03309 ## Yaphiya` {yaw-fee'- ah} ; from 03313 ; bright ; Japhia , the name of a Canaanite , an Israelite , and a place in Palestine :-- Japhia . ~~8830
03313 ## yapha` {yaw-fah'} ; a primitive root ; to shine :-- be light , shew self , (cause to) shine (forth) . ~~8834
03314 ## yiph` ah {yif-aw'} ; from 03313 ; splendor or (figuratively) beauty :-- brightness . ~~8834
04158 ## Mowpha` ath (Jer . 48 : 21) {mo-fah'- ath} ; or meyphaath {may-fah'- ath} ; or mephaath {may-fah'- ath ; from 03313 ; illuminative ; Mophaath or Mephaath , a place in Palestine :-- Mephaath . ~~9678
03314 ## yiph` ah {yif-aw'} ; from 03313 ; splendor or (figuratively) beauty :-- brightness . ~~8834
03315 ## Yepheth {yeh'- feth} ; from 06601 ; expansion ; Jepheth , a son of Noah ; also his posterity :-- Japheth . ~~8836
03316 ## Yiphtach {yif-tawkh'} ; from 06605 ; he will open ; Jiphtach , an Israelite ; also a place in Palestine :-- Jephthah , Jiphtah . ~~8836
03317 ## Yiphtach-'el {yif-tach-ale'} ; from 06605 and 00410 ; God will open ; Jiphtach-el , a place in Palestine :-- Jiphthah-el . ~~8838
03318 ## yatsa'{yaw-tsaw'} ; a primitive root ; to go (causatively , bring) out , in a great variety of applications , literally and figuratively , direct and proxim . :-- X after , appear , X assuredly , bear out , X begotten , break out , bring forth (out , up) , carry out , come (abroad , out , thereat , without) , + be condemned , depart (- ing ,-- ure) , draw forth , in the end , escape , exact , fail , fall (out) , fetch forth (out) , get away (forth , hence , out) , (able to , cause to , let) go abroad (forth , on , out) , going out , grow , have forth (out) , issue out , lay (lie) out , lead out , pluck out , proceed , pull out , put away , be risen , X scarce , send with commandment , shoot forth , spread , spring out , stand out , X still , X surely , take forth (out) , at any time , X to [and fro ] , utter . ~~8838
03319 ## y@tsa'(Aramaic) {yets-aw'} ; corresponding to 03318 :-- finish . ~~8840
03329 ## yatsiy'{yaw-tsee'} ; from 03318 ; issue , i . e . offspring :-- those that came forth . ~~8850
04161 ## mowtsa'{mo-tsaw'} ; or motsa'{mo-tsaw'} ; from 03318 ; a going forth , i . e . (the act) an egress , or (the place) an exit ; hence , a source or product ; specifically , dawn , the rising of the sun (the East) , exportation , utterance , a gate , a fountain , a mine , a meadow (as producing grass) :-- brought out , bud , that which came out , east , going forth , goings out , that which (thing that) is gone out , outgoing , proceeded out , spring , vein , [water-] course [springs ] . ~~9682
06627 ## tsa'ah {tsaw-aw'} ; from 03318 ; issue , i . e . (human) excrement :-- that (which) cometh from (out) . ~~12148
06631 ## tse'etsa'{tseh-ets-aw'} ; from 03318 ; issue , i . e . produce , children :-- that which cometh forth (out) , offspring . ~~12152
08444 ## towtsa'ah {to-tsaw-aw'} ; or totsa'ah {to-tsaw-aw'} ; from 03318 ; (only in plural collective) exit , i . e . (geographical) boundary , or (figuratively) deliverance , (actively) source :-- border (- s) , going (- s) forth (out) , issues , outgoings . ~~13966
03319 ## y@tsa'(Aramaic) {yets-aw'} ; corresponding to 03318 :-- finish . ~~8840
0332 - anathematizo {an-ath-em-at-id'-zo}; from 0331; to declare or vow under penalty of execration: -- (bind under a) curse, bind with an oath. 332
2653 - katanathematizo {kat-an-ath-em-at-id'-zo}; from 2596 (intensive) and 0332; to imprecate: -- curse. 2652
03320 ## yatsab {yaw-tsab'} ; a primitive root ; to place (any thing so as to stay) ; reflexively , to station , offer , continue :-- present selves , remaining , resort , set (selves) , (be able to , can , with-) stand (fast , forth ,-- ing , still , up) . ~~8840
03321 ## y@tseb (Aramaic) {yets-abe'} ; corresponding to 03320 ; to be firm ; hence , to speak surely :-- truth . ~~8842
03321 ## y@tseb (Aramaic) {yets-abe'} ; corresponding to 03320 ; to be firm ; hence , to speak surely :-- truth . ~~8842
03330 ## yatstsiyb (Aramaic) {yats-tseeb'} ; from 03321 ; fixed , sure ; concretely , certainty :-- certain (- ty) , true , truth . ~~8850
