03902 ## Lachmiy {lakh-mee'} ; from 03899 ; foodful ; Lachmi , an Israelite ; or rather probably a brief form (or perhaps erroneous transcription) for 01022 :-- Lahmi . See also 03433 . ~~9422
5436 - Phugellos {foog'-el-los}; probably from 5343; fugitive; Phygellus, an apostate Christian: -- Phygellus. 5334
5437 - phuge {foog-ay'}; from 5343; a fleeing, i.e. escape: -- flight. 5334
0453 - anoetos {an-o'-ay-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 3539; unintelligent; by implication, sensual: -- fool(-ish), unwise. 452
0781 - asophos {as'-of-os}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 4680; unwise: -- fool. 780
0878 - aphron {af'-rone}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 5424; properly, mindless, i.e. stupid, (by implication) ignorant, (specially) egotistic, (practically) rash, or (morally) unbelieving: -- fool(-ish), unwise. 878
3471 - moraino {mo-rah'-ee-no}; from 3474; to become insipid; figuratively, to make (passively, act) as a simpleton: -- become fool, make foolish, lose savour. 3370
3474 - moros {mo-ros'}; probably from the base of 3466; dull or stupid (as if shut up), i.e. heedless, (morally) blockhead, (apparently) absurd: -- fool(-ish, X -ishness). 3372
3828 - Pamphulia {pam-fool-ee'-ah}; from a compound of 3956 and 4443; every-tribal, i.e. heterogeneous (5561 being implied); Pamphylia, a region of Asia Minor: -- Pamphylia. 3726
3912 - paraphroneo {par-af-ron-eh'-o}; from 3844 and 5426; to misthink, i.e. be insane (silly): -- as a fool. 3810
5444 - phullon {fool'-lon}; from the same as 5443; a sprout, i.e. leaf: -- leaf. 5342
00191 ## 'eviyl {ev-eel'} ; from an unused root (meaning to be perverse) ; (figuratively) silly :-- fool (- ish) (man) . ~~5712
01984 ## halal {haw-lal'} ; a primitive root ; to be clear (orig . of sound , but usually of color) ; to shine ; hence , to make a show , to boast ; and thus to be (clamorously) foolish ; to rave ; causatively , to celebrate ; also to stultify :-- (make) boast (self) , celebrate , commend , (deal , make) , fool (- ish ,-- ly) , glory , give [light ] , be (make , feign self) mad (against) , give in marriage , [sing , be worthy of ] praise , rage , renowned , shine . ~~7504
03684 ## k@ciyl {kes-eel'} ; from 03688 ; properly , fat , i . e . (figuratively) stupid or silly :-- fool (- ish) . ~~9204
05036 ## nabal {naw-bawl'} ; from 05034 ; stupid ; wicked (especially impious) :-- fool (- ish ,-ish man ,-ish woman) , vile person . ~~10556
05528 ## cakal {saw-kal'} ; for 03688 ; to be silly :-- do (make , play the , turn into) fool (- ish ,-ishly ,-ishness) . ~~11048
05530 ## cakal {saw-kawl'} ; from 05528 ; silly :-- fool (- ish) , sottish . ~~11050
3913 - paraphronia {par-af-ron-ee'-ah}; from 3912; insanity, i.e. foolhardiness: -- madness. 3810
0801 - asunetos {as-oon'-ay-tos}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 4908; unintelligent; by implication, wicked: -- foolish, without understanding. 800
1133 - gunaikarion {goo-nahee-kar'-ee-on}; a diminutive from 1135; a little (i.e. foolish) woman: -- silly woman. 1132
3154 - mataioo {mat-ah-yo'-o}; from 3152; to render (passively, become) foolish, i.e. (morally) wicked or (specifically) idolatrous: -- become vain. 3152
3471 - moraino {mo-rah'-ee-no}; from 3474; to become insipid; figuratively, to make (passively, act) as a simpleton: -- become fool, make foolish, lose savour. 3370
3473 - morologia {mo-rol-og-ee'-ah}; from a compound of 3474 and 3004; silly talk, i.e. buffoonery: -- foolish talking. 3372
00196 ## 'eviliy {ev-ee-lee'} ; from 00191 ; silly , foolish ; hence (morally) impious :-- foolish . ~~5716
00196 ## 'eviliy {ev-ee-lee'} ; from 00191 ; silly , foolish ; hence (morally) impious :-- foolish . ~~5716
