

12_2KI_08_12.MP3283 K19_PSA_002_009_Thou_shalt_break_them_with_a_rod_of_iron_thou_shalt_dash_them_in_pieces_like_a_potter's_vessel.mp399 K19_PSA_091_012_They_shall_bear_thee_up_in_their_hands_lest_thou_dash_thy_foot_against_a_stone.mp377 K23_ISA_13_18_Their_bows_also_shall_dash_the_young_men_to_pieces_and_they_shall_have_no_pity_on_the_fruit_of_the_womb_their_eye_shall_not_spare_children.mp3133 K
24_JER_13_14_And_I_will_dash_them_one_against_another_even_the_fathers_and_the_sons_together_saith_the_LORD_I_will_not_pity_nor_spare_nor_have_mercy_but_destroy_them.mp3155 K40_MAT_04_06_And_saith_unto_him_If_thou_be_the_Son_of_God_cast_thyself_down_for_it_is_written_He_shall_give_his_angels_charge_concerning_thee_and_in_their_hands_they_shall_bear_thee_up_lest_at_any_time_thou_dash_thy_foot_against_a_stone.mp3236 K42_LUK_04_11_And_in_their_hands_they_shall_bear_thee_up_lest_at_any_time_thou_dash_thy_foot_against_a_stone.mp392 Kright.html9 K

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© Ray Hamilton, ©Praise Inc. On audio recordings