0619 - apolausis {ap-ol'-ow-sis}; from a comparative of 0575 and lauo (to enjoy); full enjoyment: -- enjoy(-ment). 618
4077 - pege {pay-gay'}; probably from 4078 (through the idea of gushing plumply); a fount (literally or figuratively), i.e. source or supply (of water, blood, enjoyment) (not necessarily the original spring): -- fountain, well. 3974
02363 ## chuwsh {koosh} ; a primitive root ; to hurry ; figuratively , to be eager with excitement or enjoyment :-- (make) haste (- n) , ready . ~~7884
08191 ## sha` shua` {shah-shoo'- ah} ; from 08173 ; enjoyment :-- delight , pleasure . ~~13712
0329 - anazopureo {an-ad-zo-poor-eh'-o}; from 0303 and a compound of the base of 2226 and 4442; to re-enkindle: -- stir up. 328
0381 - anapto {an-ap'-to}; from 0303 and 0681; to enkindle: -- kindle, light. 380
1714 - empretho {em-pray'-tho}; from 1722 and pretho (to blow a flame); to enkindle, i.e. set on fire: -- burn up. 1714
0837 - auzano {owx-an'-o}; a prolonged form of a primary verb; to grow ("wax"), i.e. enlarge (literal or figurative, active or passive): -- grow (up), (give the) increase. 836
3170 - megaluno {meg-al-oo'-no}; from 3173; to make (or declare) great,i.e. increase or (figuratively) extol: -- enlarge, magnify, shew great. 3168
3373 - mekuno {may-koo'-no}; from 3372; to lengthen, i.e. (middle voice) to enlarge: -- grow up. 3272
4115 - platuno {plat-oo'-no}; from 4116; to widen (literally or figuratively): -- make broad, enlarge. 4012
06601 ## pathah {paw-thaw'} ; a primitive root ; to open , i . e . be (causatively , make) roomy ; usually figuratively (in a mental or moral sense) to be (causatively , make) simple or (in a sinister way) delude :-- allure , deceive , enlarge , entice , flatter , persuade , silly (one) . ~~12122
07235 ## rabah {raw-baw'} ; a primitive root ; to increase (in whatever respect) :-- [bring in ] abundance (X-antly) , + archer [by mistake for 07232 ] , be in authority , bring up , X continue , enlarge , excel , exceeding (- ly) , be full of , (be , make) great (- er ,-ly , X-ness) , grow up , heap , increase , be long , (be , give , have , make , use) many (a time) , (any , be , give , give the , have) more (in number) , (ask , be , be so , gather , over , take , yield) much (greater , more) , (make to) multiply , nourish , plenty (- eous) , X process [of time ] , sore , store , thoroughly , very . ~~12756
07679 ## saga'{saw-gaw'} : a primitive root ; to grow , i . e . (causatively) to enlarge , (figuratively) laud :-- increase , magnify . ~~13200
07685 ## sagah {saw-gaw'} ; a primitive root ; to enlarge (especially upward , also figuratively) :-- grow (up) , increase . ~~13206
07849 ## shatach {shaw-takh'} ; a primitive root ; to expand :-- all abroad , enlarge , spread , stretch out . ~~13370
0291 - Amplias {am-plee'-as}; contracted for Latin ampliatus [enlarged]; Amplias, a Roman Christian: -- Amplias. 290
06602 ## P@thuw'el {peth-oo-ale'} ; from 06601 and 00410 ; enlarged of God ; Pethuel , an Israelite :-- Pethuel . ~~12122
07345 ## R@chabyah {rekh-ab-yaw'} ; or R@chabyahuw {rek-ab-yaw'- hoo} ; from 07337 and 03050 ; Jah has enlarged ; Rechabjah , an Israelite :-- Rehabiah . ~~12866
07346 ## R@chab` am {rekh-ab-awm'} ; from 07337 and 05971 ; a people has enlarged ; Rechabam , an Israelite king :-- Rehoboam . ~~12866
04800 ## merchab {mer-khawb'} ; from 07337 ; enlargement , either literally (an open space , usually in a good sense) , or figuratively (liberty) :-- breadth , large place (room) . ~~10320
07305 ## revach {reh'- vakh} ; from 07304 ; room , literally (an interval) or figuratively (deliverance) :-- enlargement , space . ~~12826
