

23_ISA_56_03_Neither_let_the_son_of_the_stranger_that_hath_joined_himself_to_the_LORD_speak_saying_The_LORD_hath_utterly_separated_me_from_his_people_neither_let_the_eunuch_say_Behold_I_am_a_dry_tree.mp3200 K24_JER_52_25.MP3275 K44_ACT_08_27_And_he_arose_and_went_and_behold_a_man_of_Ethiopia_an_eunuch_of_great_authority_under_Candace_queen_of_the_Ethiopians_who_had_the_charge_of_all_her_treasure_and_had_come_to_Jerusalem_for_to_worship.mp3209 K44_ACT_08_34_And_the_eunuch_answered_Philip_and_said_I_pray_thee_of_whom_speaketh_the_prophet_this_of_himself_or_of_some_other_man.mp3140 K
44_ACT_08_36_And_as_they_went_on_their_way_they_came_unto_a_certain_water_and_the_eunuch_said_See_here_is_water_what_doth_hinder_me_to_be_baptized.mp3148 K44_ACT_08_38_And_he_commanded_the_chariot_to_stand_still_and_they_went_down_both_into_the_water_both_Philip_and_the_eunuch_and_he_baptized_him.mp3139 K44_ACT_08_39_And_when_they_were_come_up_out_of_the_water_the_Spirit_of_the_Lord_caught_away_Philip_that_the_eunuch_saw_him_no_more_and_he_went_on_his_way_rejoicing.mp3143 Kright.html9 K

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© Ray Hamilton, ©Praise Inc. On audio recordings