

01_GEN_27_22_And_Jacob_went_near_unto_Isaac_his_father_and_he_felt_him_and_said_The_voice_is_Jacob's_voice_but_the_hands_are_the_hands_of_Esau.mp3165 K01_GEN_28_05_And_Isaac_sent_away_Jacob_and_he_went_to_Padanaram_unto_Laban_son_of_Bethuel_the_Syrian_the_brother_of_Rebekah_Jacob's_and_Esau's_mother.mp3155 K01_GEN_30_02_And_Jacob's_anger_was_kindled_against_Rachel_and_he_said_Am_I_in_God's_stead_who_hath_withheld_from_thee_the_fruit_of_the_womb.mp3144 K01_GEN_30_42_But_when_the_cattle_were_feeble_he_put_them_not_in_so_the_feebler_were_Laban's_and_the_stronger_Jacob's.mp3123 K
01_GEN_31_33_And_Laban_went_into_Jacob's_tent_and_into_Leah's_tent_and_into_the_two_maidservants'_tents_but_he_found_them_not_Then_went_he_out_of_Leah's_tent_and_entered_into_Rachel's_tent.mp3172 K01_GEN_32_18_Then_thou_shalt_say_They_be_thy_servant_Jacob's_it_is_a_present_sent_unto_my_lord_Esau_and_behold_also_he_is_behind_us.mp3137 K01_GEN_32_25.MP3151 K01_GEN_32_32.MP3177 K
01_GEN_34_07.MP3193 K01_GEN_34_19.MP3125 K01_GEN_35_23.MP3120 K01_GEN_45_26.MP3153 K
01_GEN_46_08.MP3130 K01_GEN_46_19.MP371 K01_GEN_46_26.MP3140 K24_JER_30_07.MP3127 K
24_JER_30_18.MP3203 K39_MAL_01_02.MP3173 K43_JOH_04_06.MP3135 Kright.html10 K

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