

02_EXO_22_30_Likewise_shalt_thou_do_with_thine_oxen_and_with_thy_sheep_seven_days_it_shall_be_with_his_dam_on_the_eighth_day_thou_shalt_give_it_me.mp3151 K03_LEV_22_27_When_a_bullock_or_a_sheep_or_a_goat_is_brought_forth_then_it_shall_be_seven_days_under_the_dam_and_from_the_eighth_day_and_thenceforth_it_shall_be_accepted_for_an_offering_made_by_fire_unto_the_LORD.mp3196 K05_DEU_22_06_If_a_bird's_nest_chance_to_be_before_thee_in_the_way_in_any_tree_or_on_the_ground_whether_they_be_young_ones_or_eggs_and_the_dam_sitting_upon_the_young_or_upon_the_eggs_thou_shalt_not_take_the_dam_with_the_young.mp3232 K05_DEU_22_07_But_thou_shalt_in_any_wise_let_the_dam_go_and_take_the_young_to_thee_that_it_may_be_well_with_thee_and_that_thou_mayest_prolong_thy_days.mp3138 K
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© Ray Hamilton, ©Praise Inc. On audio recordings