

01_GEN_40_17_And_in_the_uppermost_basket_there_was_of_all_manner_of_bakemeats_for_Pharaoh_and_the_birds_did_eat_them_out_of_the_basket_upon_my_head.mp3140 K23_ISA_17_06_Yet_gleaning_grapes_shall_be_left_in_it_as_the_shaking_of_an_olive_tree_two_or_three_berries_in_the_top_of_the_uppermost_bough_four_or_five_in_the_outmost_fruitful_branches_thereof_saith_the_LORD_God_of_Israel.mp3195 K23_ISA_17_09_In_that_day_shall_his_strong_cities_be_as_a_forsaken_bough_and_an_uppermost_branch_which_they_left_because_of_the_children_of_Israel_and_there_shall_be_desolation.mp3169 K40_MAT_23_06_And_love_the_uppermost_rooms_at_feasts_and_the_chief_seats_in_the_synagogues.mp378 K
41_MAR_12_39_And_the_chief_seats_in_the_synagogues_and_the_uppermost_rooms_at_feasts.mp369 K42_LUK_11_43_Woe_unto_you_Pharisees!_for_ye_love_the_uppermost_seats_in_the_synagogues_and_greetings_in_the_markets.mp3113 Kright.html9 K

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© Ray Hamilton, ©Praise Inc. On audio recordings