

05_DEU_32_10_He_found_him_in_a_desert_land_and_in_the_waste_howling_wilderness_he_led_him_about_he_instructed_him_he_kept_him_as_the_apple_of_his_eye.mp3156 K12_2KI_12_02_And_Jehoash_did_that_which_was_right_in_the_sight_of_the_LORD_all_his_days_wherein_Jehoiada_the_priest_instructed_him.mp3106 K13_1CH_15_22_And_Chenaniah_chief_of_the_Levites_was_for_song_he_instructed_about_the_song_because_he_was_skilful.mp3104 K13_1CH_25_07_So_the_number_of_them_with_their_brethren_that_were_instructed_in_the_songs_of_the_LORD_even_all_that_were_cunning_was_two_hundred_fourscore_and_eight.mp3133 K
14_2CH_03_03_Now_these_are_the_things_wherein_Solomon_was_instructed_for_the_building_of_the_house_of_God_The_length_by_cubits_after_the_first_measure_was_threescore_cubits_and_the_breadth_twenty_cubits.mp3186 K18_JOB_04_03_Behold_thou_hast_instructed_many_and_thou_hast_strengthened_the_weak_hands.mp387 K19_PSA_002_010.MP386 K20_PRO_05_13.MP383 K
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© Ray Hamilton, ©Praise Inc. On audio recordings