

20_PRO_07_16_I_have_decked_my_bed_with_coverings_of_tapestry_with_carved_works_with_fine_linen_of_Egypt.mp387 K26_EZE_16_11_I_decked_thee_also_with_ornaments_and_I_put_bracelets_upon_thy_hands_and_a_chain_on_thy_neck.mp392 K26_EZE_16_13_Thus_wast_thou_decked_with_gold_and_silver_and_thy_raiment_was_of_fine_linen_and_silk_and_broidered_work_thou_didst_eat_fine_flour_and_honey_and_oil_and_thou_wast_exceeding_beautiful_and_thou_didst_prosper_into_a_kingdom.mp3234 K28_HOS_02_13_And_I_will_visit_upon_her_the_days_of_Baalim_wherein_she_burned_incense_to_them_and_she_decked_herself_with_her_earrings_and_her_jewels_and_she_went_after_her_lovers_and_forgat_me_saith_the_LORD.mp3195 K
66_REV_17_04_And_the_woman_was_arrayed_in_purple_and_scarlet_colour_and_decked_with_gold_and_precious_stones_and_pearls_having_a_golden_cup_in_her_hand_full_of_abominations_and_filthiness_of_her_fornication.mp3194 K66_REV_18_16_And_saying_Alas_alas_that_great_city_that_was_clothed_in_fine_linen_and_purple_and_scarlet_and_decked_with_gold_and_precious_stones_and_pearls!.mp3166 Kright.html9 K

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© Ray Hamilton, ©Praise Inc. On audio recordings