03322 ## yatsag {yaw-tsag'} ; a primitive root ; to place permanently :-- establish , leave , make , present , put , set , stay . ~~8842
03323 ## yitshar {yits-hawr'} ; from 06671 ; oil (as producing light) ; figuratively , anointing :-- + anointed oil . ~~8844
03324 ## Yitshar {yits-hawr'} ; the same as 03323 ; Jitshar , an Israelite :-- Izhar . ~~8844
06671 ## tsahar {tsaw-har'} ; a primitive root ; to glisten ; used only as denominative from 03323 , to press out oil :-- make oil . ~~12192
03324 ## Yitshar {yits-hawr'} ; the same as 03323 ; Jitshar , an Israelite :-- Izhar . ~~8844
03325 ## Yitshariy {yits-haw-ree'} ; patronymically from 03324 ; a Jitsharite or descendant of Jitshar :-- Izeharites , Izharites . ~~8846
03325 ## Yitshariy {yits-haw-ree'} ; patronymically from 03324 ; a Jitsharite or descendant of Jitshar :-- Izeharites , Izharites . ~~8846
03326 ## yatsuwa` {yaw-tsoo'- ah} ; passive participle of 03331 ; spread , i . e . a bed ; (architecture) an extension , i . e . wing or lean-to (a single story or collectively) :-- bed , chamber , couch . ~~8846
03327 ## Yitschaq {yits-khawk'} ; from 06711 ; laughter (i . e . mochery) ; Jitschak (or Isaac) , son of Abraham :-- Isaac . Compare 03446 . ~~8848
03446 ## Yischaq {yis-khawk'} ; from 07831 ; he will laugh ; Jischak , the heir of Abraham :-- Isaac . Compare 03327 . ~~8966
03328 ## Yitschar {yits-khar'} ; from the same as 06713 ; he will shine ; Jitschar , an Israelite :-- and Zehoar [from the margin ] . ~~8848
06714 ## Tsochar {tso'- khar} ; from the same as 06713 ; whiteness ; Tsochar , the name of a Hittite and of an Israelite :-- Zohar . Compare 03328 . ~~12234
03329 ## yatsiy'{yaw-tsee'} ; from 03318 ; issue , i . e . offspring :-- those that came forth . ~~8850
0333 - antheoreo {an-ath-eh-o-reh'-o}; from 0303 and 2334; to look again (i.e. attentively) at (literally or figuratively): -- behold, consider. 332
03330 ## yatstsiyb (Aramaic) {yats-tseeb'} ; from 03321 ; fixed , sure ; concretely , certainty :-- certain (- ty) , true , truth . ~~8850
03326 ## yatsuwa` {yaw-tsoo'- ah} ; passive participle of 03331 ; spread , i . e . a bed ; (architecture) an extension , i . e . wing or lean-to (a single story or collectively) :-- bed , chamber , couch . ~~8846
03331 ## yatsa` {yaw-tsah'} ; a primitive root ; to strew as a surface :-- make [one's ] bed , X lie , spread . ~~8852
03335 ## yatsar {yaw-tsar'} ; probably identical with 03334 (through the squeezing into shape) ; ([compare 03331 ]) ; to mould into a form ; especially as a potter ; figuratively , to determine (i . e . form a resolution) :-- X earthen , fashion , form , frame , make (- r) , potter , purpose . ~~8856
04702 ## matstsa` {mats-tsaw'} ; from 03331 ; a couch :-- bed . ~~ 10222
03332 ## yatsaq {yaw-tsak'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to pour out (transitive or intransitive) ; by implication , to melt or cast as metal ; by extension , to place firmly , to stiffen or grow hard :-- cast , cleave fast , be (as) firm , grow , be hard , lay out , molten , overflow , pour (out) , run out , set down , stedfast . ~~8852
03333 ## y@tsukah {yets-oo-kaw'} ; passive participle feminine of 03332 ; poured out , i . e . run into a mould :-- when it was cast . ~~8854
04164 ## muwtsaq {moo-tsak'} ; or muwtsaq {moo-tsawk'} ; from 03332 ; narrowness ; figuratively , distress :-- anguish , is straitened , straitness . ~~9684
04166 ## muwtsaqah {moo-tsaw-kaw'} ; or mutsaqah {moo-tsaw-kaw'} ; from 03332 ; properly , something poured out , i . e . a casting (of metal) ; by implication , a tube (as cast) :-- when it was cast , pipe . ~~9686
03333 ## y@tsukah {yets-oo-kaw'} ; passive participle feminine of 03332 ; poured out , i . e . run into a mould :-- when it was cast . ~~8854
03334 ## yatsar {yaw-tsar'} ; a primitive root ; to press (intransitive) , i . e . be narrow ; figuratively , be in distress :-- be distressed , be narrow , be straitened (in straits) , be vexed . ~~8854
03335 ## yatsar {yaw-tsar'} ; probably identical with 03334 (through the squeezing into shape) ; ([compare 03331 ]) ; to mould into a form ; especially as a potter ; figuratively , to determine (i . e . form a resolution) :-- X earthen , fashion , form , frame , make (- r) , potter , purpose . ~~8856