07167 ## qara` {kaw-rah'} ; a primitive root ; to rend , literally or figuratively (revile , paint the eyes , as if enlarging them) :-- cut out , rend , X surely , tear . ~~12688
5461 - photizo {fo-tid'-zo}; from 5457; to shed rays, i.e. to shine or (transitively) to brighten up (literally or figuratively): -- enlighten, illuminate, (bring to, give) light, make to see. 5358
02094 ## zahar {zaw-har'} ; a primitive root ; to gleam ; figuratively , to enlighten (by caution) :-- admonish , shine , teach , (give) warn (- ing) . ~~7614
02971 ## Ya'iyr {yaw-ere'} ; from 00215 ; enlightener ; Jair , the name of four Israelites :-- Jair . ~~8492
00074 ## 'Abner {ab-nare'} ; or (fully)'Abiyner {ab-ee-nare'} ; from 00001 and 05216 ; father of light (i . e . enlightening) ; Abner , an Israelite :-- Abner . ~~5594
4758 - stratologeo {strat-ol-og-eh'-o}; from a compound of the base of 4756 and 3004 (in its original sense); to gather (or select) as a warrior, i.e. enlist in the army: -- choose to be a soldier. 4656
2189 - echthra {ekh'-thrah}; feminine of 2190; hostility; by implication, a reason for opposition: -- enmity, hatred. 2188
04895 ## mastemah {mas-tay-maw'} ; from the same as 07850 ; enmity :-- hatred . ~~10416
06340 ## pazar {paw-zar'} ; a primitive root ; to scatter , whether in enmity or bounty :-- disperse , scatter (abroad) . ~~11860
08569 ## t@nuw'ah {ten-oo-aw'} ; from 05106 ; alienation ; by implication , enmity :-- breach of promise , occasion . ~~14090
1766 - ennatos {en'-nat-os}; ord. from 1767; ninth: -- ninth. 1766
1767 - ennea {en-neh'-ah}; a primary number; nine: -- nine. 1766
1768 - ennenekontaennea {en-nen-ay-kon-tah-en-neh'-ah}; from a (tenth) multiple of 1767 and 1767 itself; ninety-nine: -- ninety and nine. 1768
1769 - enneos {en-neh-os'}; from 1770; dumb (as making signs), i.e. silent from astonishment: -- speechless. 1768
1770 - enneuo {en-nyoo'-o}; from 1722 and 3506; to nod at, i.e. beckon or communicate by gesture: -- make signs. 1770
1771 - ennoia {en'-noy-ah}; from a compound of 1722 and 3563; thoughtfulness, i.e. moral understanding: -- intent, mind. 1770
1772 - ennomos {en'-nom-os}; from 1722 and 3551; (subjectively) legal, or (objectively) subject to: -- lawful, under law. 1772
1773 - ennuchon {en'-noo-khon}; neuter of a compound of 1722 and 3571; (adverbially) by night: -- before day. 1772
2440 - himation {him-at'-ee-on}; neuter of a presumed derivative of ennumi (to put on); a dress (inner or outer): -- apparel, cloke, clothes, garment, raiment, robe, vesture. 2440
1802 - Enok {en-oke'}; of Hebrew origin [2585]; Enoch (i.e. Chanok), an antediluvian: -- Enoch. ***. ex. See 1537. 1802
1802 - Enok {en-oke'}; of Hebrew origin [2585]; Enoch (i.e. Chanok), an antediluvian: -- Enoch. ***. ex. See 1537. 1802
02585 ## Chanowk {khan-oke'} ; from 02596 ; initiated ; Chanok , an antediluvian patriach :-- Enoch . ~~8106
1776 - enochleo {en-okh-leh'-o}; from 1722 and 3791; to crowd in, i.e. (figuratively) to annoy: -- trouble. 1776
1777 - enochos {en'-okh-os}; from 1758; liable to (a condition, penalty or imputation): -- in danger of, guilty of, subject to. 1776
1774 - enoikeo {en-oy-keh'-o}; from 1722 and 3611; to inhabit (figuratively): -- dwell in. 1774
1802 - Enok {en-oke'}; of Hebrew origin [2585]; Enoch (i.e. Chanok), an antediluvian: -- Enoch. ***. ex. See 1537. 1802
02703 ## Chatsar` Eynown {khats-ar'ay-none'} ; from 02691 and a derivative of 05869 ; village of springs ; Chatsar-Enon , a place in Palestine :-- Hazar-enon . ~~8224
02703 ## Chatsar` Eynown {khats-ar'ay-none'} ; from 02691 and a derivative of 05869 ; village of springs ; Chatsar-Enon , a place in Palestine :-- Hazar-enon . ~~8224
1799 - enopion {en-o'-pee-on}; neuter of a compound of 1722 and a derivative of 3700; in the face of (literally or figuratively): -- before, in the presence (sight) of, to. 1798
