

01_GEN_13_07_And_there_was_a_strife_between_the_herdmen_of_Abram's_cattle_and_the_herdmen_of_Lot's_cattle_and_the_Canaanite_and_the_Perizzite_dwelled_then_in_the_land.mp3149 K01_GEN_13_12_Abram_dwelled_in_the_land_of_Canaan_and_Lot_dwelled_in_the_cities_of_the_plain_and_pitched_his_tent_toward_Sodom.mp3106 K01_GEN_20_01_And_Abraham_journeyed_from_thence_toward_the_south_country_and_dwelled_between_Kadesh_and_Shur_and_sojourned_in_Gerar.mp3144 K08_RUT_01_04_And_they_took_them_wives_of_the_women_of_Moab_the_name_of_the_one_was_Orpah_and_the_name_of_the_other_Ruth_and_they_dwelled_there_about_ten_years.mp3157 K
09_1SA_12_11_And_the_LORD_sent_Jerubbaal_and_Bedan_and_Jephthah_and_Samuel_and_delivered_you_out_of_the_hand_of_your_enemies_on_every_side_and_ye_dwelled_safe.mp3157 Kright.html9 K

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© Ray Hamilton, ©Praise Inc. On audio recordings