03239 ## Yanowach {yaw-no'- akh} ; or (with enclitic) Yanowchah {yaw-no'- khaw} ; from 03240 ; quiet ; Janoach or Janochah , a place in Palestine :-- Janoah , Janohah . ~~8760
0324 - anadechomai {an-ad-ekh'-om-ahee}; from 0303 and 1209; to entertain (as a guest): -- receive. 324
03239 ## Yanowach {yaw-no'- akh} ; or (with enclitic) Yanowchah {yaw-no'- khaw} ; from 03240 ; quiet ; Janoach or Janochah , a place in Palestine :-- Janoah , Janohah . ~~8760
03240 ## yanach {yaw-nakh'} ; a primitive root ; to deposit ; by implication , to allow to stay :-- bestow , cast down , lay (down , up) , leave (off) , let alone (remain) , pacify , place , put , set (down) , suffer , withdraw , withhold . (The Hiphil forms with the dagesh are here referred to , in accordance with the older grammarians ; but if any distinction of the kind is to be made , these should rather be referred to 05117 , and the others here .) ~~8760
03241 ## Yaniym {yaw-neem'} ; from 05123 ; asleep ; Janim , a place in Palestine :-- Janum [from the margin ] . ~~8762
05117 ## nuwach {noo'- akh} ; a primitive root ; to rest , i . e . settle down ; used in a great variety of applications , literal and figurative , intransitive , transitive and causative (to dwell , stay , let fall , place , let alone , withdraw , give comfort , etc .) :-- cease , be confederate , lay , let down , (be) quiet , remain , (cause to , be at , give , have , make to) rest , set down . Compare 03241 . ~~10638
03242 ## y@niqah {yen-ee-kaw'} ; from 03243 ; a sucker or sapling :-- young twig . ~~8762
03126 ## yowneq {yo-nake'} ; active participle of 03243 ; a sucker ; hence , a twig (of a tree felled and sprouting) :-- tender plant . ~~8646
03242 ## y@niqah {yen-ee-kaw'} ; from 03243 ; a sucker or sapling :-- young twig . ~~8762
03243 ## yanaq {yaw-nak'} ; a primitive root ; to suck ; causatively , to give milk :-- milch , nurse (- ing mother) , (give , make to) suck (- ing child ,-- ling) . ~~8764
03244 ## yanshuwph {yan-shoof'} ; or yanshowph {yan-shofe'} ; apparently from 05398 ; an unclean (acquatic) bird ; probably the heron (perhaps from its blowing cry , or because the night-heron is meant [compare 05399 ]) ] :-- (great) owl . s ~~8764
03245 ## yacad {yaw-sad'} ; a primitive root ; to set (literally or figuratively) ; intensively , to found ; reflexively , to sit down together , i . e . settle , consult :-- appoint , take counsel , establish , (lay the , lay for a) found (- ation) , instruct , lay , ordain , set , X sure . ~~8766
03246 ## y@cud {yes-ood'} ; from 03245 ; a foundation (figuratively , i . e . beginning) :-- X began . ~~8766
03247 ## y@cowd {yes-ode'} ; from 03245 ; a foundation (literally or figuratively) :-- bottom , foundation , repairing ~~8768
04143 ## muwcad {moo-sawd'} ; from 03245 ; a foundation :-- foundation . ~~9664
04144 ## mowcad {mo-sawd'} ; from 03245 ; a foundation :-- foundation . ~~9664
04328 ## m@yuccadah {meh-yoos-saw-daw'} ; properly , feminine passive participle of 03245 ; something founded , i . e . a foundation :-- foundation . ~~9848
04527 ## maccad {mas-sad'} ; from 03245 ; a foundation :-- foundation . ~~10048
05475 ## cowd {sode} ; from 03245 ; a session , i . e . company of persons (in close deliberation) ; by implication , intimacy , consultation , a secret :-- assembly , consel , inward , secret (counsel) . ~~10996
03246 ## y@cud {yes-ood'} ; from 03245 ; a foundation (figuratively , i . e . beginning) :-- X began . ~~8766
03248 ## y@cuwdah {yes-oo-daw'} ; feminine of 03246 ; a foundation :-- foundation . ~~8768
03247 ## y@cowd {yes-ode'} ; from 03245 ; a foundation (literally or figuratively) :-- bottom , foundation , repairing ~~8768
03248 ## y@cuwdah {yes-oo-daw'} ; feminine of 03246 ; a foundation :-- foundation . ~~8768
03249 ## yacuwr {yaw-soor'} ; from 05493 ; departing :-- they that depart ~~8770
0325 - anadidomi {an-ad-eed'-om-ee}; from 0303 and 1325; to hand over: -- deliver. 324
03250 ## yiccowr {yis-sore'} ; from 03256 ; a reprover :-- instruct . ~~ 8770