01198 ## ba` ar {bah'- ar} ; from 01197 ; properly , foot (as consumed) ; i . e . (by exten .) of cattle brutishness ; (concretely) stupid :-- brutish (person) , foolish . ~~6718
01984 ## halal {haw-lal'} ; a primitive root ; to be clear (orig . of sound , but usually of color) ; to shine ; hence , to make a show , to boast ; and thus to be (clamorously) foolish ; to rave ; causatively , to celebrate ; also to stultify :-- (make) boast (self) , celebrate , commend , (deal , make) , fool (- ish ,-- ly) , glory , give [light ] , be (make , feign self) mad (against) , give in marriage , [sing , be worthy of ] praise , rage , renowned , shine . ~~7504
02973 ## ya'al {yaw-al'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be slack , i . e . (figuratively) to be foolish :-- dote , be (become , do) foolish (- ly) . ~~8494
02973 ## ya'al {yaw-al'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be slack , i . e . (figuratively) to be foolish :-- dote , be (become , do) foolish (- ly) . ~~8494
03687 ## k@ciyluwth {kes-eel-ooth'} ; from 03684 ; silliness :-- foolish . ~~9208
03688 ## kacal {kaw-sal'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to be fat , i . e . (figuratively) silly :-- be foolish . ~~9208
05014 ## nabab {naw-bab'} ; a primitive root ; to pierce ; to be hollow , or (figuratively) foolish :-- hollow , vain . ~~10534
05034 ## nabel {naw-bale'} ; a primitive root ; to wilt ; generally , to fall away , fail , faint ; figuratively , to be foolish or (morally) wicked ; causatively , to despise , disgrace :-- disgrace , dishounour , lightly esteem , fade (away ,-ing) , fall (down ,-ling , off) , do foolishly , come to nought , X surely , make vile , wither . ~~10554
05041 ## N@ballat {neb-al-lawt'} ; apparently from 05036 and 03909 ; foolish secrecy ; Neballat , a place in Palestine :-- Neballat . ~~10562
06612 ## p@thiy {peth-ee'} ; or pethiy {peh'- thee} ; or p@tha'iy {peth-aw-ee'} ; from 06601 ; silly (i . e . seducible) :-- foolish , simple (- icity , one) . ~~12132
08602 ## taphel {taw-fale'} ; from an unused root meaning to smear ; plaster (as gummy) or slime ; (figuratively) frivolity :-- foolish things , unsavoury , untempered . ~~14124
0877 - aphrosune {af-ros-oo'-nay}; from 0878; senselessness, i.e. (euphem.) egotism; (morally) recklessness: -- folly, foolishly(-ness). 876
00200 ## 'ivveleth {iv-veh'- leth} ; from the same as 00191 ; silliness :-- folly , foolishly (- ness) . ~~5720
05034 ## nabel {naw-bale'} ; a primitive root ; to wilt ; generally , to fall away , fail , faint ; figuratively , to be foolish or (morally) wicked ; causatively , to despise , disgrace :-- disgrace , dishounour , lightly esteem , fade (away ,-ing) , fall (down ,-ling , off) , do foolishly , come to nought , X surely , make vile , wither . ~~10554
08604 ## tiphlah {tif-law'} ; from the same as 08602 ; frivolity :-- folly , foolishly . ~~14126
3472 - moria {mo-ree'-ah}; from 3474; silliness, i.e. absurdity: -- foolishness. 3370
05039 ## n@balah {neb-aw-law'} ; feminine of 05036 ; foolishness , i . e . (morally) wickedness ; concretely , a crime ; by extension , punishment :-- folly , vile , villany . ~~10560
05531 ## cikluwth {sik-looth'} ; or sikluwth (Eccl . 1 : 17) {sik-looth'} ; from 05528 ; silliness :-- folly , foolishness . ~~11052
3751 - osphus {os-foos'}; of uncertain affinity; the loin (externally), i.e. the hip; intern. (by extension) procreative power: -- loin. 3648
0858 - aphelotes {af-el-ot'-ace}; from a compound of 0001 (as a negative particle) and phellos (in the sense of a stone as stubbing the foot); smoothness, i.e. (figuratively) simplicity: -- singleness. 858
0939 - basis {bas'-ece}; from baino (to walk); a pace ("base"), i.e. (by implication) the foot: -- foot. 938
