00382 ## 'Iysh-Towb {eesh-tobe'} ; from 00376 and 02897 ; man of Tob ; Ish-Tob , a place in Palestine :-- Ish-tob . ~~5902
02897 ## Towb {tobe} ; the same as 02896 ; good ; Tob , a region apparently East of the Jordan :-- Tob . ~~8418
00036 ## 'Abiytuwb {ab-ee-toob'} ; from 00001 and 02898 ; father of goodness (i . e . good) ; Abitub , an Israelite :-- Abitub . ~~5556
00285 ## 'Achiytuwb {akh-ee-toob'} ; from 00251 and 02898 ; brother of goodness ; Achitub , the name of several priests :-- Ahitub . ~~5806
02898 ## tuwb {toob} ; from 02895 ; good (as a noun) , in the widest sense , especially goodness (superlative concretely , the best) , beauty , gladness , welfare :-- fair , gladness , good (- ness , thing ,-- s) , joy , go well with . ~~8418
02899 ## Towb Adoniyahuw {tobe ado-nee-yah'- hoo} ; from 02896 and 00138 ; pleasing (to) Adonijah ; Tob-Adonijah , an Israelite :-- Tob-adonijah . ~~8420
02890 ## t@howr {teh-hore'} ; from 0289l ; purity :-- pureness . ~~ 8410
02892 ## tohar {to'- har} ; from 0289l ; literally brightness ; ceremonially purification :-- clearness , glory , purifying . ~~8412
0290 - ampelon {am-pel-ohn'}; from 0288; a vineyard: -- vineyard. 290
02900 ## Towbiyah {to-bee-yaw'} ; or Towbiyahuw {to-bee-yaw'- hoo} ; from 02896 and 03050 ; goodness of Jehovah ; Tobijah , the name of three Israelites and of one Samaritan :-- Tobiah , Tobijah . ~~8420
02901 ## tavah {taw-vaw'} ; a primitive root ; to spin :-- spin . ~~ 8422
02908 ## t@vath (Aramaic) {tev-awth'} ; from a root corresponding to 02901 ; hunger (as twisting) :-- fasting . ~~8428
04299 ## matveh {mat-veh'} ; from 02901 ; something spun :-- spun . ~~ 9820
02902 ## tuwach {too'- akh} ; a primitive root ; to smear , especially with lime :-- daub , overlay , plaister , smut . ~~8422
02910 ## tuwchah {too-khaw'} ; from 02909 (or 02902) in the sense of overlaying ; (in the plural only) the kidneys (as being covered) ; hence (figuratively) the inmost thought :-- inward parts . ~~8430
02915 ## tiyach {tee'akh} ; from (the equiv . of) 02902 ; mortar or plaster :-- daubing . ~~8436
02903 ## towphaphah {to-faw-faw'} ; from an unusued root meaning to go around or bind ; a fillet for the forehead :-- frontlet . ~~8424
02904 ## tuwl {tool} ; a primitive root ; to pitch over or reel ; hence (transitively) to cast down or out :-- carry away , (utterly) cast (down , forth , out) , send out . ~~8424
02925 ## taltelah {tal-tay-law'} ; from 02904 ; overthrow or rejection :-- captivity . ~~8446
04300 ## m@tiyl {met-eel'} ; from 02904 in the sense of hammering out ; an iron bar (as forged) :-- bar . ~~9820
02905 ## tuwr {toor} ; from an unused root meaning to range in a regular manner ; a row ; hence , a wall :-- row . ~~8426
02918 ## tiyrah {tee-raw'} ; feminine of (an equivalent to) 02905 ; a wall ; hence , a fortress or a hamlet :-- (goodly) castle , habitation , palace , row . ~~8438
03195 ## Y@tuwr {yet-oor'} ; probably from the same as 02905 ; encircled (i . e . inclosed) ; Jetur , a son of Ishmael :-- Jetur . ~~8716
02906 ## tuwr (Aramaic) {toor} ; corresponding to 06697 ; a rock or hill :-- mountain . ~~8426
02907 ## tuws {toos} ; a primitive root ; to pounce as a bird of prey :-- haste . ~~8428
02908 ## t@vath (Aramaic) {tev-awth'} ; from a root corresponding to 02901 ; hunger (as twisting) :-- fasting . ~~8428
02909 ## tachah {taw-khaw'} ; a primitive root ; to stretch a bow , as an archer :-- [bow-] shot . ~~8430
02910 ## tuwchah {too-khaw'} ; from 02909 (or 02902) in the sense of overlaying ; (in the plural only) the kidneys (as being covered) ; hence (figuratively) the inmost thought :-- inward parts . ~~8430
0291 - Amplias {am-plee'-as}; contracted for Latin ampliatus [enlarged]; Amplias, a Roman Christian: -- Amplias. 290