03251 ## yacak {yaw-sak'} ; a primitive root ; to pour (intransitive) :-- be poured ~~8772
03252 ## Yickah {yis-kaw'} ; from an unused root meaning to watch ; observant ; Jiskah , sister of Lot :-- Iscah . ~~8772
03253 ## Yicmakyahuw {yis-mak-yaw-hoo'} ; from 05564 and 03050 ; Jah will sustain ; Jismakjah , an Israelite :-- Ismachiah . ~~8774
00460 ## 'Elyacaph {el-yaw-sawf'} ; from 00410 and 03254 ; God (is) gatherer ; Eljasaph , the name of two Israelites :-- Eliasaph . ~~5980
02058 ## Vophciy {vof-see'} ; probably from 03254 ; additional ; Vophsi , an Israelite :-- Vophsi . ~~7578
03130 ## Yowceph {yo-safe'} ; future of 03254 ; let him add (or perhaps simply active participle adding) ; Joseph , the name of seven Israelites :-- Joseph . Compare 03084 . ~~8650
03131 ## Yowciphyah {yo-sif-yaw'} ; from active participle of 03254 and 03050 ; Jah (is) adding ; Josiphjah , an Israelite :-- Josiphiah . ~~8652
03254 ## yacaph {yaw-saf'} ; a primitive root ; to add or augment (often adverbial , to continue to do a thing) :-- add , X again , X any more , X cease , X come more , + conceive again , continue , exceed , X further , X gather together , get more , give more-over , X henceforth , increase (more and more) , join , X longer (bring , do , make , much , put) , X (the , much , yet) more (and more) , proceed (further) , prolong , put , be [strong-] er , X yet , yield . ~~8774
03255 ## y@caph (Aramaic) {yes-af'} ; corresponding to 03254 :-- add . ~~ 8776
03255 ## y@caph (Aramaic) {yes-af'} ; corresponding to 03254 :-- add . ~~ 8776
03250 ## yiccowr {yis-sore'} ; from 03256 ; a reprover :-- instruct . ~~ 8770
03256 ## yacar {yaw-sar'} ; a primitive root ; to chastise , literally (with blows) or figuratively (with words) ; hence , to instruct :-- bind , chasten , chastise , correct , instruct , punish , reform , reprove , sore , teach . ~~8776
04147 ## mowcer {mo-sare'} ; also (in plural) feminine mowcerah {mo-say-raw'} ; or moc@rah {mo-ser-aw'} ; from 03256 ; properly , chastisement , i . e . (by implication) a halter ; figuratively , restraint :-- band , bond . ~~9668
04148 ## muwcar {moo-sawr'} ; from 03256 ; properly , chastisement ; figuratively , reproof , warning or instruction ; also restraint :-- bond , chastening ([-eth ]) , chastisement , check , correction , discipline , doctrine , instruction , rebuke . ~~9668
04561 ## mocar {mo-sawr'} ; from 03256 ; admonition :-- instruction . ~~ 10082
03257 ## ya` {yaw} ; from 03261 ; a shovel :-- shovel . ~~ 8778
03258 ## Ya` bets {yah-bates'} ; from an unused root probably meaning to grieve ; sorrowful ; Jabets , the name of an Israelite , and also of a place in Palestine :-- Jabez . ~~8778
03133 ## Yow` ed {yo-ade'} ; apparently the active participle of 03259 ; appointer ; Joed , an Israelite :-- Joed . ~~8654
03259 ## ya` ad {yaw-ad'} ; a primitive root ; to fix upon (by agreement or appointment) ; by implication , to meet (at a stated time) , to summon (to trial) , to direct (in a certain quarter or position) , to engage (for marriage) :-- agree , (maxke an) appoint (- ment , a time) , assemble (selves) , betroth , gather (selves , together) , meet (together) , set (a time) . ~~8780
03260 ## Y@` diy {yed-ee'} ; from 03259 ; appointed ; Jedi , an Israelite :-- Iddo [from the margin ] See 03035 . ~~8780
04150 ## mow` ed {mo-ade'} ; or mo` ed {mo-ade'} ; or (feminine) mow` adah (2 Chronicles 8 : 13) {mo-aw-daw'} ; from 03259 ; properly , an appointment , i . e . a fixed time or season ; specifically , a festival ; conventionally a year ; by implication , an assembly (as convened for a definite purpose) ; technically the congregation ; by extension , the place of meeting ; also a signal (as appointed beforehand) :-- appointed (sign , time) , (place of , solemn) assembly , congregation , (set , solemn) feast , (appointed , due) season , solemn (- ity) , synogogue , (set) time (appointed) . ~~9670
04151 ## mow` ad {mo-awd'} ; from 03259 ; properly , an assembly [as in 04150 ] ; figuratively , a troop :-- appointed time . ~~9672