0939 - basis {bas'-ece}; from baino (to walk); a pace ("base"), i.e. (by implication) the foot: -- foot. 938
0968 - bema {bay'-ma}; from the base of 0939; a step, i.e. foot-breath; by implication, a rostrum, i.e. a tribunal: -- judgment-seat, set [foot] on, throne. 968
0968 - bema {bay'-ma}; from the base of 0939; a step, i.e. foot-breath; by implication, a rostrum, i.e. a tribunal: -- judgment-seat, set [foot] on, throne. 968
3961 - pateo {pat-eh'-o}; from a derivative probably of 3817 (meaning a "path"); to trample (literally or figuratively): -- tread (down, under foot). 3858
3978 - pezeuo {ped-zyoo'-o}; from the same as 3979; to foot a journey, i.e. travel by land: -- go afoot. 3876
3979 - peze {ped-zay'}; dative case feminine of a derivative of 4228 (as adverb); foot-wise, i.e. by walking: -- a- (on) foot. 3876
3979 - peze {ped-zay'}; dative case feminine of a derivative of 4228 (as adverb); foot-wise, i.e. by walking: -- a- (on) foot. 3876
4158 - poderes {pod-ay'-race}; from 4228 and another element of uncertain affinity; a dress (2066 implied) reaching the ankles: -- garment down to the foot. 4056
4228 - pous {pooce}; a primary word; a "foot" (figuratively or literally): -- foot(-stool). 4126
4228 - pous {pooce}; a primary word; a "foot" (figuratively or literally): -- foot(-stool). 4126
5146 - tribolos {trib'-ol-os}; from 5140 and 0956; properly, a crow-foot (three-pronged obstruction in war), i.e. (by analogy) a thorny plant (caltrop): -- brier, thistle. 5044
5286 - hupopodion {hoop-op-od'-ee-on}; neuter of a compound of 5259 and 4228; something under the feet, i.e. a foot-rest (figuratively): -- footstool. 5184
5452 - phuteuo {foot-yoo'-o}; from a derivative of 5453; to set out in the earth, i.e. implant; figuratively, to instil doctrine: -- plant. 5350
00376 ## 'iysh {eesh} ; contracted for 00582 [or perhaps rather from an unused root meaning to be extant ] ; a man as an individual or a male person ; often used as an adjunct to a more definite term (and in such cases frequently not expressed in translation) :-- also , another , any (man) , a certain , + champion , consent , each , every (one) , fellow , [foot-, husband-] man , [good-, great , mighty) man , he , high (degree) , him (that is) , husband , man [-kind ] , + none , one , people , person , + steward , what (man) soever , whoso (- ever) , worthy . Compare 00802 . ~~5896
00553 ## 'amats {aw-mats'} ; a primitive root ; to be alert , physically (on foot) or mentally (in courage) :-- confirm , be courageous (of good courage , stedfastly minded , strong , stronger) , establish , fortify , harden , increase , prevail , strengthen (self) , make strong (obstinate , speed) . ~~6074
00657 ## 'ephec {eh'- fes} ; from 00656 ; cessation , i . e . an end (especially of the earth) ; often used adverb , no further ; also (like 06466) the ankle (in the dual) , as being the extremity of the leg or foot :-- ankle , but (only) , end , howbeit , less than nothing , nevertheless (where) , no , none (beside) , not (any ,-withstanding) , thing of nought , save (- ing) , there , uttermost part , want , without (cause) . ~~6178
00931 ## bohen {bo'- hen} ; from an unused root apparently meaning to be thick ; the thumb of the hand or great toe of the foot :-- thumb , great toe . ~~6452
00947 ## buwc {boos} ; a primitive root ; to trample (literally or figuratively) :-- loath , tread (down , under [foot ]) , be polluted . ~~6468
01198 ## ba` ar {bah'- ar} ; from 01197 ; properly , foot (as consumed) ; i . e . (by exten .) of cattle brutishness ; (concretely) stupid :-- brutish (person) , foolish . ~~6718
01915 ## hadak {haw-dak'} ; a primitive root [compare 01854 ] ; to crush with the foot :-- tread down . ~~7436
