

18_JOB_30_29_I_am_a_brother_to_dragons_and_a_companion_to_owls.mp364 K23_ISA_13_21_But_wild_beasts_of_the_desert_shall_lie_there_and_their_houses_shall_be_full_of_doleful_creatures_and_owls_shall_dwell_there_and_satyrs_shall_dance_there.mp3150 K23_ISA_34_13_And_thorns_shall_come_up_in_her_palaces_nettles_and_brambles_in_the_fortresses_thereof_and_it_shall_be_an_habitation_of_dragons_and_a_court_for_owls.mp3158 K23_ISA_43_20_The_beast_of_the_field_shall_honour_me_the_dragons_and_the_owls_because_I_give_waters_in_the_wilderness_and_rivers_in_the_desert_to_give_drink_to_my_people_my_chosen.mp3157 K
24_JER_50_39_Therefore_the_wild_beasts_of_the_desert_with_the_wild_beasts_of_the_islands_shall_dwell_there_and_the_owls_shall_dwell_therein_and_it_shall_be_no_more_inhabited_for_ever_neither_shall_it_be_dwelt_in_from_generation_to_generation.mp3200 K33_MIC_01_08_Therefore_I_will_wail_and_howl_I_will_go_stripped_and_naked_I_will_make_a_wailing_like_the_dragons_and_mourning_as_the_owls.mp3128 Kright.html9 K

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© Ray Hamilton, ©Praise Inc. On audio recordings