02910 ## tuwchah {too-khaw'} ; from 02909 (or 02902) in the sense of overlaying ; (in the plural only) the kidneys (as being covered) ; hence (figuratively) the inmost thought :-- inward parts . ~~8430
02911 ## t@chown {tekh-one'} ; from 02912 ; a hand mill ; hence , a millstone :-- to grind . ~~8432
02911 ## t@chown {tekh-one'} ; from 02912 ; a hand mill ; hence , a millstone :-- to grind . ~~8432
02912 ## tachan {taw-khan'} ; a primitive root ; to grind meal ; hence , to be a concubine (that being their employment) :-- grind (- er) . ~~8432
02913 ## tachanah {takh-an-aw'} ; from 02912 ; a hand mill ; hence (figuratively) chewing :-- grinding . ~~8434
02913 ## tachanah {takh-an-aw'} ; from 02912 ; a hand mill ; hence (figuratively) chewing :-- grinding . ~~8434
02914 ## t@chor {tekh-ore'} ; from an unused root meaning to burn ; a boil or ulcer (from the inflammation) , especially a tumor in the anus or pudenda (the piles) :-- emerod . ~~8434
02915 ## tiyach {tee'akh} ; from (the equiv . of) 02902 ; mortar or plaster :-- daubing . ~~8436
02916 ## tiyt {teet} ; from an unused root meaning apparently to be sticky [rath perb . a demon . from 02894 , through the idea of dirt to be swept away ] ; mud or clay ; figuratively , calamity :-- clay , dirt , mire . ~~8436
02917 ## tiyn (Aramaic) {teen} ; perhaps , by interchange , for a word corresponding to 02916 ; clay :-- miry . ~~8438
04292 ## mat'ate'{mat-at-ay'} ; apparently a denominative from 02916 ; a broom (as removing dirt [compare Engl . " to dust " , i . e . remove dust ]) :-- besom . ~~9812
02917 ## tiyn (Aramaic) {teen} ; perhaps , by interchange , for a word corresponding to 02916 ; clay :-- miry . ~~8438
02918 ## tiyrah {tee-raw'} ; feminine of (an equivalent to) 02905 ; a wall ; hence , a fortress or a hamlet :-- (goodly) castle , habitation , palace , row . ~~8438
00037 ## 'Abiytal {ab-ee-tal'} ; from 00001 and 02919 ; father of dew (i . e . fresh) ; Abital , a wife of King David :-- Abital . ~~5558
02537 ## Chamuwtal {kham-oo-tal'} ; or Chamiytal {kham-ee-tal'} ; from 02524 and 02919 ; father-in-law of dew ; Chamutal or Chamital , an Israelitess :-- Hamutal . ~~8058
02919 ## tal {tal} ; from 02926 ; dew (as covering vegetation) :-- dew . ~~8440
02920 ## tal (Aramaic) {tal} ; the same as 02919 :-- dew . ~~ 8440
0292 - amunomai {am-oo'-nom-ahee}; middle voice of a primary verb; to ward off (for oneself), i.e. protect: -- defend. 292
02920 ## tal (Aramaic) {tal} ; the same as 02919 :-- dew . ~~ 8440
02921 ## tala'{taw-law'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to cover with pieces ; i . e . (by implication) to spot or variegate (as tapestry) :-- clouted , with divers colours , spotted . ~~8442
02922 ## t@la'{tel-aw'} ; apparently from 02921 in the (orig .) sense of covering (for protection) ; a lamb [compare 02924 ] :-- lamb . ~~8442
02922 ## t@la'{tel-aw'} ; apparently from 02921 in the (orig .) sense of covering (for protection) ; a lamb [compare 02924 ] :-- lamb . ~~8442
02923 ## T@la'iym {tel-aw-eem'} ; from the plural of 02922 ; lambs ; Telaim , a place in Palestine :-- Telaim . ~~8444
02924 ## taleh {taw-leh'} ; by variation for 02922 ; a lamb :-- lamb . ~~ 8444
02923 ## T@la'iym {tel-aw-eem'} ; from the plural of 02922 ; lambs ; Telaim , a place in Palestine :-- Telaim . ~~8444
02922 ## t@la'{tel-aw'} ; apparently from 02921 in the (orig .) sense of covering (for protection) ; a lamb [compare 02924 ] :-- lamb . ~~8442
02924 ## taleh {taw-leh'} ; by variation for 02922 ; a lamb :-- lamb . ~~ 8444
02925 ## taltelah {tal-tay-law'} ; from 02904 ; overthrow or rejection :-- captivity . ~~8446
02919 ## tal {tal} ; from 02926 ; dew (as covering vegetation) :-- dew . ~~8440