01916 ## hadom {had-ome'} ; from an unused root meaning to stamp upon ; a foot stool :-- [foot-] stool . ~~7436
01916 ## hadom {had-ome'} ; from an unused root meaning to stamp upon ; a foot stool :-- [foot-] stool . ~~7436
03653 ## ken {kane} ; the same as 03651 , used as a noun ; a stand , i . e 0 . edestal or station :-- base , estate , foot , office , place , well . 0 [q ~~9174
03709 ## kaph {kaf} ; from 03721 ; the hollow hand or palm (so of the paw of an animal , of the sole , and even of the bowl of a dish or sling , the handle of a bolt , the leaves of a palm-tree) ; figuratively , power :-- branch , + foot , hand ([-ful ] ,-- dle , [-led ]) , hollow , middle , palm , paw , power , sole , spoon . ~~9230
04001 ## m@buwcah {meb-oo-saw'} ; from 00947 ; a trampling :-- treading (trodden) down (under foot) . ~~9522
04096 ## midrak {mid-rawk'} ; from 01869 ; a treading , i . e . a place for stepping on :-- [foot-] breadth . ~~9616
04772 ## marg@lah {mar-ghel-aw'} ; denominative from 07272 ; (plural for collective) a footpiece , i . e . (adverbially) at the foot , or (direct .) the foot itself :-- feet . Compare 04763 . ~~10292
04772 ## marg@lah {mar-ghel-aw'} ; denominative from 07272 ; (plural for collective) a footpiece , i . e . (adverbially) at the foot , or (direct .) the foot itself :-- feet . Compare 04763 . ~~10292
04823 ## mirmac {meer-mawce'} ; from 07429 ; abasement (the act or the thing) :-- tread (down)-ing , (to be) trodden (down) under foot . ~~10344
05063 ## negeph {neh'- ghef} ; from 05062 ; a trip (of the foot) ; figuratively , an infliction (of disease) :-- plague , stumbling . ~~10584
05541 ## calah {saw-law'} ; a primitive root ; to hang up , i . e . weigh , or (figuratively) contemn :-- tread down (under foot) , value . ~~11062
06119 ## ` aqeb {aw-kabe'} ; or (feminine)` iqq@bah {ik-keb-aw'} ; from 06117 ; a heel (as protuberant) ; hence , a track ; figuratively , the rear (of an army) :-- heel , [horse-] hoof , last , lier in wait [by mistake for 06120 ] , (foot-) step . ~~11640
06446 ## pac {pas} ; from 06461 ; properly , the palm (of the hand) or sole (of the foot) [compare 06447 ] ; by implication (plural) a long and sleeved tunic (perhaps simply a wide one ; from the original sense of the root , i . e . of many breadths) :-- (divers) colours . ~~11966
06471 ## pa` am {pah'- am} ; or (feminine) pa` amah {pah-am-aw'} ; from 06470 ; a stroke , literally or figuratively (in various applications , as follow) :-- anvil , corner , foot (- step) , going , [hundred-] fold , X now , (this) + once , order , rank , step , + thrice , ([often-]) , second , this , two) time (- s) , twice , wheel . ~~11992
07166 ## qarcol {kar-sole'} ; from 07164 ; an ankle (as a protuberance or joint) :-- foot . ~~12686
07271 ## r@gal (Aramaic) {reg-al'} ; corresponding to 07272 :-- foot . ~~ 12792
07272 ## regel {reh'- gel} ; from 07270 ; a foot (as used in walking) ; by implication , a step ; by euphem . the pudenda :-- X be able to endure , X according as , X after , X coming , X follow , ([broken-]) foot ([-ed ,-stool ]) , X great toe , X haunt , X journey , leg , + piss , + possession , time . ~~12792
07272 ## regel {reh'- gel} ; from 07270 ; a foot (as used in walking) ; by implication , a step ; by euphem . the pudenda :-- X be able to endure , X according as , X after , X coming , X follow , ([broken-]) foot ([-ed ,-stool ]) , X great toe , X haunt , X journey , leg , + piss , + possession , time . ~~12792
07273 ## ragliy {rag-lee'} ; from 07272 ; a footman (soldier) :-- (on) foot (- man) . ~~12794
07758 ## showlal {sho-lawl'} ; or sheylal (Micah 1 : 8) {shay-lawl'} ; from 07997 ; nude (especially bare-foot) ; by implication , captive :-- spoiled , stripped . ~~13280