

05_DEU_28_54_So_that_the_man_that_is_tender_among_you_and_very_delicate_his_eye_shall_be_evil_toward_his_brother_and_toward_the_wife_of_his_bosom_and_toward_the_remnant_of_his_children_which_he_shall_leave.mp3179 K05_DEU_28_56_The_tender_and_delicate_woman_among_you_which_would_not_adventure_to_set_the_sole_of_her_foot_upon_the_ground_for_delicateness_and_tenderness_her_eye_shall_be_evil_toward_the_husband_of_her_bosom_and_toward_her_son_and_toward_her_daughter.mp3229 K23_ISA_47_01_Come_down_and_sit_in_the_dust_O_virgin_daughter_of_Babylon_sit_on_the_ground_there_is_no_throne_O_daughter_of_the_Chaldeans_for_thou_shalt_no_more_be_called_tender_and_delicate.mp3185 K24_JER_06_02_I_have_likened_the_daughter_of_Zion_to_a_comely_and_delicate_woman.mp365 K
33_MIC_01_16_Make_thee_bald_and_poll_thee_for_thy_delicate_children_enlarge_thy_baldness_as_the_eagle_for_they_are_gone_into_captivity_from_thee.mp3147 Kright.html9 K

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© Ray Hamilton, ©Praise Inc. On audio recordings