

02_EXO_05_08_And_the_tale_of_the_bricks_which_they_did_make_heretofore_ye_shall_lay_upon_them_ye_shall_not_diminish_ought_thereof_for_they_be_idle_therefore_they_cry_saying_Let_us_go_and_sacrifice_to_our_God.mp3200 K02_EXO_05_17_But_he_said_Ye_are_idle_ye_are_idle_therefore_ye_say_Let_us_go_and_do_sacrifice_to_the_LORD.mp3108 K20_PRO_19_15_Slothfulness_casteth_into_a_deep_sleep_and_an_idle_soul_shall_suffer_hunger.mp398 K40_MAT_12_36_But_I_say_unto_you_That_every_idle_word_that_men_shall_speak_they_shall_give_account_thereof_in_the_day_of_judgment.mp3118 K
40_MAT_20_03_And_he_went_out_about_the_third_hour_and_saw_others_standing_idle_in_the_marketplace.mp390 K40_MAT_20_06_And_about_the_eleventh_hour_he_went_out_and_found_others_standing_idle_and_saith_unto_them_Why_stand_ye_here_all_the_day_idle.mp3148 K42_LUK_24_11_And_their_words_seemed_to_them_as_idle_tales_and_they_believed_them_not.mp395 K54_1TI_05_13_And_withal_they_learn_to_be_idle_wandering_about_from_house_to_house_and_not_only_idle_but_tattlers_also_and_busybodies_speaking_things_which_they_ought_not.mp3162 K
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© Ray Hamilton, ©Praise Inc. On audio recordings