . e . of water , a wave ; of earth , mire or clay (cement) ; also a heap ; hence , a chomer or dry measure :-- clay , heap , homer , mire , motion . ~~8084
02789 ## cheres {kheh'- res} ; a collateral form mediating between 02775 and 02791 ; a piece of pottery :-- earth (- en) , (pot-) sherd , + stone . ~~8310
03007 ## yabbesheth (Aramaic) {yab-beh'- sheth} ; corresponding to 03006 ; dry land :-- earth . ~~8528
03671 ## kanaph {kaw-nawf'} ; from 03670 ; an edge or extremity ; specifically (of a bird or army) a wing , (of a garment or bed-clothing) a flap , (of the earth) a quarter , (of a building) a pinnacle :-- + bird , border , corner , end , feather [-ed ] , X flying , + (one an-) other , overspreading , X quarters , skirt , X sort , uttermost part , wing ([-ed ]) . ~~9192
06083 ## ` aphar {aw-fawr'} ; from 06080 ; dust (as powdered or gray) ; hence , clay , earth , mud :-- ashes , dust , earth , ground , morter , powder , rubbish . ~~11604
06083 ## ` aphar {aw-fawr'} ; from 06080 ; dust (as powdered or gray) ; hence , clay , earth , mud :-- ashes , dust , earth , ground , morter , powder , rubbish . ~~11604
07493 ## ra` ash {raw-ash} ; a primitive root ; to undulate (as the earth , the sky , etc . ; also a field of grain) , partic . through fear ; specifically , to spring (as a locust) :-- make afraid , (re-) move , quake , (make to) shake , (make to) tremble . ~~13014
07554 ## raqa` {raw-kah'} ; a primitive root ; to pound the earth (as a sign of passion) ; by analogy to expand (by hammering) ; by implication , to overlay (with thin sheets of metal) :-- beat , make broad , spread abroad (forth , over , out , into plates) , stamp , stretch . ~~13074
08398 ## tebel {tay-bale'} ; from 02986 ; the earth (as moist and therefore inhabited) ; by extension , the globe ; by implication , its inhabitants ; specifically , a partic . land , as Babylonia , Palestine :-- habitable part , world . ~~13920
2764 - keramikos {ker-am-ik-os'}; from 2766; made of clay, i.e. earthen: -- of a potter. 2762
2823 - klibanos {klib'-an-os}; of uncertain derivation; an earthen pot used for baking in: -- oven. 2822
3749 - ostrakinos {os-tra'-kin-os}; from ostrakon ["oyster"] (a tile, i.e. terra cotta); earthen-ware, i.e. clayey; by implication, frail: -- of earth, earthen. 3646
3749 - ostrakinos {os-tra'-kin-os}; from ostrakon ["oyster"] (a tile, i.e. terra cotta); earthen-ware, i.e. clayey; by implication, frail: -- of earth, earthen. 3646
4713 - stamnos {stam'-nos}; from the base of 2476 (as stationary); a jar or earthen tank: -- pot. 4610
03335 ## yatsar {yaw-tsar'} ; probably identical with 03334 (through the squeezing into shape) ; ([compare 03331 ]) ; to mould into a form ; especially as a potter ; figuratively , to determine (i . e . form a resolution) :-- X earthen , fashion , form , frame , make (- r) , potter , purpose . ~~8856
06089 ## ` etseb {eh'- tseb} ; from 06087 ; an earthen vessel ; usually (painful) toil ; also a pang (whether of body or mind) :-- grievous , idol , labor , sorrow . ~~11610
2765 - keramion {ker-am'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of 2766; an earthenware vessel, i.e. jar: -- pitcher. 2764
2766 - keramos {ker'-am-os}; probably from the base of 2767 (through the idea of mixing clay and water); earthenware, i.e. a tile (by analogy, a thin roof or awning): -- tiling. 2764
03537 ## kad {kad} ; from an unused root meaning to deepen ; properly , a pail ; but generally of earthenware ; a jar for domestic purposes :-- barrel , pitcher . ~~9058
07025 ## Qiyr Cheres {keer kheh'- res} ; or (feminine of the latter word) Qiyr Chareseth {keer khar-eh'- seth} ; from 07023 and 02789 ; fortress of earthenware ; Kir-Cheres or Kir-Chareseth , a place in Moab :-- Kir-haraseth , Kir-hareseth , Kir-haresh , Kir-heres . ~~12546
00777 ## 'artsa'{ar-tsaw'} ; from 00776 ; earthiness ; Artsa , an Israelite :-- Arza . ~~6298
1919 - epigeios {ep-ig'-i-os}; from 1909 and 1093; worldly (physically or morally): -- earthly, in earth, terrestrial. 1918
4578 - seismos {sice-mos'}; from 4579; a commotion, i.e. (of the air) a gale, (of the ground) an earthquake: -- earthquake, tempest. 4476
4578 - seismos {sice-mos'}; from 4579; a commotion, i.e. (of the air) a gale, (of the ground) an earthquake: -- earthquake, tempest. 4476
04831 ## Mar` alah {mar-al-aw'} ; from 07477 ; perhaps , earthquake ; Maralah , a place in Palestine :-- Maralah . ~~10352
06389 ## Peleg {peh'- leg} ; the same as 06388 ; earthquake ; Peleg , a son of Shem :-- Peleg . ~~11910
06480 ## patsam {paw-tsam'} ; a primitive root ; to rend (by earthquake) :-- break . ~~12000
07494 ## ra` ash {rah'- ash} ; from 07493 ; vibration , bounding , uproar :-- commotion , confused noise , earthquake , fierceness , quaking , rattling , rushing , shaking . ~~13014