04152 ## muw` adah {moo-aw-daw'} ; from 03259 ; an appointed place , i . e . asylum :-- appointed . ~~9672
05129 ## Now` adyah {no-ad-yaw'} ; from 03259 and 03050 ; convened of Jah ; Noadjah , the name of an Israelite , and a false prophetess :-- Noadiah . ~~10650
0326 - anazao {an-ad-zah'-o} from 0303 and 2198; to recover life (literally or figuratively): -- (be a-)live again, revive. 326
03260 ## Y@` diy {yed-ee'} ; from 03259 ; appointed ; Jedi , an Israelite :-- Iddo [from the margin ] See 03035 . ~~8780
05714 ## ` Iddow {id-do'} ; or` Iddow'{id-do'} ; or` Iddiy'{id-dee'} ; from 05710 ; timely ; Iddo (or Iddi) , the name of five Israelites :-- Iddo . Compare 03035 , 03260 . ~~11234
03257 ## ya` {yaw} ; from 03261 ; a shovel :-- shovel . ~~ 8778
03261 ## ya` ah {yaw-aw'} ; a primitive root ; apparently to brush aside :-- sweep away . ~~8782
03262 ## Y@` uw'el {yeh-oo-ale'} ; from 03261 and 00410 ; carried away of God ; Jeuel , the name of four Israelites ;-- Jehiel , Jeiel , Jeuel . Compare 03273 . ~~8782
03262 ## Y@` uw'el {yeh-oo-ale'} ; from 03261 and 00410 ; carried away of God ; Jeuel , the name of four Israelites ;-- Jehiel , Jeiel , Jeuel . Compare 03273 . ~~8782
03273 ## Y@` iy'el {yeh-ee-ale'} ; from 0326l and 004l0 ; carried away of God ; Jeiel , the name of six Israelites :-- Jeiel , Jehiel . Compare 03262 . ~~8794
03263 ## Y@` uwts {yeh-oots'} ; from 05779 ; counsellor ; Jeuts , an Israelite :-- Jeuz . [gl ~~8784
03264 ## ya` owr {yaw-ore'} ; a variation of 03298 ; a forest :-- wood . ~~8784
02334 ## Chavvowth Ya` iyr {khav-vothe'yaw-eer'} ; from the plural of 02333 and a modification of 03265 ; hamlets of Jair , a region of Palestine :-- [Bashan-] Havoth-jair . ~~7854
03265 ## Ya` uwr {yaw-oor'} ; apparently the passive participle of the same as 03293 ; wooded ; Jaur , an Israelite :-- Jair [from the margin ] . ~~8786
03266 ## Y@` uwsh {yeh-oosh'} ; from 05789 ; hasty ; Jeush , the name of an Edomite and of four Israelites :-- Jehush , Jeush . Compare 03274 . ~~8786
03274 ## Y@` iysh {yeh-eesh'} ; from 05789 ; hasty ; Jeish , the name of an Edomite and of a an Israelite :-- Jeush [from the margin ] . Compare 03266 . ~~8794
03267 ## ya` az {yaw-az'} ; a primitive root ; to be bold or obstinate :-- fierce . ~~8788
03268 ## Ya` aziy'el {yah-az-ee-ale'} ; from 03267 and 004l0 ; emboldened of God ; Jaaziel , an Israelite :-- Jaaziel . ~~8788
03269 ## Ya` aziyahuw {yah-az-ee-yaw'- hoo} ; from 03267 and 03050 ; emboldened of Jah ; Jaazijah , an Israelite :-- Jaaziah . ~~8790
03268 ## Ya` aziy'el {yah-az-ee-ale'} ; from 03267 and 004l0 ; emboldened of God ; Jaaziel , an Israelite :-- Jaaziel . ~~8788
05815 ## ` Aziy'el {az-ee-ale'} ; from 05756 and 00410 ; strengthened of God ; Aziel , an Israelite :-- Aziel . Compare 03268 . ~~11336
03269 ## Ya` aziyahuw {yah-az-ee-yaw'- hoo} ; from 03267 and 03050 ; emboldened of Jah ; Jaazijah , an Israelite :-- Jaaziah . ~~8790
03273 ## Y@` iy'el {yeh-ee-ale'} ; from 0326l and 004l0 ; carried away of God ; Jeiel , the name of six Israelites :-- Jeiel , Jehiel . Compare 03262 . ~~8794
0327 - anazeteo {an-ad-zay-teh'-o}; from 0303 and 2212; to search out: -- seek. 326
03270 ## Ya` azeyr {yah-az-ayr'} ; or Ya` zer {yah-zare'} ; from 05826 ; helpful ; Jaazer or Jazer , a place East of the Jordan :-- Jaazer , Jazer . ~~8790
03271 ## ya` at {yaw-at'} ; a primitive root ; to clothe :-- cover . ~~ 8792
03272 ## y@` at (Aramaic) {yeh-at'} ; corresponding to 03289 ; to counsel ; reflexively , to consult :-- counsellor , consult together . ~~8792
05843 ## ` eta'(Aramaic) {ay-taw'} ; from 03272 ; prudence :-- counsel . ~~11364
03262 ## Y@` uw'el {yeh-oo-ale'} ; from 03261 and 00410 ; carried away of God ; Jeuel , the name of four Israelites ;-- Jehiel , Jeiel , Jeuel . Compare 03273 . ~~8782
03273 ## Y@` iy'el {yeh-ee-ale'} ; from 0326l and 004l0 ; carried away of God ; Jeiel , the name of six Israelites :-- Jeiel , Jehiel . Compare 03262 . ~~8794