02926 ## talal {taw-lal'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to strew over , i . e . (by implication) to cover in or plate (with beams) :-- cover . ~~8446
02927 ## t@lal (Aramaic) {tel-al'} ; corresponding to 02926 ; to cover with shade :-- have a shadow . ~~8448
02927 ## t@lal (Aramaic) {tel-al'} ; corresponding to 02926 ; to cover with shade :-- have a shadow . ~~8448
02928 ## Telem {teh'- lem} ; from an unused root meaning to break up or treat violently ; oppression ; Telem , the name of a place in Idumaea , also of a temple doorkeeper :-- Telem . ~~8448
02929 ## Talmown {tal-mone'} ; from the same as 02728 ; oppressive ; Talmon , a temple doorkeeper :-- Talmon . ~~8450
0293 - amphiblestron {am-fib'-lace-tron}; from a compound of the base of 0297 and 0906; a (fishing) net (as thrown about the fish): -- net. 292
02930 ## tame'{taw-may'} ; a primitive root ; to be foul , especially in a ceremial or moral sense (contaminated) :-- defile (self) , pollute (self) , be (make , make self , pronounce) unclean , X utterly . ~~8450
02931 ## tame'{taw-may'} ; from 02930 ; foul in a relig . sense :-- defiled , + infamous , polluted (- tion) , unclean . ~~8452
02932 ## tum'ah {toom-aw'} ; from 02930 ; religious impurity :-- filthiness , unclean (- ness) . ~~8452
02933 ## tamah {taw-maw'} ; a collateral form of 02930 ; to be impure in a religious sense :-- be defiled , be reputed vile . ~~8454
02931 ## tame'{taw-may'} ; from 02930 ; foul in a relig . sense :-- defiled , + infamous , polluted (- tion) , unclean . ~~8452
02932 ## tum'ah {toom-aw'} ; from 02930 ; religious impurity :-- filthiness , unclean (- ness) . ~~8452
02933 ## tamah {taw-maw'} ; a collateral form of 02930 ; to be impure in a religious sense :-- be defiled , be reputed vile . ~~8454
02934 ## taman {taw-man'} ; a primitive root ; to hide (by covering over) :-- hide , lay privily , in secret . ~~8454
04301 ## matmown {mat-mone'} ; or matmon {mat-mone'} ; or matmun {mat-moon'} ; from 02934 ; a secret storehouse ; hence , a secreted valuable (buried) ; generally money :-- hidden riches , (hid) treasure (- s) . ~~9822
02935 ## tene'{teh'- neh} ; from an unused root probably meaning to weave ; a basket (of interlaced osiers) :-- basket . ~~8456
02936 ## tanaph {taw-naf'} ; a primitive root ; to soil :-- defile . ~~ 8456
02937 ## ta` ah {taw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; to wander ; , causatively to lead astray :-- seduce . ~~8458
02938 ## ta` am {taw-am'} ; a primitive root ; to taste ; figuratively , to perceive :-- X but , perceive , taste . ~~8458
02939 ## t@` am (Aramaic) {teh-am'} ; corresponding to 02938 ; to taste ; causatively to feed :-- make to eat , feed . ~~8460
02940 ## ta` am {tah'- am} ; from 02938 ; properly , a taste , i . e . (figuratively) perception ; by implication , intelligence ; transitively , a mandate :-- advice , behaviour , decree , discretion , judgment , reason , taste , understanding . ~~8460
04303 ## mat` am {mat-am'} ; or (feminine) mat` ammah {mat-am-maw'} ; from 02938 ; a delicacy :-- dainty (meat) , savoury meat . ~~9824
02939 ## t@` am (Aramaic) {teh-am'} ; corresponding to 02938 ; to taste ; causatively to feed :-- make to eat , feed . ~~8460
02941 ## ta` am (Aramaic) {tah'- am} ; from 02939 ; properly , a taste , i . e . (as in 02940) a judicial sentence :-- account , X to be commanded , commandment , matter . ~~8462
02942 ## t@` em (Aramaic) {teh-ame'} ; from 02939 , and equivalent to 0294l ; properly , flavor ; figuratively , judgment (both subjective and objective) ; hence , account (bothsubj . and obj .) :-- + chancellor , + command , commandment , decree , + regard , taste , wisdom . ~~8462
0294 - amphiennumi {am-fee-en'-noo-mee}; from the base of 0297 and hennumi (to invest); to enrobe: -- clothe. 294