1763 - eniautos {en-ee-ow-tos'}; prolongation from a primary enos (a year); a year: -- year. 1762
1800 - Enos. {en-oce'}; of Hebrew origin [0583]; Enos (i.e. Enosh), a patriarch: -- Enos. 1800
1800 - Enos. {en-oce'}; of Hebrew origin [0583]; Enos (i.e. Enosh), a patriarch: -- Enos. 1800
1800 - Enos. {en-oce'}; of Hebrew origin [0583]; Enos (i.e. Enosh), a patriarch: -- Enos. 1800
00583 ## 'Enowsh {en-ohsh'} ; the same as 00582 ; Enosh , a son of Seth ;-- Enos . ~~6104
1800 - Enos. {en-oce'}; of Hebrew origin [0583]; Enos (i.e. Enosh), a patriarch: -- Enos. 1800
00583 ## 'Enowsh {en-ohsh'} ; the same as 00582 ; Enosh , a son of Seth ;-- Enos . ~~6104
1801 - enotizomai {en-o-tid'-zom-ahee}; middle voice from a compound of 1722 and 3775; to take in one's ear, i.e. to listen: -- hearken. 1800
0566 - apechei {ap-ekh'-i}; third person singular present indicative active of 0568 used impersonally; it is sufficient: -- it is enough. 566
0713 - arketos {ar-ket-os'}; from 0714; satisfactory: -- enough, suffice(-ient). 712
0714 - arkeo {ar-keh'-o}; apparently a primary verb [but probably akin to 0142 through the idea of raising a barrier]; properly, to ward off, i.e. (by implication) to avail (figuratively, be satisfactory): -- be content, be enough, suffice, be sufficient. 714
2006 - epitedeios {ep-ee-tay'-di-os}; from epitedes (enough); serviceable, i.e. (by implication) requisite: -- things which are needful. 2006
2425 - hikanos {hik-an-os'}; from hiko [hikano or hikneomai, akin to 2240] (to arrive); competent (as if coming in season), i.e. ample (in amount) or fit (in character): -- able, + content, enough, good, great, large, long (while), many, meet, much, security, sore, sufficient, worthy. 2424
2880 - korennumi {kor-en'-noo-mee}; a primary verb; to cram, i.e. glut or sate: -- eat enough, full. 2878
4052 - perisseuo {per-is-syoo'-o}; from 4053; to superabound (in quantity or quality), be in excess, be superfluous; also (transitively) to cause to superabound or excel: -- (make, more) abound, (have, have more) abundance (be more) abundant, be the better, enough and to spare, exceed, excel, increase, be left, redound, remain (over and above). 3950
01767 ## day {dahee} ; of uncertain derivation ; enough (as noun or adverb) , used chiefly with preposition in phrases :-- able , according to , after (ability) , among , as (oft as) , (more than) enough , from , in , since , (much as is) sufficient (- ly) , too much , very , when . ~~7288
01767 ## day {dahee} ; of uncertain derivation ; enough (as noun or adverb) , used chiefly with preposition in phrases :-- able , according to , after (ability) , among , as (oft as) , (more than) enough , from , in , since , (much as is) sufficient (- ly) , too much , very , when . ~~7288
01802 ## dalah {daw-law'} ; a primitive root (compare 01809) ; properly , to dangle , i . e . to let down a bucket (for drawing out water) ; figuratively , to deliver :-- draw (out) , X enough , lift up . ~~7322
01952 ## hown {hone} ; from the same as 01951 in the sense of 00202 ; wealth ; by implication , enough :-- enough , + for nought , riches , substance , wealth . ~~7472
01952 ## hown {hone} ; from the same as 01951 in the sense of 00202 ; wealth ; by implication , enough :-- enough , + for nought , riches , substance , wealth . ~~7472
