

23_ISA_01_29_For_they_shall_be_ashamed_of_the_oaks_which_ye_have_desired_and_ye_shall_be_confounded_for_the_gardens_that_ye_have_chosen.mp3115 K23_ISA_02_13_And_upon_all_the_cedars_of_Lebanon_that_are_high_and_lifted_up_and_upon_all_the_oaks_of_Bashan.mp397 K26_EZE_27_06_Of_the_oaks_of_Bashan_have_they_made_thine_oars_the_company_of_the_Ashurites_have_made_thy_benches_of_ivory_brought_out_of_the_isles_of_Chittim.mp3153 K28_HOS_04_13_They_sacrifice_upon_the_tops_of_the_mountains_and_burn_incense_upon_the_hills_under_oaks_and_poplars_and_elms_because_the_shadow_thereof_is_good_therefore_your_daughters_shall_commit_whoredom_and_your_spouses_shall_commit_adultery.mp3229 K
30_AMO_02_09_Yet_destroyed_I_the_Amorite_before_them_whose_height_was_like_the_height_of_the_cedars_and_he_was_strong_as_the_oaks_yet_I_destroyed_his_fruit_from_above_and_his_roots_from_beneath.mp3177 K38_ZEC_11_02_Howl_fir_tree_for_the_cedar_is_fallen_because_the_mighty_are_spoiled_howl_O_ye_oaks_of_Bashan_for_the_forest_of_the_vintage_is_come_down.mp3166 Kright.html9 K

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© Ray Hamilton, ©Praise Inc. On audio recordings