

09_1SA_28_08_And_Saul_disguised_himself_and_put_on_other_raiment_and_he_went_and_two_men_with_him_and_they_came_to_the_woman_by_night_and_he_said_I_pray_thee_divine_unto_me_by_the_familiar_spirit_and_bring_me_him_up_whom_I_shall_name_unto_thee.mp3242 K11_1KI_20_38_So_the_prophet_departed_and_waited_for_the_king_by_the_way_and_disguised_himself_with_ashes_upon_his_face.mp3106 K11_1KI_22_30_And_the_king_of_Israel_said_unto_Jehoshaphat_I_will_disguise_myself_and_enter_into_the_battle_but_put_thou_on_thy_robes_And_the_king_of_Israel_disguised_himself_and_went_into_the_battle.mp3181 K14_2CH_18_29_And_the_king_of_Israel_said_unto_Jehoshaphat_I_will_disguise_myself_and_will_go_to_the_battle_but_put_thou_on_thy_robes_So_the_king_of_Israel_disguised_himself_and_they_went_to_the_battle.mp3188 K
14_2CH_35_22_Nevertheless_Josiah_would_not_turn_his_face_from_him_but_disguised_himself_that_he_might_fight_with_him_and_hearkened_not_unto_the_words_of_Necho_from_the_mouth_of_God_and_came_to_fight_in_the_valley_of_Megiddo.mp3187 Kright.html9 K

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© Ray Hamilton, ©Praise Inc. On audio recordings