03027 ## yad {yawd} ; a primitive word ; a hand (the open one [indicating power , means , direction , etc . ] , in distinction from 03709 , the closed one) ; used (as noun , adverb , etc .) in a great variety of applications , both literally and figuratively , both proximate and remote [as follows ] :-- (+ be) able , X about , + armholes , at , axletree , because of , beside , border , X bounty , + broad , [broken-] handed , X by , charge , coast , + consecrate , + creditor , custody , debt , dominion , X enough , + fellowship , force , X from , hand [-staves ,-- y work ] , X he , himself , X in , labour , + large , ledge , [left-] handed , means , X mine , ministry , near , X of , X order , ordinance , X our , parts , pain , power , X presumptuously , service , side , sore , state , stay , draw with strength , stroke , + swear , terror , X thee , X by them , X themselves , X thine own , X thou , through , X throwing , + thumb , times , X to , X under , X us , X wait on , [way-] side , where , + wide , X with (him , me , you) , work , + yield , X yourselves ~~8548
03532 ## kebes {keh-bes'} ; from an unused root meaning to dominate ; a ram (just old enough to butt) :-- lamb , sheep . ~~9052
03605 ## kol {kole} ; or (Jer . 33 : 8) kowl {kole} ; from 03634 ; properly , the whole ; hence , all , any or every (in the singular only , but often in a plural sense) :-- (in) all (manner , [ye ]) , altogether , any (manner) , enough , every (one , place , thing) , howsoever , as many as , [no-] thing , ought , whatsoever , (the) whole , whoso (- ever) . ~~9126
04078 ## madday {mad-dah'- ee} ; from 04100 and 01767 ; what (is) enough , i . e . sufficiently :-- sufficiently . ~~9598
04672 ## matsa'{maw-tsaw'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to come forth to , i . e . appear or exist ; transitively , to attain , i . e . find or acquire ; figuratively , to occur , meet or be present :-- + be able , befall , being , catch , X certainly , (cause to) come (on , to , to hand) , deliver , be enough (cause to) find (- ing , occasion , out) , get (hold upon) , X have (here) , be here , hit , be left , light (up-) on , meet (with) , X occasion serve , (be) present , ready , speed , suffice , take hold on . ~~10192
05606 ## caphaq {saw-fak'} ; or saphaq (1 Kings 20 : 10 ; Job 27 : 23 ; Isaiah 2 : 6) {saw-fak'} ; a primitive root ; to clap the hands (in token of compact , derision , grief , indignation , or punishment) ; by implication of satisfaction , to be enough ; by implication of excess , to vomit :-- clap , smite , strike , suffice , wallow . ~~11126
07227 ## rab {rab} ; by contracted from 07231 ; abundant (in quantity , size , age , number , rank , quality) :-- (in) abound (- undance ,-ant ,-antly) , captain , elder , enough , exceedingly , full , great (- ly , man , one) , increase , long (enough , [time ]) , (do , have) many (- ifold , things , a time) , ([ship-]) master , mighty , more , (too , very) much , multiply (- tude) , officer , often [-times ] , plenteous , populous , prince , process [of time ] , suffice (- lent) . ~~12748
07227 ## rab {rab} ; by contracted from 07231 ; abundant (in quantity , size , age , number , rank , quality) :-- (in) abound (- undance ,-ant ,-antly) , captain , elder , enough , exceedingly , full , great (- ly , man , one) , increase , long (enough , [time ]) , (do , have) many (- ifold , things , a time) , ([ship-]) master , mighty , more , (too , very) much , multiply (- tude) , officer , often [-times ] , plenteous , populous , prince , process [of time ] , suffice (- lent) . ~~12748
07646 ## saba` {saw-bah'} ; or sabea` {saw-bay'- ah} ; a primitive root ; to sate , i . e . fill to satisfaction (literally or figuratively) :-- have enough , fill (full , self , with) , be (to the) full (of) , have plenty of , be satiate , satisfy (with) , suffice , be weary of . ~~13166
07654 ## sob` ah {sob-aw'} ; feminine of 07648 ; satiety :-- (to have) enough , X till . . . be full , [un-] satiable , satisfy , X sufficiently . ~~13174