03335 ## yatsar {yaw-tsar'} ; probably identical with 03334 (through the squeezing into shape) ; ([compare 03331 ]) ; to mould into a form ; especially as a potter ; figuratively , to determine (i . e . form a resolution) :-- X earthen , fashion , form , frame , make (- r) , potter , purpose . ~~8856
03336 ## yetser {yay'- tser} ; from 03335 ; a form ; figuratively , conception (i . e . purpose) :-- frame , thing framed , imagination , mind , work ~~8856
03338 ## yatsur {yaw-tsoor'} ; passive participle of 03335 ; structure , i . e . limb or part :-- member . ql ~~8858
03339 ## Yitsriy {yits-ree'} ; from 03335 ; formative ; Jitsri , an Israelite :-- Isri . ~~8860
03336 ## yetser {yay'- tser} ; from 03335 ; a form ; figuratively , conception (i . e . purpose) :-- frame , thing framed , imagination , mind , work ~~8856
03337 ## Yetser {yay-tser} ; the same as 03336 ; Jetser , an Israelite :-- Jezer . ~~8858
03337 ## Yetser {yay-tser} ; the same as 03336 ; Jetser , an Israelite :-- Jezer . ~~8858
03340 ## Yitsriy {yits-ree'} : patronymically from 03337 ; a Jitsrite (collectively) or descendants of Jetser :-- Jezerites . ~~8860
03338 ## yatsur {yaw-tsoor'} ; passive participle of 03335 ; structure , i . e . limb or part :-- member . ql ~~8858
03339 ## Yitsriy {yits-ree'} ; from 03335 ; formative ; Jitsri , an Israelite :-- Isri . ~~8860
0334 - anathema {an-ath'-ay-mah}; from 0394 [like 0331, but in a good sense]; a votive offering: -- gift. 334
03340 ## Yitsriy {yits-ree'} : patronymically from 03337 ; a Jitsrite (collectively) or descendants of Jetser :-- Jezerites . ~~8860
06874 ## Ts@riy {tser-ee'} ; the same as 06875 ; Tseri , an Israelite :-- Zeri . Compare 03340 . ~~12394
03341 ## yatsath {yaw-tsath'} ; a primitive root ; to burn or set on fire ; figuratively , to desolate :-- burn (up) , be desolate , set (on) fire ([fire ]) , kindle . ~~8862
03342 ## yeqeb {yeh'- keb} ; from an unused root meaning to excavate ; a trough (as dug out) ; specifically , a wine-vat (whether the lower one , into which the juice drains ; or the upper , in which the grapes are crushed) :-- fats , presses , press-fat , wine (- press) . ~~8862
03343 ## Y@qabts@'el {yek-ab-tseh-ale'} ; from 06908 and 00410 ; God will gather ; Jekabtseel , a place in Palestine :-- Jekabzeel . Compare 06909 . ~~8864
06909 ## Qabts@'el {kab-tseh-ale'} ; from 06908 and 00410 ; God has gathered ; Kabtseel , a place in Palestine :-- Kabzeel . Compare 03343 . ~~12430
03344 ## yaqad {yaw-kad'} ; a primitive root ; to burn :-- (be) burn (- ing) , X from the hearth , kindle . ~~8864
03345 ## y@qad (Aramaic) {yek-ad'} ; corresponding to 03344 :-- burning . ~~8866
03347 ## Yoqd@` am {yok-deh-awm'} ; from 03344 and 05971 ; burning of (the) people ; Jokdeam , a place in Palestine :-- Jokdeam . ~~8868
03350 ## y@qowd {yek-ode'} ; from 03344 ; a burning :-- burning . ~~ 8870
04168 ## mowqed {mo-kade'} ; from 03344 ; a fire or fuel ; abstractly , a conflagration :-- burning , hearth . ~~9688
03345 ## y@qad (Aramaic) {yek-ad'} ; corresponding to 03344 :-- burning . ~~8866
03346 ## y@qeda'(Aramaic) {yek-ay-daw'} ; from 03345 ; a conflagration :-- burning . ~~8866
03346 ## y@qeda'(Aramaic) {yek-ay-daw'} ; from 03345 ; a conflagration :-- burning . ~~8866
03347 ## Yoqd@` am {yok-deh-awm'} ; from 03344 and 05971 ; burning of (the) people ; Jokdeam , a place in Palestine :-- Jokdeam . ~~8868
03348 ## Yaqeh {yaw-keh'} ; from an unused root probably meaning to obey ; obedient ; Jakeh , a symbolical name (for Solomon) :-- Jakeh . ~~8868
03349 ## yiqqahah {yik-kaw-haw'} ; from the same as 03348 ; obedience :-- gathering , to obey . ~~8870
03354 ## Y@quwthiy'el {yek-ooth-ee'- ale} ; from the same as 03348 and 00410 ; obedience of God ; Jekuthiel , an Israelite :-- Jekuthiel . ~~8874
03371 ## Yoqth@'el {yok-theh-ale'} ; probably from the same as 03348 and 00410 ; veneration of God [compare 03354 ] ; Joktheel , the name of a place in Palestine , and of one in Idumaea :-- Joktheel . ~~8892