

42_LUK_01_05_There_was_in_the_days_of_Herod_the_king_of_Judaea_a_certain_priest_named_Zacharias_of_the_course_of_Abia_and_his_wife_was_of_the_daughters_of_Aaron_and_her_name_was_Elisabeth.mp3195 K42_LUK_01_07_And_they_had_no_child_because_that_Elisabeth_was_barren_and_they_both_were_now_well_stricken_in_years.mp3113 K42_LUK_01_13_But_the_angel_said_unto_him_Fear_not_Zacharias_for_thy_prayer_is_heard_and_thy_wife_Elisabeth_shall_bear_thee_a_son_and_thou_shalt_call_his_name_John.mp3172 K42_LUK_01_24_And_after_those_days_his_wife_Elisabeth_conceived_and_hid_herself_five_months_saying.mp386 K
42_LUK_01_36_And_behold_thy_cousin_Elisabeth_she_hath_also_conceived_a_son_in_her_old_age_and_this_is_the_sixth_month_with_her_who_was_called_barren.mp3148 K42_LUK_01_40_And_entered_into_the_house_of_Zacharias_and_saluted_Elisabeth.mp363 K42_LUK_01_41_And_it_came_to_pass_that_when_Elisabeth_heard_the_salutation_of_Mary_the_babe_leaped_in_her_womb_and_Elisabeth_was_filled_with_the_Holy_Ghost.mp3158 Kright.html9 K

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© Ray Hamilton, ©Praise Inc. On audio recordings